Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>DB - I’m sure Batman would love to splash around in the baby pool! </p>

<p>Nightchef - I know exactly what you mean! When I went to drop my S off at work at 8:30 this morning, I was thinking how nice and cool it was, and when I got in my car, I saw the thermometer said it was 89 degrees outside! Got my errands done early today, just in case. :D</p>


Does Batman swim? (Tell her that a lot of moms are sighing at her right now for denying that poor baby his dip in the pool!)</p>

<p>tango91-My son will also be a freshman at Yale this fall - what RC is he in? S is in a suite with 5 other guys with one common room (he’s in a single), so I’m thinking that I’ll probably bring the basics (XL twin bedding, mattress topper, desk lamp, etc) and let him figure out with the other suitemates who is bringing what for the suite. I know that there’s an IKEA not far from campus, and a Bed Bath and Beyond about 15 minutes away, so I think we can just fill in from there. Go on the Yale website and find the Residential Colleges link; depending on the college, there is specific info on what’s provided, what to bring etc (though some are more detailed than others…) Feel free to PM me if you’d like to discuss in more detail!</p>

<p>Ugh, ACM, sorry about your mom. Mine was like that and still tends towards holding major grudges & only remembering the bad things that happen, but her personality changed for the better after she had her stroke. I know, that sounds awful, but it’s true. As for the toaster tongs, I’ll have you know that they weren’t just any old toaster tongs, but the ones that came with the toaster, matched & fit in the slot. I’ve bought her two other pairs but they’re just not right. We’ve had some things moved around too when the cleaning ladies come, but I always find them. If I could get 15 minutes undisturbed in mom’s kitchen, I’m sure I’d find her tongs too. </p>

<p>So back to bedding. I found the allergy/bed bug mattress cover yesterday but I’m assuming that I need to look for a twin XL not the twin. Hoping BB&B has those when they get everything stocked this week. D could not believe the prices for towels (Who pays $30 for one towel!) but I had her feeling all the different weights, textures, softness etc. Apparently very eye opening :slight_smile: She ended up getting two sets at Kohl’s that were BOGO (buy one get one free.)</p>

<p>RobD-The toast tongs story gave me my laugh of the day…</p>

<p>Happy Wednesday everyone. I have not caught up on all the pages since the weekend, but will try later today.</p>

<p>Weather here in SoCal (near the beach) has been terrible. It was drizzling heavily this morning when I went to work and I don’t think the temps here have been out of the 60’s in many weeks. I would love to see some sun soon!</p>

<p>I am trying to catch up…toaster tongs, golden tickets, batman and his pool! Whew!!</p>

<p>My 2 1/2 year old black lab- Misty- just loves her baby pool. We actually leave the hose on with the water shooting up- she goes wild!</p>

<p>I think I have everything S2 needs for the dorm. He was away for 7 weeks last summer for 2 college courses, so he had everything already- except the XL sheets and the mattress pad. I just got those from great price and free shipping. </p>

<p>I am going to see TS3 on Sunday with my daughter. Can’t wait.</p>

<p>S2 got his AP scores back. He said I should not be mad at him about the calc score. He didn’t study at all. Just wanted to be done with school. It was really hard. Thinks he got a 1 or 2. He got a 4. I said- hmmmm, imagine if you did study!</p>

<p>Bad news here with my sister. She is back in the hospital. She is 48 and has been on oxygen for the past 6 years. She has SO many problems. They just transferred her fromt he local hospital ICU to the one at Penn. They are trying a new medicine- hope it works. SHe also has a bad heart, and would like to be on the list for a heart/lung transplant, but she has too many other problems, really low platelets being at the top of that list. I spent the day with her yeaterday trying to make her laugh through that face mask!</p>

<p>Just got the air fixed in my car. Not a minute too soon either- ugh. 95 at night? I have a prediction that there will be NO babies born in 9 months. Empty maternity wards. It is just too darn hot!</p>

<p>Actually, showmom858, I’d rather we be having the weather we’ve got right now than a ration of what they’re getting on the east coast. I’m sure our real summer is coming soon and, as always, if we’re going to roast, it will be an August/September affair.</p>

<p>Now S is alternating his food bank gig and being a teacher’s aid at the HS summer school program. I am hoping he makes it known that he has great math tutoring skills, so he doesn’t get stuck just doing busy work. We shall see.</p>

<p>I felt a little dumb this morning. I was using the newer version of MS Office and could not, after 15 minutes of looking around, figure out something as simple as saving a file to a desktop folder. Luckily, this department has it’s own IT coordinator two doors down, so I hailed him when he walked past my door. Transportation has all kinds of needs for technology. We have a GPS system that keeps track of the buses and records info on them. So no more instances of a bus being in an accident and people hopping ON in hopes of some injury payout.</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>


I will keep your sister in my prayers and hope for good news.</p>

<p>KYParent…I think my DD has the opposite problem. She has to have her annual physical so that she can have a TB test which is required for UVA. I made her an appt. with her female pediatrician (as I do every year). She now cringes when at at her age she has to enter a waiting room filled with babies and toddlers. She’s never really liked her pediatrician; she says she has WAY too much energy and excitement. When she talks, according to my DD, it’s as though she’s chanting a cheer. My response is, “Well, you’re a cheerleader so you should really enjoy her enthusiastic cadence.” Cue the crickets and eye roll. I suppose it’s time to start looking for a GP, internist, or GYN. Because she’ll be on an athletic team in college, she has to have another physical performed by one of the trainers when we go down for orientation. She detests going to the doctor and yet she wants to be one. :)</p>

<p>RobD…your toaster tong story had me tickled.</p>

<p>sewemma…I’m SO sorry about your sister!</p>

<p>sewemma: I’m also keeping your sister in my thoughts and prayers. I’m sure you’re love and support is helping her during this difficult time.</p>

<p>sewemma, your sister will be in my thoughts. </p>

<p>And, what is it about black labs and the garden hose? It’s now gotten to the point that we must spell out h-o-s-e so Batman doesn’t go berserk at the mention of the word. Thanks for letting me know it happens to others, too. ;)</p>


I posted a happy pets thread in the cafe to tell the story of my Harvick leaping and frolicking under the sprinkler. Harvick. Frolicking. I can’t believe it myself.</p>

So sorry to hear about your sister’s medical worries. I hope that the doctors at Penn are helpful to her. Good thoughts coming your way.</p>

<p>sewemma, I’m so sorry about your sister.</p>

<p>Went to the gyno today and asked her a question that I’ll ask here: Ds has his annual/physical tomorrow; should he get the HPV shot?</p>

<p>Have those of you with sons encouraged them to get one? FYI, gyno says absolutely he should get it.</p>

<p>sewemma, your sister is in my thoughts also. </p>

<p>Enjoying being at work in the nice AC today. Think weather is getting progressively better throughout the week. Really taking a toll on D2 working at the daycamp outside all day, she says she is working so hard for so little money (this is why you need to do well in school dear) They cancelled the overnight tonight because of the heat.</p>

<p>Glad Batman is back to his old self and enjoying his pool ;)</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>Thanks for all the helpful replies. @my2sonz my son is in Davenport the 12 pack! He’s talking to all of them trying to figure out what each brings, we are coming from overseas so can’t bring any big stuff except what we can buy in New Haven. I’m a bit concerned re mattress pads and toppers…does one need to get both? Also which are the best places to shop online or DC besides BBB and Target. Which college is your son in?</p>

<p>YDS…Funny you should mention this. I just got back from taking DS (almost 14) to pediatrician for annual exam. Pediatrician encouraged it as well. We did the 3 Guardisil shots for DD this past year. This is the first I’ve heard of boys getting it.</p>

<p>sewemma - so sorry to hear about your sister</p>

<p>I love all the toaster tongs stories…we do have a pair my dad is quite fond of. I think he’d be pretty upset if we lost them, but I do believe we’ve replaced them once, so I guess we’d live :wink: </p>

<p>Someone else mentioned before that BBB/similar stores haven’t quite started pulling out all the college stuff - that’s what my mom thinks as well, so she wants to wait a week or so before looking. I think a lot of it is online already, though. </p>

<p>In other news, I will be getting on a plane for Pittsburgh exactly 5 weeks from today! I start really early (earlier than my high school), and my mom and I are getting there ~2 days early so we can get dorm stuff/explore the city a little.</p>