Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>Big news day. S2 has evidently met a girl on his Travel Study. The program ends tomorrow and he will be home Saturday. AND, the second news is that D1 HAS A JOB!!! After applying for math teaching jobs like crazy and interviewing like crazy with no results, all of a sudden she had 2 offers in one day, so then she was very stressed over which to pick, but she finally made her decision. So come September she will be officially off of the payroll! Today is S3’s last day of his sailing instructor job. The parents have been incredibly generous with Thank You gifts.</p>

<p>tx5athome–great news, all of it! </p>

<p>Mostly, congrats on getting a child off the dole. ;)</p>

<p>tx5athome - Congrats on the great week for your whole family!</p>

<p>YDS - Hope you get to have a productive weekend. </p>

<p>In COLLEGE news, I am still chugging along in my final class before receiving my Associates. I just have a couple small assignments and then the big paper due on the 15th and I will be done :D</p>

<p>I was able to register at the University of North Florida yesterday and got all the classes I needed. I think I have a plan on creating a major that combines all the things I like with two minors. But more to come since I need to actually talk to someone at the college about it.</p>

<p>Coffee’s on. Some mystery kind that DH brought home from Whole Foods in NYC. It’s really good!</p>

<p>S has “half day Friday” today at work (because he worked an extra hour the other 4 days LOL). Don’t think he realizes this means I can get some work out of him at home…</p>

<p>Congratulations tx5! That’s awesome news!!</p>

<p>Hooray TX5 !!</p>

<p>Just bought son’s Football season ticket. We’re going to go to Parent’s Weekend this year and my dad wants to go. He’s never been to campus and would like to see S’ new apartment. We’re all going to the football game. It’s the last weekend of September this year. Have to order those tickets Monday.</p>

<p>D15 is in our local pageant tomorrow night. She is on her way to get her nails done, almost an hour away. It’s the farthest she’s driven alone. :eek: I’m sure she’ll be fine but I’m still holding my breath until she lets me know she’s there. Then, of course, she has to drive back home. It was easier when they were little.</p>

<p>High School and College both start in 3 weeks for us. Where has the summer gone ?!</p>

<p>Checkers–it’s great that your father wants to see his grandson’s campus. </p>

<p>Apropos of football, I’m looking forward to Son’s Homecoming Game this year as I’ll be able to play in the Alumni band. We march in the parade and also play with the “real” band (almost 300 strong!) in the Pre-game show. :)</p>

<p>Too bad your D has to go so far to have her nails done! Just the other day I was wondering why there are 3 (THREE) mani/pedi places within a few blocks of each other in our area. It’s not something I find necessary, but I know a lot of people do. :)</p>

<p>Stopping by to see if there’s any coffee left. Looks like we’ve had a few visitors, but not too many.</p>

<p>tx5 - Congratulations on all the exciting news in your household!</p>

<p>mdem - Congratulations on getting this close to an associates’ degree - looking forward to hearing you’re done. And glad to hear that you have gotten signed up for courses at UNF and have ideas for what you’d like to do. Much progress.</p>

<p>Not much news here. My D seems to have survived the memorial service yesterday for her BF’s father, and his family seems to have pulled through, too. In sort of COLLEGE news, I actually got to see S’s grades for the first time - only because we had to send a transcript to the insurance company for a good student discount.</p>

<p>Tomorrow H and I report for parking lot duty at the Pan Mass Challenge - a big bicycle ride fundraiser for the Dana Farber Cancer Institute - at 4:30 AM. I’ll be going to bed early tonight.</p>

<p>Happy Friday to all.</p>

<p>Dang, I missed Iced Coffee week! Oh well, I’m off to Maine, the land of Dunkin’, next week. (Hear that ML?)</p>

<p>A quick perusal would indicate that everyone’s kids had talks about bed & breakfasts…. Oh! ;)</p>

<p>Heroes of the Week – The whole tx5 brood. :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :)</p>

<p>Scualum – Sorry that things didn’t work out as planned for your S. However, it sounds like Plan B was good too!</p>

<p>Aliceinw – Good news about the car repairs! Sorry to hear about D’s BF’s father though.</p>

<p>Mdem – I hope that everything comes together for you!</p>

<p>Checkers – I am thankful that my dad was able to visit D2’s campus. He would not be able to make it now. Unless there is a major change, I don’t see graduation as an option either. Good luck to your newly coiffed D15!</p>


When this appears at the top of a page with no context, it can be interpreted in so many ways… ;)</p>


If there was such a thing as a shopping gene transplant, I’d be happy to recommend a few donors. ;)</p>

<p>Mommusic – I hope that the landscapers didn’t stir up too many birds and bees. :wink: Where D2 worked last summer they didn’t have ½ day Friday, but they did have afternoon tea every Friday. Weird, huh?</p>

<p>Re: Movies – I’m just too ADD to watch many movies. “Monty Python and the Holy Grail” is my all-time favorite. I also like “2001: A Space Odyssey” and “Lawrence of Arabia.” For holidays, it is “Santa Claus Conquers the Martians” (Pia Zadora’s finest performance) So next time your kids groan, remind them that it could be much worse. :wink: D1 was obsessed with “The Wizard of Oz” as a child and would tell people that her name was Dorothy. We’d go to pick her up from someplace and some parent would start talking to us about “Dorothy.” There was a time that I could almost recite that one… “Oil can what?” ;)</p>

<p>Re: “The Talk” – DW knew better than to leave that up to me as my version would have gone something like “Avoid Bees at all cost. Here’s your gun.” :wink: My actual contribution was something to the effect that I would side-kick the first boy that showed up at the house off the porch. That way I’d get a reputation like, “Stay away from the <#> girls. Their dad’s crazy.” :wink: Clearly, I was not very helpful.</p>

<p>Speaking of helpful…how do I handle this? Next weekend, we go up to DC to pick up D2. It also happens to be DW’s 50th Birthday weekend. D2 and I had a plan to take DW someplace nice in DC for dinner. However, with all that is going on with my FIL, DW says that she does not feel like going out anywhere and “celebrating.” Do we just drop it or make an attempt to do what we thought was something nice? DW did say that we can talk about it when I get home this weekend, so hopefully that will produce some sort of result. </p>

<p>I hung out with the “young folks” last weekend and attended a Pentatonix (very talented a cappella band) show in Norfolk, VA. I mostly went because D2 met one of the band members at work this summer. As it turns out, he is a Yale grad and has some shared interests (and acquaintances) with D2. She said that he is a really nice guy and has been helping her with Senior Thesis ideas via email.</p>

<p>In college news, our fall 2013 bill came this week. Oh yay! If anyone has the burning desire to pay an extra college bill PM me. I’ll have D2 set you up as an approved payer too. ;)</p>

<p>In internship news, D2 received a very nice certificate from work thanking her for her contribution. She also went to a Nats game last weekend and had tickets in a shady, breezy section. :rolleyes:</p>

<p>good morning…coffee is ready.</p>

<p>gsharp re birthday… i say still go for dinner!!! or else make the gift extra special. (that usually means sparkley)</p>

<p>D15 made the top 5 finalists. :slight_smile: She was beautiful :)</p>

<p>Tuesday is our 25th Anniversary. Tomorrow we are playing golf at a nice country club in the city. Tee Time is 12:04. Yes … .04. I’m going for the nice dinner I’m promised afterward. :slight_smile: We both work all week so can’t celebrate Tuesday.</p>

<p>woohoo checkers…congrats to your daughter and happy anniversary to you and your husband!</p>

<p>coffee is ready!</p>

<p>P56 - thanks for the coffee. </p>

<p>Checkers - ditto what p56 said. </p>

<p>Slept quite late this AM to make up for yesterday. Our shift today does not start till 10 AM. </p>

<p>Have a great Sunday, all.</p>

<p>Checkers - congrats on your anniversary!</p>

<p>Today is our 23rd anniversary. We are going paddle boarding later then for drinks with friends.</p>

<p>Happy Sunday.</p>

<p>Happy anniversary to our various lovebirds!</p>

<p>G#, take her out to eat anyway. Sometimes I withdraw a bit when down and need a good kick in the pants. She’s turning 50. That’s a big one!</p>

<p>Congrats to Miss CC, checkers!</p>

<p>Dh and the boys have been out of town so I have nothing to report, college or otherwise. I will say, however, that I loved being alone in the house. :)</p>

<p>Hi peeps. I was away on vacation, then returned to copious piles of work. Our vacation was relaxing and we saw a lot of family members. Unfortunately we had two problems (a jellyfish sting and travel woes involving cancelled and missed connections) but the rest of the trip was great. </p>

<p>COLLEGE-wise, D continues to study for the GRE. She ordered her textbooks for the fall, which were quite a bit cheaper than I expected - purchased new from Amazon. Her summer job (assisting in a special needs summer class in our local public school) has turned out to be very enjoyable and has given her a good back-up plan if grad school for her first-choice career (occupational therapy) doesn’t work out. If she doesn’t get into an MSOT program, she’ll probably go for a M.Ed and a certification in Special Ed. And if she does get into OT, she thinks she’d like to focus on pediatrics. Ironically, the kids she’s working with are supposed to get OT as part of their program, but the school couldn’t find an OT to work with them this summer.</p>

<p>happy anniversary showmom!!!</p>

<p>coffee’s ready! finals week for S2</p>

<p>Good morning! Happy Anniversary to was it Checkers and Showmom? And Happy 50th to Mrs. G#. </p>

<p>My Greek Traveler arrived home safe and sound. He had a fabulous time. He says he does not have a girlfriend, but he is dating someone. He got home late Saturday night, is working today and is going to see her tomorrow, so I think maybe she will be a girlfriend soon. </p>

<p>D1 is celebrating her new job with lots of shopping (even though she doesn’t get paid until probably October!). Today she is going down to San Diego State to get a flag for her classroom. She has already been approached to coach a JV team, and be an advisor for an on-campus club, and she hasn’t even signed her contract yet!</p>

<p>S3’s summer job officially ended on Friday. He had a great time. Now he is enjoying Southern California summer (beach, paddleboard, Fair, Duffy rides, etc…).</p>

<p>I am happy to have all the chicks in the nest, at least for a little while.</p>

<p>Lafalum–glad you mentioned your D ordered her textbooks for the fall–I need to ask if S has even thought about this! </p>

<p>Just got some CDs for our next road trip…no musicals this time, but I got a couple of Simon & Garfunkle albums. DH and S are going on a trip down my memory lane! :D</p>

<p>Edit: Been trying to edit, and it keeps saying my message is too short! Huh?</p>

<p>Anyway…for the last time or I give up…S is working on the textbook procurement issue, and he even has a dorm room assignment. First floor, 3 suite mates. :slight_smile: He has been corresponding with them on Facebook. Yay for my taciturn son. :rolleyes:</p>