Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>Good morning and TGIF! :)</p>

<p>Thanks for the coffee, alice.</p>

<p>ProudNJ, I hope your mom mends quickly.</p>

<p>Happy Friday everyone!! It’s been a long week, can’t wait for the weekend! :)</p>

<p>Trying to keep track of my kids, who made it from here to Ohio last night, and headed out again at 8AM. It’s much easier to track the airplanes than to track them by infrequent text!</p>

<p>Good morning! Happy Friday!!</p>

<p>D1 graduates today with her masters! Woo hoo! The ceremony is at 4pm and then we are having my dysfunctional family over for dinner. </p>

<p>Yesterday D1, S3 and I went to “Yappy Hour” (a cocktail party at the Ritz Carlton on the lawn looking over the ocean) with Dog Henry. We played a game of “which dog looks most like it’s owner” between ourselves. Henry learned that the waiters walking around with silver trays have cookies, so he would sit up straight and act like a good dog whenever they walked by. I am going to have to get myself a silver tray! We ran into one of his littermates. She is a cute, petite 60 lb female. Henry is close to 100 lbs so it is hard to believe they share the same DNA.</p>

<p>Happy Father’s Day to all the fathers!</p>

<p>[Sniff] [Sniff] [Sniff] Is that Fudge?</p>

<p>These dang cobwebs sure make it tough to get caught up! ;)</p>

<p>Look everyone, RobD found our bread crumbs!</p>

<p>It looks like I’m the slacker who hasn’t made graduation reservations yet. Oh, and now I see that we’re supposed to eat that week too! ;)</p>

<p>Gotta wish Good Luck to T_C, LAF’s D, and 12rmh18’s S1 with GREs and Apps!!!</p>

<p>Also wishing much luck to tx5’s D1 and DB with the interview results!</p>

<p>Ssshhh, don’t wake aliceinw. Between tracking the Red Sox and implanting microchips in her kids, she’s all tuckered out. ;)</p>

<p>YDS – Did you send “Buff Boy” out for the “Griddle Thing” ;)</p>

<p>P56 – Did the Nag-A-Tron start up OK and was it effective? ;)</p>

<p>ProudNJMom – Wishing your Mom (and by extension, you) much success with her recovery!!!</p>

<p>Re: Father’s Day – There is nothing that I really want except for my kids to be safe and healthy.</p>

<p>In “Dads” News, my father seems to be much better this week and working hard to get out of rehab (for now). Unfortunately, my FIL is doing much worse and sees no hope of ever leaving rehab.</p>

<p>In more pleasant news, DW and I have our anniversary on Sunday. :slight_smile: It may sound bad, but we have decided to be “selfish” and take the weekend for ourselves. We plan to finally take the kayaks out for the first time this summer and try to forget about some of the drama swirling around these days.</p>

<p>In College-ish news, there was a bomb threat at D2’s school this week. I was glad that she wasn’t there. On a more positive note, we received a very nice Thank You card and hand-written note for help with her move-in/out from D2’s friend whose stuff we are storing this summer. Included was a generous restaurant gift card. D2 has made some really nice friends at school. :)</p>

<p>We got D2 moved into DC for her internship. It was the easiest trip into / out of DC I’ve had in a long time. :)</p>

<p>Internship “Highlights” from a call from D2…

  • Roommates all get along, so far.
  • They had all the paperwork straight and had a job for her when she showed up for work… whew!
  • She really likes her job and gave me the brief version of what she is doing… sounds very interesting.
  • On her first day, the people with whom she works invited her to go to a birthday lunch for a co-worker. She went, but it was a little pricey (for an intern’s budget) and she had to chip in to help pay the bill for the birthday person who she didn’t know.
  • Later, the people with whom she works asked her if she wanted to go to dinner at “France” (actually a different country name, but you’ll get the idea). Her assumption was that it was a restaurant named “France” that specialized in French food, so she declined in case it was as pricey (in intern budget terms) as lunch. The next day she found out that “France” was not the name of a restaurant, it was France’s Embassy. D2 had unwittingly declined an invitation to an Embassy dinner… oops! She was a tad upset about that. I told her to get more details if they ask her to dinner again. :wink:
  • After 1 week, D2 is fairly appalled at the level of inefficiency in the government… her tolerance for inefficiency is quite low, but I’m inclined to trust her on this one. :wink:
  • She had two internship offers come in this week. :confused: Why would any place wait this late?</p>

<p>Happy Friday all! Hope everyone’s Dad has a great Father’s Day :)</p>

<p>Good morning iPeeps, coffee is almost ready from the grind & brew. Ah, there it is, freshly brewed. Can you smell the coffee? There is also steaming hot tea for our tea drinkers. Someone else can provide the baked goods - I’m on a low-carb diet.</p>

<p>Happy Father’s Day to all our fantastic CC dads!</p>

<p>Happy Anniversary to The GSharps! I hope you and your DW have a nice kayak paddle after all the Dad drama. I’m continuing to send healing PVCs for both dads.</p>

<p>Congratulations to tx5 on her new Master’s graduate! And kudos to Henry, for being a model of good behavior at Yappy Hour.</p>

<p>S2 is coming home today - it will be a surprise to DH, who doesn’t know that S2 is making a special Father’s Day trip. So we will celebrate Father’s Day a day early since S2 has to return by noon tomorrow. He is working hard & putting in long hours at his internship, coming home from work around midnight this past week. His company is short-staffed and they have given him the responsibilities of a 1st year analyst rather than an intern, so he is gaining valuable job experience.</p>

<p>thanks for the coffee 12rmh…</p>

<p>gsharp not fully cranked up yet :slight_smile: but only 8 weeks left so will hope the nag a tron will be effective at full blast. happy to see your dad is feeling better, but thoughts with you for your fil! glad the internship worked out for your D2</p>

<p>congrats tx5!</p>

<p>Happy Fathers Day to “our” dads!!</p>

<p>Coffee and tea are ready, and chocolate croissants to celebrate the day. </p>

<p>Hoping my kids remember to call today. They made it safely to Minneapolis on Friday night and S attended graduation Saturday to say goodbye to some friends/frisbee buddies. He starts his research job on Monday, which also includes being a TA/mentor in a three week program being run on campus for HS students. Should be interesting. </p>

<p>D is finishing out her Americorps job teaching in summer school. She has also gotten herself a gig teaching in an adult ed program. Her topic? Computers for grannies. She got tips from my mom on what’s needed.</p>

<p>thanks for the coffee alice!! happy father’s day!</p>

<p>sounds like a good and productive summer for your kids alice</p>

<p>Happy Anniversary to the GSharps! A kayak sojourn sounds lovely; never feel selfish about enjoying yourself, especially with your lovely bride. Glad to hear that your Dad is on the upswing, sorry that your FIL is not.</p>

<p>Happy Father’s Day to the wonderful few dad’s who put up with us here. D1 was diligent about buying a present, D2 & I will be running out soon while DH is playing golf!</p>

<p>alice: can your d visit my mom? It might be a deal breaker for your D though ;)</p>

<p>TX5: woo hoo on your D’s graduation!</p>

<p>It’s a 2 day work week for me as we head out for D2’s orientation mid week. I’m feeling very lucky that we can weave in some great restaurant visits, a little beach time & some historical sites during stay. I suspect D2 is starting to pick up on the fact that DH & I may be looking forwarding to visiting Charleston for the next four years for reasons beyond seeing her ;)</p>

<p>Happy Father’s Day to the amazing Dads here and everywhere.</p>

<p>Happy Father’s Day to the single Mom’s that fill both shoes.</p>

<p>Happy Father’s Day to the uncles who step up and fill father shoes.</p>

<p>Actually, just everyone have a happy day.</p>

<p>I just have fingers crossed that either kid manages to call my DH. In semi-college news, DS stayed at school to see friends graduate last weekend, then left today for a conference, so he isn’t going to be here for it (nor is he likely to call in the travel confusion). DD is just goofing off on the east coast (and had BETTER call).</p>

<p>Good afternoon! Happy Fathers Day!! </p>

<p>D1s graduation Friday was very nice and we survived dinner with the relatives. S2 arrived home yesterday so I have all my chicks in the nest at least for a little while. He figured out his schedule for fall quarter. </p>

<p>S3 graduates high school on Thursday He is one of 6 valedictorians and is giving a speech so that will be exciting.</p>

<p>G# I hope you and your wife enjoyed you kayak trip and I hope your FIL improves soon.</p>

<p>Good morning. Coffee’s ready. :)</p>

<p>I hope all our dads had nice Father’s Day. Ours was mellow, but nice.</p>

<p>No posts in 12 hours? Uh oh. </p>

<p>Bumping up out thread while I write a paper.</p>

<p>I think yesterday set a record low, so let met get today rolling with the coffee and some breakfast tacos. And let me add …</p>

<p>Let’s go, SPURS!!!</p>

<p>Good morning. Thanks for the coffee, YDS. </p>

<p>And, yes, let’s go SPURS!</p>

<p>good morning all, thanks for the coffee yds</p>

<p>Thanks for the coffee :slight_smile: </p>

<p>Hoping for a quiet & uneventful day. I still need to do 3 loads of laundry before we can pack to leave tomorrow morning. And I’ll be at work till at least 5. Where’s Hermoine’s time turner?</p>

<p>On the last leg home. Good trip except for Ds backpack stolen in train station. But she is at her summer program.</p>