Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>Hey, iPeeps. We love movies, too.</p>

<p>Ds1 is back home from the house-sitting gig, and that makes me sooo happy. Tonight, he’s going with some HS friends to see some minor-league baseball. He’s been playing a lot of frisbee. alice, he might try out for your ds’s team next year. Ds has tomorrow off and will spend the lunch hour playing more frisbee. Speaking of ultimate, I’m getting ready to watch a World Games match. One of the women is a teacher at the kids’ middle school!</p>

<p>This morning took ds2 to get a passport. We’re less than three weeks from his departure, but one of his best friends leaves in just 12 days!</p>

<p>alice - both my girls are right with your kids on reciting the Princess Bride!</p>

<p>mommusic - we always had musical CDs for log car trips when the girls were young!</p>

<p>Just checking in this afternoon before my Bio final. Thankfully it is open book and open notes so I’ve just been preparing to make sure I am caught up on everything. I’ve done well throughout the class so I am hoping that tonight is no big deal.</p>

<p>Good luck mdem!
We also love movies. My kids still groan over their forced viewing of The Quiet Man and Follow Me Boys.
I was obsessed with the Rogers and Hammerstein version of Cinderella that was on tv once a year when I was a kid.</p>

<p>Our DD loved all the Hitchcock movies too. Now she is into old foreign films - I am struggling with them. (When she returns to college, we will finally regain control of our Netflix account!)</p>

<p>good morning all, coffee is ready</p>

<p>psychmomma…was that the one with lesley ann warren? loved that one!</p>

<p>Great coffee, parent56!</p>

<p>Read in the paper this morning that the company S is co-oping at just got federal funds under a jobs expansion program to help with the new building they are putting up next to the original one. Thank you all for paying taxes! </p>

<p>Seriously, they are almost doubling in size and putting a lot of STEM majors to work. :)</p>

<p>coffee is ready!!</p>

<p>Thanks for the coffee, p56. I hope you made a fresh batch, in spite of the fact that yesterday’s coffee is still lurking due to the absence of visitors.</p>

<p>My D has gotten her sought after coffee shop job, so that’s the good news in our household for now.</p>

<p>S is doing his stint as a TA for hs age students attending a CS program at his college - he likes parts of it but not all of it. I guess it’s very difficult when they come in at radically different places on the CS knowledge front. When the program is over, he has another couple weeks of research to do. His dad got to be the bad guy this weekend and remind him that it’s probably time to start giving some thought to his post-graduation plans, since some possibilities will require action in the fall rather than the spring. A discussion to be continued, no doubt.</p>

<p>Happy Wednesday.</p>

<p>alice, will your dh call my ds, too?</p>

<p>:) it was tempting just to reheat yesterday’s pot alice!</p>

<p>Are any of our DDs and DSs planning on studying abroad sophomore or junior year? There is a lot of planning involved in that. our DD mentioned that she woudl be interested, so I am nudging her to check out the programs available so she can move from the general to the specific this year. There are department approval for credit issues, etc.</p>

<p>Anybody looking at this yet?</p>

<p>glido , most of the kids here are college seniors now… but may actually be the better place to ask, as many have already done that. My S2 did a quick maymester, in the carribean…scuba diving and measuring the distances a snail moved…tough job but someone had to do it :)</p>

<p>How about if we use some of this morning’s joe for iced coffees? </p>

<p>Glido: D1 did a 4 week study abroad between her freshman & sophomore years, then did a semester long internship at the end of her junior year. Junior year seemed to be the most popular for the kiddos who did a full semester abroad.</p>

<p>YDS - your comment about my H calling your S1 made me laugh out loud. I was totally surprised that he mentioned anything of the sort to my S. It almost always falls to me to raise these things, and definitely falls to me to follow through on them. When I asked H to talk to S about “the birds and the bees” at some appropriate time in the past, he forgot for so long that I gave up and did it myself.</p>

<p>Iced coffee sounds like a good plan for the leftovers. I thought I was going to stop by and suggest that the last one out turn off the lights, but it looks like there were a few drop ins today.</p>

<p>I love a good iced coffee!
P56- yes, Lesley Ann Warren! I adored her. I found that movie on VHS or DVD a few years ago and was really shocked at the production- I remembered it as lavish. By today’s standards, the sets were so simplistic. But she sang as beautifully as I remembered!</p>

<p>Most of the important talks like jobs and birds and bees are left to me - which is fine. At least then I know what was really said. I think I started my b&b talk with son saying, “I may turn red and seem embarrassed but you can ask me anything and I will tell you the truth.” Lol. Glad those talks are behind us. (And I don’t get the slightest bit embarrassed with my 19 and 21 year olds- it was just the 11-13 years that got me.)</p>

<p>Good morning, everyone. Coffee is ready. </p>

<p>I’ve been away for a while, dealing with crap at work. I’m hoping to catch up on everyone’s news and be seen around here more often. Miss you guys. </p>

<p>Not much to report on the COLLEGE front. Son’s internship ends on Aug 7. Daughter’s externship starts on Aug 12. </p>


<p>thanks for the coffee DB! on college front… next week is exam week for summer semester, then 2 weeks off, then on to fall semester. </p>

<p>i think i have selective memory… know i talked to the boys about b&b, but dont remember much about it, except S1 saying “you can go to jail for that???” S2 must have picked up some knowledge…no broken retainers</p>

<p>Iced coffee sounds good!</p>

<p>Right now some landscape guys are spreading a truckload of pine needles & mulch around my new bushes. Yay for hired help! :slight_smile: And I know the neighbor will appreciate the area looking “finished” at last.</p>

<p>A friend’s D just got a co-op job in Manhattan, which is great news for her. The curious thing is, she found an apt. on Craigslist, Upper West Side, for about half of what you would expect such an apt. to cost. The parents are suspicious it may be a scam…or perhaps it’s just a rent-controlled building that is cheaper than the rest? A great deal if she actually gets it!</p>

<p>Edit: Just something else for parents to worry about, right?</p>

<p>Hey, iPeeps! So nice to see more of you here!</p>

<p>All the big talks fell to me. I asked the boys who they preferred to give “the talk,” and they both picked me. Sooooo lucky. I do remember one big talk we had as a group for ds1’s Boy Scout merit badge. It ended up being a good thing.</p>

<p>glido, ds went to New Zealand last fall, if that helps.</p>

<p>The boys are gone for the weekend, and I. Am. So. Excited. I have lots of errands and loose ends to tie up and need to start shopping online for ds2’s college dorm. I wish I had more of a shopping gene sometimes.</p>