Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>DS is graduating this quarter and has a job lined up to start work in August, so he’ll be able to relax and travel a bit this summer. He has to turn in his thesis soon. I have no idea how it is going, but have learned not to ask.</p>

<p>We are using his graduation as an excuse for an extended family get-together, so I’ve been doing a fair amount of planning for that–rented a 4 bedroom condo where we can all stay together. I hope the weather will be nice.</p>

<p>Dateline: April 19th, 2014; Richmond, VA (Part 1)
The big news out of RVA this week is the booming economy, due in no small part to the additional crews and overtime at the local Drama Factory. Of course, this is directly related to the Wedding of one Ms. D1# to a gentleman commonly referred to as “that guy who has no idea what he’s gotten himself into.” If you’ve noticed an increase in the number of singing and dancing tiny woodland creatures around town, it is all part of the entertainment for event’s subtheme of “Like the Budget, Reality Should Be No Barrier.” Notably missing were the bunnies who were otherwise occupied coloring eggs and posing for chocolate likenesses this weekend. The main theme for the wedding / reception was “A Roaring ‘20s Wedding,” which the bride’s ever-so-snarky MOH (and little sister) was quick to point out as appropriate because “the ‘20s were also a time of unbridled spending.” The matrimonial snowball started its way downhill the day before the wedding with the requisite rehearsal and accompanying dinner. Prior to Saturday’s ceremony the Bride, Attendants, MOB, and MOG spent the morning coiffing their Do’s and donning their war-paint with the result being the appearance of having been placed in the nuptial setting by Angels aloft. By contrast, the Groom’s party went for the look that screamed, “We’re kempt!” Clearly, the cherubim and seraphim put all of their efforts into helping “the girls” get ready in the Manor House while the guys fended for themselves in an adjoining lodge. The men were saved by some divine intervention as their prayers for “this thing to be clip-on” were answered. It is this writer’s opinion that the Bride, while beautiful in her stunning poofy dress, was way underdressed and in dire need of a long sleeve or t-shirt. As I see it, something in a nice gingham or “wedding hoodie” would have been more appropriate. One would think that with the cost of those alterations, there could have been more complete coverage. All of the Bride’s attendants (best described as indentured friends and family), dressed in their Black and Gold (Go VCU!) dresses, had a profound look of relief that “this thing is finally over” and collectively vowed to move to Hades for the next year as a break from this year’s events. Her little sister, the MOH (Most Overtly Horrified), couldn’t get back to NJ fast enough. Actually there were 2 MOH’s… the Bride’s sister (MOH#1) and BFF (MOH#2). As exquisite and stunning as the Bride and her Attendants were, the Groom and Groomsmen (collectively referred to as “The Great Unwashed”) can best be described as symmetric. Hey, all of their shirts were tucked in, what more do you want? </p>

<p>Dateline: April 19th, 2014; Richmond, VA (Part II)
The ecumenical ceremony itself was performed by a friend of the couple (who now “owe him big time” for flying in from the Philippines for the event) on a trellised deck overlooking a lake while the approximately 100 victims, I mean guests, watched with reverential ennui. Following the ceremony was that lull while pictures are taken and everyone else wants to eat and / or drink. Enter the 300 plastic Easter eggs that were hidden around the venue to occupy everyone’s time. After seemingly an eon, the guests were seating at their assigned tables and dinner was served buffet style. The young ladies in attendance were able to conduct themselves as if they were raised in the main house, while the gentlemen (term used loosely) were more barn-like in their dining habits. The “Roaring 20’s” theme lent itself to many of the couple’s artsy guests arriving in flapper dresses, period head pieces, bow ties, and pork pie hats. The one detail that was missed for the reception was the open bar during Lent… barring some super-effective confessionals, this wedding is sure to result in more than a modicum of eternal torment in that place where the guy with the pointy stick conducts his business. The counter-acting positive detail was those 6 freakin’ chandliers that I hear took all day to hang and will forever be referred to as “the sore subject.” The first dance was offered by the Bride and Groom, followed by a dance with her exceedingly awkward father (who can best be described as holding on for dear life) who danced to the Hawaiian strains of “Over the Rainbow,” as performed by Israel Kamakawiwoʻole. The verdict is still out as to which one had the most tears running down his / her face when it was done. Rumor has it that the FOB (Financer of the Bride) was able to save a ton of money on the tux rental by requesting one without pockets since he has nothing left to put in them anyway. Dang! Did you see the plunging neckline on the MOB’s dress?… Oh wait, sorry, I digress from my journalistic integrity. The dress, which singularly kept Nordstrom in business for 2014, was a tasteful floor length number with a subtle sparkly thing going on. I’m fairly certain that it was a color, but the plunging neckline was to die for… Dang!, I did it again. Once the band (also friends of the couple) started, the MOB changed into her “dancing dress” which I’m sure will be keeping some other store in business for the year, but I just don’t want to know. This writer always tries to keep up with the latest trends in the bridal industry and learned from the MOB that Vineyard Vines is not acceptable Rehearsal attire because, “I am not wearing a belt with whales on it.” Similarly, I learned that a year of starvation is better than 10 minutes of Spanx anyday. The Bride’s paternal grandmother was able to attend the wedding and very much enjoyed the time away from the Bride’s paternal grandfather. And how gracious was it that the Groom’s parents refrained from any mention of their son marrying into “The Crazy Gene” as was clearly their right? MOH#2 and the Best Man provided the customary “Anecdotes from their Youth” speeches while MOH#1 was complimented for the rest of the evening for “hitting one out of the park” on her well researched speech on the theme of Love in the 1920’s as reflected in Fitzgerald’s “The Great Gatsby” and how it was relevant to her sister and her new husband’s relationship. It was truly a wonder to behold, brought her grandmother to tears, and displayed her love of public speaking (a trait that did not come from the FOB’s DNA, I can assure you). In a thinly veiled attempt to make this post CC-relevant, one of the guests at the wedding happened to be Princeton Class of ’47 (graduated late due to deferring so that he could serve in WW II), so the MOH#1 spent much time talking with him and even danced with him once… yep, the Class of ’47 and 2014 shared a dance at this wedding. After a set by the band and some music from the couple’s playlist, the dessert was served. In lieu of a cake, the couple chose a selection of their favorite Dixie Donuts with Cupcakes and Macaroons. The awkward moments of the night went to the Bride’s best friend since kindergarten and “adopted” member of the # family. Several people at the reception mentioned to him that they always assumed and hoped that he would be the one marrying the Bride. Those people just don’t realize that however perfectly he and the Bride complimented each other, his “orientation” is such that they could never be more than friends. At the reception, he did thank the Bride’s parents for “accepting” him in their family and giving him the courage to eventually “come out” to his real family who were also in attendance as they were always considered the Bride’s second parents. He also said that he hoped that one day he would be able to invite his “second parents” to his wedding. </p>

<p>Dateline: April 19th, 2014; Richmond, VA (Part C)
The newly married couple was regaled with a plethora of gifts. This writer is hoping that somewhere in those boxes is… a brain, a heart, and a healthy helping of courage. As the evening wound down, the Bride and Groom made their grand exit (as if the Bride would have any other kind) through a row of sparklers that thankfully did not burn the venue to the ground. After the event was over, the FOB took a walk by himself and pondered, “How is it that the day to which a Father looks forward to most is simultaneously the day that he dread’s the most?” Oh well, empty pockets are trumped by a full heart every time. Good Night Everyone!</p>

<p>To: GSharpM7 - Thank you for a FANTASTIC (& funny) review of the wedding! :-j Best wishes for a Happy Life to the couple!</p>

<p>Congratulation G#!! And thanks so much for the wonderful description!! :-" </p>


<p>Mazel Tov! Lent is over – you can now drink!</p>

<p>Congrats!!! Counting down is right time for a drink. Given the empty state of your pockets, I suggest the simple yellow label. </p>

<p>Congratulations, GSharp!! You may appreciate my niece’s comment to her mom after her brother got married - “And now what will we talk about?”. Of course, you have graduation coming up so that doesn’t apply to you, I reckon. </p>

<p>Congratulations G#, and best wishes to the happy couple. Thanks for sharing the highlights (?) with us. Hope you get a few more days off before heading to an airport again. </p>

<p>Wonderful wonderful report, G#m7 . We beam best wishes to the happy couple from all over the world. </p>

<p>Happy Patriots Day to those who celebrate! In honor of the day, I am serving fresh hot coffee (and it’s kosher for Passover to boot). </p>

<p>Thanks to G# for the sweet wedding report(s) and congratulations to the happy couple! May there always be laughter in all of your lives. :)</p>

<p>what a wonderful recap as always G#. Thanks so much for sharing</p>

<p>and here is some coffee for all ~O) </p>

<p>As always, thanx everyone for the kind words. Unfortunately, I am back on the road again today. I ran a test with a few people and it seems to work, so if you have a desire to look at a random stranger’s genericized wedding pix send me a PM and I’ll send you the link.</p>

<p>Hi - it’s been a while and my screen name used to be Footballmom104. They won’t let me use that anymore for some reason. Anyway, S1 is graduating - cum laude and on time - May 10, God willing and the creek don’t rise. He starts his internship May 14, and after he logs his 300 hours, who knows? I actually look forward to having him home for a short time, especially as S2 leaves for college this fall. </p>

<p>G# thanks for the lovely and humorous wedding recap. All that planning and angst then poof it’s over and back to real life. But at least you have the pics ( and good memories). Plus with another DD perhaps another go round in your future LOL
College wise DD was home this weekend for Easter came in 7am Fri and my best sister ever picked her up drove her to NJ and Penn apartment hunting as I couldn’t get off. DD & BF were going to rent something sight unseen half way between where his new job in NJ will be and Newark Del where she’ll be in grad school. Thankfully with my sisters assist she found a lovely updated 2 bedroom apt in Pa just over bridge from NJ. I’m happy and sad at the same time, she graduates May 19, leaves for a backpacking trip to Europe May 24 (we will meet up i Ireland in June) then home for July and off to her new life in Pa. I wanted her next door to me, was that too much to expect??? </p>

<p><em>waving to everyone</em></p>

<p>Don’t you love how weddings bring old friends back together? ;)</p>

<p>Thanks for the fabulous recap, GSharp! :slight_smile: </p>