Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>Yes, waiting is no fun. Flashbacks to SAT’s and college acceptances. Arghhh–here we go again! :eek:</p>

<p>Just had a long conversation with ds. Talk about a happy kid! Loves having a townhouse, got in the class he wanted, was invited to a reception tonight for HS counselors (so that means free good eats!) and has more money in the bank than he realized. Woot!</p>

<p>Hope all the MCAT scores are well received! And other grad scores!</p>

<p>CC was giving me the ‘you haven’t posted in awhile’ thing and I was planning to update today anyway :wink: I’ve been reading some threads but haven’t commented recently. </p>

<p>Tuesday is my day off so I ran a bunch of errands and caught up on some reading. Exams are coming up soon and I have had some small quizzes that I’ve done well on. I do have to give a presentation on Friday which is a little daunting since it is 300-level Lit class and this Communications student feels unsteady. (Hey, it is Literature of Popular Culture!)</p>

<p>About to make some dinner and then head to campus to go see a speaker for my Global Issues class. My professor worked for Clinton and was a top National Security official so it is a tiny bit intimidating.</p>

<p>coffee is ready!!</p>

<p>sounds like things are going well mdem!!</p>

<p>vamom…i think this one is worse than sat and college apps. :)</p>

<p>No college news, but S is coming home this weekend again. For some reason Hillel isn’t doing every Friday night this year. :frowning: At least he can easily take the shuttle bus to the suburban campus which is 1/4 mile from our house. :)</p>

<p>In other news, the dishwasher died, I found out the part was going to cost me a limb, I complained to customer service (it’s not a heavily used or old machine, the part shouldn’t have died and/or cost half as much as a new machine) and voila! They’re giving me the part for free. I reckon for being off and on “hold” for 45 minutes I earned 300 dollars. :)</p>

<p>In other good news, I’m going to join my DH in NYC for a few days next week! Get to see child #2’s new apt. in Brooklyn, among other things. I haven’t been to New York in over a year, after I swore I would get there while DH was traveling there so much. One thing after another, as usual…</p>

<p>And now there is a dishwasher ad on my side panel! I feel like I’m being stalked.</p>

<p>Just stopping by to say hello, and looks like I’m early enough to put on the coffee - plenty for everyone.</p>

<p>Mdem - you have come very far and there’s no reason to feel intimidated or daunted - you will rock those classes.</p>

<p>thanks for the coffee alice!! </p>

<p>sorry about the dishwasher mommusic but great resolution!!</p>

<p>Good morning! Happy Thursday! S2 goes back to school tonight. School starts one week from today. Hard to believe he is a senior.</p>

<p>Ahoy mateys! Hope everyone is having a satisfyin’ Talk Like a Pirate Day!</p>

<p>It’s not as much fun with the kids gone, but I do what I can to keep up the traditions. I did manage to get son’s birthday (today) on the Googly Map o’ Pirate Fun. </p>

<p>And I believe it is about time for the daily ration o’ rum. :slight_smile: Pirates had limes, right?</p>

<p>Now, we know why ds’s tuition bill was so low – he forgot to sign up for a meal plan. Doh!</p>

<p>YDS–so he’s happy and very hungry??? Oops! Maybe since he’s in a townhouse he can cook his own meals? ;)</p>

<p>mommusic—Arrr. Ye be walkin the plank if ye don’t ration the rum with the limes we don’t want to be having the scurvy!</p>

<p>good morning all…coffee is ready!!</p>

<p>update for vamom… S2 got his gift card for the trial section yesterday… so getting closer LOL</p>

<p>Thanks for the coffee, p56. I was hoping for a call from S last night - good thing I didn’t hold my breath. So no college news here.</p>

<p>Thanks P56–good to know the gift card is on the way! At least they get something good out of that dreaded test! ;)</p>

<p>Alice–I heard from my DS–which always mean he has an issue or needs advice. He’s been talking for over a year about study abroad in Panama in spring semester and been excited about it. He went to the study abroad meeting and now he’s thinking of switching to Kenya! So much for knowing what’s going on! It’s a much more remote location but I know he’d love it. It will be interesting to see what he chooses. We were hoping to visit Panama over spring break, but I don’t think Kenya for one week is feasible–too much flying time!</p>

<p>VAMom, the school has a default meal plan that he’s gotten every year, so he thought that when he moved into the townhouse he’d get the five-meal plan as a default. He thought wrong. :slight_smile: He was always planning to do lots of cooking, but he wants the ability to eat on campus occasionally as there are team dinners after ultimate practice three times a week. He got it taken care of yesterday.</p>

<p>vamom… i was reading on sdn and apparently the gift card isnt guaranteed… mcat people have to decide whether you actually “tried” LOL</p>

<p>Good morning! S2 was successfully launched last night. It was the easiest launch ever since he had already moved from the old apartment to the new one this summer. So he just had a couple of bags. We stopped at the market and I bought him $100 worth of groceries. The hardest part was dealing with LA drivers. They are crazy and downright mean!! His new apartment is nicer than the old one, but also a little farther away from school. We had the “back to school” pep-talk (make the most of your senior year, try to figure out what you want to do after graduation, etc…).</p>

<p>I am not posting from an airport this week as I am staying in Cincy… too much work to do. I sure hope that Alice didn’t wait for me to post before going home today. End of week 1 of amoxicillin… 1 to go, ergh!</p>

<p>I am slacking off tonight to see Joe Satriani and Steve Morse (a couple of my favs) at the Taft Theater. :slight_smile: I may even go to Oktoberfest this weekend if I can semi-caught up. Having never Chicken Danced, I think I’ll avoid the “World’s Largest Chicken Dance.” I’d hate to be ridiculed for not being Chicken Dance savvy. Maybe one day I’ll be able to CDWTS. ;)</p>

<p>Dang, I missed the balloon animals and pirate talk. ;)</p>

<p>It would appear that a couple of us are ready to pop like a balloon if the MCAT scores don’t come in.</p>

<p>Dang #2, DWTS is on again?!? One show feels like 17 years. :wink: What night? I’m not supposed to call home during DWTS or PLL. :rolleyes: I already got “in trouble” this week for calling during the Miss America intros… DW wanted to see D2’s classmate. :rolleyes:</p>


We dads are full of such guilt trips.</p>


Wanna trade? ;)</p>


I have one of those kids too. Any job where you get paid for arguing is right up D2’s alley. :wink: Anyway, glad to hear that your D is on the mend and able to get out and about.</p>


Last weekend DW mentioned something about cleaning D2’s room to which I replied, “I thought that you told her to clean it before she left?” DW, “D2’s idea of clean and mine are not the same.” :wink: … Enjoy NYC with your DH. I have yet to get DW to Cincy.</p>

<p>Jackief – Enjoy touring with your newly settled, little surfer girl.</p>

<p>YDS – Just for you, I’ll take the praise (and blame from IL) for the Steelers loss. :wink: And don’t feel bad, last year D2 balanced everything out by signing up for 2 meal plans… luckily I caught that one. :eek:</p>

<p>DB – I half failed. Only one team lost. ;)</p>

<p>In dads news, my FIL has made miraculous progress. When he first went into rehab, they said they thought that he would live a month at the most. He has rebounded big time and now they’re talking about moving him to assisted living.</p>

<p>In wedding news, D1 asked how we wanted our names to appear on the invitation. I said, “The Soon to be Indigent Mr. and Mrs. G#.” ;)</p>

<p>In college news, D2 called me for no other reason than to say “hi” and tell me how much she likes her classes so far. She’s not real happy about having an 8:30AM class though. They had reading and a critique to turn in before the first class. She said that she showed up early for the first class and the professor greeted her by name (the profs get pictures of the students in advance) and told her how much he like her critique, so that made her happy and helped the early class go better. Even better, the prof brought banana bread for the class. I may get to see a little of D2 Saturday night as NBC Sports is televising their game… clearly NBC drew the short straw this week. ;)</p>

<p>Good morning, all. Coffee’s ready. Help yourself. In college news, DsS is still working on his Fulbright application and keeping an eye on deadlines for other applications. He is having to stretch himself more and more. So far, so good. :-)</p>

<p>good rainy morning!! thanks for the coffee donnagal! fingers crossed on the fulbright app!</p>

<p>great news on you fil gsharp</p>