Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

My DS#3 is also working at a local day camp, assigned to kindergarten boys. He really is having a very unpleasant time as they are quite ill-behaved as a bunch. This was even before the temperature started breaking 100 degrees yesterday, today, maybe tomorrow, too. The camp he’s at runs from 8:30 until almost 4 p.m. and he thinks it’s much too long for the little ones. He also thinks that the current generation of young parents have a lot to learn about discipline, but that’s an entirely different story. :wink: To top it off, yesterday they had an extended camp day, and he had these kids until 7 p.m. He got to eat neither lunch nor dinner. He was so annoyed when he got home. He is counting the days until camp is finished, and like your D, will have lots of time before school starts, sort of like a “second summer,” so it’s not all bad. :)</p>

<p>He said he can’t imagine going back to work at this camp again after this summer. I used the moment to gently explain that he had to take getting a job seriously next summer and actually be proactive about it.</p>

<p>sewemma - Sorry about your sister. Will keep her in my thoughts and prayers.</p>

<p>Good Afternoon!</p>

<p>I am definitely enjoying a lazy day of summer. Sunshine and good books. It’s still only around 90 today, but 100% humidity. Sticky!</p>

<p>Welcome Tango!</p>

<p>CalifDancer, great job on hour AP scores.</p>

<p>acm, I’m glad your son made it home safely. Now we want to hear the funny stories.</p>

<p>sewemama, sorry to hear your sister isn’t well. I will also keep you and your sister in my thoughts.</p>

<p>yds, both of my sons had physicals in June and there wasn’t any mention of the HPV shot.</p>

<p>I feel your daughters on the doctor thing. I loved my pediatrician, but then she had some health problems and had to retire early. Then I saw a physician assistant in her office - she was okay. Now I go to a very preachy internist. Ugh. She is nice and everything, but I get a lot of big lectures! I just have to grit my teeth and smile. It is so hard to find a good doctor. They’re either way too preachy/goofy or have no personality whatsoever. If anyone knows a good gyno in the triangle area of NC, let me know ha ha! ; )</p>

<p>Thanks for the congrats on IB! We are very happy it is DONE and behind all of us!</p>

<p>S2 is feeling kind of bored and might almost appreciate one of those camp jobs in the 100+ heat…it beats doing yard work! I consider it motivation for him to find an office job next year. ;)</p>

<p>sewemma, glad you are able to spend time w/ your sister and hope that Penn can get her more comfortable and stable.</p>

<p>I am ready to go frolicking in the sprinkler with the dogs…</p>


I love little kids, but this sounds like the farthest thing from fun.</p>

<p>YDS - I asked my son’s physician about the HPV shot and she strongly advised against it. It’s only been recommended for boys for about 6 months. She wanted to wait until it had been in use a bit longer to gain more experience and knowledge about its effectiveness. She also said in her 15+ years as a physician, she’d never once seen a case of HPV in boys.</p>

<p>We decided to wait.</p>

<p>There are other threads on the subject in this forum - you can do a search and get other opinions.</p>

<p>S left the pediatrician this summer, he couldn’t wait to get out of that office with the tiny chairs and the doctor in the spiderman shirt. I reminded S he had a cancer scare 4 years ago picked up on by the spiderman doc! No cancer but still an ongoing issue that needs periodic monitoring and the pediatricians were always on top of the details with S and the specialist.</p>

<p>S is still liking mannying for his “kids”. He is off today so he helped me make some cushion templates and tagged along to the upholsterers, then we stopped at his favorite preppy clothing store and bought him some Sperry’s and a Vineyard Vines UPenn tie for his BS roommate, (this store has all the college ties) and some V.V. board shorts for H’s birthday.
My amex needs a rest! </p>

<p>Sewemma, I am so sorry for your sister’s health troubles. </p>

<p>It is literally too hot for the beach, we drove by our beach club and the parking lot was practically empty. S went off to watch more world cup and swim at a friends house.</p>

<p>The only job I ever quit was as a camp counselor. :o</p>

<p>Let me rephrase that. The only job that I quit without giving notice.</p>

<p>acm, I can believe what you say about your beach club parking lot. I just came back from a run to Costco, and the parking lot was much emptier than normal. Has to be the ridiculous heat.</p>

<p>zoosermom-these 12 boys are going into kindergarten, so they’re 4 1/2-5 years old and mostly ill-behaved. Throwing rocks, disorderly, etc. DS was given this assignment by the camp director, who WAS a friend/acquaintance of ours. Notice the past tense. I think he thinks highly of DS and so thought that he would be responsible enough to handle this. He is, but the toll that it’s taking on his mental health is probably not worth it. He announced yesterday’s triumph as the first time he’s been able to use the bathroom in a week and a half at the camp. He is the senior counselor and his assistant counselor has his own issues, so it’s generally a countdown to when camp will be over. :rolleyes:</p>

<p>I envy all of you whose kids have jobs. I keep telling myself to love the kid on the couch. :rolleyes: :o</p>

<p>can I have a pity party? my DS is one of those kids pushing carts in the million-degree Costco parking lot!</p>

<p>archiemom: “When I feel brave, we’ll have the shower caddy discussion…”
i’m totally cracking up. “when i feel brave” that’s the truth!</p>

<p>D actually said yes to “poping into Kohl’s” for their 4th of July sale and then - ACTUALLY BOUGHT THINGS! (she’s WAY excited about dorm shopping but isn’t happy with some recent weight gain so she’s not been in the mood - or even willing to discuss the mention of the notion - of clothing shopping.)</p>

<p>bought hot pink and hot orange XL sheets at BBB.
guess who didn’t have her gazillion coupons with her? that would be me.
i thought i’d bring them back in along with the coupon to geta return-re-buy discount, but D was so excited, she washed them last night so that she could go ahead and pack them!!! hysterical. her laundry has been waiting to be washed for 2 weeks, but the brand new sheets get washed the next day!<br>

<p>will go back for matress pad and cover and towels when D has her gift card with her. (the sheets were on me).</p>

<p>this is getting real folks!</p>

<p>she registers tomorrow at 2 - wish us luck!
let’s hope there are no mysterious “holds” - dreaded word, that, isn’t it?!</p>

<p>AL34, I feel for your ds. My ds said the one thing he didn’t want to do is be a cart guy.</p>

<p>Good luck, 1stttime.</p>

<p>tango91 - S is in JE (Farnam for freshman year). I don’t know how the beds are - if they need a bed pad or not. S’s boarding school bed was definitely improved by having a pad on it; if these are better quality, they may be ok with just a mattress cover.</p>

<p>youdon’tsay - When I took S2 (age 14) to ped for his checkup, I asked about the Guardisil vaccine. She said that they are not advising it (as of now) as it’s not been recommended by the American Acad of Pediatrics yet for use in boys. So we are holding off on that until more is known about it.</p>

<p>sewemma - so sorry to hear about your sister; hoping she has some improvement. Penn is a great hospital.</p>

<p>showmom - I think any of us on the east coast would gladly swap weather with you! :-)</p>

<p>Parents of Yalies: the mattresses are encased in plastic, so a pad of some kind is necessary for comfort. We got D a thick, poly-filled pad and she was fine. Others might want an egg-crate, memory foam, etc., but you definitely need something. </p>

<p>Here’s wishing your kids as wonderful a four years there as my D had. :)</p>

<p>^^^^1sttimemom: If you bring in your receipt with your discount coupons - BBB will apply them! (You don’t have to ‘re-turn’ and ‘re-buy’ - just the receipt will do! Good Luck!<br>
FYI - Go to the BBB website and ‘register’ & sign in - you will get coupons sent to your e-mail - (you can adjust your printer and print out any amount you need!!!)</p>

<p>Hi all! I just spent sometime in another forum and it got too mean too quickly, so I decided to come back here where people are civil</p>

<p>Why can’t every thread be full of people with constructive criticism.</p>

<p>Aww, rocket. :o Dang.</p>

<p>r6L: Welcome back! Sorry you had to deal with impolite and rude people. :frowning: We’ll gather the “zooser posse” and give 'em a piece of our mind…maybe just staying here is more pleasant and more chance to give you {{{{HUGS}}}. Hope your summer is going well. </p>

<p>Stay :cool:</p>