Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>coffee is ready!! wow tx5… when is the end of your S2’s year? my S2 started in august LOL but will end beginning of may</p>

<p>I’m just happy to be heading home after 2 weeks away!!! Although, I am spending much of tomorrow doing some work on my parent’s lawn.</p>

<p>I see that I missed the good hazelnut coffee. All I had was generic hotel coffee for the past 2 weeks.</p>

<p>Aliceinw – FWIW, I’d go for your chatty S’s ultra unserious team… surprise, surprise. ;)</p>

<p>VAMom2015 – You’re welcome… I think. That game was kinda painful to watch. Oh well, I did get to see D2 from a distance.</p>

<p>Mommusic – Thanx for the DWTS schedule. Apparently, it is now PLL and Nashville’s timeslot that I need to avoid. :rolleyes: Cool that your son is taking Kendo. Does he get to use a shinai?.. bamboo sword with a string in it that lets you adjust for maximum noise effect (but little physical pain) or minimum noise (but much pain). It is much like a rolled up newspaper. I’ve been whacked a few times in my day. Regardless, Go Bearcats and their alumni band!</p>

<p>YDS – Now you’ve got me thinking about getting D2 home for fall break and Christmas, ergh!</p>

<p>LIMOMOF2 – Your secret is safe with me! :wink: Enjoy having your D home for the weekend!</p>

<p>Tx5 – So, how did Back-To-School night go? Does D1 have a comprehensive list of “those parents. Note: will probably be on CC one day.” ;)</p>

<p>Re: Thanksgiving – I do my part by showing up wherever I’m told. ;)</p>

<p>The wedding jitney continues to careen out of control with only minor dents in the budgetary guardrails, so far. Can anyone explain to me why anyone would intentionally attend a Tea accompanied by harp music all in the name of everyone getting to know each other? And, of course, by everyone I mean the 50% who are female as I have not been sentenced to attend this “shower” event that according to the menu features someone named Lorraine makin’ quiche for the women-folk. I sure hope that nobody tells Cinderella that they’re servin’ Pumpkin Mouse… more than one I presume since the spelled Mouse with 2 S’s. There spellin’ iz atrosish. Now I’m wondering if their havin’ Concubine or Cucumber samiches. I’m just glad I ain’t gotta figure out my marmalade from my remoulade. I’m most frightened by the Angel Biscuits. Were they made by Angels or are they Hardee’s biscuits with little slices of salt-cured Angel on them? Perhaps they is Pillsbury cut into Angel shapes? I marked that day on my calendar as “Stay Home!!!” I’m sorry, I just looked and it says “Stay the He** Home!!!”</p>

<p>In college news, to my knowledge I still have a child in college, but I couldn’t prove it. ;)</p>

<p>Oh goody - G# has been here. Is it time to go home from work yet?</p>

<p>Happy Friday to all.</p>

<p>Happy Friday!!!</p>

<p>Have you seen this? [Jimmy</a> Fallon, Sesame Street & The Roots Sing “Sesame Street” Theme (w/ Classroom Instruments) - YouTube](<a href=“Jimmy Fallon, Sesame Street & The Roots Sing "Sesame Street" Theme (w/ Classroom Instruments) - YouTube”>Jimmy Fallon, Sesame Street & The Roots Sing "Sesame Street" Theme (w/ Classroom Instruments) - YouTube)</p>

<p>So cute! Had me singing all morning.</p>

<p>good morning…coffee is ready!</p>

<p>gsharp thanks for the laughs this am!!!</p>

<p>very cute tx5!!</p>

<p>Thanks for the coffee. I’ve got some homemade blueberry and mixed berry jam and biscuits to add to the spread this morning. Spent yesterday making jam with a friend. It’s a yearly tradition that we get together and can jam. Then I proceed to give most of it away as holiday gifts, which works out very well. </p>

<p>G# - You need to put all your wedding observations together into a book. It would be a best seller–how to survive as the Father of the Bride! Erma Bombeck would be proud!</p>

<p>Good morning, all. Coffee and warm lemon water for all - your choice. I am beginning a new cleanse for fall, and it’s Ayurvedic this time. You all are lucky I’m a wimp and have chosen “option 2” or I would be serving warm ghee as the morning drink. Happy Sunday. Hoping to hear from my kiddos today.</p>

<p>Good morning!
Coffee is on me this morning. </p>

<p>DD is leaving for school, her last year as everyone else’s. This quarter, however, she is taking a gap qtr. She is still working on the research project and prep for the Mcat. We like that break in our pocket.</p>

<p>thanks for the coffee artloversplus!!</p>

<p>I echo the “Oh Goody, Gsharp is back” sentiment! Yes, write a book about your wedding travails. Or at least an article for “Bride” magazine…what, you don’t think they would appreciate your viewpoint? :D</p>

<p>DH and I were in NYC for 4 days and had great fun. (He had some meetings so I may have had a little more fun than he did, but we both got to see the Brooklyn kids and sightsee together.)</p>

<p>G# we saw a small wedding on the Staten Island ferry. They got married 2/3 of the way to Staten Island, and then took the next ferry back! It was scenic and the venue was FREE. The next day we saw a wedding party gathering before the ceremony in Brooklyn Bridge park. They had chairs set up right next to the water, looking at the Manhattan skyline, and it looked like it was going to be stunning. Great weather both days, fortunately. :)</p>

<p>Mommusic - sorry I missed your NYC visit! Well, I’m sure you were much happier visiting with your family anyway. :slight_smile: Glad you had a fun visit.</p>

<p>Interesting idea to get married on the Staten Island Ferry - I’ve never known anyone who’s done that, but we know many, many people with wedding pictures taken by the Brooklyn Bridge (no actual wedding ceremonies though). </p>

<p>Welcome home, GSharp (a few days late, I know). I’m sure your parents’ lawn is looking beautiful now that you’ve worked so hard on it. :slight_smile: </p>

<p>Thank you - we loved having D home this weekend, though the visit was a short one. She arrived after 9 on Friday night and left just after 7 this morning. S did not spend much time at home since he’d already made plans to celebrate his birthday with friends after our short family celebration, and D wasn’t too happy about that since she came home to help him celebrate - but she did manage to get a lot of work done since none of her friends were home this visit.</p>

<p>S is upstairs working on his Common App a little more (not sure why this part is taking him so long). I told him to finish that before the series finale of Breaking Bad begins at 9. What are the chances that’ll happen?</p>

<p>happy Monday everyone (ha ha ha)</p>

<p>artlover- hope your D has a productive gap qtr. My D will do doing the same in the winter primarily to help the pocketbook, but also to work on grad school apps and BA. Last first day of school for her today, for undergrad at least, hope there are further first days down the road.</p>

<p>Good to hear the G# news and everyone else. </p>

<p>Looking forward to what happens in baseball this week.</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>good morning all! coffee ready!</p>

<p>It’s Monday morning and the dishwasher repair guy is actually here! :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :)</p>

<p>And I only have to pay for labor b/c I complained to the manufacturer that the part shouldn’t have failed after light use for only a few years. Now they have a happy customer.</p>

<p>Good morning! Happy Monday!!</p>

<p>I agree G# should write a father-of-the-bride book!</p>

<p>S2 started school on Thursday. Only word from him is that he won the Fantasy Baseball League against the guys at my work, so that is kind of fun.</p>

<p>Good morning, iPeeps! Coffee is ready. </p>

<p>My house is happy with baseball results: DH’s Cleveland Indians cinched a wild card berth in the AL while my Pittsburgh Pirates cinched a wild card berth in the NL. I guess this is karma’s way of offsetting dismay & disappointment with the government shutdown.</p>

<p>On a happier note, the buzz in Pgh was not about the Pirates, but about a 40-foot rubber duck that was floating down the Ohio River. The Coast Guard had a warning out for commercial & pleasure craft to watch out for “a giant rubber duck.” This story just quacked me up. <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>On the COLLEGE front: S2 is in high gear with job interviews. S1 starts mid-terms in his first semester of grad school this week. He also started a demanding new job last week. I’m a bit concerned about how the job-school balance will sort out, but he seems to be on top of it. Unfortunately his ski patrol duties must fall by the wayside this winter - S1 already has enough on his plate.</p>

<p>GSharp: welcome back! Words fail me with your description of the bridal shower menu. :wink: What would happen if the bridal shower menu planners collaborated with alicew’s Ayurvedic cleanse? </p>

<p>Alicew: warm ghee?! Eeeewwww! I’d opt for warm lemon water as well. </p>

<p>Wishing everyone a happy October 1.</p>

<p>Thanks for the coffee. We are looking for all the free coffee we can since DH is out of a job for the time being. Government shutdown might be OK–maybe I can get the chandelier put up in the dining room. I’ve been waiting since May. I probably shouldn’t hold my breath…</p>

<p>Good morning! </p>

<p>Alice: How is your new cleanse going?</p>

<p>D1 got her first paycheck on Friday. Today she and all the other math teachers have training at the district and all her fellow math teachers are trying to convince her that she needs to buy them all lunch.</p>

<p>Evidently there was an explosion on S3’s campus yesterday. Luckily he texted me about it before I heard about it. He says campus was pretty crazy. I am wondering if this will have an effect on this weekend’s Parents Weekend. </p>

<p>12rmh18: I love that rubber duck story! How crazy! The Rubber Ducky song from Sesame Street was always one of my favorites.</p>

<p>Wow - I guess my latest cleanse has gotten a lot of attention. So far so good, as I sit here and eat my lunch of rice and mung bean porridge - which I am eating for three meals a day for five days and no snacks! Of course, I am ignoring the instruction to sit and have lunch with no distractions in order to check in on my iPeeps. I know what’s really important. </p>

<p>We are pretty happy with baseball results in our house - thanks to the Red Sox’s amazing turnaround. Lots of fun seeing that.</p>

<p>tx5athome - glad that your S3 is fine. It was the first news I heard on the radio when I woe up this morning, and the very next thing I did was think of your S3.</p>

<p>Have not heard from my S in a while. I’m still subscribing to the no news is good news theory.</p>

<p>Hope everyone is having a Happy Tuesday.</p>

<p>alice, I will not ask for a bite of your mung bean, but admire your cleansing effort!</p>

<p>tx5 I am glad your S and all on the campus are good.</p>

<p>D got through her grueling first day of classes yesterday, she had one class and it was in the afternoon. Today she has a tad more strenuous schedule. But since one of her classes is actually writing her thesis, it will be overall less class time than usual, and hope she puts it to good use with her thesis and gre prep. </p>

<p>Of course I am happy for the Red Sox also alice, and the Patriots who robbed me of some sleep on Sunday. I kinda want the Indians to win but kinda don’t as I think they might be a stronger opponent than the Rays. YDS- I was rooting for the Rangers last night :frowning:
Taking a break from the boob tube tonight and letting the NL wild card go on without me.</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>