Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>waving to all. Yay on the wedding progress for G#. Wish we were able to see pictures when it is over. When is the big day again? </p>

<p>Glad your reunion was fun alice.</p>

<p>School is starting off really intense for D. She may drop a class for the first time ever. She isn’t having the time to work on her thesis and gre prep. The class she is considering dropping is the right choice, but I still wonder how it will affect her application. It would be good if she talks to a prof to get their take.</p>

<p>mathmom I wish that test were something D would consider, but she has no practical thoughts at all. If you pass one section only do you have to redo the whole thing again, or does the one part stay on your record for some amount of time? Did you BIL retake later?</p>

<p>I have no idea. No BIL decided to go to law school. He then work on the Savings and Loan Crisis - remember that? Worked for another corporation in their international department and now does international law stuff with Google - so it all turned out well for him.</p>

<p>I have no idea if you have to redo the whole test or not. I imagine it must say somewhere on the website, but I find the whole site remarkably annoying. And it’s not my problem.</p>

<p>Jackief: you have to pass the entire written test at a single sitting in order to advance to the oral exam. The Foreign Service does not superscore sections like the SAT. It took me 2 attempts before I finally passed the Foreign Service exam. I also made it through the orals. PM me if you want more information.</p>

<p>Oh gosh…I worked at a Savings & Loan when they closed. :rolleyes: What a time.</p>

<p>Coffee’s on. Happy Tuesday.</p>

<p>Thanks for the coffee. Last day of work before vacation. Off tomorrow for a week in New York City with D1. H and I are really looking forward to seeing D1 and enjoying fall in the city!</p>

<p>Have a great trip, showmom!!</p>

<p>Good morning! Happy Tuesday!</p>

<p>Have a great trip Showmom!! </p>

<p>All three “kids” went to the UCLA/Cal game on Saturday. S3 survived the 370 mile trip (each way) in a Winnebago with a bunch of frat guys. DH and I went to my cousin’s wedding. It was beautiful. The couple had met in college 32 years ago, were engaged, went through some struggles and broke up, and then a few years ago they got back together. </p>

<p>S2 finally made it to the career counselor at school. Evidently they are only helpful if you have an idea of what you want to do.</p>


The mental image of a bunch of frat guys driving a Winnebago just cracks me up. I’ll bet they had a blast!</p>

<p>Have a great trip, showmom! I know you will enjoy seeing your D1.</p>

<p>Alice: thank you for this morning’s coffee. It beat the heck out of that warm ghee that you were drinking last week. Sounds like a nice HS reunion, too.</p>

<p>S2 was briefly home for Fall Break this weekend - and now he’s gone again. How did that happen?! We went to see “Captain Phillips” at the movies - it was excellent! we also went to his favorite Vietnamese restaurants for pho & cha gio, which apparently are hard to find in Williamsburg. The little neighbor kids whom S2 taught swimming lessons 2 summers ago wandered over to our house last night as S2 was building a bonfire. He sent a text to their mother, “we’re letting your children play with fire & we’re going to feed them sugar (s’mores).” :eek: Fortunately she has a very good sense of humor. It was a too-short holiday weekend.</p>

<p>G#, MOB at our recent wedding had two dresses! I had enough of a time finding one that worked for me, thank you very much. DIL also had two dresses – one white, one green. She wore the green one from the civil ceremony last year as her dancing dress for the celebration this summer.</p>

<p>I’m just hoping S2 graduates. Won’t be this spring, though since he got off track with the language requirements by taking a LOA last semester. OTOH, the EPIIC topic next year is Russia, so it may be worth it for him to stick around.</p>

<p>thanks for the coffee last few days… i’m slipping! good morning all!</p>

<p>Went for a walk with the neighborhood ladies & stopped for coffee at the end. Sorry!</p>


<p>No college news here.</p>

<p>D chose to stay on campus this year for fall break. She said she was doing grad school apps and studying for the GRE. She also had her graduation requirements check in with her advisor and all stands exactly as she thought. After this semester she needs just 9 credits, to include a 4 credit course at the 300 or 400 level outside her major, and she will have completed her major, minor and all graduation requirements. Wow, that went by fast!</p>

<p>Showmom - anytime for a NYC meet-up this time around? Not sure what my schedule is like, but let me know if you have any free time - maybe I’ll be able to work around your schedule?</p>

<p>Laf - sounds like this fall break time was a working break for lots of kids. </p>

<p>S is supposed to be submitting most of his college apps today - that is he will if he ever gets home. I told him to be home by 7:30 - 8 minutes to go…</p>

<p>good morning all, rainy and foggy here… coffee is ready</p>

<p>S2 has a clep exam saturday… oops, one core he doesnt have…duh!</p>

<p>D is coming to town tonight for the weekend. Southwest has free tv on some of their flights, anyone know how that works? I told her she can watch the Red Sox game. I will be up watching it while I wait for her flight which gets in at midnight. D2’s break coincides so she will be in tomorrow.</p>

<p>Hope D will get some GRE studying/grad school app work in soon. She dropped a class (first time ever she is not taking a full load) and is going to skip the end of the sport season after this weekend. These are the right choices, I hope she keep the balls she is still juggling still up in the air…</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>S10 doesn’t have a fall break at MU. His first break is Thanksgiving. I doubt we see him until then. He’s only 3 hours away, but seems to keep busy. As much as I love having him home, I’m really glad he likes it so well and has made a home for himself at college. I think it would be hard if you had a kid who hated it. Yesterday, in one of his labs, they wore waders, went out into a lake, and caught & tagged turtles. </p>

<p>Fall is here. For days, it’s been about 36 at 7:00 am when I look out at the thermometer. Yesterday was damp & cold - in the upper 40’s - and something in the air felt like it could snow. :eek: I am not ready.</p>

<p>jackie, I’ve been on two SW flights with TV. There’s a limited but fairly broad selection. When I flew, the MLB channel was an option! Don’t know about Fox.</p>

<p>Good morning!</p>

<p>Jackie: My last flight on SW had free TV on our “device” so we watched the Raider game on my phone. You just have to put it on airplane mode and follow the instructions in the in-flight magazine. </p>

<p>We are having Indian summer here, high 50’s or low 60’s in the morning and 80’s in the afternoon. </p>

<p>Absolutely no college news.</p>

<p>No college news here, either. Maybe this weekend?</p>

<p>Thanks for the coffee.</p>