Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>Ds will be at least three hours late. Anyone going to stay up and keep me company?</p>

<p>Good morning. Coffee’s ready. </p>

<p>YDS - hope your S1 is home safe and sound. My S should be home mid-morning if all goes according to plan. Can’t wait to see him.</p>

<p>After standing in the line for LOST LUGGAGE, we got home about 3 a.m. I’ve got too much to do before we leave town to sleep in. Dh can drive while I sleep.</p>

<p>YDS, glad the luggage eventually arrived! travel safe the rest of the time! </p>

<p>mommusic, well glad the backup was done!</p>

<p>I don’t like these suburbs, harder for me to get in for some weird reason. I used to read us every day even though I hadn’t much to say.</p>

<p>DS DID make a change to his train ticket so he will be home Wed. First time in 5 years both kids will be at Thanksgiving.</p>

<p>Grocery costs today were pretty shocking!! we have deliberately eaten the cupboards clean and H and I both are eating less so there was major stocking up required, not even considering special items. DH said they would be here 3 days not 3 weeks for my $300 … GAK (it wasn’t THAT bad, plus I did stock up on a little more wine since you get a discount for a six pack… both kids are legal to drink now, although neither does much.)</p>

<p>Hope everyone traveling in the weather keeps safe and cautious. And flights make it in sooner rather than later!</p>

<p>I have so much to be thankful for that my cup is overflowing to wish all of you:</p>

<p>H A P P Y T H A N K S G I V I N G!</p>

<p>The line was just to tell them the luggage was lost. We are STILL waiting.</p>

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

<p>Pre-Thanksgiving breakfast is on me this morning. Meet me in the lobby.</p>

<p>I’ll take any travel PVC that I can get today. D2 is flying out of Newark and meeting me in ATL. It should be an “interesting” day.</p>

<p>Thanks for the colorful wishes! Sending PVC travel vibes, G#! And to Youdon’tsay for the lost luggage.</p>

<p>I’ll just post this here and maybe this year I won’t annoy my children by singing it:</p>

<p>Happy Thanksgiving, Hurray, hurray, hurray!
Aren’t you glad you’re not a turkey, on this Thanksgiving day? :D</p>

<p>Thank you, I’ll be here all week…</p>

<p>Looking forward to having college S home tonight for Hanukkah and glad we are not traveling tonight in the dark & snowstorm. Tomorrow morning looks to be much better. :slight_smile: </p>

<p>And looking forward to having 3 of the 4 kids together. These days that’s about the best we can hope for.</p>

<p>Morning all! Safe travels to all, most especially our kiddos. D2 was only delayed 45 minutes yesterday (through ATL! It’s a Thanksgiving miracle! Although I’ll admit that if she’d gotten stuck, I was considering sending a PM to G# since I know it’s his favorite airport :wink: D1 should be leaving this morning to drive home & weather conditions never got as snowy as expected so she should hopefully just have to worry about nimrod drivers.</p>

<p>YDS: what’s the latest on the luggage?</p>

<p>mommusic: in the Thanksgiving song moment I’ll share the following with you (from pre-school days; sung to the tune of Frere Jacques)</p>

<p>On Thanksgiving (on Thanksgiving)
Don’t eat bread (don’t eat bread)
Stuff it in the turkey (stuff it in the turkey)
Eat that bird (eat that bird) </p>

<p>There are hand motions that go along with it. Oh the limits of message boards ;)</p>

<p>Travel PVCs to all. The luggage arrived at 1 a.m. This morning.</p>

<p>We have on tape somewhere ds1 singing for Thanksgiving.</p>

<p>I don’t want to eat the turkey.
I don’t want to eat the turkey.
I don’t want to eat the turkey on Thanksgiving Day.</p>

<p>And lots of verses about how much he loves their pet turkey. :)</p>

<p>Stopping by to wish a Happy Thanksgiving to all.</p>

<p>S is home, and will probably sleep for a week. He had a tough end of term. I am happy to have him home, and sorry that D won’t be joining us.</p>

<p>PVCs to those traveling!!!</p>

<p>Happy Thanksgiving to all, hope all get safely to their destinations and enjoy being with their family and friends ( or tolerate as the case may be lol), DD arrived safely and on time last night from Buffalo so I was very grateful.</p>

<p>Happy Hanukkah to all who celebrate, let the gift giving season commence</p>

<p>Happy Thanksgiving & Happy Hanukkah to the iPeeps!</p>

<p>S2 made it safely home in the pouring rain last night. He warned me earlier, but over the weekend he scraped his face while roughhousing with some friends. The jury is still out on whether his nose is broken, but his face is a mess with scrapes, a black eye, and swollen lip. Family photos this Thanksgiving will be quite colorful & memorable - kinda like G#'s “Awkward Family Photos.” :eek: I was just happy to see him walk in the door last night.</p>

<p>We originally planned to drive to Cleveland to visit DH’s family but decided to postpone travel until the winter storm had passed. We leave early tomorrow morning & plan to arrive just in time for the Main Event. We’ll gladly accept any travel PVCs that you want to send our way. I baked my traditional cranberry-apple-raisin pie, and DH is baking his trademark mile-high apple pie (it has a lot of apples).</p>

<p>Wishing everyone all the best for the holidays!</p>

<p>Happy Thanksgiving to iPeeps! I hope everyone gets to spend some time with family and/or friends and to appreciate their blessings. I know I will. </p>

<p>Oh yes, and coffee, tea, hot lemon water, and Pepsi are ready, especially for the early risers who have turkey to cook, pies to bake, etc</p>

<p>Happy Thanksgiving to all! My boys are back! At least for a few days. Dog Henry is in heaven. We will go to my moms around the corner for Turkey etc… About 3:30.</p>

<p>Happy Thanksgiving, all!</p>

<p>Happy Thanksgiving!</p>

<p>S10 came home last Friday. He will head back to college on Sunday. It has been SO nice having him home. He brings out the best in all of us - even his teenage sister. :)</p>

<p>Happy Thanksgiving !</p>

<p>Coffee’s ready, and tea, warm lemon water and Pepsi. Also leftover cranberry bread. Get some quick, it won’t last long. I am between early morning Pilates and mid-morning yoga. H is cooking a turkey since we were guests at SIL’s and otherwise we won’t have any leftovers. And S is fast asleep. He has an alumni frisbee game at his HS today, and a tournament on the Cape this weekend. He will be a very chilly boy.</p>

<p>Yes, I know that I am late! Is the fact that I was helping my brother rake my parents’ lawn a valid excuse?</p>

<p>I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I see that I missed all of the traditional songs. ;)</p>

<p>Happy Hanukkah to those who celebrate!</p>


This is worthy of a Hero of the Week Award!</p>

<p>YDS – Sounds like you and the school have that whole unpleasant food odor thing covered. However, your S is going to be missing out on an important olfactory life lesson. ;)</p>

<p>Tx5 – A moment of silence for S2’s MacBook, ergh!</p>

<p>Mommusic – A moment of silence for your S’s HDD, ergh!</p>


Thanx for making us all feel just a little but less adequate, again. ;)</p>


Noooooooooooooooooooo!!! :wink: </p>

<p>Also, I would have been glad to help had the travel gods been unfriendly to D2.</p>

<p>Lastly, I tried, but could not come up with any hand motions to go with your Thanksgiving song that would be appropriate for pre-schoolers. ;)</p>

<p>12rmh18 – Just think, you’ll be able to cherish those awkward family photos for years to come. :wink: Safe travels to the land of the other Tribe. ;)</p>

<p>LIMOMOF2 – Our kids might not agree, but I for one think that it is great and fitting that their respective schools share the Ivy League Football Championship for their Senior year. Congratulations to the Crimson!</p>

<p>The travel PVCs came through. D2’s flight was delayed and looked like she might miss our connection in ATL. But, she noticed an earlier flight to ATL was boarding, so she asked and they had an empty seat for her, so she actually arrived in ATL earlier than planned (and they didn’t charge her for the change). This gave us lots of catch-up time in the Sky Club… see college news. Highlights for the break are sleep, watching actual TV, and working on papers.</p>

<p>So far the only point of contention during this break is that DW’s internal thermostat is still broken, so D2 and I may start burning the furniture to stay warm. :wink: In the meantime we have perfected the look that says, “I’ll distract her while you go turn up the thermostat.” :wink: That works until DW says, “It’s hot as He** in here. I can’t breathe.” ;)</p>

<p>We had a nice low-key Thanksgiving at a restaurant in Williamsburg, just DW, D2, and me. D1 wanted to stay with future-SIL who is not mobile enough to travel. Quite snarkily, D2 said that she is Thankful for “My ‘functional’ family.” To which I replied, “Where do you have one of those? Do you have another family that we don’t know about?” :wink: She was also thankful for the 11 hours of sleep that she got Wednesday night. :wink: After eating, DW went to visit her father while D2 and I visited the shops and walked Duke of Gloucester Street having such cheery holiday discussion as “what do you think the psychological processes were leading up to and following cannibalism at Jamestown.” :eek: D2 said that was her favorite conversation of the holiday, so far. Bet you’re glad you didn’t get invited to Thanksgiving with the G#’s. ;)</p>

<p>We have been extra careful this Thanksgiving because it is impossible to know whether or not D2 is a meningitis carrier. The risk isn’t huge, but we had to be careful not share food with her, etc. She is getting the vaccine when the school provides it in a couple of weeks. Both parents of one of her friends at school are doctors, so the kids hit them up for advice. In the parents’ opinion, the vaccine is safe, but just not available in the US because, until now, there was no market for it. (Hear that VAMom2015?) D2’s friends are taking this very seriously, but are ready for the news organizations to leave campus. One of her friends is one of the students who was hospitalized with meningitis and a news outlet found out who she was and waited for her at her dining hall. Other students texted to warn her, so she did not go eat that day, ergh!</p>

<p>In more general college news, in no particular order…
• She enjoys working on her thesis, but wishes she had more time to dedicate to it. Regardless, she is counting down the days until it is due this spring.
• She was doubting the theme and approach to her thesis. One of the librarians helped her for a couple of hours to evaluate her thesis at the end of which she decided to keep what she had.
• She has been to the career center, but not figured out what she wants to do yet. She says that they have a lot of positions in Finance, but that is not her area of interest.
• She showed me the “final four” designs for the jackets that they wear for graduation. The class votes on the designs.
• She doesn’t dream at school. Her theory is that her brain is over-stimulated during the day and needs to rest at night or she just never gets deep enough sleep to dream.
• Her Professor’s “treat” to the class for actually showing up for the last lecture before break was to let them listen to music, which was great right up until the music stopped and they had to have a discussion about the music. :rolleyes:
• It finally makes sense how 3 years of seemingly random classes actually have prepared her to make better sense of the world and to recognize those things of which one can never make sense. It is the intersection between the classes that is the most important, not just the classes themselves.</p>

<p>G#–Glad your DD actually arrived early! My DS arrived early too as he didn’t have classes on Wednesday, so he came home late Tuesday night (actually Wed morning around 12:30am)! DS has been cautious at home too, as he also mentioned the slight possibility of being a carrier. As a pre-med student, he’s pretty cautious about germs in general and has never shared cups, forks, etc which is good at this time! He will get the vaccine and I was glad to see the school had plans for study abroad students because I wondered how he’d get the second vaccine since he will be out of the country! I wonder if the lack of sleep is just part of the experience because DS also slept at least 11 hours once he got home! I think they are being cautious but really wish the microscope of media would aim elsewhere.</p>

<p>Hope all had a Happy Thanksgiving and beginning of Hanukkah for those who celebrate! I’ve enjoyed having the family together. I avoided all shopping that involved leaving the house, since it’s been very cold and I hate cold and crowds!!!</p>

<p>To catch up on things, DS wasn’t chosen for the scholarship opportunity. I think he was too far out of the box for those making the decision. They told him he was already doing what the scholarship was looking for (which to me seems would make him more likely to be chosen but according to DS seemed to make him less desirable in their eyes), but he’s not in Woody Woo which is where they really focus the search for candidates. Looking on the bright side, he would have had to figure out how to fly back during his study abroad for the next interview, so we dodged that bullet!!</p>

<p>DS2 is continuing the college search. We’ve been on three campus tours so far. Not sure what we are discovering because so far he likes each college he visited last the best. I’m sure we’ll get there eventually! </p>

<p>Enjoy the rest of the weekend and safe travels to those returning home or back to school!</p>