Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>Thanks for the coffee! Sounds like everyone is in a good place! </p>

<p>Looking for some positive vibes aimed directly at DS1. He’s been asked by his school to apply for a very competitive scholarship that would provide some great $$$ for medical school. The first application is to the school and then they will pick those from the school to go forward. Application is due tomorrow. I sure hope he’s spending a good amount of time on the essay between classes and papers that are due!</p>

<p>My life is complete… </p>

<p>No, I really mean it…</p>

<p>I was driving home, listening to my favorite sports radio talk show when guess who comes on?</p>

<p>The lead “performer” from Gwar… </p>

<p>I almost crashed into a telephone pole I was laughing so hard…</p>

<p>PVCs pointed at VAmom’s ds!!!</p>

<p>My deepest sympathies, scu!</p>

<p>No college news here either, though I am getting info thanks to the radio show. Not a lot I can share here. ;)</p>

<p>lol scualum! gsharp is going to be jealous. i still bet he is pushing for gwar to perform at the wedding…could be a unique father daughter dance</p>

<p>fingers crossed vamom!!!</p>

<p>Coffee’s ready. Happy Friday to all!</p>

<p>Loved your story, scualum.</p>

<p>thanks for the coffee alice! brrrr… its in the 40’s here this morning.</p>

<p>Thanks for the coffee. I’ve been cleaning things in the basement, prior to de-acquisitioning, I hope. 2nd married son just bought a house and it seems they will take some of our extra furniture. Not to mention the “stuff” that is his…or it will be tossed. :)</p>

<p>Nothing like cleaning to make you feel accomplished! </p>

<p>It’s chilly here but sunny. Tomorrow actually IS the homecoming parade/game and it’s supposed to rain. :frowning: And we have to be there at O’Dark Thirty in the morning. Why did I want to do this again? Right, to prove I’m not “old” yet.</p>

<p>The other activity for tomorrow is an “airplane pull” wherein DH’s company fields a team at an event raising money for charity. Seriously, the team of 20 is supposed to pull an airplane 12 feet. :eek:</p>

<p>Ready to get home…</p>

<p>I thought of our group this week when one of my meetings had a “hard stop” time so that the leader could get home to help her son with college apps.</p>

<p>Hero of the Week – Some Winnebago filled with frat brothers for providing entertainment to a large portion of the State of California.</p>

<p>12rmh18 – Many congrats to S2 on the post-graduation job!</p>

<p>Checkers – When D15 becomes the first person to teach Kindergarten Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine in space, can we say, “We knew her when…” ;)</p>


Didn’t we all? ;)</p>

<p>LAF – Like you, we had a gorgeous fall day in Princeton last weekend. Sorry we couldn’t be more accommodating to your Leopards!</p>

<p>Tx5 – Congrats to your mom on being a real basket-case (when it comes to raffles). ;)</p>

<p>Mommusic – It’s OK. At least you didn’t actually show up for homecoming on the wrong day. ;)</p>

<p>Aliceinw – Glad you enjoyed your reunion. Is your class forever known as “the Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, The Universe, and Everything?” ;)</p>

<p>Showmom – It guess it’s kinda late to tell you to enjoy your week in NYC? ;)</p>

<p>VAMom2015 – Yet again, I am late sending PVC to your S1.</p>

<p>Scualum – So nice to hear that Oderus was able to make your life complete. GWAR is on tour… a show not to be missed. Living proof that Music and Visual Art majors (with a penchant for Politics and Norse Mythology) should never be allowed to hang out together. :wink: I plan to catch their show at Bogart’s in Cincy. </p>


Dress #2 is all part of my First Law of Wedding Planning Inertia: If the MOB ain’t happy, the FOB ain’t happy! :wink: Besides, DW totally rocks the one that she bought.</p>

<p>Jackief – The big day is April 19th… the day before Easter. Please let it be “Good Saturday.” ;)</p>

<p>P56 – The band for the wedding is taken care of… no GWAR. They probably would have been over budget anyway. So far, the “savings clause” is working and we are projected at nearly 10% under budget. I had to have a little talk with D1 about keeping her “theme” within budget this week, but so far she seems to be listening. I just don’t want the theme to turn into “Brother Can You Spare a Dime.” ;)</p>

<p>Re: Fall Break – Do any of you know if D2 plans to come home for her’s? That whole “Let me know by Wednesday” thing hasn’t worked out too well. :rolleyes:</p>

<p>We had a nice, but brief, visit with D2 last weekend. We saw her a little before the game, she sat with us at half-time, and a little after the game… then she was off to do her thing which is fine with us. DW did get a little weepy about how stressed D2 looked and how every year starting in 3rd grade that D2 would want DW to climb in bed with her when she was having her school-year meltdowns, but they can’t do that anymore.</p>

<p>And another note on the homecoming parade–if you feel the need to enlarge your music because your marching music holder does not keep it at the correct distance from your eyes, does this mean you are too old to march in the Alumni Band? Or rather shall we say the Alumni Band is full of AKs and you are exactly where you should be? :D</p>

<p>Good morning. Coffee and green smoothies are ready.</p>

<p>Afternoon everyone. </p>

<p>Watching the Florida@Mizzou game and man is it tough. I am sure Checkers’ son is enjoying it more than I am ;)</p>

<p>I’m watching A&M-Auburn. :)</p>

<p>Woo Hoo Mdemvizi - yes he enjoyed the game very much. :)</p>

<p>Off to a wedding - time for cake. :)</p>

<p>Yay, UC won their Homecoming game against UConn. :)</p>

<p>And I marched in the cold & rain, and had fun doing it! And got to see DS who came out for the parade. He didn’t watch any of the game, however, as he had team practice for the upcoming ICPC (programming competition).</p>

<p>Good morning. Coffee’s on, especially for you tired but happy Red Sox fans out there.</p>

<p>thanks for the coffee alice! </p>

<p>clep exam done, core course credit…yay for one less course final semester!</p>

<p>Hey all, my name is RobD and according to CC I haven’t visited since 9/17. gulp! That’s some kind of record since I joined in 2008! I blame it on a few things: empty nest, crazy work, phone that hated me and needed 4 visits to the apple store before it was replaced, some travel, etc. But I’ve been thinking of y’all!</p>

<p>G#: glad to hear that the wedding plans continue to move forward. I’m impressed that you’re 10% under budget. And I’m so happy to hear that your FIL made such great improvements!</p>

<p>12rmh: so sorry about the loss of geriatric dog. Our pet companions really take a piece of our heart!</p>

<p>CM: that really stinks about your DS’s professor. Complete BS. Also, I can’t believe your D is looking at colleges.</p>

<p>So what’s going on since I was last here: attended 2 Parent’s Weekends, DH & I celebrated our 25th anniversary, D1 is diligently working on her senior thesis, and (drum roll please) she took part in the big B-school career fair week and was extended an internship offer for this summer in Atlanta! D2 is enjoying her freshman year; she flew home for fall break last weekend. </p>

<p>Hope everyone is enjoying a relaxing weekend :)</p>

<p>Happy Monday, everyone! It’s time for that SECOND cup of coffee, ye slugabeds!</p>

<p>Welcome back, RobD. That’s ok, my name is mommusic and I am a CC addict. ;)</p>

<p>S has 2 midterms today and another one later this week. And he reports he had to get up early Sunday morning to talk to the team members in India (for an honors class they are designing something with/for a 3rd world country.)</p>

<p>thanks for coffee mommusic…think i’m on my 4th!!</p>

<p>coffee is ready!! good morning all!</p>