Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>On a break for my history class. Only 2 1/2 weeks left and I will be finished 3/5 of my classes. </p>

<p>I do feel that I’ve been on CC less but since the thread’s move which saddens me a little.</p>

<p>Good morning! </p>

<p>S2 had a final Friday and yesterday and has his last final on Friday. Probably he has a paper due too but I am not sure. He will come home on Saturday and then leaves for a 4 week Travel Study in Greece on July 8th.</p>

<p>D1 has 2 more days of student teaching. She has a job interview (at the school she is student teaching at) tomorrow at noon (all PVCs, fingers crossed, etc… are welcome). Thursday she meets with a principal at another school about an opening and Friday she goes through graduation for her teaching credential and MAT (Masters in Teaching). So this is a very busy week for her. </p>

<p>S3 has 9 days of high school left. He is busy with all of the end-of-year activities. He survived Prom on Saturday and got his yearbook yesterday. He graduates next Thursday and we are having a graduation party for him on Saturday. </p>

<p>So between D1 and S3 I am not thinking about S2’s graduation yet. I did take a peek at the graduation section of the school’s website to get an idea of what to expect next year. His school is only about 45 miles away (but that could be 2 hours in traffic depending on what time you go) so I haven’t decided if we will stay somewhere up there for the weekend or just commute from home. </p>

<p>Happy Tuesday!</p>

<p>Stopping by to say hello - and to take a break from work . . . or nodding off . . . between S missing his connection and spending the night at Midway, and the Red Sox going 14 innings, and getting up early to see if the 5:30 AM flight from Midway was leaving on time, and a haircut before work . . . I can barely keep my eyes open. Just a couple more hours and I will head out of here for the single night that the four of us will actually eat supper together. </p>

<p>S definitely seems to have taken his projects, etc. down to the wire, but he seems pleased to be home and he never worries once the work is done and turned in. A wise kid, since there’s nothing he can do about it at this point. Wouldn’t have stopped me from worrying, though.</p>

<p>Best to all my iPeeps.</p>

<p>good morning all…coffee is ready… HUMID here! yuck</p>

<p>Good morning. Thanks for the coffee. </p>

<p>Not much going on. Just trying to figure out what to get H for Father’s day. :confused:</p>

<p>It’s supposed to be hot here too P56, but since my office is chilled to meet the requirements for USDA beef storage, I will have my space heater on :)</p>

<p>Father’s Day: D1 got DH a Tervis tumbler, since he keeps “borrowing” ours; D2 got weekends confused and is planning on getting DH a college tee shirt, except Father’s Day happens 4 days before we arrive for orientation. I’ve been told that the golf ball stash is at critical low levels, but we HATE buying him golf balls. Seems so boring. But I’ll get him a box anyway. I am thinking about picking him up a FitBit One. He’s very interested in my FitBit flex, but wouldn’t wear a bracelet.</p>

<p>gee db i thought the ipad toilet paper stand would be everyone’s 1st pick this year LOL</p>

<p>[A</a>? Toilet Paper Holder iPad Stand? | Incredible Things](<a href=“]A”></p>

<p>We’re getting dh a grill accessory he’s been coveting. It’s a cast iron griddle-type thing. I guess I better go find it, huh?</p>

<p>Ds starts his internship with the state today. Yea! It’s only 20 hours, but he just found out this morning that he can work up to 28 hours a week at his old gig. Woohoo! He’ll probably limit it to another 20, but, hey, 40 hours/week is more than he’s worked the past three years, so he’s happy. </p>

<p>And he needs the money because he really needs new clothes. Today, he wore the slim-fit khakis that were snug last summer, and this year they are hanging off of him, thanks to all the weight he lost while on study abroad. And he’s kept it off and more. He’s been lifting weights and doing sit-ups, etc. I can’t believe this is my kid. He looks so buff!</p>

<p>~~~ waving to all.</p>

<p>Last night was family dinner night - the only night all four of us sat down and ate together. Very low key and therefore nice. I must admit I snuck in to S’s bedroom this morning on my way out, just to see him in his own bed. Silly mom.</p>

<p>S worked on his summer budget last night, and it looks like his research job will pay for his rent and food with a bit left over, so that works for us. Typically, he is refusing to even consider the concept of new clothes. 5 or 6 pairs of ultimate shorts and 87,000 T-shirts will do the trick for him, I guess.</p>

<p>For Father’s Day, I ordered some specialty oils and vinegars from a place in Maine. Two years ago at Christmas time samplers from there were the “in” gift, and they were very good. So I bought some decent sized bottles of our favorites, so we don’t have to hard them.</p>

<p>Hope everyone is having a good Wednesday.</p>

<p>Father’s Day: Ugh! With 2 graduations in 2 weeks I completely forgot about Father’s Day!! Yikes!</p>

<p>For Father’s Day, I got my dad fudge made with whiskey from this little place in New Hampshire I like…I end up getting a lot of birthday, anniversary, etc presents from there, because who doesn’t love fudge? They also have sugar free. If anyone’s interested, it’s called The Mill Fudge Factory.</p>

<p>t_c, I love fudge with nuts. Just sayin’ … ;)</p>

<p>Good morning iPeeps! Coffee and tea are ready. There is also Pepsi for Checkers if she’s around.</p>

<p>GSharp: inquiring minds want to know how one can make pancakes in the shapes of the US Presidents. Is this some kind of Rorschach test?</p>

<p>We are in the midst of waiting to hear about S1’s grad school application & expect to hear around early-mid July. All has been very quiet from S2 this week. I sent him a text asking if he was still alive or just ignoring me. I’m hoping he is able to come home for the weekend for Father’s Day; that is, assuming he is still alive. ;)</p>

<p>And for Father’s Day, DH is getting the soda stream machine he has been wanting for several years. Not for soda, but because we drink a lot of sparkling water. Only time will tell if this is actually a useful gadget or one destined for a future yard sale.</p>

<p>good morning all…thanks for the coffee 12rmh!!</p>

<p>Good morning. Thanks for the coffee. </p>

<p>12rmh18 - good luck to your S1. And, I hope S2 surfaces soon. ;)</p>

<p>t_c, thanks for the fudge idea. I think H would love that. </p>

<p>Today marks 2 weeks since my job interviews. No word. I’m not giving up. But, the silence is torture. :(</p>

<p>Thanks for the coffee, 12rmh18. Service is getting later and later out here in the 'burbs.</p>

<p>I too am wishing good luck to your S1, and hoping your S2 turns up in time for fathers’ day.</p>

<p>DB - sending PVCs that they recognize your potential contributions and come through with positive news today.</p>

<p>My D and S left this AM promptly at 8 AM for their road trip. Sad to see them go, but it was great to see them. Hoping to see them again soon.</p>

<p>Stopping by to say HI. Lots going on IRL. Mom took a fall on the 31st and since then it’s been a little crazy. We just moved her to a rehab facility and she seems to be on the mend but it was a scary situation with her for a few days. </p>

<p>Sending good luck to all applying and thinking about applying to grad school. S2 is still avoiding that like the plaque! </p>

<p>T-C: I probably could use some fudge right about now as a good pick me up. </p>

<p>DB: Crossing fingers for the interview.</p>

<p>Not liking the “Burbs” at all, guess I’m a city girl at heart! </p>

<p>Those of us on the east coast are getting hit with more rain again today but the weekend looks good.</p>

<p>i’m with you proudnj… not liking the burbs either! hope your mom feels better soon!</p>

<p>Early coffee’s ready. Help yourselves.</p>

<p>thanks alice!! </p>

<p>S2 coming home for the weekend… guess it’s crank up the “have you started studying for the mcat yet” nagging time</p>