Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>aliceinw–not being critical in any way! Just wondering the odds of things coming in threes. If you were out of vehicles, then you’d be home safe! But being out of vehicles would be thoroughly annoying as well…</p>

<p>White chocolate raspberry muffins? I’m in!</p>

<p>Kind of sore from my “yardwork” workout yesterday. Feel it in my glutes! At the time I considered saving some of the tasks for College Boy when he came home, but it seemed simpler to do it myself rather than try to explain what I wanted done. And wait for him to do it in the evening. </p>

<p>Now I’m looking forward to the mulch truck’s arrival. :)</p>

<p>yummy coffee and muffins! my favorite combination…raspberry and chocolate!! S2 should be in the air headed to his conference… i think there was a middle of the night kinko printing run</p>

<p>Ah, mommusic, I did not think you were being critical, but I did not get the connection to things coming in threes. I thought you were wondering how I could be so cavalier about a dead car and a stolen bike. Yes, being out of vehicles would be a real challenge.</p>

<p>p56 - of course there was a middle of the night printing run. Isn’t there always?</p>

<p>Happy Thursday to all.</p>

<p>Good afternoon everyone. It seems like this week has just dragged on. </p>

<p>I am finished with one class, taking a final on Monday, and a couple more weeks on the other. This summer semester seems to be never ending.</p>

<p>Heading to the airport to pick up my mom later. The President is also in town this afternoon giving a speech at the Port so that should cause some chaos. Oh joy.</p>

<p>good morning all…coffee is ready!</p>

<p>alice middle of the night run apparently didnt go well, most unhelpful staff that wanted to continue their nap rather than print the poster. so i expect there was another run to a kinkos in california</p>

<p>Thanks for the coffee p56. TGIF!</p>

<p>P56 - good luck to your S on presenting the poster. Where is he in California?</p>

<p>This week also really dragged on for me too. I’m only working a half day today so I can get a haircut and go on a hike with a friend.</p>

<p>Tomorrow we are off to the horse races at Del Mar and Sunday standup paddleboarding.</p>

<p>Have a great weekend!</p>

<p>irvine? i think showmom</p>

<p>Good morning! </p>

<p>D1 still waiting to hear from her interview last week and has another scheduled for Tuesday. Tuesday’s is at our local high school which should be interesting. Still crossing fingers and toes. Lucky I go to yoga or else I would have cramps by now.</p>

<p>Not a lot of news from S2 except that Greece is still wonderful. He is currently in Thessaloniki and they board the cruise ship to cruise the Greek Islands on Monday. He comes home a week from tomorrow. </p>

<p>P56: If your son is in Irvine he is in my neck of the woods!</p>

<p>Let’s see, what did I miss this week?.. coffee, dairy free/gluten free waffles, mojitos, white chocolate raspberry muffins…</p>

<p>Hero of the Week – P56’s S2 for making a poster of his kinky run in the middle of the night with an air head at a conference. Oh, wait… I think I was reading too fast… ;)</p>

<p>Aliceinw – I hope you enjoyed DC. D2 said that the weather has been miserable, except Thursday of this week. Crap about the car and bike though!</p>

<p>P56 – No coffee for you young lady until you’ve finished your chores. :wink: I’m trying to get DW to take the kayaks out tomorrow, but she said that I have to finish my chores first… it’s just not fair. ;)</p>

<p>Psychmomma – I hope all works out for your D this year and things settle into place.</p>

<p>Scualum – Good to “see” you. How is your DS’s pitching arm doing?</p>


There’s nothin’ like settin’ the bar high. ;)</p>


You’re hired. DW and D1 went to some sort of tasting at the caterers this week. I’m sure that I don’t want to know. ;)</p>

<p>Tx5 – It does sound like S2 chose wisely on the Greece decision! Hopefully your local HS will choose wisely too.</p>

<p>Mommusic – I have a picture of D2 wearing her 21st birthday tiara at her place of supposed higher education. ;)</p>


That may exceed my dancing skill level, but I’ll try. ;)</p>

<p>Showmom – I hope that you win enough to retire tomorrow. That’ll make SUPing even better on Sunday.</p>

<p>In “dads” news, my father continues to improve… no more PT, OT, or home health care needed. I’m more worried about the stress on my mom right now. My FIL also vastly improved this week. He couldn’t even get out of bed before and this week he was lucid and got in the wheelchair and explored the halls… who knows how long this will last though, it’s an up and down situation.</p>

<p>In college news, I’ve started a new 529 College Account for some new baby with a bunch of names that was born in England this week. Anyone else want to contribute, tax-free? :wink: </p>

<p>In internship news, D2 called and talked for quite a while. She said again how much she loves her job. She said that a lot of “kids” she knows took a job just because they thought it would look good on their resume, but aren’t really that interested in the work, whereas she is happy that she gets to put something on her resume that is something that she really wants to do. She attended a couple of diplomatic receptions this week, one of which had really good food. :rolleyes: She also had to pick up and deliver a present for the President of Vietnam… no problems or international incidents… whew! :wink: She was saying that she has not done much touristy this summer. I sent her a link to a story about the Lincoln Memorial vandalism and said that I guess she won’t be going there anytime soon. She replied that she went for a run by it this morning and saw that it was blocked off and there were camera crews and wondered what happened.</p>

<p>good morning all…coffee is ready!</p>

<p>glad to hear your fil is doing better gsharp!.. ah father daughter dance… be prepared to choke up… i sure did with the mother son dance at S1’s wedding!</p>

<p>ts5… good luck to your D1 and her interviews!</p>

<p>G# - Thanks for the shout out. </p>

<p>Unfortunately, DS transfer to the great unknowns of the great plains ended up not working out. He broke his foot in fall workouts, missed 2 months and his shot at earning a contributing spot in the bullpen - e.g. eighth inning guy. Coach offered him a spot on the team but he would have been buried deep in the pen, not travelled with the team and generally not have gotten to be a contributing member. So he decided to hang up his spikes and focus on finishing college. </p>

<p>Decision was right - guys who were above him on the spring depth chart pitched extremely sparingly - so sparingly as to never merit moving up despite good outings. Decision to go there and take a shot was also right since one of the objectives was to play for a winning program his last year - and the team ended up in the College World Series final eight teams. It just didn’t work out. </p>

<p>So he graduated in May from his original college and got a job with one of the major airlines in the finance department doing something called route planning. Essentially deciding what flights are going to be offered in 4-6 months out. Interesting job - ties together his love of the airline industry with his economics analytic skills. Of course, writing his thesis on government subsidies in the airline industry didn’t hurt.</p>

<p>Coffee for all my friends. </p>

<p>Good news - car repairs were less than the limit H and I set by half, and the repair was done yesterday. Now if only D’s bicycle would turn up . . . And in case I needed a reminder that these were not the biggest worries in the world, D called the other day to say that her BF’s father had died suddenly - no illness or other warning. So sad.</p>

<p>thanks for the coffee alice!! good news about the car, so sorry about your D’s bf’s father.</p>

<p>S2 heading back from his conference today… now to hope he starts that mcat studying</p>

<p>Happy Monday! Here’s some coffee.</p>

<p>Hope your weather is a gorgeous as ours is. :)</p>

<p>It’s almost August…COLLEGE S just has a week of co-op, then we go on a little vacation, then he does his last 2 weeks of work. Then we move him out again! </p>

<p>We have a project–see all the great movies he has missed in his short life. Some of our other kids’ favorites came out when he was a baby, and some, of course were made before he was born. We saw Bonnie & Clyde last night, which I had never seen either. Pretty good except for wondering how Faye Dunaway had such a fabulous wardrobe when she was constantly on the run. :rolleyes:</p>

<p>mommusic - thanks for the coffee. We tried something like that with our kids. You should hear them groan when describing how we made them sit through Casablanca.</p>

<p>Casablanca is a family favorite. One son is such a film buff, at his wedding the table number markers had movie titles on them. Casablanca, Princess Bride, Rocky Horror… :D</p>

<p>College S is pretty sure he hasn’t seen all the Star Trek or Star Wars films, but has no idea which titles he has/hasn’t seen. I have no wish to help him in this research by sitting through hours of movies. The only ST film I remember clearly is the one where the crew ends up in San Francisco looking for “nuclear wessels.” :D</p>

<p>Happy Monday everyone.</p>

<p>We love movies in our house and our girls have seen all kinds of movies since they were very young. I remember one summer we watched Hitchcock movies (not Psycho since they were still young). Rear Window, To Catch A Thief, Vertigo, North by Northwest, The Birds, Spellbound. I think we also watched 80’s films that summer. The Breakfast Club, St Elmo’s Fire, Sixteen Candles, Pretty in Pink. D2 is a huge Audrey Hepburn fan so one summer it was Sabrina, Charade, Roman Holiday, Funny Face, Two for the Road, How to Steal a Million. She has seen Breakfast at Tiffany’s so many times I think she can recite most of Hepburn’s dialogue! When my girls were young My Fair Lady was one of their favorite movies and they would sing the songs all day long. My older D still uses “I Could Have Danced All Night” for certain auditions!</p>

<p>showmom–We’ve done most of the Hitchcock movies! I can’t interest the boys in musicals though they were always my favorites as they came out–Rogers & Hammerstein, the Disney ones…</p>

<p>However, on long car trips I choose CDs from the library for times when the radio is worthless (musically speaking) and there is always one musical in the lineup.) :)</p>

<p>I’m pretty sure my children can recite the Princess Bride - practically from start to finish.</p>