Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>GSharp - I just forwarded that link to my D, another Wizard of Oz fan. I’m sure she’ll love it - if she ever gets around to watching it. </p>

<p>Is your D1 creating one of those wedding websites?</p>

<p>Congrats to you on your promotion! Definitely try to reschedule that project implementation date! I don’t think you want to risk getting stuck in Michigan on the day before your D1’s wedding.</p>

<p>It was great seeing D last weekend, though she spent most of her time doing work up in her room. As for “Breaking Bad” on S, the poor guy is already on crutches thanks to getting pretty badly injured during football practice a few weeks ago. I did have to play the evil mom card last night when I forced him to stay home from a party. Actually, I told him he could go to the party, but that he had to be home by 11 since he was scheduled to take the SAT this morning. I thought that was reasonable, but according to him, I am ruining his life. </p>

<p>Alice - enjoy your reintegration. :D</p>

<p>G#-Congrats on the promotion, but definitely do NOT be out of town of the eve of wedding! :eek: That is my very favorite version of Over the Rainbow! Here’s a thought–why not move the entire wedding to Hawaii to put everything in context. It’s not to late for that, right? ;)</p>

<p>Alice–here’s hoping the reintegration goes well! I don’t know how you survived last week! Way to go!</p>

<p>I just noticed there was no coffee this morning. It’s afternoon on the weekend, does that mean we can start thinking about adult slushie drinks? I’ll get the blender going and whip up some Margaritas for happy hour!</p>

<p>VAmom adult slushies sound good, just got home from my church’s Octoberfest so let’s party on lol</p>

<p>i’ll take some slushies… got side tracked this morning so oops no coffee.</p>

<p>congrats on the promotion gsharp…and like the song selection</p>

<p>limom, glad i am not the only one that ruins my child’s life!</p>

<p>I’ll take a raspberry ‘slushie’. :)</p>

<p>RobD: A little friendly football :)</p>

<p>D15 is at the Homecoming dance. :slight_smile: Just realized that the next Homecoming we have, will be the last. :(</p>

<p>Speaking of ‘ruining our child’s life’…apparently ‘all’ the other kids get to stay out later. Bummer. :rolleyes:</p>

<p>Booked her first official college visit for later this month to Missouri Western.</p>

<p>In current college news…there is none.</p>

<p>Making sure we don’t go a whole day without a post!!!</p>

<p>S had “reading days” Monday and Tuesday. He may come home if he thinks of something he needs to do out here (maybe some volunteer hours in one of his old haunts.) Don’t know if the shuttle bus is running or not…</p>

<p>^Er, “has”, not “had”</p>

<p>And yes, the shuttle bus is running, so he can get home under his own steam!</p>

<p>While I’m at it, I’ll put some coffee on. :)</p>

<p>Good morning, iPeeps, and thanks for the coffee, mommusic. </p>

<p>My iPad and iPhone don’t seem to want to open/update cc properly, hence my absence over the weekend since I no longer schlep the computer home unless absolutely necessary.</p>

<p>Congrats on the promotion, G#. My nephew used that version of the Wizard of Oz as the processional/recessional for his wedding - at a lovely outdoor spot on Block Island overlooking the water where there was a sailing race, complete with colorful spinnakers, going on at just the right moment. Beautiful.</p>

<p>Alas for those of you who are ruining your children’s lives. I don’t think I’ve done that lately. But perhaps they just don’t bother to tell me any more. I did hear from both of them this weekend, and both sound good, although talking with my D about buying “extraction an repatriation” medical insurance and “civil unrest” insurance for her upcoming trip does not give me a warm fuzzy feeling. Exactly why did she choose Central America?</p>

<p>Happy Monday (and happy indeed, as I am back to an almost normal diet).</p>

<p>Good morning iPeeps. Thanks for the coffee, mommusic.</p>

<p>GSharp: congrats on the promotion! Good luck - I have confidence that you will be successful untangling in the conflict with your new responsibilities & your D1’s wedding. Thanks for the ear worm of the IZ version of “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” - it has been in my head for the entire weekend.</p>

<p>Alicew: welcome back to real food. ;)</p>

<p>LIMOM: thanks for the update on your DS, even if you are busy ruining his life. Your deal sounded reasonable to me, but since I am a parent also, what do I know? ;)</p>

<p>Sad news: Geriatric Dog passed away yesterday. She was 14-1/2 yrs old, which was quite old for a big dog. At least she went out with a bang - she had a great time at a neighborhood party the night before, and passed away in her sleep. We found her yesterday morning. I’m sad without my canine shadow following me around. I will miss her.</p>

<p>Good morning! Happy Monday!</p>

<p>My condolences to 12rmh18! Sounds like she had a good life. </p>

<p>DH and I had a good time at S3’s Parent Weekend. S3 seems to be adapting well to college (maybe too well?). DH had not been to the campus so it was good for him to get a feel of everything. The good news was it was super clear and you felt like you could touch San Francisco. The bad news was it was very hot, especially for the Bay Area, which made sitting at the football game a little difficult.</p>

<p>12rmh18, so sorry about the loss of your dog. It does sound like it was a good doggie life but I’m sure you will miss her.</p>

<p>D’s broken ankle continues to heal. She is now crutch-free, but has at least another 3 weeks in a large walking boot.</p>

<p>Limom, if your kids didn’t resent you occasionally you wouldn’t be doing your job as a parent!</p>

<p>Anyone’s kids thinking of law school? S’11 sent me this to explain why, even though he just took the LSAT, he’s pretty sure he’s changed his mind and is not going to law school: <a href=“[/url]”>Samuel Browning and Michael Leichter Flow Chart;

<p>12rhm18, sorry to hear about the loss of your dog. I am sure she misses you too. </p>

<p>In COLLEGE news, it is midterm time. My big midterm this week is for Political Theory so tomorrow I will be spending most of my time at the library. Wohoo.</p>

<p>Coffee’s on.</p>

<p>12rmh18 - so sorry to hear of the loss of Geriatric Dog. </p>

<p>Good luck with the midterm, mdem.</p>

<p>Laf - glad your D’s ankle is healing.</p>

<p>Wondering if anyone else is finding it impossible to get into CC from their iPhone/iPad as I am. It acts like it’s refreshing and just stays there without ever getting to the desired page.</p>

<p>thanks for the coffee alice!!</p>

<p>so sorry 12rmh</p>

<p>Spoke with S yesterday–he spent at least one Reading Day actually reading and doing problems so that was good. He didn’t mention (because he is as close-mouthed as a clam) but apparently there was a boy/girl get-together in his suite that looked like fun. I know this b/c he was tagged in MANY photos on FB, and these photos were taken by a female, no less. </p>

<p>Could he be sticking his toe into the waters of being social? :smiley: I will not mention this to him as I don’t want him to get spooked and go back into his shell. To add another metaphor…</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>Coffee’s ready. And oatmeal (yeah for being post-cleanse).</p>

<p>I met a friend for dinner last night at a new vegan restaurant. It was quite good.</p>

<p>Happy Wednesday.</p>

<p>Happy Wednesday! </p>

<p>No news. Procrastinating S2 finally made it to the Career Center on Monday, and is supposed to make an appt to meet with a counselor, but they are same day only and appts open up at 9:00 and are filled by 9:04. So he is trying but has not been successful yet.</p>



<p>My S’14 just took the LSAT on Saturday, and is planning to apply this year. He is going in with his eyes open that it isn’t great for job opportunities these days, but he is genuinely interested in the law. He’s the odd one who enjoys reading court decisions and writing papers analyzing them, rather than just not having any other ideas about what to do with a poli sci degree. (Although he certainly doesn’t have any other ideas about what to do with a poli sci degree.)</p>

<p>At this point, we can just support him and hope for the best. While I was very involved in his undergrad college application process, I’ve been removed from the grad school application process. I was amused when he told me that he had started to make a spreadsheet of law school info, since I had made a mega-spreadsheet for undergrad colleges. The number of law school applicants has dropped dramatically in recent years - I tell myself that is perhaps a good thing for those who still are applying.</p>

<p>good morning all…coffee is ready. </p>

<p>lol mommusic… facebook is great for checking in …i think i have restricted access for S2…but when he gets tagged in pics i can see them</p>

<p>sacchi fingers crossed for a great lsat score!</p>