Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)


<p>S got 3 pages of a test perfect. Last 3 pages were a few multiple-point essay questions with NO partial credit possible. He missed several of the essay points & failed. When he spoke with the professor…he told him “yes, he had the right answers, but it wasn’t what he was looking for” !!! WTH?</p>

<p>You know, I am so tired of their philosophy. I am paying them big dollars to provide a college education. We could have picked anywhere, but picked them. Let’s teach him everything he needs to know to excel in his field ! I seriously think I could have paid less money to attend a LAC and he would have ended up with a BETTER education. That is exactly why his sister will not be attending there.</p>

<p>Ok…on with your day ~</p>

<p>“wasn’t what he was looking for?” Hmph. </p>

<p>If I were a prof I would reward any correct answer, esp. one that reflected original thinking. </p>

<p>OTOH, perhaps it’s a case of the prof stressing something in a lecture that your S missed. The prof has an important point in mind and wants to know the students were paying attention.</p>

<p>Hey, iPeeps.</p>

<p>Haven’t been posting but have been following along. No college news to report, other than that ds’s radio shows are at reasonable times on Wednesday and Thursday nights. I can’t believe I used to wake up every week at 4 a.m. to listen. I like the perks of his seniority.</p>

<p>Airport coffee is on me this morning. It ain’t a slushie, but it’s all I’ve got…</p>

<p>Heroine of the Week – is a canine this week… 12rmh18’s Geriatric Dog for 14 ½ years of faithful service. </p>

<p>AliceinW – Hmmmm, D1’s wedding will be on the water. Now I have to schedule the spinnakers… NOT! So glad to hear that you were able to have some celebratory oatmeal… you do realize how sad that sounds, right? :wink: Oh, and it’s not time for you to go home yet. :(</p>

<p>LIMOMOF2/P56/Checkers – Welcome to the “League of Life Ruiners” Club. There’s a waiting list to get in. Pull up a chair next to DW and me. ;)</p>

<p>Mommusic – Sounds like your S is becoming a regular social bivalve. :wink: Oh, and, Graeter’s Seasonal Pumpkin Ice Cream… need I say more? ;)</p>

<p>LAF – Glad to hear that your D continues to improve. I will be thinking of you this weekend… read on.</p>

<p>Tx5 – Glad that you enjoyed Parent’s Weekend. We are going to see D2 this weekend. It happens to also be Freshman Parent’s Weekend, but we didn’t know that when we planned it. Oh well!</p>

<p>Lest anyone be misinformed, as a consultant, my “promotion” is on paper only. It just means that I have extra work and need to figure out how to move D1’s wedding to the Michigan… NOT! ;)</p>

<p>In wedding news, the MOB dress was successfully procured. Let’s just say that D1 and DW are now Nordstrom legends. :wink: Others in the dressing room area were employing their expertise. :rolleyes: I must say that DW looks absolutely gorgeous in the dress! OK, I admit that I was the one who said, “It doesn’t matter what it cost. Just get it.” Unbeknownst to me was #1 – the actual cost and #2 – a second dress is needed for dancing… huh? On the FOB front, they won’t let me go with the poofy Thomas Jefferson/Benjamin Franklin/Tom Jones looking tux shirt… ergh! ;)</p>

<p>In college news, I am meeting DW at the airport and we are driving to NJ to see D2 and go to the football game (vs. Lafayette… hear than LAF?) this weekend. The actual contact from D2 this week was “They are taking class pictures tomorrow, but I am too busy to go,” “There is a reported shooting on campus. I am OK and in my dorm” (luckily the all-clear came after about 2 ½ hours), and “I was just on the elevator with Joyce Carol Oates.” And most importantly… wait for it… here it comes… after only 3+ years… D2 remembered to put DW and me on the “free parent’s tickets list” for this weekend’s game!!! :rolleyes: OK, the tickets don’t actually cost much, it’s just the principle of the thing. ;)</p>

<p>Good morning! Thanks for the airport coffee…I think. Is this from the Crown Room or a specialty coffee company?</p>

<p>G#–DH tried a new airline yesterday. Ultimate Air out of Lunken got him to Charlotte, NC and back the same day. Since his meetings were at the airport it was perfect. No TSA, park right next to the airplane (practically). And cheaper then the evil former hub company. ;)</p>

<p>Yay for MOB dress! So DW is telling you she needs a 2nd dress for dancing? I hate to rat her out, but I feel more loyalty to you than her. :D</p>

<p>Looking forward to UC’s Homecoming this weekend. We are playing Temple, which should give us a win (which is the point of the homecoming game, right?). And I have to be in the band room at 6:45 a.m. to rehearse for the parade & pregame show. Oh boy. That’s just too early to be playing the piccolo. Dulcimer, maybe.</p>

<p>^^^ Mommusic, Good luck with the Homecoming weekend. I was at Montgomery Inn this week when they were doing the live radio show with Coach Tuberville.</p>

<p>DAY has gone upscale and has an actual Starbucks now. I’m not sure if that counts as “specialty coffee.” They also started TSA Precheck this week, so I can just walk through security without taking off my belt, shoes, taking out my laptop, etc.!</p>

<p>Apparently the MOB dress is too long for the dancin’ part. I offered to duct tape it up, but that didn’t go over too well. ;)</p>

<p>Starbucks counts!</p>

<p>DH does Precheck at CVG. When we travel together he waits patiently while I get the full TSA deconstruction and/or massage. :(</p>

<p>Duct tape comes in all colors now. Doesn’t she know? :D</p>

<p>Edit: Seriously, take that dress to a seamstress and have it shortened slightly.</p>

<p>TGIF to the iPeeps! Thanks for the airport coffee.</p>

<p>G#: LOL at the Nordstrom legends & congrats on the MOB dress. </p>

<p>Checkers: sorry to hear about the frustration with your DS’s school. I too would be perplexed with the professor’s grades. Did DS find out what the professor wanted besides the right answer? What schools is your D15 considering?</p>

<p>It’s been a bad news-good news week for us. In the Bad News category, we lost Geriatric Dog and my MIL received a bad diagnosis but successfully came through surgery yesterday. We will drive to visit her when she is released from the hospital. (We’ll miss the Precision Marching Lawnmowers at the Homecoming parade :frowning: but visiting my MIL is more important.) I saved the Good News for last: S2 was offered & accepted a job in his field following COLLEGE graduation. He is coming home for Fall Break this weekend & we will have a remembrance for Geriatric Dog, followed by a celebration for the new job.</p>

<p>G#, a SECOND MOB dress? Never heard of that. Stand your ground.</p>

<p>12rmh, what a week. (((Hugs))) for the bad news, yea for the job! I think your ds wins the award for first gainfully employed 2014er!</p>

<p>Good morning.</p>

<p>Thanks for the coffee, G#. I am glad to hear that DW found a gorgeous MOB dress. I have to admit I too have not heard about an MOB with two dresses (though I have heard about brides with two - will you be footing that bill as well?). Enjoy the game.</p>

<p>mommusic - hope you have good weather for homecoming, and manage to get the piccolo muscles moving in time for the actual festivities.</p>

<p>checkers - that prof sounds very frustrating. I hope your S can figure out some learning to be drawn from the experience.</p>

<p>12rmh18 - sorry to hear your sad news, but it’s wonderful to hear that one of my cyber nephews has a real live post-college job lined up!! </p>

<p>I am off to my home town for my <em>cough</em> year high school reunion this weekend. Should be interesting. At least I will get a visit with my mom, and some of my cousins.</p>

<p>Happy Friday.</p>

<p>Good morning! Happy Friday!</p>

<p>G#: I vote for 2 dresses for your DW. I am not sure why, but her reasoning seems to make sense.</p>

<p>This weekend S3’s school (Cal) plays S2’s school (UCLA) in football. S3 is driving down with his fraternity brothers in a Winnebago to attend the game (and sleep on S2’s couch). I am not thrilled about the plan, and will likely be holding my breath the entire weekend. All 3 kids are actually going to the game. D1 had to get a new outfit to represent both UCLA and Cal. </p>

<p>Last night I went to a fundraiser with my mom which included food from local restaurants and a movie (Captain Phillips). The food was good, the movie was excellent (Tom Hanks is amazing) and best of all Mom won not one but two baskets in the raffle.</p>



<p>So G#–Didn’t you mention that the FOB needs two Tux shirts–one for ceremony and one (poofy, of course) for dancing?? :wink: Personally I’m hoping when it comes time for weddings as MOG my second outfit can be jeans–but somehow I don’t think that will work. :frowning: Oh, in case you don’t remember–the entire world will be eating out parent’s weekend, so plan accordingly! Enjoy the free (finally) football game!</p>

<p>12RMH18–Sorry to hear about your dog, but sounds like a wonderful pet with a long life and a short end–that’s something to be thankful for. Hope your MIL is doing better post surgery. Good luck to S2 and the coveted J O B!</p>

<p>Checkers–that prof sounds like he’s a bit off. What the heck does it mean that it was right but not what he wanted–he wanted something wrong?</p>

<p>In news on the homefront, DS2 has another balloon gig. I seriously need to learn this art–he is getting paid an incredible hourly wage. He is thrilled to work at almost any wage, and I think this is the highest he’s been paid to date! </p>

<p>DS1 is working on his spring study abroad paperwork and application for a scholarship his school has asked him to apply for. It’s very competitive and even if he doesn’t make it to the next level, it is an honor just to be asked to apply!</p>

<p>I am embarrassed to admit I got the homecoming weekend off by one–it’s NEXT weekend. And I found my red jacket in the closet and everything! :smiley: Getting old. And now what am I supposed to do for excitement this weekend? </p>

<p>Congrats to 124mh’s D for the job! woo-hoo!</p>

<p>12rmh18: D15 will be looking at colleges IN state. Our HS has a unique scholarship…for girls only…who meet specific requirements - one of them being to attend a Missouri college. It goes to everyone who qualifies so not even competitive. :slight_smile: It use to be full ride, but with interest rates it is much less, but still a nice chunk. Renewable all 4 years ! We’ll be visiting Missouri Western toward the end of this month.</p>

<p>Speaking of college visits…we have a new HS counselor this year. (I can hear the moans & sighs now…) According to the current seniors, he’s not much help with scholarships. Last week, a college rep visited the school for an info session - which was only open to seniors, “because juniors still have another year before they need to worry about college”. :eek: Needless to say, I called & chatted with the principal who did not realize the juniors had not been going. When D15 stopped by the counselor’s office to tell him she wanted to attend…he said she was already on the list. :slight_smile: So…thinking that means she’ll get to see the reps & we’ll be on his ‘list’ now. :rolleyes: I’ve become much bolder with the second child.</p>

<p>We’ll also visit Central Missouri State in Warrensburg in the spring. They’re small but have so many unusual/less commonly found majors…like aviation, photography, & Sports Medicine/Athletic Training. All certified, etc. Northwest MO state is also popular around here. All 3 of these are about 85-100 miles away, so not a bad distance either.</p>

<p>She’s all over the place on majors/interests. Physical Therapy, Sports Medicine, Kindergarten teacher, Astronaut…</p>

<p>Have no idea what the professor wanted for an answer on the test for S10. He won’t be available for office hours until Monday. I told S to find the FEW kids who answered them relatively ‘correct’ and find out everything - HOW they knew what to say, where they came up with it, and why. Maybe even ask to study with them specifically next time. </p>

<p>Scrapbook Expo tomorrow in KC. Yes, I’m a nerd. :)</p>

<p>Answered a poll this morning about what book you last read. A lot of great sounding books, some really in depth and complicated. This morning I read “Pete the Cat”. He really knows about shoes & strutting his stuff. :rolleyes: Love my little people. (And their books !)</p>

<p>G#: I love to follow all your wedding planning. Wish I could attend to see how it comes together. Beautiful, I’m sure. Agree with the second dress and also think you should have something fun for the reception. If they won’t give you the poofy shirt, then how about something in neon ?</p>

<p>G#, I hope you had a great time at the game! I will say, there is nothing like a beautiful fall day at Princeton. I was in the band at Lafayette, and the day we played at Princeton was a gorgeous day at the height of leaf season. I remember turning to my friends during the game and saying, “THIS is what college should be.”</p>

<p>Haven’t checked in for a while. No news is good news. Our guy has no Friday classes this year and took a long weekend to visit us and take in a concert from some of his favorite obscure European bands that don’t visit stateside that often. We are starting to get yearbook pictures and the like in the mail. He missed career day with his long weekend - oops - but we think he’s looking for work. The only definite plan was to take the State Department exam.</p>

<p>mathmom, you’re the second person to mention that test to me tonight. What is it, and should my ds take it? Lol. Right now I’m encouraging him to apply for the MLB fan cave!</p>

<p>If he’s interested in a diplomatic career he should take it. It’s pretty comprehensive and included both written and oral portions. Here’s the link: [Test</a> Information and Selection Process - U.S. Department of State](<a href=“]Test”></p>

<p>My brother in law (undergrad U of Chicago, grad school at Yale, and law degree eventually at Stanford.) passed the written part, but didn’t get through the oral - where you basically role play a typical diplomatic situation.</p>

<p>Sounds like something for ds2 …thanks for the info!</p>

<p>What? No coffee? Let me serve some then.</p>

<p>I have returned from my home town and my HS reunion, which I thought would be fine, but surprisingly was much better than that! My classmates (in a 42 person class) are doing such different things. I think the one that amazed me the most is the one who has 10 children, ranging in age from 12 - 38!! She still has three at home and is doing the college admission thing for the 8th time this year. And wait for it . . . she also has 15 grandchildren. And she looks terrific! Whew.</p>

<p>Happy Monday - whether you’re working today (I am) or not.</p>