Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>Thanks for the coffee. Just thought I’d stop by to confirm that as of last night I still have two children. And both seem to be doing pretty well.</p>

<p>Good morning! Thanks for the coffee! I am moving slow today.</p>

<p>Talked to S3 a bit. He is enjoying his first semester of college. I am hoping the fraternity foolishness tones down a bit after the pledging period is over (which is I think 3 more weeks). He signed up for his first round of classes for next semester. He actually talked to an advisor, which surprised me. </p>

<p>No news from S2. He said he was taking it easy last weekend because of a Monday midterm. </p>

<p>D1 is enjoying being a teacher. The math department is dressing up as Peanuts characters for Halloween. She will be Woodstock. The big news is that she may be moving out. A friend needs roommates for an apartment down by the beach. So we may be real empty-nesters soon after all.</p>

<p>good morning all! coffee is ready… no college news here</p>

<p>My college boy is learning how to monitor his debit and credit cards on line, and what to do with a flat/leaky tire. Growing up! My post-college girl has made phone calls to doctors, government agencies, etc. in connection with her bus accident (they won’t speak to me), and planning her trip to Central America. All grown up?!</p>

<p>Happy Wednesday to all.</p>

<p>Hey, all. Got a phone call from college boy that he’s getting a flu shot this morning. What? Without last-minute prompting? <em>thud</em> Growing up indeed.</p>

<p>He called last night to ask about a paper he was doing and sounded horrible. Seemed much better today. He said last night he was tired and stressed with all the work that needed to be done but that it had gone more smoothly than expected and so got lots of sleep. Also, last weekend he played in a tournament in really crappy weather – cold and rainy – so he’s probably still recovering from that. So what’s he doing this weekend? Yep, playing in another tournament.</p>

<p>Something I didn’t write about earlier is that I went to a recruiting event for his school this weekend and had a wonderful time. The alums’ home was one of the most beautiful I’ve ever seen. If every alum was guaranteed a home like this one, people would be beating down the doors. It was right on the water, the day was beautiful and everyone spoke so glowingly of the school that it must have been overwhelming for the prospies and their families. </p>

<p>But one thing stuck out to me … almost every alum spoke of how difficult the classes are. alice, have your kids said that? Anyone else’s kids weigh in on the difficulty of their schoolwork? I never felt like my college classes were that challenging. Did I sometimes have lots of work? Yeah. But it’s not like it was that tough; it was just a lot at that point in the semester.</p>

<p>YDS - I think my kids would say they work hard, and steadily, but not harder than they expected. They have fun and engage in other activities, but know they have to make choices because the primary reason they are in college is the academic part.</p>

<p>Turns out ds took the Foreign Service exam just to see what it was like. Apparently you don’t have to pay anything. To my surprise it included personal questions, like how often do people come to you for advise? And then if you said they did, you had to give examples. They give it three times a year, so he’ll probably take it for real the next time.</p>

<p>Coffee’s ready. I have always been curious about the foreign service exam. I think my D should try it - I don’t even know if she’s aware of it.</p>

<p>Thanks for the coffee. First day back to work after our week in New York City with D1. I miss her already. The weather there was absolutely perfect! Now that we have left it looks like the cold is coming.</p>

<p>Anyone need a late cup of coffee? I’ll put a new pot on.</p>

<p>Happy Friday, all.</p>

<p>i’ll take one alice…thanks</p>

<p>i have been tearing house apart looking for a pair of glasses… cant figure out where i put them.</p>

<p>no college news, but S2 attending a conference tomorrow put on by 3 md/phd programs… hopefully some good info for him.</p>

<p>Good morning! Happy Friday! Thanks for the coffee.</p>

<p>D1, Dog Henry and I went to the annual Yappy Hour Howl-o-Ween last night. It was very fun and very silly. My favorite was a blood hound dressed as Duck Dynasty. A close second was the dad dressed as Luke Skywalker, a baby as Princess Leia and the dog dressed as an Ewok. Henry went low-key and just wore Mickey Ears and a bandana. </p>

<p>No college news. I am going with “no news is good news”.</p>

Are you sure you are not wearing those glasses you are looking for? lol</p>

<p>Technically, it is still Friday, right? I hope Alice isn’t still at work. This week is a blur for me… worked 6:30AM – Midnight every night and I am staying in-town to work this weekend. I did buy a Bengals ticket for Sunday’s game though, so I can turn off my brain for a while.</p>

<p>Mommusic – Congrats to that other Cincy team, the Bearcats, on their homecoming win!</p>

<p>Hey look everybody, it’s RobD! Happy belated anniversary! And…</p>

<p>Heroine of the Week – RobD’s D1 for the intership offer!</p>

<p>Aliceinw – Good to hear that you still have two children (with adult tendencies). May as well work on a third. ;)</p>

<p>P56 – I usually find my glasses on top of my head. I can tell that I am getting old because I have to take them off to read. ;)</p>

<p>Re: Class Difficulty – D2 has definitely said that her classes are “challenging.” Much of it is the volume of work (sometimes ~1000 pages of reading in a week + papers) that makes it like drinking from a firehose. She said that last semester was particularly difficult because her largest class was 12 students, so she had to be on the ball for every class… no “hiding” in the back of a lecture hall.</p>

<p>In college news, my week began with getting D2 an Amtrak ticket to come home for fall break and ended with me canceling that ticket so that she can stay at school and work on her senior thesis.</p>

<p>Coffee’s on. I am heading to an early yoga class this AM. </p>

<p>G# - I did wonder when it was time to go home yesterday when I didn’t run across an airport posting from you, but managed to use the clock to go home. Sorry your D will not be visiting. </p>

<p>P56 - hope you found those glasses. </p>

<p>Happy Saturday.</p>

<p>Thanks for the coffee.</p>

<p>G# sorry D2 isn’t coming home, but I’m sure her life will be less stressful in the long run to get ahead on the thesis. My DS actually got home earlier than planned because he got to the station and there was time to get on an earlier train! </p>

<p>I’m enjoying having DS1 home. He’s in the kitchen right now helping DS2 with some homework! :)</p>

<p>Good morning! Coffee is on (and I’ll add the virtual bagels & NYTimes.)</p>

<p>Realized I miss my S and won’t see him until Thanksgiving. We kind of got used to seeing him for a couple of weekends in a row–Parents Weekend, then Homecoming…</p>

<p>Of course, he’ll be living at home (co-op semester) January through April. With his laundry & a need for regular meals…</p>

<p>Thanks for the coffee and bagels. I had to go for a real NYT so I can do the crossword puzzle. </p>

<p>Happy Sunday to all. Hoping to hear from my kiddos tonight.</p>

<p>Spent some time talking with ds last night, post-frisbee tournament. Had a great time but was tired.</p>

<p>He thinks it’s a good idea to study and take the GRE over his long winter break. That makes me happy. I told him I’d buy him a prep book and have it waiting for him when he gets home. :)</p>

<p>Hi All! Enjoying a low key weekend. D2 texted her Sunday night skype request. D1 will be home mid-week for her fall break, so I’ll have someone to help me pass out Halloween candy :)</p>

<p>My plan is to tackle a project I’ve let lie for far too long: dealing with home office paperwork…</p>