Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

Not knowing the target makes hitting it REALLY hard. What is the matter with those people? And I’d take it under consideration that you might be working in the environment that you don’t get good directions at work either. They used to call it “bowling blind; you don’t know how many pins you hit or where they are, but you have to roll the ball. When you miss, it is your fault.” It could be part of the company culture.

G# ack and gak on Medusa!! b-(

mommusic, fingers crossed for your DS. Ours has a phone screen and a face to face interview, both scheduled for next wee for summer jobs. Both could lead to full time when he graduates next year. We don’t know which to root for since they are different. And both are here in the neighborhood. Keeping sending good choice vibes to your DS.

Hope all in Northeast are safe and warm. I knew it was too much to hope for a winter with no big snowfalls.

Well, DIL in Brooklyn got lucky with the relatively small amount of snow they got. She can go into labor and it will be ok!

But our friends & relatives in New Hampshire and Portland, ME are completely snowed in! BIL is complaining he has to keep the beer in the fridge so it won’t freeze outside on the porch…or get buried. :smiley: At least he HAS beer. And propane.

And here, we tied the record high for the date – 83 degrees!

Just dropping in to say hi. It’s a little late to serve coffee, I think, but here’s some decaf. My S is still enjoying his job, though a bit stressed this week - it’s the first time he’s promised a lot and isn’t sure he can deliver on time. But they monitor his daily progress - so there won’t be any unpleasant last minute surprises for the higher ups. My D is also enjoying the job she started a couple of weeks ago. She says there is a lot of detail to learn, but she likes that kind of thing and she likes the people. So far so good. I am thinking more about retirement - now that college tuition is in the rear view mirror and I like my job less and less every day. Soon, I think. Happy Thursday to all.

Happy Friday everyone! I hope all in Juno’s path survived reasonably unscathed. I survived my first week at my new client where they told me that I am “much nicer than our previous guy.” I suspect the bar is fairly low. :wink:

Ah, those were the days. I remember the day that I was reading a suggested link from LinkedIn and thought, “This person sounds kind of interesting.” Then realized it was one of my children!

On the flip side, they may be specifically trying to figure out how well the candidate deals with ambiguity.

Both are at the top of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs as I recall. :wink:

Now that YDS has made enemies with the entire Northeast… :wink:

I think that DW is starting a club for that… :wink:

Not much word from D2 this week other than she went to a black-tie event and had to have a ball gown. She took the frugal route… who knew there were places that rent ball gowns?

OK, (DRUMROLL)…DS has decided to take the excellent job offer with the company in Madison, Wisconsin.

Yay to being a senior and having a JOB! :slight_smile:

Congratulations to your S, momannoyed. Is it a health care company, by any chance?

Yes it is, aliceinw. The big one up there. Nice job/benefits/atmosphere. Maybe a little too much snow, but you can’t have everything! Two of his HS classmates work there, and a couple other people we know.

My S had his first job offer there - it hires LOTS of Carleton grads. In fact, his roommate from soph to senior year is there. He ended up with a very similar offer from a very similar company here, and decided to come home, though the salary would definitely have gone farther there. I hear only good things, and hope your S will like it.

I’m offering hot coffee as the arctic wind howls outside. How could it feel like spring outside yesterday & the South Pole today?

Congrats to Momannoyed’s college S on his job offer! How does it feel to be transferring him off YOUR payroll? It sounds like he will be in good company with his former HS classmates & other acquaintances.

esobay: fingers crossed that all went well with your DS’s job interview.

mathmom: here’s hoping that your kitchen renovation is in the final stretch! Also sending PVCs to your S2.

G#: we’ll always have Stokers. :wink: With your new gig in Dayton, does this mean you will visit the excellent Air Force Museum? I was so impressed with the museum when we visited in Sept after S1 completed the USAF Marathon. It was HUGE!

Must be my turn to pour the coffee this AM. It’s hard to keep it warm when it’s 2 degrees outside!

Wishing a happy Friday to all. I am looking forward to seeing my S tonight - he seems to have responded well to his father’s offer of steak for dinner.

Mmmmm, alice. Throw an extra on on for me.

Not a lot of news here with ds1. He’s helping coach his HS ultimate team, and practices started this week.

Now that he’s paying off student loans, he’d getting all kinds of credit card solicitations. Yea! I want him off of mine. I mean, he pays us back for anything he charges, but, really, he needs his own, right?

Still enjoying his job, but he so hates sitting at a desk for eight hours a day that he has organized co-workers into dropping and doing push-ups every hour on the hour. :slight_smile: Two of his favorite co-workers are going to grad school next year. He’s really going to miss them. He had about a dozen people over for the Super Bowl. I had left town, but it sounds like it was a success. I taught him how to make crock pot pulled pork, and he said it turned out great.

Have a great weekend, iPeeps!

Another long week comes to a close (or start, depending on how you look at it, right?)

Gotta start with congrats to Momannoyed’s S!!!

Alice didn’t raise no dummy. :wink:

YDS – We were glad when D2 got her own credit card too. She has to build credit somehow. Like your DS, D2 mentioned this week that it is hard to sit for 8 hours and not get to use the level of creative, critical thinking skills that were just part of everyday college life. She is searching for options that are more her “passion.”

12rmh18 – The next time you are in Dayton, the Stokers is on me. The USAF museum is on my to-do list. Oh and D2 reports that she loves her Christmas book that finally materialized in the apartment.

D2’s yearbook FINALLY arrived last weekend, so DW and I spent some time looking through the tome that it is. The word for D2 was that the black-tie ball was kinda “meh” and most of the people were “older” and interested in advancing their place on the social ladder. She did attend a Super Bowl party at the apartment of a friend who is “in Finance, so he has a real apartment with a TV.” :wink: She also mentioned that sometime soon she is supposed to attend a function with Queen Noor and hopes to meet her since she is also an alumna/cheerleader. With the recent events in Jordan, that could be very interesting. She has also scheduled an in-person meeting with her thesis advisor to discuss grad school options… one of the perks of living close enough to her alma mater to hop the train.

Still waiting on the grandbaby here…one week late. We could have gone to NOLA and back but didn’t want to make plans.

Other than that, it’s snow and cold and gray and ick. And a friend’s son just dropped out of college, after not applying himself (on their dime) for 3 semesters. Tell me something good or I will be forced to go eat chocolate. I might anyway. :wink:

Kitchen now has a window seat - it’s still missing the cookbook shelves and the shelves around the fridge for the microwave. But now at least I can amuse myself thing about fabric for the cushion on the window seat. I was pretty taken aback by how much the fabric guys would charge for covering the seat. My sister-in-law has offered to do it - I’ll pay her, but I’m pretty sure it will be a lot less. My office would be done if I had bought the wall mounted lights over the desk. I found some LED lights but I didn’t like the price. I’m thinking maybe I’ll just put in some more lights in the track and wait a bit. I’m feeling poor, but I’m not sure I am going to find something l like better.

It’s snowing again - I believe that is four Mondays in a row.

S2 is still applying for jobs. No nibbles yet.

D took an pt job and turned into a FT, she is going to med school anyway in the fall, so what she is doing probably has little to do with a physician will do.

I am really tired of all this snow!! I will join you in that chocolate, momannoyed, even before 9 AM. I have made it in to my office today but it is pretty darn quiet around here. Maybe no work will materialize?

mathmom - glad you are making progress on the home front, and wishing your S2 luck in the job search.

G# - sounds like your D2 is making the most of things in NYC.

I am all in favor of the kids having their own credit cards. I like not seeing their spending. And I’m sure they like it too. I get involved only when my D is making a major purchase (mega-trip to Southeast Asia, anyone?), and does not have sufficient credit on her card.

Happy Tuesday. Coffee’s on for anyone who wants it.

TGIF to the iPeeps! Here’s some hot coffee to warm you up on this cold winter day.

artloversplus: congrats to your D on her job and to attending med school! I love hearing about our kids’ plans.

mathmom: I now have a case of ‘window seat envy.’ I’ve always wanted a window seat in my kitchen. Alas, that is not meant to be in my current house.

momannoyed: does the Stork have any announcements?

alice: I hope you haven’t been kidnapped by vigilante snowmen! You’ve gotten a LOT of snow in your area this winter.

G#: Thanks for the offer of Stokers! I’m glad that your D2’s Christmas book finally materialized & was not hijacked by Medusa. It would be so interesting if she gets to meet Queen Noor, especially given current events.

S2 called me this past week after I texted him some incriminating childhood photos, including the Pirate Baby & documented evidence of the Fireman Phase. I’m still hunting for the Halloween photo of the Weirwolf, which is true blackmail material. :wink: His work schedule has eased up to 80 (instead of 100+) hours this week, the slacker. He is using his ‘free time’ to study for professional certification exams.

Happy Valentine’s Day Weekend and / or Friday 13th! (whichever you choose to celebrate)

DW took me out for Valentine’s Day last weekend in her “new” car. Let’s see, it is almost 5 months old, so she is averaging 100 miles per month. :wink:

I hope that everyone is staying warm and dry. I clearly did something bad in a previous life as my southern-most location next week will be Green Bay!

Momannoyed – Isn’t that grandbaby ready yet! :wink: How was the chocolate? :wink:

Mathmom – Please don’t tell DW that other people get to have their kitchen upgrades. :wink: Best of luck to S2 with the job hunt!!!

Artloversplus – Many congrats and best wishes to your D!

12rmh18 – Awww. I bet that S2 was so happy to see the childhood photos! :wink:

In college-ish news, D1 and her boss gave a presentation to a class that she was in as an undergrad.

Not much news from D2 this week other than she went to the Tiffany’s on 5th Ave. and used a gift card that she received as a graduation present. She cut it close enough that they gave her the balance in cash since there was “nothing else in the store that she could buy for that.” :wink: