<p>somewhereinga…thanks for the optimism, and I’m sorry your D was disappointed in her assignment too. Like I said, it’s funny…most kids seem to want the old dorms (McCormick) that my D got b/c they’re more centrally located; however, she wanted new dorms because of storage. She was keeping her fingers crossed for Kellogg, Cauthen, or Woody (NEW new dorms, A/C, hall-style) but alas, it wasn’t meant to be!</p>
<p>I’m used to having 20 + consecutive days of 99-108 degree temps in the summer. I feel for those up north who are suffering. It can be oppressive at times (which is why we have a summer home up north I suppose) :)</p>
<p>ShillyShally…I’m jealous. I’m still trying to get my hand on a BB&B coupon. I’m SO bad about throwing coupons out when they come because I simply don’t have time to keep up with them all. Now is when I wish I REALLY had one. Live and learn!</p>
<p>I’m starting to make slip covers for DD and her roomie’s desk chairs as well as curtains (black, hot pink, and white). I so seldom sew anymore. I hope I still remember how:) </p>
<p>Anyone have suggestions on how to hang heavier items on cinderblock?</p>