Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>minimomx3: we’ve had more staycation years than not so you’re in good company. We staycayed last year. Here are some positives: you don’t have to pack; you don’t have to hear “are we there yet?” you don’t have to go through the mail when you get back…</p>

<p>Books on the Kindle are generally $7.99 to $9.99. The only time I’ve seen them for more than $9.99 is if they are a highly specialized topic for a very narrow audience or are more of a reference book.</p>

<p>Doesn’t BN have their own e-reader - the Nook? I wouldn’t think they would support the Sony e-reader and vice-versa.</p>

<p>We are used book buyers. We had to purchase all HS books and always went for the used books first. S is fine with it. Our college savings are his now, so whatever money he can save is more he’ll have for grad school.</p>

<p>Lafalum, there is a BBB right near Elon. I was just there the other day after I dropped my S off at camp. You can probably do as kindredspirit says and order at home to pick up at Elon.</p>

<p>minimomx3, staycations are good. You can explore all those local places that you never quite get around to visiting.</p>

<p>Welcome Psi!</p>



<p>I have a Kindle which I LOVE. I’ve never had one problem with it. You can PM me with questions, but seriously, best investment EVER</p>

<p>One of my friends has a nook that she likes a whole bunch. I don’t like how heavy it is, but it does have the color screen. You can’t go wrong</p>

<p>And, Borders is releasing an eReader. It’s going to come preloaded with like 100 classics and is rather cheap, check it out!</p>

<p>mimimomx3 - I can relate to your staycation plans. As educators, we would take off every summer. One summer, we traveled to London, Hawaii and China - just because there were “great deals”!<br>
Now, we are enjoying the sights in our own backyard. Our small community has a lot of offer and we are a stone’s throw from Malibu where the kids love to hike. DH and I have also decided to make mini vacations out of D’s golf tournaments. Fortunately, she’s not doing too many in the desert :)</p>

<p>applicannot, it’s possible that there’s room in the laundry rooms for what you have in mind. I know that the laundry rooms when I went to college had tons of extra space. If you loft your bed you might be able to hand things from it.</p>

<p>psychmom-hope you enjoy(ed) American Idiot. DS#2 went to see the show about 5 weeks ago with friends and loved it, but did mention that he felt his hearing was altered for life. ;)</p>

<p>applicannot-we used those collapsible wooden drying racks in our dorm room in college back in the stone age. I don’t recall that they took up too much room.</p>

<p>kindredspirit-Sorry that I’m a little late for brunch, but would you happen to have a sesame bagel left? Did you happen to splurge on some lox? :D</p>

<p>No textbooks or course registration for us either. Northwestern says that registration is done on the Friday before classes begin and that gives the student “plenty of time to buy the books” before class starts on Tuesday. :eek: Swarthmore registration also happens during orientation week just before school begins and I believe that DS#2 will be buying what he needs in the college bookstore. It’s an independent, non-profit, not a Barnes & Noble type, so if the students want to keep a bookstore on campus, it behooves them to support it.</p>

<p>Good morning, everyone! (Afternoon for a lot of you, but hey, I’m up before noon here :D)</p>

<p>PAVenturer - I saw the King Tut exhibit when it came to SF, and it’s great! I highly recommend it, and this is coming from someone who really, really doesn’t like museums! </p>

<p>lafalum - I also can’t believe people have finished dorm shopping! I haven’t started, and I have one of the earlier start dates, I think… </p>

<p>Right now, I’m trying to finalize my schedule so I can send it to my adviser for approval. I’m waiting for the official results of my math placement test, but with the score I got and the 5 on AP Calc, it should be fine. I really need to get placement for Chinese, though - I keep putting it off, which is not good. At all. </p>

<p>I think I’m also going to check with my roommate before I buy bedding just to make sure she doesn’t want to coordinate colors or something :wink: I don’t think she’s the kind of person who would, but I’ll check just in case. There are so many bedding options out there, and I have no idea what to pick! I was browsing Pottery Barn Teen yesterday because my mom thought she said it looked nice (albeit expensive). So many different colors/patterns!</p>

<p>momof3: I just happen to have one sesame left and a bit of lox to go with it! Even some tomato if you like. Happy Brunch! :D</p>

<p>CaliD: Good morning! Good luck in finalizing your schedule and with your bedding. :)</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>It is suddenly dark and stormy here - pouring rain and I can feel the temperature dropping precipitously. A dramatic end to an oppressive heat wave.</p>

<p>I may be able to convince S to take a look-see at BB&B tomorrow. That will be the beginning of dorm shopping. He is not the least bit excited about it, but views it as necessary so will accommodate. I assume it will be the same when I drag him out for clothing and new sneakers. He is very happy with his laptop which arrived yesterday.</p>

<p>Not much else to report on around here. Hope everyone can have a relaxing weekend.</p>

<p>good afternoon all, have been out in the garden weeding, but I think the rain has switched from intermittent to constant, so I think I’m done for the day.</p>

<p>Drinks- I had been in the habit of having a beer most nights with dinner, trying to cut that back because of the calories. Open a bottle of wine every so often and then finish that over the next few days. When we are at the cape, especially with my sister, we have happy hours mostly because it is a nice relaxing thing to do after getting back from the beach before starting dinner. </p>

<p>ebook readers- I would like one, I would also like an iPad for the multimedia for example associated with the magazines. D1 is a bookhound and if she weren’t such a luddite an ereader would be good for her. Maybe once she is accustomed to cramped dorm living she would reconsider.</p>

<p>I also want to say congrats to all on post #1000 :D</p>

<p>dorm shopping. Me to D- do you think you’d want a microwave in your room. D- I don’t care. This is the same D who told me to pick out sheets. I feel in the camp with those of you with boys :smiley: Maybe we’ll make it out to BBB/Target tonight to look around, if not I think it can wait till next time she is home.</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>Yes, we’re getting the Big Thunderstorm here too. Torrential rain pouring straight down, lots of thunder. Dramatic, badly needed, and COOL. Yay!</p>

<p>I just got back from BB&B. They now have their dorm display up. Actually, I didn’t see much that I needed to buy for son - I’ve been picking up things over the last 3 weeks or so and have pretty much purchased everything except a fridge and microwave and a desk lamp and a mattress pad. But I did pick up a travel size bottle of Oxyclean stain remover. I didn’t want to send a bigger bottle since I know son isn’t likely to use it and it will just take up space but wanted him to have something just in case of an emergency. It was pricey but will fit nicely in the ‘kit’ I’m making for him with first aid and other sundry items like a needle and thread, small flashlight, sunscreen, etc.</p>

<p>BTW - Is anyone sending an umbrella and raincoat with their child? I know son will think it’s silly but I don’t think he’s fully grasped the concept that he will walking everywhere come rain or shine.</p>

<p>Yes to raincoat and umbrella. I think they were even on S’s list before I edited.</p>

<p>I can’t imagine S using an umbrella. I’m lobbying for him to get a warm, waterproof jacket with a hood. He thinks a regular hoodie will work, and doesn’t understand why soaking wet cotton isn’t a great idea…</p>



<p>I bow before you Austin and I look down you sneering Lafalum! I have begun shopping. We have one bin and two towels. So there!!</p>

<p>ahhh- the umbrella! My son scoffed when I packed an umbrella for him to go to Boston last summer for 7 weeks. It rained for the first 3 weeks. He might not have used it himself, but he met a beautiful girl who snuggled with him under his umbrella as they walked around Cambridge. I saw lots of pics of fb. He thanked me later!</p>


This is my latest obsession. And rain boots. D will have many of her art conservation classes across the entire campus from her dorm. I expect she will take the bus to and from, but I’m convinced that she needs a raincoat, umbrella and those adorable rubber galoshes with pretty patterns on them. I’m sure we could find some with skulls or daggers or the mark of the devil on them. </p>

<p>Sneakers. What about sneakers? She usually wears converse when she doesn’t wear girly shoes. Does she need running shoes? D1 was a distance runner, so she had them, but D2 fences and doesn’t.</p>

<p>6pm dot com greatest shoe website</p>

<p>DD has two pairs of rainboots, one regular pair that have flowers on them, and one pair of purple Tretorn ones that are lined that she wears in winter. I will have to see if she’ll wear a raincoat. Probably yes if we can find a cute one. Luckily she loves umbrellas and has several different ones with cute prints on them.</p>

<p>S1, on the other hand, will wear a waterproof jacket, but would never wear rainboots or use an umbrella</p>

<p>I know for a fact that my daughter will refuse to wear regular running shoes to walk around campus, she always wears boots or flats of some sort. I am going to get her a new pair of running shoes for the gym though. My youngest loves converse, and I think those would be fine for walking around campus, but if she is going to wear them for exercise I would get her a good pair of running shoes/crosstrainers.</p>