Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>Thanks, RobD! We had smoothies here…frozen bananas, mangos & a few fresh blueberries, plus ice, yogurt & whey powder. S doesn’t know how good for him it is!</p>

<p>Oh, and I made Turkish coffee. I can easily make more if anyone wants. :)</p>

<p>good morning all! thanks for the tea and coffee!</p>

<p>S2’s start day is august 26.</p>

<p>Thanks to p56 so we have coffee every morning. Its habitual.</p>

<p>congrats to RobD’s D2! Enjoy the launch :-)</p>

<p>and forgot to wave to you earlier artlover, I do fondly remember that orientation day 3 years ago…</p>

<p>Just stopping by to say hello, and wish all the best to the launchers - especially the first time ones!!</p>

<p>S called last night. He sounded good. He was making a batch of tomato sauce, and he had spent time in the middle of the night on Monday in a field watching the Perseids. He has also been watching a lot of classic movies. I’m glad my kids are comfortable figuring out things to do on their own without getting lonely - it’s a good skill. I did suggest that perhaps some of that movie time could be spent on the internet looking at possible jobs and/or programs for post-graduation . . .</p>

<p>Happy Tuesday to all.</p>

<p>Subtle, alice. LOL!!!</p>

<p>Last night we went to dinner with ds2’s gf’s family, and it was the first time ds1 met several of them. He handled all the questions about what he plans to do when he graduates with grace and charm. I’m kind of proud that he’d not figured out what he wants to do. Well, not proud of that, I guess; I’m happy he’s not freaking out about it. He knows that he wants to come back home and work here. He said he might like to work where he’s interned this summer. Or eventually teach. He’ll figure it out eventually.</p>

<p>Alice- my son was alone in his apartment all summer and seemed to enjoy it. He caught up on a few popular tv series that other kids watched during the school year. I loved your suggestion! </p>

<p>Just finished the 6 hour drive to D’s school. Hanging out until move-in at 8 am. Packing began in earnest at 8pm last night and ended at 3 am. Half of dorm mountain is still in the living room- apparently apartment mountain should have only been a berm. I could outfit 3 more girls for college with what was left behind. Lol.</p>

<p>good morning!! coffee is ready!</p>

<p>Thanks for the launch vibes (sniff, sniff.) D2 is packed & we’re ready to leave…</p>

<p>safe travels robd! sending some kleenex your way</p>

<p>RobD - {{{Hugs}}} to you!</p>

<p>RobD - sorry I wasn’t around for the send-off, but I hope the move-in went well. Sending hugs!</p>

<p>Coffee and tea are a bit late this morning! Happy Friday eve all.</p>

<p>good morning all…coffee is ready</p>

<p>safe travels to all going back to college!</p>

<p>Good morning! Nice and cool here. When DH offered coffee for my hot milk, I accepted. (It’s a joke–I like more milk than coffee in my coffee.)</p>

<p>This is the time we can say “next week at this time college S won’t be here.” We’re making plans for a couple of weekends out, and keep forgetting the kid won’t be in our house down the hall, but a short car ride away, if we want/need to include him. Weird.</p>

<p>But he’ll be back Spring semester! And summer too, unless he gets an out of town co-op then. He has been invited back to the same job for the spring, and asked what projects he’d like to work on, which is nice. :)</p>

<p>Happy Trails to all who are leaving the nest this weekend!</p>

<p>I’m sure my travel will go perfectly this week to make up for the canceled flight out of LaGuardia last week… you know, the flight that was supposed to get me home in time to pick up DW and take her to her B-Day dinner in DC, ergh! Oh well, I did get Delta to reroute me to another airport, DW picked me up, and we did get to DC on-time, whew!</p>

<p>RobD – Sorry I’m late, as usual, sending my support with your launches! It appears that I have missed “Hug Fest 2013.” FWIW, we are mitigating the boredom factor by D2 coming to Cincinnati with me this week… it should be interesting.</p>

<p>Mdem – Glad to hear that Milo made it through his “alterations” OK. ;)</p>

<p>Lilmom – Did you manage to politely escape to Starbucks? :wink: Happy impending Anniversary!</p>

<p>Esobay – Enjoy your get away in Sept. We decided to do the same since we take D2’s stuff to her the weekend after Labor Day. We’re going to leave a day early and spend a day / night relaxing in Chincoteague on the Eastern Shore.</p>

<p>Psychmomma – Congrats to S2 on his one-day reprieve from the back-to-school governor! Too bad about your D’s scheduling SNAFU though.</p>

<p>Mommusic – Welcome back. Thai Iced tea rocks too! Sorry about S’s scheduling SNAFU.</p>

<p>YDS – Whew, I thought maybe D2 was the only one still “figuring it out.” ;)</p>

<p>The dads news is good on both fronts. My father is able to get up and down stairs on his own now and is sleeping upstairs, so I can deconstruct my old bed which I set up for him downstairs. At least for now, my FIL is quite lucid and seems mentally with it. D2 went with DW to visit him this week.</p>

<p>In wedding news, future Son-In-Law broke his arm. Ugh! </p>

<p>Where’s CD when you need her? Oh look, she’s back!..</p>

<p>CD – Too bad this is in too late to be a gift for your wedding party…
[So</a> Long](<a href=“]So”>So Long)</p>

<p>We had a nice low-key B-Day dinner in DC for DW last weekend. D2 and a friend from college joined us, so we had an extra D for the evening. They look like they could be sisters (even to us), but are from different worlds… D2 from rural VA and the friend from LA (actually a town near there called Calabasas [sp?]). The friend gave us some insight into D2’s “role” at school. She said that they look to her for advice on what is and is not “socially acceptable” behavior. :confused: DW said that was fitting and mentioned the time that D2 went to a birthday party for a friend who had a bit of a “reputation” and D2 asked DW if the gift was a “Moral Compass.” :rolleyes:</p>

<p>DW’s B-Day flowers were delivered 1 hour before she left work… whew! P56 – They ain’t a car, but they’ll have to do for now. I did get her post-Birthday hardwood floors after D2 goes back to school, they might be “sparkley” for a while. ;)</p>

<p>We have both of our chicks in the nest this weekend. DW managed to score some passes to a “Florida Georgia Line” show from a friend of ours who does promotions. So the three girls are going and get in early so they can campout up front and listen to the sound check before they let everyone else in.</p>

<p>In intern news, we successfully brought D2 home from DC, but it took forever. I-95 was a parking lot from DC to Richmond, ergh! D2 was packed and ready to roll when we got there… a small miracle. DW mentioned it and D2 said, “It has only taken me 3 years of college to learn how to pack. Wow, Princeton has taught me a life-skill! This could be a first.” :wink: In the car I asked DW a question and didn’t get an answer. She had been reading a story in the Washington Post by a mom about her empty nest and was crying and said something about all the empty bird nests around our house (we do have a lot of them), to which D2 so empathetically replied, “Mom, we live in the woods. Those empty nests aren’t indicative of anything.” :rolleyes: D2 did say that her boss told her that she was their “most enthusiastic intern.” She encouraged D2 to apply for a job with them when she graduates (“seriously”) and offered to write her a LOR. :)</p>

<p>Great post, G# (as usual!)</p>

<p>Didn’t you get the memo? I-95 is ALWAYS a parking lot. That’s why those of us in the know use Rt. 1/301. Old school. :D</p>

<p>S successfully installed our new mailbox (old plastic one was cracked, better quality metal one looks great.) :slight_smile: “It’s so nice to have a man around the house.”</p>

<p>Have a great weekend, everyone! We’re planning to eat outside, on the deck, for the 4th night in a row! I’m just worried if we’re getting September weather in August, what will September be like? Hot & humid? :/</p>

<p>Just found out H “the great communicator” is going to Sao Paulo for a week in early September. I didn’t have a clue about this conference until he sent me an email saying “The Sao Paulo trip is on,” with the dates. Huh?</p>

<p>LOL I called him and asked if his email had been hacked or was he really going on a trip. Of course, it’s a lousy time for me to go so I don’t even get to demand he take me. :(</p>


<p>great news about the dads gsharp!! and glad the bday was a success</p>

<p>not fair mommusic! a trip to sao paulo would have been nice</p>

<p>coffee is ready!</p>

<p>nothing in college news…studying for mcat seems to be going well.</p>

<p>Good morning!! Checking in from Lake Tahoe. We are having a fabulous time hiking, swimming, rafting, kayaking and laughing. We drive home Monday then we will be home for 3 days before we move S3 into Cal. </p>

<p>D1 has signed her contract and got her assignment. She will be teaching Geometry, Algebra 1 and Algebra AB (Algebra over 2 years). She is excited.</p>