Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>Good morning! </p>

<p>Laf: Sorry about the roommate situation. No fun. My daughter’s random roommates always turned out better than the ones she picked herself. </p>

<p>I spent Friday at S2’s Parent Weekend. I have been to Parent Weekend at 3 different schools now and definitely hands down S2’s school does the best job of the three. They have a welcome from the Chancellor, with entertainment by a couple of acapella groups, faculty lectures, meals outside on this big quad, and at dinner they have a visit by the cheerleaders and marching band followed by dancing with a fun DJ. For the faculty lectures, since I am a science gal, I decided to try out something different, so I went to a lecture by a psychology/communications professor about “judging a book by it’s cover”, and a lecture, with performances by students, on American Opera. I don’t really know anything about opera but I really enjoyed listening to the students. I thought they were very good until the instructor sang, WOW! she was incredible!! S2’s girlfriend was also up for the weekend so I got to hang out with her a bit. S2 seems very happy. I think she is definitely good for him. She even got him to dance at dinner!! </p>

<p>D1 is moving out! Either this weekend or next weekend. She found a place by the beach with a friend. It seems to be a good situation so I am happy for her. It looks like DH and I will be real empty-nesters after all, at least until the boys come home for Thanksgiving and Winter Break.</p>

<p>Coffee for everyone. I’m looking forward to going home tonight. Still have another long day of sessions to get through first. Happy Thursday.</p>

<p>Laf-pvcs for you and your dad. No one wants that kind of stress. I hope a solution comes soon! </p>

<p>Tx5athome-that sounds like a great parents party, I mean weekend! I’d be planning to go again next year if I were you. </p>

<p>DS said his interview went well. He doesn’t know when he will hear the results but hopefully soon. </p>

<p>I’m headed to more seminars and such. Sure wish I could just sit by the pool and enjoy the weather!</p>

<p>good morning all…thanks for coffee alice.</p>

<p>glad tohear interview went well vamom!!</p>

<p>i’m a bad mother… havent ever been to a parents weekend</p>

<p>P56 - thanks for the coffee!</p>

<p>I guess I’m a bad Mom too as I never went to parents weekend since my D was on the other side of the country and I chose to visit at other times.</p>

<p>Good luck, vamom’s ds!</p>

<p>Also never been to a parents weekend.</p>

<p>Ds is driving to Missouri tomorrow for a frisbee tournament. Seven hours. PVCs requested for safe travels.</p>

<p>Ditto that PVC request, YDS.</p>

<p>PVCs for safe travel YDS and Alice!</p>

<p>Definitely since S2’s school is only 45 miles away (although it took almost 2 hours each way because of horrendous traffic) it is much easier for me to get to Parent Weekend. And because it is so much fun I went back every year. Sadly since he is a senior this was my last one. I went to S3’s Parent Weekend last month and although fun, definitely next time I will visit on a different weekend. For D1 we went to one Parent Weekend and then a few parent brunches at the sorority house.</p>

<p>Lunchtime coffee anyone?</p>

<p>I am glad to be home, but of course trying to catch up on all kinds of work.</p>

<p>Happy Friday to all.</p>

<p>On my way home for a very un-fun weekend helping DW clean out my FIL’s house to get ready to sell. :(</p>

<p>I see that I missed the Orlando meet up. Nobody tells me anything. ;)</p>

<p>Mommusic – Lunch at Google sounds fun. Can you Google “lunch” on their intranet to find out what’s for lunch? ;)</p>

<p>VAMom2015 – Lunch in a dining hall just sounds stressful… good luck with DS2. As usual, I missed sending DS1 PVC on the scholarship. I sounds like he did well!</p>

<p>LAF – Sorry I missed sending PVC for wisdom to you and your DH as well as your D. You’d think by now roommate problems would be behind them. I think that the novelty of roommates for D2 and friends wore off as they all have singles this year.</p>

<p>Aliceinw – Hopefully things will calm down for your S, but that the interviews are fruitful.</p>

<p>P56 – Hopefully things will work out for your S too. Look at the bright side, the son of one of my coworkers is a junior this year and decided that engineering isn’t what he expected and wants to switch to neuro now. :eek: He’s not looking forward to that conversation this weekend.</p>

<p>Tx5 – Sounds like Parent’s Weekend was well choreographed. And, congrats to D1 on finding housing!</p>

<p>Re: Parent’s Weekend – D2’s school specifically calls it “Freshman Parent’s Weekend” to try to keep it from getting over crowded. We unwitting went on that weekend this year, but had no problems. D2 invited us to have lunch with her in her “Eating Club” (Don’t ask. Think inconvenient dining hall.), but we didn’t make it on time. There is more to it than just food, so we took the tour.</p>

<p>Despite being remiss myself, we could use a little PVC this coming week as future-SIL is having some fairly major surgery with a week in the hospital and a long recovery time that could even affect his mobility for April’s wedding. So, the stress level is a little high at the G# household. :frowning: On a more positive note, D1 turned in her notice this week to which her current employer responded by asking her to meet with him the next day and tell him what position she would like and “what it would take” for her to stay. I think that she still plans to leave, but it was nice to be wanted. :)</p>

<p>In college news, D2 has already let us know that she wants to go back at least a week early for Christmas break to work on her thesis. I did get a pix message from D2 of a paper with an “A” on it and the message… “It seems like a long time since I’ve seen one of these.” Hmmmm ;)</p>

<p>PVCs to your future SIL, G#. Hoping they’ll get a first dance come April.</p>

<p>Son came home for dinner tonight as his sister & nephew are visiting. We had other friends over and it was so nice. And S got a ride back to campus so we didn’t have to drive him. :)</p>

<p>Tomorrow is the big programming competition. We’re in the district with Carnegie Mellon so that usually decides the outcome but you never know. He remarked that the practice problems seem more doable this year than last (I would hope his education is having some effect!) :D</p>

<p>Sending good wishes to G# SIL. And that was nice of D’s employer to try to keep her!</p>

<p>late with coffee, but it’s hot. </p>

<p>pvc’s to your SIL gsharp!! hope all goes well</p>

<p>Good afternoon!</p>

<p>PVCs to your future SIL, GSharp! Hope all goes well! </p>

<p>Nice for your D1 to know that she’s wanted by her current employer. :slight_smile: Good luck to her with her new job!</p>

<p>Hmmm, D hasn’t mentioned anything to us about returning to school early during winter break, but I’m sure she will as that will probably be the time she finishes up most of the work on her thesis. It’s a long break for her, so under normal circumstances I wouldn’t feel too sad about her leaving, but she’s talking about going away for spring break this year (something she hasn’t done yet), and then accepting a job offer in another part of the country - a job that will start 2 days after she graduates -so winter break might be our last time having her at home. :(</p>

<p>Mommusic - good luck to your son in the big programming competition!</p>

<p>Good morning! I am so glad to have a 3 day weekend! </p>

<p>Major PVCs to G#'s future SIL!! </p>

<p>S2 went to San Diego for the weekend to visit his GF. This is his first real girlfriend and he said “I have to say I really like her and everything but it makes me really busy, I really can’t be lazy”. LOL.</p>

<p>That’s funny, tx5!</p>

<p>coffee is ready!!</p>

<p>coffee with dinner, anyone?</p>

<p>Morning coffee’s ready. No word from S other than that he made it back to school Sunday night ( well, actually Monday morning) from Missouri. I am hoping to hear Thursday that he survived this week and passes his comps. YDS - if you hear anything, please let me know.</p>

<p>Good morning–not checking in too often b/c we’re playing with the grandson and cooking meals for a houseful of people. :)</p>