Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>good morning…coffee is ready</p>

<p>Thanks for the coffee, p56. Green smoothie also available for anyone who wants to join me. </p>

<p>I heard from S, and he seems to have had a good first week. He got his topic for his math comprehensive paper, as well as the date on which he is expected to present it. But they didn’t tell him who is to be his advisor!?!? I guess he will need to find out pronto. The class he is taking as a gimme, Astronomy 101, is “boring”. “Oh, yeah, maybe it’s supposed to be that way.” I guess he has gotten used to classes that are more challenging and more consuming. His first week as an ultimate captain went well, but it was a combined program with the other team. It remains to be seen which prospects choose to go out for his team and which for the ultra serious team. </p>

<p>D will be returning to her college one day this week to be interviewed by the current senior linguistics majors about how to go about their comprehensive exercises. She is looking forward to that. </p>

<p>Happy Sunday to all.</p>

<p>P56–Thanks for the coffee. DS said he “enjoys” taking those survey tests so hopefully he scored well enough to rate a gift card! </p>

<p>donnagal–Good luck to your DS on the fulbright!</p>

<p>G#–Thanks for the heads up on the football game being televised. It was a good game, but wish it had turned out differently. Hope you got a glimpse or two of your DD.</p>

<p>alice–isn’t it funny how they take an “easy” course and find out it’s not what they expected?</p>

<p>S2 has one of those easy courses too… dont think he has had one since first year. but seeing as his others are really hard advanced courses he may be thankful LOL</p>

<p>G#–Good news on your FIL! :)</p>

<p>DWTS is Monday nights. Call before 8 or after 10. </p>

<p>S’s classes continue to go well. He said in his Parallel Computing course they are making them do a lot of work. I pointed out it IS an upper level course and what did he expect?</p>

<p>In the EC dept., fencing is not being offered this semester but Kendo, or Japanese sword fighting, is. He said it’s noisier than fencing class because you have to shout out (in Japanese) the body part you are aiming for as you attempt to slice it off. :eek: Edit: They do wear comprehensive helmets and the swords are bamboo.</p>

<p>Mommusic - your S and mine seem to have a lot in common - CS and fencing. Though I think my S may have given up fencing except insofar as it is useful for a costume party (think, Dread Pirate Roberts).</p>

<p>Just booked ds’s flight home and back in January. I think it’s crazy that he left almost a month after ds2 but will be home three weeks before him.</p>

<p>good morning all…coffee is ready!!</p>

<p>Good morning!</p>

<p>Thanks for the coffee and green smoothies. I’ll offer up cans of Diet Pepsi, since that’s all I have on hand.</p>

<p>GSharp - that’s great news about your FIL! What a difference!</p>

<p>Did you get to see your D2 on NBC?</p>

<p>Donnagal - good luck to your DsS with the Fulbright application!</p>

<p>D told me that she’ll be coming home next weekend to celebrate S’s birthday. Shhhh, it’s a surprise. :)</p>

<p>coffee is ready!!</p>

<p>Hazelnut coffee here! (I realized we hadn’t had any in a while so got some when I spotted it at Kroger.)</p>

<p>Enjoying this wonderful fall weather! :)</p>

<p>No college news, but planning to all go to Pittsburgh for Thanksgiving at newly married son’s house. I haven’t not done Thanksgiving in…forever. Makes me feel old, when the kids start taking it over!</p>

<p>Oh, and I signed up to march with the Alumni band for UCincy’s Homecoming! So I <em>won’t</em> feel old. ;)</p>

<p>Happy Tuesday, all.</p>

<p>S called last night to chat. That was a nice feeling, since the “usual” call over the weekend was quite short and not at all chatty. Alas, it was nearly midnight here - but I’ll take it.</p>

<p>Good morning! </p>

<p>D1 is enjoying her first year teaching. Although she is exhausted. Her first back to school night is on Thursday. </p>

<p>No word from the boys. </p>

<p>mommusic: My mom has always done Thanksgiving for as long as I can remember. I send D1 over there to help so that maybe when mom can’t do it anymore it will just skip right over to D1.</p>

<p>S had his first day of a new internship today. I’m dying to hear about it but know we’ll hear from him when he has time.
I’ve hosted Thanksgiving and Christmas for 26 years. Some years I’m a little grumpy about it but our house makes the most sense. now that 2/3 kids are gone, I’m thrilled to have them and anyone else back for the holidays. It will be really strange to eventually share kids with their spouses’ families or to not be the host. Not ready for either yet.</p>

<p>good morning all! coffee is ready</p>

<p>Thanks for the coffee P56. </p>

<p>Happy Wednesday!</p>

<p>good morning all…rainy and foggy here…</p>

<p>coffee is ready!</p>

<p>Thanks for the virtual coffee p56. It is quite timely because I am not enjoying my real tea. Happy Thursday to all.</p>

<p>Thanks for the coffee P56. Was DS happy with his results? Here’s hoping he’s smiling today.</p>

<p>Good morning! First day of school for S2! (finally!). First “Back-to-School” night for D1. Eight days til Parent Weekend for S3!</p>