Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

congrats to Kate and mathmom! We are cross fingers for mathmom’s S2 to be employed in his dream job.

In the mean time, D is going to med school one way or the other. She only had two admits, both DO schools, we are looking for a med school admit.

In addition D and her BF are visiting this weekend from Seattle. Very excited.

Kate, that gave me chills! Ds2 would love that kind of job. I agree that there’s something very special about this place and this particular group of people. :heart:

Also, Happy Texas Independence Day!

mathmom, congrats to ds.

We are still waiting to hear whether ds1 is reupping with Americorps or what. I don’t see any real movement on a job hunt.

Congrats Kate. Fingers and Toes crossed for your DS2 Mathmom. Artloversplus, two acceptances to Med School thus far is pretty awesome!!!. YDS, hope your son shares/ decides soon what he plans to do.

Congrats to Kate and good luck to mathmom’s S2! Congrats also to artloversplus D.

S2 has about 10 months left of his Masters program. He loves his internship, except that it is an hour away and unpaid. And he is supposed to do 3 different ones during the 18 month program, so he is searching for a new one. Interestingly, he seems to be searching primarily in his GFs area (about 80 miles south of our house).

S3 seems to be thoroughly enjoying his sophomore year. He is taking 18 units, is active in his fraternity (by active I mean attending the social events) and sailing on the sailing team. He has decided to major in Economics and get a minor in Public Policy. He is currently taking a sophomore seminar titled “Buddhist Economics” and a “Wealth and Poverty” class taught by Robert Reich. Sometimes I worry about him overextending himself, but he usually lands on his feet, so I worry less and less.

Congrats to pugmadkateson and PMK herself, as well as her DH.

S is supposed to purchase his cap & gown this week. He has midterms this week, but since he already has a job, friends have been suggesting all he has to do is “pass.” I may be wrong, but this kid has always been so OCD about grades that if he gets a B, he’ll feel he’s failed. So no worries.

And may I say that yes, new grandgirl is a charmer, even when she’s screaming her head off. The poor parents are sleep deprived and a bit shell-shocked, but we are completely smitten. <3 :slight_smile:

More ice and snow on the way…Cincinnati’s Bockfest is this weekend, beginning with a parade led by a goat and a guy in monk attire*, and including a “burning in effigy” of a snowman. Sweet revenge. :smiley:

*Edit: Do we know how to have fun or what? I hasten to explain the point of the festival, which is to sample this year’s new Bock beers. They were traditionally brewed to be heavier to help monks get through the fasting of Lent. Now I think they will help us get through the rest of winter.

Wow! So many exciting things going on! I’m loving all the updates.

TGIF to the iPeeps! I’m offering hot chocolate mixed with coffee. We got ~6-8 inches of sw yesterday. Sw is the new 4-letter dirty word.

Pugmadkate: what a great update! I recall when you were struggling & discouraged with the required math entrance exam for your graduate program and now look at you: all fancy, graduated, and teaching! :slight_smile: Congratulations to you, your DH, and your DS on an awesome job! This warms my heart.

momannoyed: congrats to you too on your little grand-bundle of screaming joy! And more congrats to your almost-graduate with a spanking new cap & gown. I love the idea of burning a s**wman in effigy, especially after yesterday’s storm.

tx5: that is so cool that S3 has Robert Reich teaching his econ class!

artloversplus: congrats to your D & her med school acceptances!

mathmom: I’m keeping my fingers crossed that your S2’s interview went well.

G#: congrats to your D1 on her promotion! That is very funny about your alma mater & the 40-yr scholarship hoax.

S2 called this week - an actual unsolicited phone call! He was returning from a business trip where he was asked to give a major presentation to a prospective client. He said that prior to his presentation, he thought he might need CPR because his heart was racing, but once he got into his pitch, he calmed down and knocked the ball out of the park. The senior partners told him that he did a great job and that in the future they will give him more responsibility for similar presentations. (He’s still working 90-100-hr work weeks, so the “atta boy” was particularly sweet.)

It is time for winter to quit. Stay warm, everyone!

Whew! It has been a long week. I am so glad to be heading home, and doubly glad that I did not attempt to fly through LGA yesterday. I sure hope my woman remembers to pick me up at the airport. :wink:

PMK – Many congratulations to your S, H, and you!!! Italy is much deserved, enjoy!

Mathmom – I have all appendages crossed for your S2!

Artloversplus – 2x congratulations to your D!! Hmmm, BF visiting huh? I recommend that this be gun cleaning weekend. :wink:

YDS – And just how did you celebrate your independence? Do we want to know? Let us know what DS1 decides. :wink:

Tx5 – What no taunts about how the rest of us are climatically challenged? :wink: I sure hope that S3 is successful in finding a GF-friendly internship… we all know how important that is. :wink: As for S3, “Buddhist Econ” sounds great! FWIW, I always did better when I “over extended” myself… no time to think about anything other than the tasks at hand.

Momannoyed – Great to hear that your little Bearcat is in the home-stretch. Enjoy Bockfest , but not too much. :wink:

12rmh18 – I’m sitting here sipping on my Boston Stocker in your honor. Congrats to S2 and that he didn’t need an AED to get through it. :wink:

I’d love to give some sort of post-college update, but that would imply that I had some communication with my youngin’s this week. :wink: I guess it is as it should be.

Happy Friday to all the iPeeps.

PMK - It is so nice to “see” you again. And full of great news, to boot. Congratulations to you, to your DH, and of course to your S for graduating and landing what sounds like a dream job.

mathmom - Here’s hoping your S2’s interview went well.

artloversplus - Congrats on your D’s success to date, and fingers crossed for more.

YDS - Let us know how your S1’s decision-making (or not decision-making) process turns out.

tx5athome - Sending good vibes for your S2’s internship process. It is very cool that your S3 has a seminar with Robert Reich. Every now and then I hear him on the radio, and it is always interesting.

momannoyed - I hope you’re enjoying watching your S creep toward graduation. But I guess you’re not enjoying it as much as the new grandbaby.

12rmh18 - That’s very cool that your S2 got asked to deliver a presentation, and even more so that he knocked it out of the park. Kudos to him.

G# - I am joining you as someone who has not had communication with my kiddos (“youngins”?) this week. I’m going with the old “no news is good news” philosophy. I know my D is planning on heading to DC tomorrow to do some social action type work (lobbying?) on the Hill on Monday and Tuesday. It’s extracurricular - in that it’s not related to her job. She is excited about getting to meet Elizabeth Warren. I know this because my sister talked to her. It’s good to have extra ears sometimes.

Enjoy the weekend.

Lots going on here - exciting!

PMK - so great to hear from you! Congrats to your S and to you and your H, and yay for a well-earned trip to Italy!

12rmh18 - congrats to your S2! Glad he received acknowledgment for a job well done!

Wishing good luck to all the job-seekers, internship-seekers, and med school applicants!

Momannoyed - good luck to your S and have a blast at the Bockfest. Love the idea of burning a snowman in effigy.

GSharp - hope your DW remembered to pick you up from the airport. :slight_smile:

No contact with D this week other than a “yup” when I texted her to find out whether she’d received an important tax-related email I’d sent her. I must be the only parent with a more communicative S than D. S started a new job - washing dishes at a restaurant. Wonder how long that’ll last…

I just had to jump in here long enough the wish PMK’s S’s Huskies the best of luck as they try valiantly tomorrow night to dash the hopes of all W&M alumni who have been waiting patiently since 1693 for a chance to go to the NCAA tournament. :wink:

The Huskies did it! We can’t believe it!

The sun is shining, temps in the mid-50s, son’s last spring break is just around the corner! I’ll pick him up on Friday.

Also looking forward to his b’day on Pi Day (3/14). This year is a special Pi Day (ideally observed 3/14/15 at 9:26:53). A.M. or P.M. I suppose. Or both! Eat pizza pie, followed by dessert pie. :slight_smile:

I despise the first week of DST. This getting up an hour early gets me every time!

Happy Friday 13th!

Happy St. Patty’s Day Weekend! (Where’s ProudNJMom and her highly inappropriate kilt comments when you need them. :wink: )

Happy PI Day Weekend!

I gotta start with Congrats! to PMK and the Huskies on their win over the hapless Tribe and 300+ years without making it to the NCAA tournament. :wink:

Aliceinw – Good thing that you have siblings, otherwise how would you know what your kids are doing? Do you return the favor? How did things go on the Hill?

If it’s any consolation, I worked in a restaurant (inc. dishwasher) from 10th grade until I escaped, I mean graduated, from W&M.

Momannoyed – This should be an extra special B-Day for your S! He should get one of every round food known to man… pizza, pie, donuts, bagels, the list is endless. You could even serve him a “neat round little pasta that you can eat with a spoon.”

In post-college news, D2 was happy to have a positive real-world experience… refund because her insurance paid more than expected. DW and I are planning to visit her sometime in the next few weeks… unlike D2’s roommate’s mother, we will not be staying with her at the apartment. Does that make us bad parents? :wink:

I’m making a key lime pie for a belated Pi Day celebration with my hiking group on 3.15.

Momannoyed: Happy Birthday/Pi Day to college S!!

LIMOM: now when your DS comes home from school, he will have NO excuse for not loading the dishwasher. :wink:

alicew: Did your DD have a successful trip to DC? Did she get to meet Elizabeth Warren? Inquiring minds want to know.

G#: I’m assuming that your woman remembered to pick you up at the airport last week.
Do we have to wait another 300 years for the Tribe? Or should they just hoax their way into the tournament?
Happily, S1’s alma mater is still alive & probably will be seeded in Big Dance. He’s got his Game Day scarf, although it did not bring his team much luck against Louisville last weekend.

G# - when you go to visit your D in Brooklyn I recommend that you find an apartment to stay in on airbnb. You can probably find a place near your D and it is normally so much less than a hotel. H and I stayed in airbnb apartments many times when our D was living in the city and always had great experiences.

12rmh18 - you would think that now that S was working as a dishwasher, he’d be better about putting his dirty dishes in the dishwasher, but I haven’t found that to be the case and I’ve already had to talk to him about this a couple of times. Perhaps it’s because he’s only worked 3 days so far?

Yum on the key lime pie! I bought S a blueberry pie yesterday, but it’s still sitting in the bakery box uneaten. Guess he was more excited about seeing his high school friends than eating pie…lol.

GSharp - after telling people about S and his dishwashing gig, it’s been enlightening to hear that so many people have told me that dishwashing was their first job. Even D had to occasionally work as a dishwasher since one of her part time jobs during college was in the school’s pub and they rotated jobs so the people there did a little bit of everything. The thing about S is that once he decided he needed a job, he put himself out there, and he was just offered a job as an assistant server at another restaurant. That place is less convenient, and the hours won’t be as good, but he’ll get tips and it’s a very busy place, so he’s considering making the switch after break.

Congrats to your D2 on getting a refund? How did that work? I didn’t think insurance companies ever overpaid.

We had a great hike on Sunday. There were several highlights: 5) listening to the spring peepers (tiny frogs in marshy puddles) heralding the change of seasons with their annual ‘Song of Spring;’ 4) seeing a local fisherman with 4 rainbow trout destined for dinner (and wishing that they were OUR dinner); 3) hiking to a pub for a pint o’Guiness with friends; and 2) a post-hike & belated Pi Day celebration with aforementioned friends, complete with grilled salmon, a savory leek pie, and my key lime pie (which was delicious!).
And the #1 highlight: Spring is HERE!

Happy St. Patrick’s Day to all.

I have just come home from helping my mom move to a smaller place. It was a lot of work but fun too. Now that spring is almost here, the snow in my yard (and I don’t mean the piles where we shoveled) is now down to about 2 feet tall.

Have a great Tuesday.

No more snow here…temps in the 50s all week (down from 72 Sunday) and mostly sunny. Can’t complain.

DH, college son, and I plan to go out for a Guinness & some live music after my meeting tonight. :slight_smile:

Did I mention we had a yummy chocolate pie for son’s b’day on Saturday? :open_mouth: