Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>Hello all. My son is an incoming freshman at yale,we will be coming to drop him off. However we are from the other end of the world and would appreciate some advice re school supplies. Specifically I would like info on mattress pads, toppers, foam etc. what I should buy,also sheets etc. I will be doing all the shopping either online or in DC and hope to get it delivered in New Haven All ideas and advice will be much appreciated!</p>

<p>Morning all!</p>

<p>FAP: Wishing you the best with your new finance position!</p>

<p>CaliD: Congrats on your great AP scores! Awesome! :)</p>

<p>Mommusic: YAY for your S’s AP scores and credits earned as well. Hope you both enjoy orientation.</p>

<p>RobD and others: Those toaster tongs sound really special! </p>

<p>GSharp: LOL re: trying to sneak that catalog in the trashcan. I have tried a similar tactic in the past and she ALWAYS finds them! :)</p>

<p>Limabeans: {{{HUGS}}} to you. Hope your mom does well at your sister’s. I’m sure she appreciates your love and support.</p>

<p>KYParent: {{HUGS}} to your D…</p>

<p>LIMOM: Hope you got some rest!</p>

<p>Wishing all a Wonderful Wednesday.</p>

<p>Hope all stay cool and as comfortable as possible if dealing with the heat as we are here.</p>

<p>:cool: :cool: :cool:</p>

<p>ETA: Welcome Tango! And Congrats to your S. Re: dorm purchasing, I would suggest checking out the school’s site for suggested items needed (and not permitted). Most schools have twin XL beds that require that size sheet and mattress topper. Though it varies. Check Yale’s website/housing first. Check out Bed Bath and Beyond and Target on line. There may also be other threads on CC that address in even more detail than we have here about dorm purchases.</p>

<p>colorado-mom, I try all the time, it is never going to happen. Dad only wants Mom, my mom’s entire identity is wrapped up in this scenario of her as “caregiver hero”. In my family misery is a contest my mom has to win. She is a narcissistic martyr. It’s very complicated waters to navigate. No cleaning people either right now. “they never do it right”. Really? I’m just happy someone else does it! </p>

<p>RobD- we have this weird thing were my good knives go missing, I tear the drawers apart looking for my favorite paring knife or my really good Chef’s knife. They always show up in the knife block at some point. My H wants me to talk to our housecleaner, I really don’t know what to ask. The knives always show up again, she comes every week and the timing is curious. On the other hand my H has given me some very nice jewelry over the last 22 years and anytime I go into my jewelry box I find what I am looking for. I mean if you were going to take something a diamond bracelet makes more sense then a knife! The weird thing is; I couldn’t find the knives anywhere for a few weeks and they were in the knife block last Friday when I came home from the beach.</p>

<p>Nightchef-Thank You for the wonderful desription and explanation of baseball, still not a fan but beautifully written!</p>



<p>I think you just described my MIL. In her mind “real women” bake from scratch, clean their own house, NEVER allow guests to help in the kitchen, and don’t know how to write a check (men handle the money, after all). She oozes virtue and makes me fee very inadequate. It’s impossible to hate a saint.</p>

<p>RobD, I have to google ragdoll kitten. Never heard of that. </p>

<p>Cali, congrats on those scores!</p>

<p>lima, hope your mom makes an easy transition to her new home.</p>

<p>:heart::heart:Good Morning Everyone​:heart::heart:</p>

<p>Getting ready for another scorcher today.</p>

<p>LIMOM, Sorry you didn’t sleep well last night…noisy neighbors again?</p>

<p>nightchef, Awesome explanation of the “drama” of baseball. It brought back memories of my father explaining the game to me, once I got past the peanuts and crackerjacks! Like Booklady, I grew up as a Mets Fan (Tom Seaver!), but I am noncommital these days. </p>

<p>acm, happy your S is back safe and sound!</p>

<p>Belated congrats to our IB-diploma kids!!</p>

<p>Stay cool, fellow east-coasters.</p>

<p>JC40 - Sorry for the confusion (thought your daughter had gotten the alderman road dorms and not the old dorms). My brain was on overload yesterday trying to catch up on this thread.</p>

<p>Balz was at the very top of the hill behind Maupin and Webb, so it was more of a hike for classes on the other side of campus. McCormick is more centrally located and I must say the ambiance of the older dorms is nice. UVA definitely has a lot more housing options than 20 years ago. Back then most people moved off campus after their freshman year. there were plenty of options for off campus housing, so it was not a problem.</p>

<p>It is amazing how kids decorate dorm rooms these days. UGA has photos on their site from their Room of the Year contests for the varying dorms. Must say these kids really change the look of the rooms. The dorm that we stayed in for Orientation was reminiscent of either a mental institution or a prison cell. Definitely gave me something to laugh about.</p>

<p>Back to the memory foam issue. I DO have the XL sheets cause i know that regular sheets won’t fit an XL bed. I was just wondering if the drop off from the shorter memory foam topper would look odd on an XL twin bed??? I am likely obsessing about something my child (who never makes her bed) won’t even notice. As long as it stays put, the regular size will likely be fine.</p>

<p>Easy: line the topper with the foot of the bed. The other end will be covered by the pillow</p>

<p>OK, diving in headfirst here. Have just read the 30+ pages I missed since Friday night. DH and I were on Martha’s Vineyard visiting some college friends who have a home there. For those of you who know MV and vicinity, it’s always supposed to be comfortable with lovely breezes, right? Ugh-we were walking in Edgartown yesterday and the thermometer in the store window in the SHADE read 96.6. On the drive home down I-95, the car thermometer got up to 109! Really?</p>

<p>Congrats to all who have received such fabulous IB scores and welcome to all the newcomers!</p>

<p>Die-hard Yankees fan here and I know everything about baseball. Have been watching since I was 3 years old when an uncle sat me down in front of a TV during a World Series game. No, I can’t tell you which game since that will be the definite give-away that I am the oldest parent here. ;)</p>

<p>Shout-out to all my NY peeps with hopes that this heat wave comes to an end sooner rather than later!</p>

<p>From past experience, BB&B doesn’t really get into full swing with the college stuff until mid-July, so those of you worrying about being “late to the party,” you’re not. :)</p>

<p>Welcome home momof3! Despite the weather, hope you had a wonderful time on the Vineyard! :)</p>

<p>As you know, another HUGE Yankee Fan (I’m probably older than you! :wink: ) here waving back!</p>

<p>I agree about BB&B not kicking it in gear for another week or so. My D’s latest spare time activity (not much between work and enjoying lots of downtime with friends) is searching websites for dorm possibilities (some I didn’t even know existed). When I hear, “just looking,” I know pretty soon, a request for purchase will be made. My DH is already shaking his head as we remember the different experience when my S went off to school…Still, it’s all good. :)</p>

<p>It’s already brutal out here north of NYC!</p>

<p>For now, stayin’ :cool: Wishing the same to the east coasters.</p>

<p>Thanks, KS and psychmom. I ended up falling asleep on the couch for about an hour and a half. It was much needed. :slight_smile: Psychmom, no noisy neighbors this time, so I have no idea what kept me tossing and turning.</p>

<p>Just watching the news about the heatwave back east. Hope you all find a way to stay cool and safe!</p>

<p>Is seems that the DDs on this thread are the ones who are more interested in dorm room shopping. My S isn’t even thinking about it yet. His only concern is begging for grandpa’s LCD TV. He seems to think he’ll get that 46" TV so he and his roomies can play video games. UGH. </p>

<p>He did admit yesterday that he’s getting anxious to start college.</p>

<p>LIMOMOF2, I went through that last summer and I ended up reading more books than I ever had!</p>

<p>S2 won’t get his dorm assignment and confirmation on his roommate until August, so I’ve only begun the “easy” shopping…one order at We had a two-minute discussion and then I ordered one set of XL sheets in dark blue and a second set in khaki (this is the set that I expect to never see the light of day; I contemplated getting them in white in case he needed Halloween costume materials, but settled on a color that could go weeks between washes); mattress pad; two navy bath towels, two navy hand towels; pillow; navy fleece blanket. He’s holding off on a comforter until he sees how hot/cold the rooms are. With S1, I purchased a lovely, but neutral, comforter & sheet set and all he ever used was an old fleece airline blanket (course this was AZ).</p>

<p>When I feel brave, we’ll have the shower caddy discussion as all bathrooms and sinks are down-the-hall.</p>

<p>S has his own flat screen in his old playroom, he has already been informed he is not taking it! H uses the space as an erg room and watches TV while rowing. S can take his television when he moves off campus.</p>



<p>LOL! We got lucky and found one that was masculine-enough at BBB. </p>

<p>The first one we saw was rejected instantly in favor of his old LLBean toiletry bag. I nixed that idea instantly knowing it would never vent enough to prevent slime.</p>


<p>Somehow I missed reports of the heatwave out East until last night’snews. Phew! Stay cool. Makes Texas look downright pleasant, though the past two mornings walking the dog have been a little stifling.</p>

<p>Checked my BB&B stash. Alas, no Golden Tickets. But I may dig a bit and see if I can scare up some more. Glad to hear that the store isn’t really geared up yet – something else I can put off for a while.</p>

<p>Toaster tongs??? Here in Texas we call those fingers. ;)</p>

<p>About baseball: It’s not just the hitter and pitcher, to me, but the defense. I love seeing a diving catch, a beautifully executed double play. I loved to keep score at ds’s game. You become such a part of it. You can see that the first two times at bat, the no. 3 man went to centerfield; will he do it again? How many pitches does the kid have going into this inning? Ouch, two errors on the third baseman – try to put it there. Also, I admire ds, and all experienced ball players, who can “see” the pitch almost in slow motion. I can’t for the life of me see the seams or the pitcher’s grip to determine whether it’s a knuckleball or a split-seam sinker (is that even a pitch?) I’ve only just begun to be able to tell reliably whether the batter is swinging early or late, is trying to pull the ball, etc.</p>

<p>Having said all that I guess I get where people think the game is too slow, including ds2, who played until he was 8. He was an excellent player even at that young age, but once he started playing soccer he dropped baseball. After all, he could play a whole game at third and NEVER touch the ball. Glad Kajon’s ds found a new way to look at the game.</p>

<p>There was more I wanted to comment on but have now forgotten. Argh.</p>

<p>Re: flat sscreen TV. S can’t take the one in the kids’ room because his sisters said “NO”! ;)</p>

<p>tango91 - congrats on your son attending Yale! If you have read through this thread, you will see that many of us are still trying to figure out the bedding situation. Best guess is that you will have to buy twin extra long sheets and twin xl mattress pad (double check size with school). I have given up trying to find a twin xl comforter that I like so I am just getting a regular twin. The foam mattress also has me in a quandry. The ones at my Target seem too thin or at least not very dense. I saw some good prices at , but their weight would make them very expensive to return. I am also getting my son one of those “down alternative” blankets and maybe thick polar fleece blanket that he could also wrap around himself as he sits at his desk and studies into the wee hours…yeah right.</p>

<p>Bed Bath and Beyond gives you the option to order online and then pick up your order in the fall at the store nearest to your child’s school. [Pets</a> - Bed Bath & Beyond](<a href=“Bed Bath & Beyond | The Best Deals Online: Furniture, Bedding, Rugs, Kitchen Essentials & Moree”>Bed Bath & Beyond | The Best Deals Online: Furniture, Bedding, Rugs, Kitchen Essentials & Moree)</p>

<p>To give you an idea of how bad it was here in Boston yesterday, this morning at 9 the temperature in our neighborhood was 86…and it felt like a crisp October day.</p>

<p>^^ :wink: ^^
A little too humid here in central CT to call it “crisp”, but I know whatcha mean!</p>

<p>D says she can’t get the baby pool out for Batman. Why? Because it’s too hot. </p>

<p>Huh? Me no get. :rolleyes:</p>