Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>G# - Hope you all get to enjoy this weekend. Congratulations to your D on graduating, and with honors to boot!!</p>

<p>And congratulations to all of this week/weekend’s graduates and their very proud families!!</p>

<p>We still have two weeks to go. My S’s work is done, but I still have a ways to go on the sweater . . .</p>

<p>Congratulations to all this weekend’s graduates! We have two weeks to go as well. Time is flying by. S2 will live at home while he gets his masters. This morning I walked in my pink “guestroom” (which was his room and then D1’s room last year and then a guest room) and realized I need to clean it out (and get rid of the pink) before he moves back in. Tick, tick, tick. </p>

<p>Stopping by to send congratulations to all the graduates this weekend!
G#- can you believe that S2 and D2 are finally going to leave the orange bubble?? </p>

<p>More congratulations to all the graduates. </p>

<p>G# and ProudNJMom–enjoy the festivities and I hope the weather is perfect for Graduation! DS is enjoying being on campus for all the events. He got to meet Donald Rumsfeld who is celebrating his 60th anniversary of his graduation! </p>

<p>G#–Congrats for D2’s “honors”. I’m sure she’s happy to be graduating and also sad to leave the Orange Bubble!</p>

<p>Wishing PNJMom’s S2 and GSharp’s D2 all the best during their graduation festivities. I’m just a little jealous that you have such great weather because 2 of the 3 days of D’s celebrations were cold, windy, and rainy. Thankfully, Commencement Day was gorgeous.</p>

<p>D arrived home from school late yesterday afternoon. Right now she’s got a bunch of h.s. friends here helping her pack for her move - tomorrow at 6 a.m. I can’t believe she’ll have been home for less than 48 hours. :(</p>

<p>Congratulations to ALL the graduates and their proud families! Echoing LIMOMOF2, our 2 of 3 graduation days festivities were cold, windy and rainy - I was ill prepared and I ‘borrowed’ a tablecloth from the Soldiers Field Picnic Tues. eve & it was well used as a ‘pashmina’ and ‘blanket’ thoughout all the events! Sorry I wasn’t able to meet with LIMOMOF2. My every hour was hectic getting from 1 event to another! DGS still ‘partying’ in Boston with classmates & friends and will be home Monday to prepare for his
move to new job & ‘life’. Bubbe signing off, thanking all CC friends for the 5 years of support!</p>

<p>G#…I’ve been off the CC grid for a while but was told about your father’s passing and wanted to pop in and offer my condolences. Also, congrats on your oldest’s nuptials! </p>

<p>A great big hoorah to all those who are celebrating or will celebrate graduations! D graduated a couple of weeks ago and is simply chilling for the next two months before she starts the next phase of her education (medical school). We’re elated she won’t be twenty hours away anymore. Instead, she’s a mere forty-five minute drive. Yippee! “The stars at night, are big and bright…deep in the heart of Texas!”</p>

<p>G#, I hope you are having a good time at the graduation festivities with your family</p>

<p>Here is some extra special graduation coffee ~O) </p>

<p>Coffee, anyone? It’s a fresh pot. </p>

<p>I am still biding my time till graduation . . . and wondering if I will hear from S before then . . .</p>

<p>Happy Graduation Day to ProudNJMom and G# --hope you have enjoyed all the festivities.</p>

<p>Alice–I know what you mean–my DS is pretty miserly on the communications! Hope you hear from him before you watch him graduate! ;)</p>

<p>If it weren’t for stalking ds on Twitter I’d never know what was going on. I think the only thing going on for him right now is drinking beer and playing bar trivia.</p>

<p>He called! He bemoaned the fact that he still has two papers to write. I told he still has two papers to write because of all the previous nights of beer-drinking and bar trivia. Is it a wonder that he doesn’t call me more often? ;)</p>

<p>Just stopping by to offer fresh coffee, along with yogurt and blueberries (both organic). And to say Congratulations to all of “our kids” who graduated this week and will be graduating this weekend. Still another week to go for us.</p>

<p>Oh yes, and G#, I thought I should let you know that I am taking tomorrow off, so no need to ring the release bell for me.</p>

<p>Happy Thursday to all.</p>

<p>It is dead week for S2. But, he had finals Wed and Thurs. I think the third final is a paper and he plans to be done tomorrow or Saturday. Then one week til graduation. Woo hoo! </p>

<p>Just checking in, but I suppose I can make the coffee this morning. :)</p>

<p>I haven’t heard from them, but dau & SIL (the new college professor at UNH) should be on the ground after an all-day flight from Tel-Aviv. :slight_smile: Can’t wait to see that grandson and give him a proper grandma squishing!</p>

<p>Congrats to all who graduate this weekend! Youdon’tsay, that’s what I would have said too. It takes a parent to make obvious debating points like that.</p>

<p>I’m also checking in to wish everyone a great weekend & to add espresso to the coffee options.</p>

<p>Momannoyed: your post made me happy about seeing your grandson & giving him a proper squishing. I hope you are able to squish him soon. :)</p>

<p>I wanted to add my congratulations to GSharp and ProudNJMom and their new graduates! Congratulations to our newest crop of grads as well as those who are in the homestretch (tx5ahome). Wow, how did 4 years fly by so fast?</p>

<p>S2, my new college grad, is home for the next month but must complete a series of online courses and certifications before he moves and starts his job on July 21. The ‘coursework’ has not ended with graduation. S1, my 2010 college grad, is working full-time & going to grad school in the evenings & Saturdays. He is almost at the midway point for his master’s degree, with anticipated graduation in December 2015. He also has been training for several races (running & cycling) and has his first bicycle race on Sunday. The weather promises to be nice and we will be cheering for him at the finish line. This is the same kid who was undisciplined and disorganized in HS. It amazes me how he has grown up and now manages the competing time demands of work, school, and training.</p>

<p>Posting from the comfort of my own home. We made it back from NJ, so we now have an extra “visitor” with us! The nest is no longer empty and the job search engine is now in full gear.</p>

<p>Congratulations to our next set of Grads!!!</p>

<p>Phrase of the Week – “Proper grandma squishing!”</p>

<p>Tx5 – How’s the depinkification coming? ;)</p>

<p>Aliceinw –Enjoy your day off!!! Maybe your S will call. ;)</p>


Ah, the life… ;)</p>



<p>VAMom2015 – Donald Rumsfeld in a kimono was worth the price of admission right there. :wink: You are right, D2 is extremely sad to leave the Orange Bubble and her friends. She posted to FB from her Eating Club at 5:30AM of her last “night” on campus. Needless to say, she slept almost the whole way home.</p>

<p>LIMOMOF2 – We did have gorgeous weather. Glad that you were able to have your D home for at least a couple of days post-graduation. So far so good, but I suspect that D2 will get tired of being home, so let me know if you need a surrogate D. ;)</p>

<p>Jc40 – Thanks for stopping by… I appreciate it! And many congrats to your D (and you)!</p>

<p>Jackief – Thanks for the extra graduation coffee… it was a NEED!</p>

<p>Bubbe – Thanks for making our world a little brighter for the past 5 years!</p>

<p>12rmh18 – Best of luck to S2 as he continues his “coursework.” And many congrats on S1’s progress on many levels (slacker)! ;)</p>

<p>In college news, we survived what DW and I have dubbed the “Graduation Olympics”… four days of fairly solid activities including events that went to 11:00PM+ on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. VAMom2015, start preparing now. During any lulls in the action, they force cheese trays and Champagne on you. (BTW, the “Step Sing” is not to be missed. DW was worn out, so I went by myself. It will single-handedly destroy all hope you have for the future “leaders of the free world.” ;)). Between activities, I had to work, so I totally missed ProudNJMom’s PM to meet… dang!!! However, I did find time for a couple last trips to T. Sweet for ice cream. ;)</p>

<p>For those who may still have the link to the Wedding pictures, I added my favorite Graduation picture of me and D2. I also added a picture of D2, DW, and D1 at the prom that somehow sums up my world. I was pleased to see that DW wore her wedding dancing dress to the prom. ;)</p>

<p>GSharp - Congrats to your D and to you and your DW! </p>

<p>The “Graduation Olympics” sounds a lot like what we experienced with D’s graduation. Was the prom one of the graduation events?</p>

<p>I am still missing my D, so if your D2 can deal with being around a bunch of 17 and 18 year old boys trying to make it through their last couple of weeks of their senior year, then send her up here for a visit. :slight_smile: </p>

<p>As for my D, she is spending the day apartment hunting, so I’m keeping my fingers crossed for her. </p>

<p>Congrats to ou new graduates. S will soon be among them - only a few more days. </p>

<p>I am taking the day off from work, so happy to pour the coffee. Happy Tuesday. </p>

<p>Thanks for the coffee, alicew! Best wishes to your DS for a wonderful graduation & PVCs for safe travels. </p>

<p>Additional congratulations to YDS & tx5athome and their graduates!! B-) </p>

<p>GSharp: I love your description of the Graduation Olympics with cheese plate & champagne breaks. A friend of ours was also there for his Princeton class reunion. He didn’t mention Don Rumsfeld in a kimono but that would have been worth the price of admission. I loved the sweet photo of you & your D2. Congratulations!</p>

<p>Momannoyed: I hope you got your quota of proper grandma squishing.</p>

<p>S1 did well in his first bike race, completing 55 miles in 2:45 hrs for a gold medal. He then came home for a short nap & wrote a 5-page paper for his class tonight. Such a slacker! ;)</p>