Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>@G# P.S. - Especially LOVED the photo with the SPARKLERS! =D> You’ve provided some really good thoughts for our Princeton '10 granddaughter (‘on the brink’ with her Princeton ‘09 boyfriend) - Aint’ love grand!</p>

<p>More about weddings - Very late last night on HBOZN - CONFETTI, 20th Century Fox, 2006 - It is hilarious, the basic plot is about 2 wedding planners who have to arrange weddings for 3 couples who vie to win a magazine contest for a theme wedding on a budget. (Very British!) I laughed so hard I woke my DH! </p>

<p>Another workweek comes to a close. Time to catch up…</p>

<p>First, thanx to everyone for their thoughts and wishes for the wedding. You knew that I couldn’t play the report out straight. :wink: Also, thanx to everyone who took the time to check out the pictures! I added more in case you are interested.</p>

<p>Tiredofsnow – I totally get the “now what do we talk about” sentiment, but you are right… onward to graduation. BTW, I’m working in the U.P. this week and it snowed yesterday… so you should avoid it here!</p>


Bite your tongue! After last weekend, D2 already announced that she will elope and not subject people to “hair appointments that make them look like Shirley Temple.” ;)</p>


Yes, but it’s somebody else’s turn now!</p>

<p>It is great hearing about everyone’s kid’s graduation / jobs plans…
Motherbear – Job + Traveltime!
Footballmom (hope you don’t mind me using your maiden name) – Cum Laude, Congrats! I hope that all works out after the internship!
Coskat – Europe + Grad School + Updated Apartment!!!
D2’s plans -??? She has had some offers and turned them down in her quest for a job where she can “make a difference.” I hope she knows what she is doing. Consulting didn’t sound like a bad gig to me. I had to have a little talk with her about her first job not necessarily being her “dream job.”</p>

<p>GSharp: No worries, mate! Safely back in Western Australia (I was in Alaska when I chose my screen name…)</p>

<p>I don’t have a kid graduating this year but am proud of my son’s HS classmates who are getting out this year! And happy for their parents. ;)</p>

<p>U of Cinti. graduated a record number this weekend and President Santa Ono was tweeting about it like crazy. I really felt like I was part of it even tho we weren’t, this year. </p>

<p>G#, loved your recap. =D> Thanks for posting. And good luck to D2 with the job search.</p>

<p>G#–Beautiful photos–yes the sparkler one is spectacular. I also noticed how you must have robbed the cradle because your beautiful wife cannot be old enough to have those two beautiful, grown daughters! Congratulations on a wonderful event.</p>

<p>Good morning! Happy Monday! Any reports from graduations yet? S2 is on the quarter system so doesn’t graduate until June 15th. We pick up S3 from his freshman year on May 16th. I can’t believe how fast time is going. S3 survived some sort of fraternity date-dance trip to Las Vegas over the weekend. Evidently they had over-21 and under-21 events. He sent me a picture of his pledge class on top of the Stratosphere and at Caesar’s Palace, but none of his date. The G# wedding pictures were stunning. Looked like a great event! </p>

<p>Just found out 2 of son’s graduating friends, who were on Quiz team with him in HS and now go to 2 different colleges, got jobs at the same company, quite unknown to each other! It looks like a good place–I told S to check them out for when he is job hunting next year.</p>

<p>Spent the morning making a new curtain for the dining room. Neither S nor DH noticed tonight. I think I’ll just sit on it and see how long it takes. <em>rolleyes</em></p>

<p>Good morning and coffee’s on.</p>

<p>Hope no one was in the path of the awful storms. :(</p>

<p>I gave up on waiting for the guys to notice the new curtain and told DH. He loved it. I think he didn’t notice because it was so perfect and looked like it had always been there. That’s his story anyway. ;)</p>

<p>A wise husband, momannoyed. And thanks for the coffee. I too hope all escaped the wrath of the storms. S has lost another phone. Oops. No contact with him. </p>

<p>momannoyed–I was going to say that two out of three of my men would probably never notice it. DS2 is very observant and would probably spot something like that right away! Congrats on your perfect curtains!!!</p>

<p>Luckily we are not in those tornado paths, but we are in for three days straight of rain. I hope the basement doesn’t get wet, which it tends to do when it rains lots. DH has been working outside to try and keep the water out, we’ll see how good of a job he’s done!</p>

<p>just wanted to share that D turned in her thesis on Wednesday. Not only was it not bound as G#‘s and others’ kids’ were, but it wasn’t even printed to enable a selfie on the way to hand it in. no, it was submitted electronically likely from her apartment in her jammies. Sigh. I’ll have to wait for the grad photo, that is if she ever gets to the bookstore to purchase the cap and gown. Otherwise, the only thing happening on the trip will be our assisting in moving her used college furniture from location A to location B.</p>

<p>Stay B-) B-) everyone!</p>

<p>Ending another week on the U.P. for me (it is not midnight here yet, so it is still Friday) and hoping that everyone is safe!</p>

<p>Heroine of the Week – Jackief’s D for completing her thesis even if there was no accompanying photo!!!</p>

<p>TiredOfSnow – For the record, I went hiking in the snow / ice last weekend.</p>


Let the record show that DW and I sat next to each other in HS, so no cradle robbing going on here. :wink: Thanx anyway to all who made such kind remarks about DW’s youthful looks. I directly attribute it to having such an easy husband with whom to live.</p>

<p>Tx5 – Don’t worry, D2 is on semesters, but still doesn’t graduate until the first week of June. Glad to hear that S3 survived his grueling date-dance trip to Vegas! ;)</p>

<p>Momannoyed – Next try new curtains with chrome mud-flap chicks and the guys might notice. :wink: Score one for DH with the old “it was so perfect and looked like it had always been there” trick. They teach you that one in MALE 101. ;)</p>

<p>It was a hard week for DW as they moved my FIL to hospice care. Some spare PVC her way would be appreciated.</p>

<p>In college news, some lasts for D2… last precept and last class which made her happy. However, she had to turn in her cheerleading uniform which made her sad.</p>

<p>Congrats to all, as the young adults move on to the next phase of their lives. Gsharpe Big Congrats on D1’s wedding, now you have gained a son just like that. Who would have thunk it would be so easy to do so lol.</p>

<p>DS is heading off to Med School in the fall to his number one choice and number one city. He is pretty pscyhed.</p>

<p>Congrats to learninginprog’s S. </p>

<p>Mega PVCs to Gsharp’s family. </p>

<p>Still dealing with the aftermath of S’s phone loss. Ugh. Why is it that Verizon has a store on every corner but none in Northfield?</p>

<p>G#, DH pulls that every time I get a haircut. “It looked so good on you I didn’t notice.” The only time I can remember him noticing is when I went from longish hair to a short perm. “Whoa!” :D</p>

<p>I hope your DW is coping with her father in hospice. We were there about 6 weeks ago. Just remember it’s the best place for him at this time.</p>

<p>Congrats to learninginprogson for Med school and his #1 choice!</p>

<p>Enjoying the Donizetti opera on the radio and thinking about visiting a local brewery that has samples as well as a cheese tray. What an eclectic family we are. :)</p>

<p>Stopping by to offer an evening cup of tea and to say hello to old CC friends. As I type this, S2 is officially done with college. He had his last final today and is due to graduate this coming Saturday, May 10 (departmental) and Sunday (entire college). I think a college graduation is an excellent Mother’s Day gift, so I don’t mind sharing the day with our new graduate. </p>

<p>It’s hard to believe how quickly the past 4 years have gone! S2 has changed from the freshman with the 250-lb to a confident young professional. He accepted a job with an investment bank after college and will move to Richmond, VA in July to start work. Congratulations to our 2014ers and to the Beyonders as well. You make us proud!</p>

<p>Sending PVCs to the GSharp family. It’s tough to come off the joy of a wedding and shift to a more difficult and somber time of dealing with hospice. </p>

<p>Sorry I missed that cup of tea last night, 12rmh18. It is indeed hard to believe how fast 4 years have flown. I am looking forward to seeing S the weekend after mothers’ day - not for graduation (that’s not till June 14) but for D-III Ultimate National Championships.</p>

<p>add me to the list, also not with graduation as that will be the same date as Alice, but for a sporting event this weekend, not the last one but the last one we can attend. </p>

<p>G# more PVCs for your FIL and DW</p>

<p>Congrats to 12rmh18’s S and all graduating!! :-bd </p>