Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>Good morning!</p>

<p>No news from S3, my freshman, because evidently this is initiation week for his fraternity and he is under an “implied silence” which means he can only talk about school work, no FB, texting, etc…</p>

<p>S2 called yesterday. He spilled a cup of water on his Macbook. It is in rice for 3 days hoping for a recovery, but most likely it is a goner. Luckily he didn’t have anything “irreplaceable” on it. </p>

<p>I played tennis last night, I split sets and my shoulder (which had been bothering me) doesn’t hurt, so a good night.</p>

<p>thanks for the coffee alice!! no college news here…hoping it gears up a bit with apps for next year.</p>

<p>S10 will be home Friday afternoon for Thanksgiving break. It’ll be so nice to have him here. Yesterday, already, was a ‘last’ lab for a class this semester. Thought that was a bit early, however, finals will be the week of Dec 9.</p>

<p>D is focusing on her grad school apps (finally!) A couple of weeks ago she was “panicked” because she thought one of them was due 12/1. She checked, and it’s due 1/1, so she calmed down and went back to her coursework. Well, last weekend I was looking online at a different one of her schools to get some ideas of costs, and discovered THEIR app is due 12/1! And another is due 12/15. Fortunately she just turned in the 2nd draft of a big paper (for her senior seminar) and just finished the first draft of her personal statement for grad school, and said she’s got some less-busy (schoolwork wise) time between now and finals. So she’s finally digging into the grad school apps. She sent me her personal statement to review, and I made a few edits and suggestions, most of which she decided to keep. :slight_smile: She’s not sure if she’ll get them done before Thanksgiving or if she’ll have to do some work on them an upload when we’re all at her grandparents’ house for the weekend. </p>

<p>We decided we’ll all go see Catching Fire together next weekend too. :)</p>

<p>hmmm checkers… i just realized S2 hasnt told me his thanksgiving plans.</p>

<p>coffee is ready!</p>

<p>Coffee’s on, if anyone wants some with lunch - since no one stopped by for an early cup.</p>

<p>I actually have COLLEGE news. S passed his integrative exercise for his first major. One down, one to go! And he has a job interview for a REAL job, and a few other irons in the fire. What happened to that guy I sent off as a freshman?</p>

<p>aliceinw - so glad to hear the good news about your S. Time has surely gone by fast since freshman year. Especially since my 2014 D graduated in 2013!</p>

<p>Just thought I’d stop by and rinse out the coffee pot and put on a fresh one. After all, G# may stop by this afternoon, and perhaps others as well.</p>

<p>S spoke with H yesterday, and apparently seemed quite low key considering he was traveling for an interview, still has one major project and one exam for an “easy” course, and needs to pack up and get to his sister’s in Minneapolis on Monday night so he can catch his early flight home on Tuesday. I guess if he’s not worried, I shouldn’t worry(?). </p>

<p>Happy Friday to all. I’m so glad it’s here.</p>

<p>Thanks for the fresh coffee–I’ve been selfishly drinking it all myself as I sit at the computer, doing up minutes for an org that I am now secretary of. No big deal, but I do need to go out for a walk or something, even tho it is drizzling off and on. Between the computer and the piano, I’ve been sitting entirely too much!</p>

<p>So waving to all, have a great weekend, get started on your Turkey dinners if you have to cook, and happy travels and good luck to those soon to be winding up the quarter or semester. </p>

<p>S has about a week and a half before exams…I sure hope he abandoned the NaNoWriMo project. What a time sink!</p>

<p>TGIF, everyone.</p>

<p>It’s sooo cold here. Was sunny and in the 70s or 80s yesterday; right now, it’s in the 30s, raining and windy. I met friends for lunch but am not in sweats watching the Kennedy coverage.</p>

<p>Ds comes home Monday night, and I can wait, especially because ds2 isn’t coming home for Thanksgiving.</p>

<p>Good luck on to alice’s ds on the interview!</p>

<p>I know, I Know. I’m late again… just making up for a 5:00AM post last weekend I suppose. Perhaps we can hop in a Tardis and read this post a little earlier in the day. Actually, there’s no going home for me this weekend. Too much work to do. :frowning: I sure hope that AliceinW isn’t still at work because of me. ;)</p>

<p>So, is anyone else getting prepared for the big Dr. Who 50th Anniversary simulcast this weekend?
Sat. 11/23 @ 2:50PM EST (7:50PM GMT)
[Doctor</a> Who | BBC America](<a href=“]Doctor”></p>

<p>“The way I see it, every life is a pile of good things and bad things. The good things don’t always soften the bad things, but vice-versa, the bad things don’t necessarily spoil the good things and make them unimportant.” – Dr. Who</p>


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<p>Ok now that the geeky stuff is over, on to the important stuff. You know, like the Monty Python reunion…
[BBC</a> News - Monty Python to reunite for stage show](<a href=“]BBC”>Monty Python to reunite for stage show - BBC News)</p>

<p>Stop! Stop! That’s enough of that mindless dribble. People want to get caught up on the 2014 world…</p>

<p>Heroines of the Week – RobD’s D’s for both being able to come home for Thanksgiving.</p>

<p>Hero of the Week – AliceinW’s S for being all smart, busy, and having it on the ball!</p>

<p>Mommusic – Sounds like you have all kinds of travel fun coming up. :wink: Your S better hurry if he’s gonna get that novel done in time. ;)</p>

<p>Tx5 – When it comes to frats, no news may be good news. :wink: Did the Mac Book survive? Also, I read too fast and thought that you had split your shoulder! :eek:</p>

<p>LAF – Don’t you just love it when they actually take your editorial advice? :wink: </p>

<p>Showmom – Since your D gave you a 25% tuition discount, does that mean you are looking for beneficiaries? ;)</p>

<p>YDS – Speaking of Kennedy coverage, guess what we found when cleaning our my FIL’s house 2 weekends ago? Yep, the newspaper from the day after the assassination. Strange that we would find that now, huh? Also found a photo of my FIL with what appears to be a 20-ish YO Johnny Cash (my FIL was a radio DJ).</p>

<p>LIMOMOF2 – Yeah, the Princeton meningitis stuff has us concerned. Yet another case today. They had signs around campus when we were there last weekend and we saw the story on the Today Show in the hotel prior to going to campus. Enjoy your D at Thanksgiving too! D2 and I will be on the same flight from ATL to home on Wed. Guess who is getting my 1st Class seat? ;)</p>

<p>RobD/LIMOMOF2 – They planned an early bridal shower so that D2 could attend over the holidays. After that she’ll be lucky just to get back for the wedding day.</p>

<p>In future-SIL news, he is recovering, but D1 has been spending a lot of time taking care of him (inc. sleeping at the hospital against our admonition to go home and get real sleep). He did go home Tuesday, but still needs a lot of help. D1 admitted underestimating what it was going to take. DW is going up to take D1 to lunch, shop, and get facials tomorrow just to give her a break. She could use some PVC as she starts her new job Monday!</p>

<p>In college news, we went to the last football game at which D2 will cheer last weekend… she even remembered to put us on the parents’ tickets list. :wink: The Tigers won big over the Bulldogs to clinch at least a tie for the Ivy League Championship, so D2 was happy about that. She said that it was the best “gift” she could receive for her last football game, but the hugs and tears were flowing freely among the seniors (and mom too) after the game was over, so it was a little sad ending. We went on the field after the game to take some obligatory “last game” pictures of D2 and friends (she even wanted one that included both of us too :)). Afterward, she took us to her “Eating Club” (dining hall) for dinner. I just don’t understand why when what was clearly the start of the drinking games kicked in, it was suddenly time for mom and dad to go. :wink: She was running on about 4 hours of sleep, so we took her back to her dorm to take a nap before going out to celebrate the win. :eek:</p>

<p>Meant to say NOW in sweats!</p>

<p>Just talked to ds, who was in a fine mood. Turned in one major project today and is down two more and a paper. I broke the bad news to him that tomorrow the high will be 14F. He didn’t seem to believe me at first.</p>

<p>I also asked about eating up what’s there because the school likely will be closing down the townhouse and they didn’t want to come home to horrible food smells! Thankfully, the school had sent out an email telling them the same thing so they already have a plan for how to get rid of pasta, eight eggs, etc. that have yet to be eaten. And during finals, the schools has late-night breakfasts so he’ll be eating well each night at 10 p.m. I’m unclear whether it’s free or not.</p>

<p>I gave him a hard time about spending so much time in the library, saying I think he’s spent more time there this term than in his previous three years combined. He’s still on track to graduate with Latin honors. He’s done the math and said he’d have to make straight C’s to fall off. But he doesn’t think even straight A’s would move him up a category. He met today with his comps adviser so he knows what he should be doing over winter break to get ready.</p>

<p>His bff and roomie has accepted a job offer in the Twin Cities with a major company where he interned this summer. Really happy for him as he’s a great, smart kid. He’s from there, so he’ll probably live at home for a while. Ds remains concerned about his own prospects …</p>

<p>GSharp - glad your D is still healthy! Will she be getting the vaccine? I think I’d want my D to get it.</p>

<p>Congrats to the Tigers! Tomorrow is The Harvard-Yale game! D and her friends are planning to stay at Yale with friends. They’re all so excited! I can imagine how your D and her friends felt after their last game - and yes, your DW too. I’m experiencing a bit of that myself with both kids graduating this year - lots of ‘lasts.’</p>

<p>Good to hear that your future SIL is improving, but it must be hard on your D1. It’s not easy taking care of people recuperating from surgery. Hoping she’ll love her new job! Sending PVCs! Very sweet of your DW to take her out for some pampering tomorrow. </p>

<p>Very cool about the newspaper clippings you found!</p>

<p>Good morning! Happy Saturday!</p>

<p>G# good luck to your D1 with her new job! She sure has a lot on her plate right now!</p>

<p>S2s laptop did not survive the water spill. But he did notice he had a lot more free time the 3 days he went without a computer. </p>

<p>No real word from S3. He is sending me an email every day or two, at my request, letting me know he is alive. I hope he gets to talk at the “Big Game” today, although most like it will be a massacre.</p>

<p>Good morning and Happy Sunday. Coffee’s ready. I’m wrapping presents before yoga class this AM and enjoying it thoroughly.</p>

<p>Good morning. The cats are fed, and I’m waiting on coffee until 30 minutes after my Sunday morning medicine. Talked to my son last night and he has his first grad school app done, and is hoping to get the rest done before he comes home on break. It seems like it is harder waiting for him to come home this year than it has been since freshman year, and I don’t know why. Maybe because his sister is gone now, too? Maybe because it is becoming clearer that while to us, he is coming home, for him they are visits or vacations. I don’t know, and there is too much to do today to brood. Not only am I baking today, I’m also walking with the library float in the Christmas parade!
Hope you all have a great Sunday.</p>

<p>Son sent an SOS that his hard drive died, so now we have to take him out to the computer store. What a nuisance!</p>

<p>^On the bright side, this incident solved the problem of what to get him for Hanukkah! A new hard drive! And his data was backed up, so the only thing lost is his time. He has to reinstall the OS and other things of which I know…nothing.</p>

<p>Hi All! I’ll say it now since I don’t get on here very often: Happy Thanksgiving and safe travels to all our kiddos and families. Looks like it’s going to be some wicked weather for somebody over the holidays. D2 is having to connect via Atlanta Tuesday night, so we talked her through “what happens if I miss my connection?” D1 has class till 6:30pm Tuesday night, so I convinced her to leave Wednesday morning; a 4 hour drive in the dark after 9 hours of class, when they’re expecting 2 inches of rain didn’t sound like the best idea ever.</p>

<p>G#: D2 is my Whovian and posted a tortured status Saturday afternoon. They were streaming the special via computer (can you imagine her school doesn’t have BBC?) and the last 10 minutes were missed because of buffering. Truly a horror ;)</p>

<p>All these stories everyone is posting makes me realize that our 2010’ers are all growing up. Sniff sniff.</p>

<p>Hey, iPeeps! Ds will be home tonight, weather permitting. I’m sooooooo excited. It’ll be a different kind of break this year because he’s not working at his usual gig, but I hope he’ll be busy between studying for the GRE, doing a little prep work for his senior comps next term and playing ultimate. He’s contacting one of the guys from the top ultimate team in town, hoping to stay in shape for tryouts the second week after he returns.</p>

<p>We won’t be seeing ds2, unfortunately, but he has a friend flying in to DC, and they’re going to the friend’s aunt’s house for a couple of days. I think they’ll have a good time.</p>

<p>We’re leaving tomorrow for my parents’ so that means potential Internet blackout. Everyone have a great holiday!</p>