Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>good morning all…coffee is ready!</p>

<p>Good morning! No real college news here.
No word from S this week.
D is down to 24 days before returning to school. Time for her to start sorting her dorm mountain stuff- she swears she’s taking less stuff but I guess we’ll see. She is going into an apartment but will still be tight on space- campus apt., 2 bedroom, 4 kids.<br>
Her roommate seems nice but is coming (new to the school) with a boyfriend. D got burned by that last year so is hoping this will be different. She’s pretty down since none of her friends are returning to school this semester, all different reasons- moving oos, money, grades… I can’t convince her that joining something-anything- would help her make new friends.
She is also still undecided about a major- so she is feeling a little stressed- I was hoping second year would be easier for her but it’s not shaping up that way yet.</p>

<p>Ah, there’s nothing like sitting on the deck after the heat wave has broken, drinking a mojito and watching the college boy cut the grass. :)</p>

<p>Evening everyone. </p>

<p>I am super exhausted since my brother is in town until tomorrow so we had a big dinner and then took a walk down to the beach. After 7:30/8 it is so nice here with not a lot of bugs and the humidity is low. </p>

<p>But back to the grind tomorrow. I’ve got errands tomorrow and then my evening class with only 3 sessions left. I will be finishing that class with an A hopefully which is nice since Biology is usually a weak point. </p>

<p>I hope everyone has a good start to their week.</p>

<p>enjoy your visit with your brother mdem!</p>

<p>coffee is ready!</p>

<p>wow bham got 4 inches of rain in less than 90 minutes yesterday…while that is news…the worst part is S2’s roof has a leak!</p>

<p>Thanks for the coffee!!! No college news here… DD is in wind down mode after summer school and prior to restart… she and DW are going to do a mother daughter trip next week so that should be fun for them…</p>

<p>Eleven days til S1 and DIL’s wedding celebration. RSVPs were way higher than even our top-end projection. I am still working on the veil (25 feet of lace which is being lovingly beaded) and then will get to making the tiara. Dress arrived from CA earlier today.</p>

<p>Am going into print production over the weekend, once the guys install the new color printer and S & DIL have time to change their minds on the program, menu and table assignments.</p>

<p>Am ready to have a contest to see who can identify the most geek touches to this shindig.</p>

<p>This is why people pay big bucks for a caterer: one then doesn’t have to worry about how many glasses per person to rent, how to transport food from Point A to Point B, or buy lots of “infrastructure” to serve all the food. I have calculated that we have saved S & DIL a good $15k by DIY-ing and coordinating so much of this wedding. I am on crafty overload.</p>

<p>The Esty artist who made the cake topper sent me pics last night – she did a fabulous job. It’s polymer clay figures of S & DIL in their wedding garb. We don’t dare let S see it, as DIL does not want him to see the dress in advance and the artist nailed it. I get giddy every time I look at the picture. Please send PVCs that it arrives intact from Israel on time for the wedding!</p>

<p>CountingDown–wow! I am so impressed. Saving money but not cutting corners! :D</p>

<p>When my D got married, 8 yrs. ago, I bought a tiara and had a seamstress attach a veil with snaps, so at the reception she could just wear the tiara. She even wore it when they went away that night. :)</p>

<p>Enjoying the coffee…it’s only supposed to be in the 80s today, thank goodness. Such a pleasure to do things outside when it’s not 93 and humid. Yesterday it rained but I was happy it was cooler.</p>

<p>I once arrived in another city a day before a friend’s wedding to have her say, “oh good, now that you’re here it’s time to make the veil.” I am not particularly crafty, but our job was really to figure out what shape to cut the purchased netting (no beading, thank heavens) and how to attach it to the ring of flowers that the florist made for her to wear on her head. It all worked out. I copied the ring of flowers idea when I got married. I am really impressed with what you’re doing, CD. I hope you’re getting much naches (no, spellcheck, that’s not nachos, it’s a yiddish word for joy) from it. </p>

<p>Happy Tuesday to all. It’s cool and rainy here. I’ll take it.</p>

<p>wow cd!!! it is going to be soooo wonderful!</p>

<p>rainy and humid here today! S2 leaves thursday for a presentation in california… hope his poster is done!</p>

<p>CD: I am so excited for this wedding & I’ve never even met you :slight_smile: Many blessings to the wonderful (geeky) couple. And lots of wine for you during the reception…</p>

<p>I think CD deserves nachos, too.</p>

<p>This reminds me of my nephew’s wedding several years ago. Originally, they wanted a destination wedding in Mexico. Once they saw that no one could/wanted to spend thousands of dollars to see them get married, they went with a B&B near me. The bride’s family didn’t have much money so the groom’s mom, my SIL whom I love, said she’d DIY a lot of it. Well, the week before the wedding she had to have gall bladder surgery so I was drafted to make candle holders to hang in the trees, buy flowers, food, hire a Boy Scout to help us set up, etc. It was exhausting, but beautiful. The good news is she knows she owes me big time when it’s my boys’ turn.</p>

<p>Good morning! I am dragging this morning. I played tennis last night for the first time in probably a year. I was very rusty but it was fun.</p>

<p>CD: I love hearing all the wedding plans! I am very impressed!!</p>

<p>S2 has been in Greece two weeks. I have not seen a lot of pictures. He says they are waiting for a good wifi connection. Luckily there are girls on the trip who have tagged him in a few pictures. I do get a text (or a viber) every day or so. Today’s was: “Probably the best decision I have ever made in my life!” So I think that means he is still having a great time. </p>

<p>S3 is SLOWLY finishing up his graduation thank you notes. </p>

<p>We are going to a concert in the park tonight. It is an Elvis tribute band. Should be fun. </p>

<p>Happy Tuesday!!</p>

<p>good morning…rainy one again coffee is ready!</p>

<p>Anybody home?</p>

<p>Oops. Cross-posted with p56. Thanks for the coffee. </p>

<p>D’s bike, which is her primary mode of transportation, was stolen yesterday. Our car died the night before. I’m okay with this type of problem - just hoping it doesn’t come in threes.</p>

<p>aliceinw–Um, how many cars do you own? Or bikes? </p>

<p>Lovely cool weather here–hoping for a productive day!</p>

<p>CD - excited to hear everything about the celebration!</p>

<p>Alice - sorry for the car dying and for your D’s bike getting stolen.</p>

<p>I’m feeling a bit under the weather today so I am working from home.</p>

<p>mommusic - it’s not that I have so many cars (though we do seem to have a lot of bikes, some members of my family like picking them up at yard sales and working on them) - it’s just that I know that it’s a money problem, and not a health problem or a relationship problem, or otherwise traumatic.</p>

<p>The car in question is the 12 year old beast that we “replaced” about a month ago. The quirky this is, though, that in light of the purchase we gave our second car to our son to take to school, thinking this old one would limp through another year or so as our “second car.” Now we will have to assess how much the repairs will be (doesn’t sound like a minor problem) vs. the value of the car vs. the outlay for two new cars in the same time frame and figure out which way to go.</p>

<p>No one in our family has an expensive bike, so if we need to replace D’s bike for her, no big deal. S had his bike stolen in June and found a new one from Craig’s list. Happy Birthday S!! D’s birthday is in August.</p>

<p>tx5 - So nice to hear that your S2 is enjoying his time in Greece (with the cute girls).</p>

<p>showmom - hope you’re feeling better soon!</p>

<p>Happy Wednesday (dare I say Hump Day?) to all.</p>

<p>Coffee’s ready. And white chocolate raspberry muffins. They’re not gluten free - it’s kind of an off day for me.</p>