Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>Checking in with the happy news that DGS has accepted an offer for ‘gainful employment’ in the consulting field upon graduation. He said that interviewing and ultimately deciding between multiple offers was really stressful, now he can take a deep breath and relax! Recently daughter forwarded info from Harvard about graduation but our reservations/plans for graduation week were finalized some time ago, :-), and now, with his job acceptance, home stretch is within sight! What a journey it’s been! I remember 2008, H.S. Junior year & my first venture into College Confidential. I volunteered to help with the college search and I had so many questions and so much to learn. I recognize many that have posted all through the years, and are still active on this thread, and were/are generous and supporting and so helpful. It’s exciting to learn of the success of the sons & daughters of my ‘virtual’ friends. Although I don’t post often, I read through the thread pages and try to keep up with the newsy news. Thanks for letting this old Grammy (Bubbe) peek into your busy lives. I’ll be very close to 80 yrs. at DGS 2014 graduation, and ‘Grandpa’ will be ‘pushing’ 89. We look forward to (2) other grandchildren’s college graduations; Grandaughter, EHL 2016 and Grandson, McGill University 2017 - but that’s for another thread…Happy Halloween to all.</p>

<p>Granddaughter #4 (After a 2 yr. ‘GAP’ working with the London Olympics) @ Class of 2016 EHL = Ecole h</p>

<p>Thanks for the update, Bubbe! You must be kvelling! :)</p>

<p>As I approach a significant birthday with a child still in college and a 4 year old grandchild, I wonder what my level of interest/aptitude will be when MY DGS begins the college search! You are definitely an inspiration.</p>

<p>Might as well put the coffee on, since I’m up…</p>

<p>Bubbe, nice to hear from you! Glad your GS is doing well. I hope you get to visit GD#4 in Switzerland - sounds lovely.</p>

<p>S is awaiting his LSAT score but is 99% sure he is not going to law school after all. There may be a GMAT in his future…. </p>

<p>D has a re-take on the GRE tomorrow. Any PVCs (positive vibes) you can send her way would be helpful. She’s really stressed about it, although she’s been studying. If she could just raise her verbal score 2-3 points we think it would really help her chances for admission to grad school. Currently her GRE Verbal is the weak link in her applications.</p>

<p>pvc’s headed your d’s way laf!!! </p>

<p>thanks for the coffee mommusic</p>

<p>waving at bubbe!! and congrats!</p>

<p>Happy Monday everyone!</p>

<p>Bubbe - congrats to your GS!</p>

<p>Laf - sending PVCs to your D. I am wondering if D1’s good friend that graduated college after 3 years is really going to go forward with law school. I haven’t talked to his mom recently, but over the summer she said he would not go to law school unless he was accepted to a top 25 school. Maybe your S will want to pursue and MBA in the future?</p>

<p>Congrats, Bubbe!</p>

<p>Laf, remind me … does she get scores right away? Good luck to her!</p>

<p>~~~ waving to Bubbe - so nice to see you again. And that’s great news about your GS’s getting a post-graduation (and multiple offers, to boot)!</p>

<p>Sending PVCs to Laf’s D. Tell her to chill, and to eat a banana for breakfast (brain food, according to my children’s 4th grade teacher). Stress is not her friend.</p>

<p>mommusic - thanks for the coffee. And as for that generations thing - I just reconnected with a high school classmate of mine who has 10 children ranging in age from 38 - 12 (3 still at home), and 15 grandchildren!!! And our next special birthday is still 2 years away.</p>

<p>YDS - usually they get the scores other than the writing right away.</p>

<p>Happy Monday to all.</p>

<p>alice, did you hear from the kids this weekend?</p>

<p>Bubbe–Congrats to your GS and all your grandkids. You are an inspiration! My father has quit traveling. He is 87. He came for DS1’s HS graduation but since he doesn’t want to travel will not be here for DS1’s College graduation or DS2’s HS graduation (which are both in 2015!). He’s healthy for his age, but travelling is hard. We’ll send lots of photos!</p>

<p>Laf–PVC’s pointed directly at your DD for the GRE. Here’s hoping 2nd time’s a charm!</p>

<p>This week is end of the quarter for HS DS2. So we are scrambling to make sure all assignments have been turned in and there’s nothing missing. He does the work, but it doesn’t always make it to the teacher. </p>

<p>DS1 is home for fall break and I’ve scheduled an appointment for him to get his immunizations for Panama for spring study abroad. The school has a recommended list, we’ll see if the Dr adds anything or suggests any changes. We are under the military health care system, so they are well versed on travel immunizations!</p>

<p>Yes, YDS - As of last night I still had two kids. Both busy. I guess that’s a good thing.</p>

<p>Yes, YDS, GRE scores show up right away. She’ll know as soon as she’s done. </p>

<p>It’s a big test week in our family. S got his LSAT score today. He did quite well and he was happy. He did well enough to feel proud of himself (and outscored his cousin by 2 points) but not quite well enough to guarantee himself a top 10 acceptance. Which means he feels ok about his decision NOT to apply to law school after all. If he had done too well he’d have felt obligated to apply and he’s pretty sure that’s not what he wants to do. :stuck_out_tongue: </p>

<p>Now, if he could just take the GRE for D…</p>

<p>Bubbe - big congrats to your DGS! Maybe we’ll finally get to meet at some point during Commencement. :slight_smile: </p>

<p>Laf - sending PVCs to your D for tomorrow morning!</p>

<p>Yoohoo . . . anyone home? Doesn’t look like it. Well, I’ll put on a pot of coffee, and maybe someone will show up later. Perhaps I can lure them with scones . . . <em>listens for footsteps</em></p>

<p>Good afternoon! Thanks for the coffee Alice! I was quite busy this morning at work and didn’t have time to check in. I am going to Parent Weekend on Friday for S2. I think most senior parents don’t go, but I have had so much fun the last couple of years I decided to go. I will just go to the Friday events which are very fun. I am going with a good friend whose daughter is a sophomore so it should be fun. S2’s girlfriend will also be there for the weekend. They have a DJ at the Friday night dinner and S2 never dances with me, so maybe his GF will. The schedule for Winter quarter came out yesterday and S2 says he has some good options. He could skip Spring quarter all together, but since he still doesn’t know what he wants to do after graduation he probably won’t.</p>

<p>Bubbe: Congratulations to your DGS! I hope that when I am at your stage I will be as vibrant as you are :)</p>

<p>GSharp: I’ve thought of you a few times this week, as fliers are up all down Broadway and Divisions Streets for the Reverend Horton Heat & Unknown Hinson show this coming Friday. </p>

<p>D1 is coming home for fall break tomorrow! I suspect Halloween may be a bust as we’re under the gun for rain & severe storms in the late afternoon/early evening time frame. Boo (for real.) She has a full plate while home including two trips to archives for primary sources for her senior thesis.</p>

<p>good morning all! coffee is ready!</p>

<p>can’t believe S2 is already registering for his last semester of classes for undergrad!! where did 4 years go??</p>

<p>D1’s flight for Christmas is booked and we get to have her home for 13 days! </p>

<p>Crazy times for me at work right now, but I have the whole week of Christmas off to spend with the family. :)</p>

<p>Happy Halloween! Coffee and chocolate chip pumpkin bread for everyone :)</p>

<p>thanks showmom!!! happy halloween all!</p>