Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>G#–jealous that you heard Pentatonix live! I love them. And so cool that your D knows one of the members. I think that would be the “percussion” guy? (and cellist)</p>

<p>S tells me he only has to buy 2 textbooks this semester! Evidently CS professors know the students can find everything they need online…</p>

<p>coffee on!!! Maybe i make bad coffee??</p>

<p>Good morning, parent56! I add so much milk it doesn’t matter how the coffee is anyway.</p>

<p>Getting ready for a road trip to see my family…my father’s 91st birthday! </p>

<p>And a HS friend who lives right on a river and has a jet ski. If you never hear from me again, I wiped out majorly. :eek:</p>

<p>Funny, p56! I’m not a coffee drinker so can’t pass judgment on yours.</p>

<p>Just not much to report with ds1. He’s still working both his jobs, playing frisbee and working out.</p>

<p>It’s been all about the countdown to college departure for ds2. Last night, he had his bffs over to watch The Bachelorette finale. And he made a Harry Potter cake for one of the girls’ 18th birthday. Tonight, they are going to watch her compete in a swim/run contest, and then Wednesday it’s all day going to a couple of swimming holes in the area and out to eat at some local institutions. Thursday, the happy hour mom group and our boys are getting together for the last BBQ before guys start heading out. I have no idea what’s in store for Friday. And then the birthday girl leaves Saturday. :(</p>

<p>I don’t think I’ve posted here for awhile, but I have been reading along and trying to keep up with all the news. </p>

<p>GSharp - thanks for the fabulous posts - they really helpful. </p>

<p>Happy 50th to your DW. I hope she lets you and your D2 treat her to a fun celebration. </p>

<p>Happy Anniversary to Checkers and to Showmom! Our 26th anniversary just passed last Friday! Early August must be a very popular time for weddings!</p>

<p>Checkers - congrats to your D! I’m sure she was beautiful!</p>

<p>Laf - nice that your D has found another field that interests her if her original plans don’t work out. </p>

<p>In college news - D is back at school working on her thesis. I think she also managed to find a job to help with expenses - yay!</p>

<p>good morning… happy anniversary wishes</p>

<p>woohoo to job limom</p>

<p>Tea is served :)</p>

<p>I’ve been pretty chill about my impending empty nest. D2 was away for a week & came home yesterday. DH mentioned that they’d go & get luggage “this weekend” and I realized we have a week till our flight! I think it’s hitting D2 as one of her besties leaves this Friday, and another on Saturday. There’s a lot that we can’t do until we get there, but certainly she should think about packing in the next 7 days ;)</p>

<p>D1 moves in the day after D2 so we’re having to do a divide & conquer mission. I’m with D2, he’s with D1. We’ll compare notes next Sunday…</p>

<p>Thanks for the tea RobD!</p>

<p>College graduate D1 returns home for a visit in 12 days. We need to go visit family for one day while she is home, but otherwise I think we will be doing lots of fun SoCal things she wants to do! I can’t wait to see her. I told my boss I would not be available much the week she is here.</p>

<p>D2 and her bf leave for a 3 day roadtrip up to Santa Barbara as soon as she wakes up this morning. I usually go into the office on Wednesdays, but I’m hanging around here to help them pack the car and make sure they don’t forget anything. School starts for her on 8/19. She is going to keep working part time at Nordstrom since they really like her and asked her to stay on.</p>

<p>Good morning! I think I need a second cup of coffee. For some reason I am really dragging today.</p>

<p>S2 went to San Diego yesterday to visit “the girl he is dating”. No word yet on how it went, although I did see a picture of them looking very happy together at the Padres game. S3’s friends are starting to leave. Definitely emotional. We leave for vacation Saturday morning and I feel a little bad that some of his friends will leave before we get back.</p>

<p>Good evening. </p>

<p>Been a lazy week so not much COLLEGE news to report.</p>

<p>We did take our puppy Milo to get neutered so we’ll pick him up in the morning. I just feel bad for him :(</p>

<p>poor milo, hope he feels better soon :slight_smile: !!!</p>

<p>coffee is ready! last exam of summer semester for S2 today</p>

<p>Good morning!</p>

<p>Poor Milo! We took Henry to the vet for his shots last week and we got to the front door and he REFUSED to go in. It took 4 people, 10 minutes and numerous cookies to finally get in. I think it is possible that he associates the vet with being neutered. </p>

<p>College news: S2 is going up to LA and moving from last years apartment to this years apartment today. He brought S3 to help. Hopefully everything goes smoothly. School doesn’t start until late September for S2, but we leave for a 10 day vacation Saturday, then he is helping me move in S3 on 8/24 and then he is going to the US Open in NYC with my mom and sister the 27th. He had a great time in San Diego (he extended his trip from one day to two days) and he and the girl he met on the Greece trip are now “FBO” (Facebook Official).</p>

<p>tx - our boy, Rocky, used to love the vet - until he got neutered. </p>

<p>Now, more than 10 years later and despite switching vets, he still has to be carried/dragged in. </p>

<p>For his routine stuff, the vet now comes out to our CRV and does the exam, gives him his shots etc. there!!!</p>

<p>Y’all’s dogs crack me up.</p>

<p>tx5, why aren’t I surprised that they are FBO???</p>

<p>Congrats to your son, Tx5!</p>

<p>Requesting the power of the PVC. D applied for 2 on-campus jobs. She’s applied for on-campus jobs before and never been hired, but both of these seem like roles she’d be perfect for - and they fit her schedule. Fingers crossed!</p>

<p>pvc’s on their way laf!!</p>

<p>poor rocky and henry!!</p>

<p>S2 is finished summer semester…mcat in two weeks and start of fall semester…</p>

<p>Good morning from the Pawtland Jetpawt. Early flight today. I am starting my day in Maine and will end it in DC after flying home to get DW first. Coffee’s on me. Late risers can join me at LaGuardia around 7:30.</p>

<p>It has been a wicked busy week trying to keep things from getting all stove up in Maine. Did you know that 2 lobstahs and 2 whoopie pies pretty much make a meal? :)</p>

<p>Happy Belated Anniversary to Mr. & Mrs. Checkers, Showmom, and LIMOMOF2!</p>

<p>Heroes of the Week – Henry, Milo, and Rocky cuz’ no one deserves it more for takin’ one for the team, even retroactively. ;)</p>

<p>Checkers – Congrats to the beautiful D15!</p>

<p>LAF – Glad to see that you made it back despite a run-in with some nematocysts… ouch! Best of luck to your D with the jobs!</p>

<p>Tx5 – Sounds like you have plenty of reasons to enjoy your “chicks”! FBO, just kinda brings a tear to one’s eyes, doesn’t it. ;)</p>

<p>RobD – I hope both flanks of the Divide and Conquer are victorious!</p>

<p>Mommusic – Happy B-Day to your dad! How much damage could a little Jet Ski do? :wink: You are right, D2 knows Pentatonix’s Beatboxer. </p>

<p>In B-Day news, we came to a good compromise solution and will be having a low-key 50th Birthday dinner for DW in Georgetown tonight. Whew! DW did mention, “Do you remember 20 years ago when I turned 30 when I cried so much that you bought me a Jeep?” Uh, Oh…</p>

<p>In wedding news, we received the hourly schedule for “the big day” via email to which D2 replied to DW, “I think I will have been to the bar too many times to catch the bouquet.” :wink: I don’t know where that child got her snarkiness.</p>

<p>We bring D2 home from her DC internship on Saturday. I predict maybe 2 days before she is bored.</p>

<p>Thanks for the coffee. I am heading off to VT for another yoga weekend. I am a bit nervous about the level of yoga, as it is billed as “intermediate” rather than “general.” My head knows I can handle it, and so does my teacher. I just hope my body knows. </p>

<p>Happy that this was a four day week. </p>

<p>Best to all the iPeeps. Good luck to Laf’s D, and Happy Birthday to Mrs. G#.</p>

<p>G#: based on experience in my house, I think 2 days might be generous before boredom sets in. D1 had (minor) surgery and by the next night she was going stir crazy.</p>

<p>In “somewhat” COLLEGE news, I found out that D1 & I have a tradition of getting pedicures before she goes off to school. And somehow this direct affects the outcome of the BCS National Championship in college football. Since I don’t want to take that kind of chance, looks like D1 & I have pedicures on the menu this weekend…</p>

<p>thanks for the coffee gsharp… let us know what your wife’s new car looks like :slight_smile: LOL</p>