Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>It is like nothing happened to Milo. He is his usually hyperactive self. ;)</p>

<p>Two weeks left of summer for me then classes start on the 26th. I’ve been pretty bored these past couple days so I am hoping the next two weeks go by fast.</p>

<p>Thanks for the anniversary wishes, Gsharp!</p>

<p>Glad you and your DW were able to find a good compromise for her birthday celebration! Have a great time tonight!</p>

<p>Mdemvizi - enjoy your last weeks of summer vacation!</p>

<p>Laf - sending PVCs to your D! I can’t get over how difficult it is to find jobs at some schools. Lots of jobs available at D’s school, but many of them give preference to work study students.</p>

<p>coffee is ready!! </p>

<p>md …we had hoped that when crackhead got spayed, she would settle down…but nope still crazy…i think she should have had a lobotomy instead.</p>

<p>Thanks for the coffee, p56. I’m at a friend’s house in San Diego for a girls’ weekend and she doesn’t have coffee! My virtual cuppa will have to do this AM til I can escape to Starbucks.</p>

<p>In college news, S is enjoying his last weeks of the summer working and hanging out with friends. He didn’t come home so the room he stays in is still my overflow room. He’s taken on design projects on the side. Extra money and a larger portfolio!</p>

<p>Happy Anniversary to those celebrating! DH and I will also be celebrating our anniversary this month. No big plans yet.</p>

<p>happy upcoming anniversary lilmom!! coffee is ready.</p>

<p>hello everyone? I think I just read about a month of catch up here… I guess I really don’t venture out to the suburbs.</p>

<p>I have read all the updates, kids coming home from exciting summers, getting ready to leave for the (final for most) school year, wedding news (past and future) and yes even test prep!</p>

<p>D is on her way back to the USA right now! According to flightware at this very moment she is over the North Sea approaching Iceland. She stays in NY for a few days and we’ll see her starting on Wed for a few weeks before she heads back to school. Hopefully she will get some GRE studying and do more on her grad school research while she is home. t_c, Kansas is also on her list, </p>

<p>Maybe in the fall I will be able to keep up with this thread more, I do like reading about everyone, and with grad school apps etc maybe it is time to follow along more closely. </p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>Good morning jackief</p>

<p>I cant believe its been three years since you started this thread and we met in Chicago for the orientation. Now, three years later we are ready for the graduation? Its been a dream! I hope all is well.</p>

<p>Morning all! Tea anyone?</p>

<p>It’s launch week for both my kiddos. My goal for today is to have all the laundry done so packing can occur. I’ve got one more “special request” dinner to make before D2 & I leave on Wednesday. </p>

<p>Based on the threads discussion, I mentioned GRE/GMAT prep to D1 and got a non-committal answer. I don’t think she has a strong idea of next steps so doesn’t see the rush. Whatev!</p>

<p>i didnt get much of an answer when i asked about gre either robd… “yeah i guess i’ll take it sometime”</p>

<p>I drifted by the suburbs again, too.</p>

<p>happy birthday and anniversary to all!</p>

<p>In college news, there isn’t a lot. DD is home, bored, sorting through childhood memorabilia and tossing a good amount. She is going to move to grad school housing first week in Sept.
She found out that she is published (3rd author) by googling herself and the other author. This was from a semester project she worked on fall quarter last year. DS is still on campus, seems happy. Bought high test rum to set on fire for crepes suzette legally for the first time. He didn’t do a lot of celebrating for turning 21 (or so he said), but is glad he can now buy cooking alcohol. I don’t think he does drink much.</p>

<p>We got our hotel reservations for graduation, erk erk … We’d hoped he’d graduate early, but he is enjoying himself too much to rush. He casually mentioned to DH that he beat DD’s GRE score, but also thinks he will try for master’s programs instead of PhD. After the horror that was high school, we more or less let go of making predictions for outcomes for him.</p>

<p>DH and I decided on the spur of the moment to go to Sedona the first week in Sept. DH has been neglected while I deal with Mom and closing her stuff out. It is coming to … not an end, but at least to some sort of resolution so I booked a celebratory get away. Hope we don’t fry!</p>

<p>esobay: D1 turns 21 next month & she also is looking forward to cooking with alcohol. That was not the first thing I thought when I turned 21 ;)</p>

<p>Congrats to all those celebrating special events!</p>

<p>It’s that time of year again - all kids were home together this weekend for the last time until either Thanksgiving or Christmas. S left earlier this evening and it was all I could do to not start sobbing. I really thought this would get easier! D and I leave Tuesday to drive her back to school. She was very withdrawn today and I suspect will be the same tomorrow. She isn’t good with goodbyes either.</p>

<p>S2 is happy because I told him his school started Wednesday, but when I re-checked the school calendar online, it seems to start on Thursday instead. He’s been methodically plugging along on his AP/Honors summer assignments and was relieved to find that he has an extra day.</p>

<p>I’m having hot tea with milk and sugar as a nightcap if anyone wants to join me. :)</p>

<p>Back in town after a vaca to see my father (Happy 91st, Daddy!) All the kids were together except for the one in Israel, and we skyped with her. :)</p>

<p>Missed the Perseid meteor shower last night…the sky is too light here and I didn’t feel like losing a couple hours of sleep to drive 30 miles to somewhere better. I remember the days before kids when DH and I would be at the ocean in August and be able to see SO MANY stars. </p>

<p>In college news…S had a email saying his honors elective class was cancelled, or actually moved to spring semester. Sorry, he’ll be WORKING spring semester. So he had to choose another, less desirable class. </p>

<p>Time to make coffee! Edit: Yesterday in a Thai restaurant I had Thai iced coffee. So good! :)</p>

<p>I SO would like a morning paper to go with my coffee! Every time we go out of town, the paper carrier confuses when we want to stop and start the paper. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. And the paper’s “customer service” means they will not deliver a missing paper later. That’s so 1900s.</p>

<p>Good morning!
Glad you had a nice vacation mommusic. I remember feeling so slighted when the paper would be missing from my driveway - ours wouldn’t redeliver either. Now I just miss the paper. We stopped getting the local one as it became smaller and smaller. I can’t buy the Sunday paper unless I hide it. Mom will hoard sections and coupons in her room. </p>

<p>D just had the last minute schedule change too- her 9-11am t-th just was switched to 6-8 pm to accommodate extra students. Not sure why the extras couldn’t go in the new time. It conflicts with another class and she has been agonizing over the changes she has to make. I’d be reallly upset if she’d already ordered books. </p>

<p>Happy Monday.</p>

<p>psychmomma–fortunately neither class required a book!</p>

<p>Happy Monday. :)</p>

<p>Happy Monday all!</p>

<p>No preparations for back to school since D graduated early :slight_smile: But I am happy to report that she arrives home next Monday for 8 days. I told my boss I don’t think I will be at work much next week as D has too much planned for us. </p>

<p>She has had a great summer working as a lead counselor for a summer camp in NYC. The pay was actually really good and they went on field trips outside the city at least twice a week. Today they are off for their last overnight trip. They will be rafting on the Lehigh River and camping in tents overnight. D has been to overnights in the Bershires and the Pococnos. Last weekend she drove up to Lake Placid with one of the counselors she met at camp and stayed with her family and had a great weekend. This was the first summer D stayed in NYC and she is happy that she had a really great time. She has made two good friends that are a couple of years older. One is a teacher and one just landed a job as a kids soccer coach. D has been hanging out with these girls a lot this summer and I think it is great for her to expand her friend group beyond all the actors she normally hangs with!</p>

<p>D2 starts classed next Monday so unfortunately she won’t get to do a lot with her sister next week. We are still searching for a deal on two books D2 needs for school. We bought or rented all her other books and didn’t spend much, but we’re not having much luck finding any deals on the last two she needs.</p>

<p>So we have recovered (mostly) from S1 & DIL’s sci fi wedding celebration. I have a file on Shutterfly with all the DIY stuff if anyone is interested. Just PM me.</p>

<p>Showmom - glad your D1 had a great summer and that she made some new friends. I know how much you’ll enjoy having her home for 8 whole days! :)</p>

<p>Good luck finding those last two books!</p>

<p>Pyschmomma - eek on your S starting school this week! My S doesn’t start until after Labor Day! Of course he didn’t finish until the end of June, so it all balances out.</p>

<p>CD - thanks for sharing those fabulous pictures. :slight_smile: You are so talented!</p>

<p>Tea & banana bread anyone?</p>

<p>In COLLEGE news, D2 was fully packed 48 hours before take off. And all bags weigh less than 50 pounds. Success.</p>