Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>DB - Sharknado is on again on Thursday, SyFy at 7pm. No excuses this time.</p>

<p>coffee time!!!</p>

<p>DS got out the hedge trimmers & clipped the bushes for me yesterday. I’m sure gonna’ miss him when he moves out. ;)</p>

<p>Happy Wednesday, all!</p>

<p>Now anytime I think of Wednesday I think of that Geico commercial with the camel. </p>

<p>“Guess what day it is? It’s Hump Day.” </p>

<p>I was really grouchy two weeks ago and my dad tried to pretend to be the camel to maek me feel better. It actually kind of worked. </p>

<p>[GEICO</a> Hump Day Camel Commercial - Happier than a Camel on Wednesday - YouTube](<a href=“- YouTube”>- YouTube)</p>

<p>I love that commercial!</p>

<p>My family also loves that ad. They walk around saying “MikeMikeMikeMikeMike” and “Hump Daaayyyy.”</p>

<p>I hadn’t seen that commercial!! I love it!!!</p>

<p>Good morning. Help yourselves to the coffee. Not much to report here.</p>

<p>Happy Thursday!</p>

<p>That coffee is getting mighty cold today.</p>

<p>Checking in to report I FINALLY ordered the “parents” wedding album for my son’s wedding which was, um, 5 months ago. I was stuck trying to make some decisions and navigating the photographer’s $%*#@ web site. Finally got to the point where I could bring in DH and ask his opinions on some photos, and we nailed it!</p>

<p>So glad that’s done.</p>

<p>Now back to our regularly scheduled (?) college news. :)</p>

<p>Coffee and tea for all those around today. TGIF!</p>

<p>In college news D2 signed up for her classes here at the cc and got everything when she wanted it. Her boss at Nordstrom really wants to keep her on part time during school so D2 is going to give it a try. The job has been a great social outlet for D2 and it looks like she can work 15 hours a week and still have plenty of time to study.</p>

<p>Hey, iPeeps! I’ve been lying low as there’s not a lot to report. </p>

<p>Been spending most of my time getting ds2 ready to move in next month. I’m not sure why this time feels more complicated in every way than it did with ds1. I’ve been trying all morning to call the FA office at ds2’s school because I simply don’t get what they’re doing. We have a bill for (made-up numbers) $1K but are due for a refund of $2K! Why don’t they just pay off the bill and refund us less? Whatevs.</p>

<p>Ds1 is still house-sitting and living it up. Last year, he didn’t fell comfortable having anyone over. This week, he had guys over to watch the All-Star game. :slight_smile: He’s really liking this two part-time jobs thing. No time to get truly bored at either place.</p>

<p>Have a great weekend, all!</p>

<p>Good morning! Happy Friday!</p>

<p>Very little news from my traveler (S2) except that Greece is awesome, the food is great, the group is great and the girls are cute. The last few hotels have not had great internet access so no pictures at the moment. </p>

<p>S3 finished his 4th week of being a sailing instructor. It is fun but exhausting. His kids voted him “instructor of the week” which was sweet. He turns 18 on Sunday so we are figuring out how we are going to celebrate. How is it possible that my children are all adults???</p>

<p>D1 had her third job rejection. The first two were phone calls, a couple days after the interview: “we loved you but we picked someone else”, this one was 2 weeks after the interview, in letter form, and just: “we picked someone else”. We are crossing our fingers that interview #4 (which was on Tuesday) will be “the one”. Definitely not fun.</p>

<p>Have a great weekend!!</p>

<p>“Half-day Friday” at son’s work so he is spending part of it in trying to replace a taillight bulb on “his” car (the one we let/made all the kids drive). You can see why the dealership charges so much for the service as there are lots of bolts to be removed to get at the light assembly. So he’s saving himself some money.</p>


<p>I see that everyone enjoyed their Wednesday. The first time I saw that commercial I thought, “There must be a hump day joke in here somewhere.” ;)</p>

<p>Welcome Back to PMK, Jr.!</p>

<p>Hero of the Week – tx5’s S for discovering “Happiness Through Greco-Basketball” and sharing with his mom! :)</p>

<p>Adding my supportive thoughts to tx5 and her D1!</p>

<p>P56 – I thought that the wedding plans were going well until DW mentioned something about a Father/Daughter dance. :eek: Is that for real? Is it obligatory? I already did my duty when I did the Father/Daughter dance at D1’s 7th grade cotillion. Can you tell that we live in rural VA? :rolleyes: Regardless, DW and D1 are going to a “Tasting” at the caterers next week. Somehow, I don’t think that it is simply to choose between Skippy or JIF and Welch’s or Smucker’s for the main entrée. I’d even spring for Wonder brand bread… “It’s a Wonder they can call It bread.” ;)</p>

<p>Checkers – You can’t have water! :wink: Enjoy your H’s moving reunion at the Montessori preschool… oh, wait… :wink: I thought that I would enjoy bringing my kids to the zoo too until I found out that they couldn’t stay and I had to bring them back home with me. They wouldn’t even go for some kind of monkey-swap deal or anything. ;)</p>


Hey, I got the female version of that kid. ;)</p>


Somehow your post got cut off. I’m sure that it originally said, “So nice to hear these things about other people!” ;)</p>

<p>Sorry, we are replete with felines around our house. Most are visitors, but may as well live there.</p>

<p>What? We have to order a Parent’s Wedding album too? :wink: Maybe I could just sign over Power of Attorney to the Wedding Mercenary, I mean Planner.</p>

<p>Aliceinw – I’m sure that your H gave your S some good advice like, “You should get a new lawn mower. Preferably, she would be in her early twenties and a non-smoker.” ;)</p>

<p>Showmom – Hopefully everything will work out balancing Nordstrom and classes.</p>


Cuz’ somewhere, some bean counter’s world would go into a tailspin. My favorite is that D2 has set up her account so we can make payments, but she has to release any credits to us.</p>

<p>In “Dads” news. My father continues to improve. PT said that they no longer need to come to the house. I headed to their house this weekend to do a few things. Still no improvement with my FIL.</p>

<p>In college news, when she gets home from DC, D2 wants to talk to me about her Senior Thesis ideas, if I don’t “laugh at her.” I assured her that I would not laugh at her ideas.</p>

<p>In intern news, D2 had another exciting week. This week she worked at the White House. She was disappointed that she didn’t get to go in the Oval Office, but she did get a gift of White House chocolate. Somehow, I’m reasonably confident that I paid for that candy. ;)</p>

<p>G#–I was happy to hear the news about other people, but I wouldn’t mind news of another impending grandchild. We’re pretty sure child #2 is ready to start a family, and Child #1 is about due to provide me with another grandchild. :slight_smile: Mustn’t wait too long on these things, right? :slight_smile: </p>

<p>Lucky for you, the photographer is one of the things it is generally negotiated that the groom’s family will pay for, so you may not have to foot that bill. You do want a photographic record, right? I never believed in videos til I saw the one from the last child’s wedding. What fun! I got to see all the stuff I missed the first time around.</p>

<p>And for the “Father-Daughter” dance–all you have to do is hold her gingerly and shuffle. :D</p>

<p>It is my turn to head to the airport. As if it’s not hot enough here, H and I are headed to DC for the weekend. We will spend time with my sister, who lives there, and my mother, who will also be visiting.</p>

<p>G# - glad to hear that your father is improving, and sending continuing well wishes to your FIL. I think the smoking lawnmower advice had something to do with oil. And I have no advice on weddings - I am hoping they are a LONG way off in our family.</p>

<p>Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend.</p>

<p>Happy Saturday all! Gluten free, dairy free waffles for all :)</p>

<p>G#: glad to hear that your dad continues to improve. Hoping your FIL starts to make an upswing soon. </p>

<p>It’s deceptively quiet here. Both girls are registered for the fall, move in dates are set. I feel like we should be doing something, but we’re in a holding pattern. It all gets done…</p>

<p>nothing much to report here either… summer semester almost over… 2 week break (well actually mcat studying) then final year begins!!</p>

<p>had a quick trip to see S2 yesterday to arrange for the house repairs…hopefully by wednesday night, he will have central AC!!! have to shake my head…was there 2 weeks ago and tidied up, cut the grass,gave him a few chores (spray house for pest control, weed killer etc)…arrived yesterday…back to the way it was, grass needed cutting, and i ended up doing the chores before i left</p>

<p>Can’t wait for the heat wave to break. DD turns 21 at the stroke of midnight tonight (actually born at 7:30 AM 7/21/92) so she is out with her friends ready to enter the bar then. She got her renewed license today without the bold under 21 stamp. I can’t believe where 21 yrs have gone. I told her maybe the Royal baby will be born on her Bday. As to college news she has her fall books coming in and she is stressing over her ambivalence re: grad school vs working first. Her summer internship is going well, so far no major radiation exposures thank goodness. Stay cool all and enjoy what is left of the summer.</p>