Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>G# - Condolences to you and your family. </p>

<p>G#–so sorry for your loss.</p>

<p>The Brandeis professor has been upgraded to “serious” so there is hope he will survive to be treated for the underlying heart condition and have many more years with his family. Not to mention the academic world of which he is an important part.</p>

<p>Looking forward to 2 kids & their spouses coming in this weekend. We’re all going to a wedding of one of their HS classmates…so nice when they stay in touch all these years!</p>

<p>Well, another week comes to an end. At least I’m already home!</p>

<p>I forgot that when we won the “World’s Crappiest Week” award, we automatically advanced to the “World’s Crappiest Fortnight” competition, ergh! Thanks everyone for your thoughts and prayers! In an attempt to make this vaguely CC-relevant, my dad was “Mr. STEM”, so he donated his body to science. Therefore, any budding med school graduates out there, be kind to your cadaver, it might be a # relative. If his anatomical lessons are anywhere near as perplexing as the calculus lessons he gave me, you are in for an “experience.” Funny-ish story, when my mother and DW went to the newspaper to give them the obit, they needed the name of the funeral home to contact, to which my mother matter-of-factly replied, “Oh, we’re not using a funeral home.” DW said that the poor obit girl’s eyes got huge and she asked, “Just what are you planning to do?” :wink: The people in our small town are equally perplexed by the situation. Without a formal service date/time, how do you know when / where to bring the obligatory all-consoling potato salad? :wink: After all, nothing says “I’m sorry for your loss” like a 5-pack of Mike’s Hard Cider (clearly one was consumed while driving to your house) and some potato salad. I’m really not a good person, am I. :wink: To continue the thinly veiled CC link, I’m choosing to pretend that all of the students’ departed loved ones walk unassisted to special seats together at graduation with really good views, air conditioning, no need for umbrellas, no need for tickets, no pushing & shoving, free alcohol, and the ability to make snarky remarks about family members without fear of retribution. ;)</p>

<p>Hero(ine) of the Week – I’m declining the nomination and giving it to the clear winner… DW for leaving work and spending the day with my mother! That is hero-worthy on so many levels. :wink: The downside is the time that my mother and DW had to compare notes about the similarities in their respective husbands. ;)</p>

<p>Thank goodness that y’all are able to step up to the plate with happy life events for this forum… Graduation Congratulations!!! Special thanx to TWINMAMA for her double contribution (glad the logistics worked out, whew!). </p>

<p>AliceinW – Thanx for contributing good D-III Ultimate News, despite the travel gods’ best attempts to keep you away!</p>

<p>LAF – Congrats to your D on finishing up. We are in the remedial graduation group behind you! </p>

<p>Esobay – So, how did DS’s frog do? ;)</p>

<p>VAMom2015 – As part of the “Get my Money’s Worth” approach to graduation, I’ll be looking for the ROTC color guard at the P-rade. ;)</p>


See below… I tried.</p>

<p>Momannoyed – I continue to keep you friend in my thoughts and prayers. Also, enjoy the wedding!</p>

<p>In actual college news, D2 received A+’s on all of her Comps, so she is happy. We just need to have that “Realistic Career Goals” talk that were kinda overshadowed by the events of the last couple of weeks.</p>

<p>OK, I haven’t tried this with the new forum software yet, I hope it works:</p>



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<p>G# - Glad you are able to maintain some sense of humor in the midst of your family’s losses. I’m sure your DW does deserve an award. And I like the idea of that special seating for departed loved ones.</p>

<p>Congratulations to all who are graduating this weekend.</p>

<p>G#, so nice to hear your humor even with all going on in your life. And I’m glad your ascii drawings still work</p>

<p>Congrats in advance to this weekend’s graduates</p>

<p><em>hides my potato salad</em></p>

I hope you enjoy the green jello mold with carrots and cream cheese I’m going to drop off. </p>

<p>Seriously, your family remains in my thoughts. </p>

<p>Condolences G# to you and your mother, wife and DDs. How giving of your Dad to donate his body for science sounds like he’s left a wonderful legacy in his family. Continued good thoughts sent you way. Thanks for the smiley grad.
My DD also graduated last weekend and arrived in Greece today for her first stop of post grad backpacking trip, ahh to be young and carefree a little longer</p>

<p>Sending congrats to all new grads
Happy Memorial Day weekend and gratitude to all who have given so much for our country</p>

<p>Sincere condolences, G#.
And I have to get DH to make the potato salad if you like it mustardy, I made mine with sweet relish, so tart-er, not as salty. Or I would join you in a bottle of Honey Jack, made for smoothing out … things.</p>

<p>DS was almost at his apartment 1 block from the Habit at UCSB last night. He emailed that he was not shot. 7 other kids were, so I might be hitting the Honey Jack really soon. Why does it have to hit at graduation time? anytime is not better, it is just hard. </p>

<p>Condolences to G# again,.</p>

<p>So sorry about the UCSB shooting. This kind of acts have been flourishing all over the world now, makes Columbine shooting more of memories. Perhaps it is a cost to live in such an complicated world.</p>

<p>Congrats to all the grads this weekend!!</p>

<p>G# Still keeping your family in my thoughts and prayers. </p>

<p>The UCSB tragedy is so sad! As a UCSB alumni and former Isla Vista resident it is hard to imagine such a horrible act. My thoughts and prayers are with the students, their families and the whole UCSB community. </p>

<p>Coffee is on, the flag is up, and brunch is about to begin preparation.</p>

<p>Happy Memorial Day and remember those who served. Some gave a few years, some gave their all…</p>

<p>The wedding yesterday was awesome. I can’t begin to describe it. The bride (who was petite and beautiful) wore a gorgeous sari for the Indian wedding, a lovely white dress for the church ceremony, and a Chinese gown for the evening reception. The guests were like a little U.N. and everyone danced with great glee. :)</p>

<p>Just stopping by to put on some coffee. I had a pretty relaxing weekend, though I am frantically trying to finish up a sweater before S’s graduation. It was supposed to be a high school graduation present because he was heading off the COLD Minnesota, but got put aside and never finished. Now he is graduating from college and I thought it would be a fun surprise. SHH - don’t tell him.</p>

<p>Fresh coffee. My boss’s secretary just brought some in to our meeting. You can all share virtually. </p>

<p>thanks, I needed more coffee. A LOT more.</p>

<p>Congratulations to our graduates this week! Special shout out to Limom’s D, graduating with honors, HOORAY!</p>

<p>DS’s graduation will be, of course, overshadowed with sadness from the deaths of those young people. The girl he knew was supposed to graduate in three weeks. I had to reach out to the VT people who had kids there 3 weeks from their graduation to see if it is better 10 years out. (bettter in some senses, but not really). The memorial yesterday (watched it streaming) was a very good thing by the students and adults associated with the school for healing and helping. I was in awe at the student speakers who delivered heartfelt, moving speeches without breaking down. </p>

<p>Sending PVC to G# family and some CA sunny energy.</p>

<p>@esobay my thoughts and prayers are with you and the whole UCSB community. I keep thinking about my years in Isla Vista, and so many of my friend’s kids and my kid’s friends who are there now. </p>

<p>I’m heading “home.” Actually, I’m meeting DW at the airport this afternoon to pick up a rental SUV and drive to NJ for a week of Graduation events… Yes, Graduation starts tomorrow and ends on Tuesday!</p>

<p>Thank You Again for all of your kind words. I’m looking forward to a positive “life event.”</p>

<p>Anyone want to join me for hotel grade coffee and a breakfast buffet?</p>

<p>I too have been thinking of the UCSB / Isla Vista community!</p>

<p>Congrats to all of this coming week’s Grads!!!</p>


This made me laugh. In my small town, a funeral is an excuse to eat. ;)</p>


This made me laugh too. But, in my small town comfort food must involve something made with mayonnaise at room temperature. It’s called pot “luck” because there is always that chance of a trip to the hospital after any celebration or church event. ;)</p>

<p>Aliceinw - You may leave early today.</p>

<p>Coskat – I hope your DD enjoys her trip!</p>

<p>Momannoyed – Sounds like it was a great wedding!</p>


I know how you feel. You always think that you are going to get around to it, but the next thing you know something comes up and you forget to login to the L.L. Bean website and finish ordering that sweater. ;)</p>

<p>In college news, D2 said that they let her know this week that her thesis and / or comp grades put her over the line and she will graduate with honors, so she’s happy about that. :)</p>

<p>Today’s Google home page ( has a link to a cute video about HS graduation. Congratulations graduates! Search on! :)</p>

<p>G#: I am so sorry about your dad! I can’t imagine the whiplash you and your DW & D’s and Mom & MIL must have from going from wedding to funeral to non-funeral to graduation. I certainly hope you can all take some time in June to curl into a fetal position and recover. I believe your family’s sense of humor and my family’s are pretty close; your dad’s call for scotch sounds remarkably similar to something my dad said during his time in the ICU. And my mom is donating her body to Vanderbilt’s medical school. Enjoy your week of graduation festivities! Safe travels to you.</p>

<p>It’s so exciting to hear of all the graduations & next steps. My all-time best friend just became a grandma for the first time this week, so I am really feeling the shifting of life phases this week.</p>

<p>My condolences & heart go out to all those affected by the shooting in CA. What an incredible waste of young lives for no reason at all. </p>

<p>@mommusic I forgot to say YAY for the happy wedding and confetti to the happy couple! </p>

<p>G#: Congratulations for HONORS! must have been all those late night edits you helped with. … I hope there is a vacation in the near future for your entire family. Maybe you can take DW to a couples yoga retreat and just breath for a minute.</p>

<p>“We pick ourselves up, we dust ourselves off … and we get back in the race.” Words to live by.</p>