Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>I’ll PM you, alice. I have a few details.</p>

<p>I talked to ds last night. Because he’s not working this long break people are coming up with all kinds of things for him to do – volunteer here, drive Grandma there. Poor guy.</p>

<p>Anybody else have snow this morning? It’s a light layer all over our freshly raked leaf piles (and on some trees that still have leaves!) :confused:</p>

<p>It snowed here but didn’t stick, thank goodness.</p>

<p>We had a few flurries yesterday. S10 had sleet in Columbia at MU yesterday afternoon. It was 10 this morning. November is just too early !</p>

<p>Saw college boy tonight. He came home for his nephew’s 4th birthday party and a good home-cooked meal. The nephew was excited to see him cause after a week of us OLD grownups playing with him, well, the novelty has worn off (much as we love him.) So S was a fresh audience and everyone was happier. :)</p>

<p>Coffee’s ready. S will present his math comps this afternoon. Fingers crossed.</p>

<p>Everything crossed for him, alice! Let us know how it goes.</p>

<p>My parents listened to ds’s radio show last night and now my mom is worried that he’s not getting enough sleep. Definitely getting to be crunch time.</p>

<p>We are visiting in-laws in the Midwest. It is COLD here!!! Gah. I don’t have the attitude I had about cold when I was a college student at NU. </p>

<p>We saw DS last weekend, we went to watch him in a competition… He spent so much time getting ready for it, he blew off his poster/discussion for his summer research. He is also behind in getting grad school apps done, not even started, much less completed. He says that a lot of his friends are similarly paralyzed. Maybe it is contagious or maybe it is something in the water there. I think they are all so happy where they are and who they are friends with now after tough HS times that they don’t even want to think of leaving. He IS still on track to graduate though, he only needs three more classes. He have an over abundance of units, but needs a science or two and one special math class that is only offered in the spring. So what was the first think he dropped this quarter? Oh yeah, that would be the science class which would have filled the requirement. He says he has employable skills though so he won’t starve if he doesn’t go to grad school… Gahhhhh</p>

<p>Eso - keeping my fingers crossed for your S! I’m sure he’ll be fine, but I totally get the stress. I have no doubt he’ll be fine - that he’ll graduate and get a job, grad school or no grad school. :)</p>

<p>Grad school apps being postponed here too, esobay. D told me she was panicked because she thought the first one was due 12/1 - then she re-checked the website and it’s actually due 1/1. She only has 2 finals and they’re both on the LAST day of exams, so she’ll have over a week after classes end to study. She can’t study all that time, so she’ll do some grad school app work then. And then she’ll be home around 12/13, so she’ll probably finish the apps at home. Am I happy about this? No. Is there any point in me nagging her to do them sooner? No. <sigh> I just hope they’re done before Christmas. The irony is that she’s taking a REALLY light load next spring, and she’ll be done with her sorority Executive Council duties - she’d have lots of time to work on apps then. Oh well.</sigh></p>

<p>A round of Starbucks is on me this morning. OK, maybe 2 rounds… I need it since I left for the airport at 3:30AM to catch a flight back to VA for my annual performance review, go home to pick up DW, drive to Richmond to see D1 at the hospital, then end the day in Maryland as we head to NJ for the weekend.</p>

<p>Sorry Alice, it’s definitely not time to go home yet! Hopefully your S aced his comps!</p>

<p>Mommusic – I also “enjoyed” the Cincy snow. :wink: I hope that your S kicked programmer butt. </p>

<p>Tx5 – Nice to hear that your S isn’t lazy. ;)</p>

<p>YDS – Feeling sorry for your S being voluntold what to do on his break! No wonder he’s so tired.</p>


Same for D2. She just bristles at the thought of actually graduating and having to leave her school / friends.</p>

<p>Future-SIL had 6 hours of surgery yesterday and came through it as best as he could I suppose. He (and D1 by extension) has a long road of recovery ahead. </p>

<p>In college news, the word from DW is that D2 is surly. She ordered her class ring this week and stayed in budget. :slight_smile: She will be cheering in her last football game this weekend (already?), so we are going up to watch her, I mean the game. :wink: I wonder if we are on the “free ticket” list. :rolleyes: She has already warned us that she has thesis work to do, so probably won’t see much of her. The plan is for her to come home (appropriately enough?) on Friday 13th so she can attend her sister’s frou frou shower the next day. Unfortunately, their exams are after Christmas, so she’ll spend much of the holidays studying… ergh!</p>

<p>That’s EARLY G#! </p>

<p>So quiet here with the houseguests gone (including the 4-year-old). :(</p>

<p>But I’m peripherally involved with a college search again! SIL is networking, applying for, and actually securing interviews for faculty positions so D and I (via the internet) are checking out the places where they might conceivably end up. It’s different looking at it from this perspective…professor with a family instead of student. </p>


<p>G# - now I am hopelessly confused. How will I know when it’s time to go home today? Best wishes to your SIL on his recovery.</p>

<p>My S did survive his comps presentation, and felt reasonably good about it. It turns out he now has to have a discussion with two math professors about it, wherein they will try to discern whether he really understands this stuff. I think comps are only graded pass or fail, but I could be mistaken. Maybe I’ll find out, maybe not.</p>

<p>mommusic - I love the idea of looking at colleges from that angle. How interesting! When you’re ready, I hope you’ll have some stories and observations to share.</p>

<p>Happy Friday to all.</p>

<p>G#, sending good thoughts for your future SIL’s recovery.</p>

<p>Coffee’s ready. I am getting ready to head out to yoga. Hoping to hear from my kiddos later today.</p>

<p>Morning all! Tea with lemon for all takers. </p>

<p>Things are quiet on the college front. D1 turned in her first draft for her senior history thesis last week, and just found out she was elected an officer in her student professional organization. Both D’s will be home next week for Thanksgiving. </p>

<p>G#: glad that your future SILs surgery went well. And is it already time for a bridal shower? Please tell me that you’re going and watching from the wings!</p>

<p>Alice: I’m glad that comps went well!</p>

<p>Stay safe today everyone, some crazy weather in store!</p>

<p>Late night check in here. CC is reminding me that I haven’t posted in a bit. </p>

<p>Just registered for next semester which will not be my final undergrad semester. Hoping that 2015 will be the graduation date for me. Another semester of a full load!</p>

<p>I have about two weeks of classes left before finals with this upcoming week and the week after Thanksgiving. We are going to North Carolina to see my brother since he can’t get away. Taking the puppy dog so it should be interesting. </p>

<p>Hope everyone is well!</p>

<p>GSharp - I can’t believe it’s already bridal shower time! Yikes! </p>

<p>Good to hear that your future SIL’s surgery went well.</p>

<p>I’ve been thinking about your D2 with her school being in the news this week. Hoping she and the rest of the students stay well!</p>

<p>RobD - yay for both of your D’s making it home for Thanksgiving! My D will be coming home next Tuesday, and I can’t wait to see her!</p>

<p>Good morning. Coffee and tea and warm lemon water are available if anyone drops by today.</p>

<p>I have no news to report, as S was decidedly untalkative on Sunday evening.</p>

<p>Thanks for the warm lemon water…the air has dried out considerably since Sunday. It’s beginning to be that time of year when I wake up and do a mental systems check of the upper respiratory to see if I am getting sick or merely suffering from normal (for me) morning ick.</p>

<p>I know, TMI. :D</p>

<p>Looking forward to travels with S: Thanksgiving in Pittsburgh, winter break & a trip to see my father, and my significant birthday. DH and I are thinking New Orleans would be nice this time of year… :)</p>