Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)



<p>too funny, BT!</p>

<p>welcome veewhitty and other new posters.</p>

<p>Hi! I started to read from the beginning and then decided to introduce myself before this thread got to page 100. :slight_smile: You guys are so prolific! I’ve kinda been lurking and posting here and there - and completely intimidated by the HS Class of 2010 thread because I discovered it so late and felt as if I was “eavesdropping” on private conversations. :slight_smile: Being that this thread is less than a week old, I can safely say I joined at the beginning.</p>

<p>I am very thankful to have discovered CC when I did - sometime last year before the craziness of college apps took over. I have learned so much from this site - made things go so much smoother during the process.</p>

<p>I am the Mom of an only child - my son is entering Colgate Univ. this August. We are very excited for him. I am a little “envious” as I never had the college experience - went to city college to study dental hygiene (which I practiced for 18 years and then stayed home for 5 with son). Now a real estate broker (isn’t that what every “housewife” does when they move to the suburbs and the kids start school?) LOL At it for 13 years now. Hubby is around but doesn’t like for me to “talk” about him online. LOL He is a very private person - I, on the other hand, could go on and on and on . . .</p>

<p>One of the things I am obsessed about is the bedding. I happen to love shopping for bedding and linens and all that good stuff. Started looking a couple of months ago and wound up buying everything online except for a couple of things from Target.</p>

<p>I got a natural bed bug spray from Bed, Bath and Beyond. That goes on first. Hoping that roommate will allow me to do his bed too! Then 1) a zippered mattress cover 2) a foam topper 3) a fitted mattress pad topped off with 4) a fitted sheet. No flat sheet. He will be way north in upstate NY so I got a “warm” down blanket (washable), a 100% cotton quilt and a polarfleece blanket. Probably too much. I figured he could layer as needed. Sheets - got 3 sets - 1 cotton jersey and 2 percale, he will choose the 2 he likes and I will retuurn the third. As I mentioned - I am obsessed with bedding. :-/ Towels - I am sending 2 that he used to take to camp. Still in good shape & have his name written in “Sharpie” on them.</p>

<p>I am excited to hang with you for (at least) the next 4 years! :-)</p>

<p>GSharpM7…Thanks for the encouraging words. She has accepted the dorm assignment and is trying to now make the best of it. She and her roommate are determined to deck this room out like none other. Because there’s only one very small closet, we searched and were able to find a white, wooden, freestanding wardrobe for her hanging clothes. It’ll all work, I’m sure, although she’s still awfully jealous of those kids who were placed in the three newer dorms with A/C.</p>

<p>Scualum…I loved your daughter’s list! Too cute! :)</p>

<p>musicmom26, proudparents, colorado_mom, jingle, and veewhitty…Welcome!</p>

<p>CaliD…Congrats on obtaining your senior status!</p>

<p>Cecil…Thanks for the helpful list</p>

<p>AustinMom…Hope the performance is a huge success!</p>

<p>ArchieMom…Thanks SO much for the flooring sites! My D and I were just talking about how we were going to cut and fit carpet in the room. The squares certainly do sound easier!</p>

<p>Mablab54…DD got a black & white duvet from PBTeen in a twin and hot pink sheets in an XL Twin. The twin duvet should be fine, I believe. My DD and her roomie plan on folding their top sheet over and layering pillows at the head of the bed. I think it’ll look great!</p>

<p>Hope everyone enjoyed their 4th of July! I always love summer when I can finally have my favorite fruit (watermelon) in season. Yesterday my husband smiled and rolled his eyes at me as I proceeded to generously sprinkle salt all over my portion. I think this must be a southern thing because my parents and grandparents did it as well. He’s from the north (a “Yankee son in-law” as my dad affectionately calls him), and had never had fried okra, cornbread dressing, or black-eyed peas before meeting me. He still scrunches up his nose every New Year’s Day when I insist he eat the black-eyed peas I’ve prepared for luck (a TX ritual).</p>

<p>From reading some other threads I think I have the only boy in the world that changed his sheets weekly! S definitely used his extra sheets. He also needed the 4 towels we bought and the washcloths, he never showers less then twice a day and 3 times isn’t too far fetched. He also used his vacuum. He had a rug one year, which was inexpensive, from Target I think. I think he stored at the BS over the summer and then had a carpeted room the next year so he gave it away. W&M can arrange for loft beds to be rented, he isn’t sure about that. Boys never co-ordinate decor so that’s easy. </p>

<p>Pengo welcome, quite a few of my friends became realtors when the kids were in grade school, with things so slow around here many drifted away to other things. </p>

<p>veewhitty, welcome! I bought quite a few things for my son from PBTeen for BS, everything lasted beautifully for 4 years and now will be going off to college. Land’s End is great for towels also.</p>

<p>BT-love the “clothing carpet” image. My S has always been reasonably neat. Not my standard of tidy, but pretty good. We have help with the cleaning here and the rule is your room will not be cleaned if anyone has to pick up first, that includes the bathroom and the study S uses. I have always told him it was disrespectful to expect anyone to pick up your dirty boxers, sweaty workout clothes, etc… I think he would be fine with me picking up after him! Not our cleaning woman though. Also at BS the dorm supes were in their rooms fairly often and most insisted on made beds and general cleanliness. We’ll see what the freedom of college dorms bring!</p>

<p>S is starting the long drive home from NC today. He is on the 7:30am ferry (right now, I guess). I hope traffic isn’t a nightmare. He called last night and said they had cleaned the house, washed the golf cart and hosed down the porch furniture. Then he thanked me profusely for letting him use the house with just his buddies for a week. I told him it’s his house too and I was glad they had so much fun! It was nice to have an advance team down there, he made a list of things I need and my porch furniture is clean!:)</p>

<p>Morning peeps! Happy Tuesday to all!</p>

<p>Austinmtmom: Also sending best wishes for your D’s Cabaret rehearsals. And hope she got the props assignment for Sweet Charity. I’m sure she is doing fabulously and enjoying it all. :)</p>

<p>BT: I’m also LOL re: the clothes replacing a need for a rug on the floor. And if your dear son finds he still has any open space and wants to protect his feet, I’m sure my D can send some extra clothes from her dorm room…Maybe we can coordinate and just weave some of those carpet tiles? ;)</p>

<p>And your shopping trip sounds tiring, though productive. How nice to spend some time with your D and getting needed things. And I’m sure your S is grateful for all the purchases, especially since he also didn’t have to shop for six hours. Somehow, I don’t think he’ll be exchanging the sheets…sound really nice! :slight_smile: And hope you were able to get something for yourself, though I know the time with your D was probably the best of it all. :)</p>

<p>mablab: Hope you enjoyed your trip to Yankee Stadium. You got to see a great game on Saturday! Re: the comforter size, I agree with jc40 that Twin is fine for an Twin XL bed. My S had a twin comforter and it was plenty long. The key is getting the Twin XL sheets. I was also told yesterday when we were exploring comforters for my D, that Queen/Full comforter is way too big for an XL bed. The sides will hang down considerably. And in my D’s case, since the floor may already be covered with her stuff, no need to add to dust collecting.</p>

<p>Welcome veewhitty and Pengo! Nice to have you join us. Sounds like you both are in good shape with the dorm bedding. </p>

<p>Wishing all a great day. For those dealing with the heat wave, stay safe, hydrated and :cool:</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>on my recon trip to Target/BBB yesterday, I saw several mattress covers and some pads in XL. Including the anti-bed bug one which had a lovely looped video above it talking about bed bugs. (That was BBB) I hope D comes home this weekend so I can take her to look at the sheet options. I also only found three BBB coupons, I think H threw some out even though I told him they didn’t expire. Will have to use those judiciously.</p>

<p>Welcome to the newcomers, so glad you decided to post and introduce yourself.</p>

<p>We are in a total holding pattern, orientation isn’t until Sept 20 with schedules done at that time. School starts after that. Some placement tests and dorm assignments next month.</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>


<p>I found the 2010 HS thread back in February and am proud to say that I made it all the way through the entire thread. A few of the other threads I found on CC were intimidating or just downright rude, so i was blown away by how universally nice and welcoming everyone was on the 2010 HS thread. As others mentioned it felt odd to join the party so late, so I just enjoyed reading what was there.</p>

<p>I live somewhere in GA. D1 just graduated from high school and is head to the University of Georgia’s Honors Program. Has been accepted as a music performance major on scholarship, BUT also wants to save the planet. very math/science oriented and is also looking at environmental engineering. D2 graduates in 2013, so we have a little breathing room before it all starts up again.</p>

<p>I thought I’d get into this thread at the begining, but missed that opportunity. Back to page 6 now to catch up.</p>

<p> Good Morning Everyone! :heart::heart::heart: </p>

<p>I hope all enjoyed the holiday weekend; a big {{welcome back}} to our vacationers and shoppers, and a big {{welcome}} to those just joining the thread…good luck in keeping up!</p>

<p>Another {{{{thank you}}}} to our military families for watching over all of us.</p>

<p>Need to catch up from yesterday, a job in and of itself! </p>

<p>Hope all those affected by this intense heat wave are doing okay…thinking of the furry ones as well.</p>

<p>acm: Sounds like your S had a great time with his buddies. How nice of him to take care of keeping the house in shape. Just what you hoped for. :wink: Wishing him safe travels home.</p>

<p>somewhereinga: Welcome! How nice to have you officially join us…It’s never too late! Congrats to your D. Best to her at Univ. of Georgia. She sounds very well-rounded and talented…I have family living somewhere in your state and they love it there. :)</p>

<p>psychmom: just waving! :heart:</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>Good morning and welcome to all our new posters! :)</p>

<p>May I please request a little advice from the math experts and mental health pros here? </p>

<p>Son will be attending Wake Forest and wants to be a Psych major. According to the course catalog <a href=“Archive < Wake Forest University”>;/a&gt; there is no math requirement in the major courses. In spite of this, he considers it a “given” that he’ll take Prob and Stat just because it makes sense (and will fulfill general requirements). </p>

<p>His highest HS math classes were Trig, then AP Stat. No precalc. So, considering that, should he plan to go any higher than Math 109 if he might (one day) head to grad school? Or would he need anything higher than that for UG research? Lastly, does course 107 roughly equal precalc?</p>



<p>PS: I should add that Son has no interest in grad school. He is very skeptical when I tell him it’s a good idea for someone who wants to be an FBI agent or FBI behavioral analyst. :rolleyes:</p>

<p>Good Morning! </p>

<p>My son falls into the group that doesn’t need a rug. He does have many good qualities though.</p>

<p>GSharpM7, lol, I hadn’t even thought about the life of a quilt in a guys’ dorm room. His bedroom at home is looking better. I guess I’ll still let him decide and then take a peek at it on parents’ weekend.</p>

<p>acm, sending you wishes of safe travels for your son. Glad he had a good time at the beach.</p>

<p>Welcome veewhitty, Pengo, and somewhereinga. veewhitty I think with your D we now have 3 at UNC!</p>

<p>hi!! not even going to pretend i’m going back to read all of yesterday!! but welcome to all the new posters i saw as i skimmed through!</p>

<p>DougBetsey: I’m sending you a pm!</p>

<p>DB- no concrete advice but you might want to look at some psych grad school requirements and see what they say about math. I know we have a few psych people on this thread, they can also chime in. I think more math would be useful. </p>

<p>107 isn’t precalc but sounds like something which might be interesting to him. the “trig” course he had might overlap a lot with a traditional precalc course.</p>

<p>Good morning! I’m just going to echo psychmom’s post this morning as I’m a little pressed for time. </p>

<p>Did some online window shopping last night and found a few bedding items (mattress pad, topper, pillows and pillow protectors). D’s still hoping to coordinate with her roommate, but she won’t have her housing info until the very end of July at the earliest, so the comforter/sheets and the bigger items are on hold until then.</p>

<p>Try to stay :cool: today. It’s gonna be a hot one!</p>

<p>DougBetsy - Interesting question. I am an actuary. It is not clear from the description whether the class you mention would have any statistical analysis using the computer. I took two kinds of stats classes way back when at UNC, and some were all pencil and paper and some were mostly computer projects where we had to analyze real data. The classes where you are required to analyze real data using computer software helped me know what to do when I had to do research in my job. This type of course is called something like Applied Stats.</p>

<p>My first son is headed off to college in the fall, so I don’t know if stats and computers are more integrated into the classroom than when I came along (we took punchcards to the computer center). </p>

<p>There probably is an applied stats course that does not require a background in Calculus, maybe even in the Psych department.</p>

<p>DS is now getting excited about school. Graduation was more than 6 weeks ago, and he registered for classes a month ago, but now he is looking at his major and the options he has within it for fun stuff.</p>

<p>DB: I am glad KS is fielding this question for you. I was a biology major, and came to psych through the med school route. I was decent at math (certainly no math star). I remember taking Calculus and Stats.</p>

<p>Waving hi to my fellow NYers who have just posted, KS and LIMOM—stay cool! Let’s hope August 7th isn’t like this!!!</p>

<p>My impression is that most courses labeled pre-calc are a review of Algebra 2, a semester of trig and then they start in on the calculus book. I have been told that good statistics courses require calculus. Most colleges have math placement exams which will tell your son which level of math is the best place to start.</p>

<p>Good morning all,
Acm- Safe trip to your S. Glad he had a great time with his buddies.
Seems yesterday they were Frosh in HS.</p>

<p>I picked at the pictures last night and want to say everyone is so good looking it is just unfair to the rest of the world LOL</p>

<p>Trying to stay cool in NJ.</p>

<p>Zoosermom, hope your D is happy with her IB results! They posted this morning. :)</p>