Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

Just bought the chocolate covered strawberry for Valentines Day one day too early from Costco. DW had almost finished the entire box already. ^^^ According to the employees, they were sold like hot cake. Costco even installed a special booth for dipping in front of you.

I can’t believe I didn’t make a stork announcement here! Yes I can, my internet was spotty all week so I probably tried to get on but couldn’t. DH just downloaded a new driver for something (oh yeah, the internet) so we’re hoping it’s fixed.

Anyway…it’s a girl! Lots of dark hair…We won’t know the name until the naming ceremony later this month. But I am now free to buy girly stuff. Yay!

And her parents are into craft beer and designed a batch to be ready at the same time as the baby. The labels are SO cute! :smiley:

Try not to over do on the chocolates, people. It’s windy and freezing here so we’re stuck inside with coffee and chocolate for comfort. Happy <3 day!

Congrats to the new parents and grandparents, momannoyed!

Congrats on the new baby girl!! I am sorry for the east coast freeze. We are having a heat wave here in Southern California. S3 came down to sail in a local regatta so we are hosting 5 of his teammates. The good news is that the weather is beautiful, the bad news is there is no wind. They are at a slight disadvantage because since they usually sail in the very windy San Francisco Bay their boats are heavier so don’t go as fast in low wind.

Congrats to the new grand daughter. You must be proud!

Congrats, momannoyed!

Congrats on your new granddaughter, momannoyed! So happy for your family!

GSharp - does you DW still drive her old car? Even I put more than 100 miles per month on my car, and I absolutely hate driving.

How did your D2 like shopping at Tiffany’s? It’s been awhile since I’ve been to their 5th Avenue store.

What type of presentation did your D1 and her boss do at her former high school, college presentation, or a career presentation?

Artloversplus - congrats to your D!

I’d like to share steamed milk with vanilla syrup and honey this morning. It is very warming on a cold day, even for those who (gasp) don’t drink coffee.

Stay warm - it seems like almost no one is exempt from the cold at the moment.

Thanks LIM.

Speaking of steamed milk, I’d recommend Mr. Coffee’s Cafe Barista. It makes perfect steamed milk, Expresso, coffee latte and Capuccino.

Thanks for the steamed milk, alice! We’ve been drinking coffee/tea. I just steam milk in the microwave. :slight_smile:

Dang, it’s cold out there!

Congrats Momannoyed!

The window seat now has a cushion. My sil has offered to cover it at about 1/4 of what it would cost locally. I need to go up there and see my Mom anyway, so we will kill two birds with one stone next month.

@12rmh18, as I’ve been cleaning up my office I’ve been finding lots of photos of the kids. I’m keeping son’s girlfriend amused by posting them all on the fridge. Yes he was an adorable baby. Then he went through the bug-eyed phase. There’s a pair of us at the Lord of the Rings exhibit where one of us looks hobbit sized and the other looks Gandalf sized and the other is reversed. And then there are the ones of him with shoulder length hair, a stage gf never saw.

U of Cinti. is closed for the 4th day in a row, this time due to “dangerous” cold. Whatever happened to wearing long underwear, a parka, mittens, and a hat? I understand icy roads but this is just silly.

A generation of wimps, I tell you.

Brrr! It’s cold outside. Alicew’s steamed milk with vanilla syrup & honey sounds like something I need today.
I also have coffee for those of you who prefer your caffeine.

Speaking of coffee, DC is enjoying a boom in independent coffee houses. I found a map of 13 “artisan” coffee shops, at least 6 of which are clustered in adjoining neighborhoods, and I proposed a “Coffee Crawl” urban hike to my Sunday hiking group. Our ringleader countered with “Pub Crawl.” We are exploring the idea of a combined Coffee & Pub Crawl hike, which we will then call “Uppers and Downers.” :smiley:

momannoyed: congrats on the new granddaughter! I’m sure she must be the apple of your eye. As for cold weather wimps, I am wearing my long underwear today in your honor. :wink:

Hello all! I have returned to Ohio from the frigid northern climes where the temps were dipping below -20° (w/o wind chills). I sure could’a used some steamed milk. Now I find out that O-H-I-O is supposed to get S-N-O-W. This week just keeps getting better.

Momannoyed – Congratulations on the new grandbaby. I sure hope that the lucky parent’s don’t get the bottles mixed up and accidentally give the kid some “craft formula.” :wink: I’m not so sure about the opportunity to buy girly stuff though. It seems to me that I’ve been doing that for the last 25+ years and I have the mental and financial scars to prove it. :wink:

Yet again, we all secretly wish that we were tx5, or at least somewhere that we could thaw out and eat chocolate covered strawberries like artloversplus’s DW. :wink:

I guess that momannoyed thinks that she’s “all that,” employing the use of nuclear technology to steam her milk while the rest of us a relegated to coal-fire cappuccino machines. :wink:

Mathmom – Never miss an opportunity to use photos to humiliate your child in front of his/her significant other, right? :wink:

12rmh18 – Your urban hiking group sounds simultaneously stimulating and depressing. :wink: If VA gets more snow this weekend, could you send someone around to shovel my driveway or at least the doghouse in which I will be sleeping when I get home next weekend? :wink:

LIMOMOF2 – DW definitely drives her old Jeep. It is an hour to any civilization for us, so she drives way more than 100 miles per month. Her current rule is that it has to be >70 degrees and sunny for the “new” car to leave the garage, ergh! As far as D2’s presentation, she is a Marketing geek and gave a college presentation to a Marketing class. And with respect to Tiffany’s, D2 (as usual) researched it and had people at work tell her which floors would be her best bet given the amount of $ on her gift card. She said that the sales people were most helpful when she told them that she intended to buy something… imagine that. :wink: She thought about just buying something on-line and avoiding the store altogether, but she was afraid that what she bought would disappear like the book that she had delivered.

In college-ish news, D2 is meeting with her thesis advisor this weekend to talk about grad school options. In the meantime, her employer is talking about sending her to work “across the pond” for a brief time in late spring / early summer.

Coffee’s on. It’s only a 4 cup Gevalia, but we can make more. G#: “coal-fired cappuccino machines”? Is this the latest hipster retro craze, hard on the heels of coal-fired pizza? :wink:

I knew someone who worked for Raytheon when microwaves were the latest new thing. Eons ago.

We shoveled a ton of heavy wet snow this morning so we can get out of the driveway shortly. Why oh why didn’t we invited S home for the weekend when we heard the forecast? :smiley:

We’re making plans for his last spring break ever, and it looks like we’ll go to Pittsburgh to visit other son. Again, why don’t we have any children south of here??? Terribly thoughtless of them to all live in the north.

The grandbaby continues to be a good girl, cute and uncomplaining, for the most part. I’d post photos but then the rest of you would be jealous.

Stay warm & safe!

I had to take off my long sleeve to work under the sun with my neighbor. How unfair… :slight_smile:

Good morning. Coffee anyone? How about muffins or donuts from Dunkin Donuts?

I think my snowglobe world is finally beginning to right itself, since it is finally back to being colder in Minneapolis than here. It is amusing to see everyone outside without hats and mittens when it is 20 degrees because it seems so warm!!

No news from either of my children, which I suppose is how it should be. But it gives me very little to share, other than coffee and comments on the weather. Happy Friday to all.

I escaped early and am heading home after 2 weeks on the road. I’m not sure what I will find when I get there as we apparently had 8-10” of snow yesterday and live in a county that might own 1 snow plow, but I’m going for it anyway.

I just stopped in to see if there was a “What color is this dress?” thread yet. :wink:

I see, there’s not much happening here this week other than that new grand-baby is busy wrapping momannoyed around her finger.

Artloversplus stopped in just long enough to make us all feel bad. :wink:

Momannoyed – Did you see that the Bunbury Music Festival line up has been released? I want to attend this year. It should be a “religious” experience with both the Reverend Horton Heat and Reverend Peyton’s Big Damn Band!

Aliceinw – I heard from D2 and weather at the same time. Something to the effect of, “I don’t want to hear people in Virginia complaining about a few inches of snow when it snows every other day here and I have to walk through this nasty, disgusting mess to get to the subway every day.” She was not too happy with the NYC snow situation… can you tell? :wink:

D1 had an exciting week as she received a promotion and a sizable raise. Yay for her! :slight_smile:

In college-like news, you gotta love my alma mater (right 12rmh18?)

And this week, you gotta love D1’s alma mater for carrying on VA’s tradition of making a farce of college sports.

D2’s appointment to discuss grad school options with her advisor was canceled due to snow, ergh! However, she also had an exciting week attending separate events for fellow alumni Queen Noor (D2 sent me a pix message) and Eric Schmidt (sadly, no picture of this one… just of the filet and dessert :wink: )

Hello, Friends! It’s been awhile since I checked in but it’s nice to see familiar names! I wanted to let you all know that my son graduated in December from Northeastern with a degree in Music Industry. Next week he begins working as an assistant to a senior vice president at Def Jam Records in NYC. We’re beyond excited and proud!

I often think of College Confidential because without it, we never would have heard of Northeastern University! It was thanks to the recommendations here that we were able to secure the National Merit scholarship there and that’s what made it affordable for our family. And now here we are!

In other news, my husband finished his doctorate and I finished my masters degree. I was lucky enough to find a job teaching high school English straight away and I love it. We’re celebrating the end of tuition payments with a trip to Italy this summer.

I hope all is well with all of you. What a wonderful community this is. “Thank you” seems so small compared to all I gained here.


Woot, woot. S2 has an interview on Wednesday. The job sounded tailor made for his resume, but they are of course interviewing plenty of other people. Cross your fingers and toes for him!