Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>S wears a rain jacket but never a carries an umbrella. Guys just don’t at this age! I agree that the girls need wellingtons! I wear Hunter boots when it’s raining or muddy out. They make them in great colors and they last forever. Mine are black, but I also like the original green and of course pink! I am sending a pair to my niece when she chooses the color she wants.</p>

<p>D understands the need for an umbrella and will bring one. She also has great rainboots and a gortex shell, as all the crew parents know you stand around at day long regattas in the rain. She brings them to camp and loves loves loves them. She needs new running sneakers, not sure what her daily footwear to classes will be, around here when it isn’t freezing it is usually flip flops :rolleyes:</p>

<p>H started a list and of things we need to buy for D and when he had 3 items on it, he thought it might be a complete list. ROTFLMAO He also ran to get the desk lamp he used in college to show to her to see if she wanted to bring that (I joke at this, but it is one of the clip on adjustable swing arms, and I have mine from college also, so they are decent and they might end up going) Have to decide if we are sending the towels the girls usually take to camp in the summer. We have not bought anything yet. </p>

<p>Rain has stopped but I’ve showered so don’t want to go back out and weed in the mud…maybe it’s cocktail time…</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>D bought rainboots last spring from Zappos. She also convinced me that both she and I needed a Northface Venture jacket when we saw it at Bass Pro Shop. It was expensive ($99) but it has turned out to be an excellent lightweight rain jacket. We both layered it over our Northface Denali Fleece jackets when we were in Barcelona in February, and despite drizzly 45 degree days, we stayed warm and dry! I’ll send an umbrella, but it will have to be a downpour for her to use it.</p>

<p>The girls might use umbrellas if they are going out at night and want to keep their hair dry?</p>

<p>S wants a Barbour jacket, I love mine. I told him to put it on his Christmas list!</p>

<p>I love the rain, jc, though I didn’t like driving in it up I-35 yesterday.</p>

<p>Ds has yet ANOTHER jacket. It’s like people think Minnesota is Siberia and coats are outlawed there. My SIL made him go through her older boys’ closets and pick out what he liked. After my father did the same thing last week and sent us home with – no joke – five. I figure a couple of more trips to family and I’ll have enough stock to open a Burlington Coat Factory. I just smile and nod.</p>

<p>ETA: Ds scoffs at the notion of an umbrella. Rain boots? He’d disown me.</p>

<p>A raincoat and rainboots and umbrella are a must! I think I was at school for maybe two weeks before it rained, and I immediately ordered rainboots so I wouldn’t ruin any other shoes. I remember talking to a boy in one of my classes on a day it POURED and he looked like he had jumped in the swimming pool. He said he couldn’t believe his mom hadn’t thought to pack him an umbrella! LOL.</p>

<p>My rule is that I don’t wear rainboots to class unless it’s actually raining when I leave the dorm - I have seen too many people tromping around campus in giant rainboots on sunny days when the weather report was wrong and it never rained. Kind of funny!</p>

<p>anothercrazymom, Hunter boots are all the rage at my school! Two girls on my hall had them - one had dark green and one had grey. A girl on the hall below me had pink! I think they’re so cute, but it doesn’t rain enough for me to feel compelled to splurge on them. I usually try to just get away with Sperry’s when it rains, but I did get rainboots from Zappos (love that site). I also have a North Face rain jacket.</p>

<p>jambaby, all my friends wear Hunter boots also, they are very popular at S’s BS. They last forever.</p>

<p>Boys are so easy. Son will take his sneakers (pretty much his daily footwear), his rainbow flip flops and a pair of nice deck shoes for when sneakers aren’t dressy enough and maybe a pair of hiking boots (in case he wants to go hiking) and that’s it.</p>

<p>I am going to pack an umbrella. I might just leave in it in the package to see if it comes back unopened :)</p>

<p>I’m a bit worried that my son from Colorado (300 days of sunshine, not much rain) is not prepared for what Boston weather will be like. He’ll probably scoff at the umbrella, but a hooded rainjacket is a good idea. Also hoping to talk him into a pair of hiking boots or something hardier than the sneakers he wears year round.</p>

<p> :sunny::sunny::sunny::sunny::sunny::sunny::sunny::sunny::sunny::sunny:
Waving the white flag. I just can’t keep up with y’all. (practicing for Nashville) </p>

<p>Welcome PAVenturer! Thanks for the drink!
Welcome Psi! Wishing your son a wonderful last few weeks at home.</p>

<p>I’ll be thinking about your dear daughter, MissEmily. I hope she has a great week. I was in Kohl’s last night (returning the ‘no-show’ socks and getting the ‘low-cut’ ones - they looked the same to me!) and they were starting to put out dorm stuff. It looked bright - pink, orange, etc. Good luck! </p>

<p>RobD - So sorry to hear about the theft. I love those LIFE IS GOOD things. Dear son used to wear those t-shirts in elementary school.</p>

<p>Youdon’tsay - Thanks, we’re okay on the physical as long as he’s up-to-date on immunizations, which he is. He can always go in over Thanksgiving or Winter Break if necessary.</p>

<p>Welcome back, Keilexandra, and have a good trip! </p>

<p>Have a great vacation, DougBetsy! You too, Youdon’tsay!</p>

<p>LOL, Kajon! The U of MN signed our son up for a few things last year, and when he sent his letter declining admission for 2010, they sent him a welcome email. Maybe they need some Jack Daniels… Today he got an email that from another college. It said, “Congratulations on your academic accomplishments. These accomplishments tell us that you’re a great candidate for admission to Xxxxxxxx and will be a scholarship recipient!” Somewhere he must be on a list of the Class of 2011.

When we took our daughter to Cheesecake Factory for lunch on her 21st birthday, she ordered Long Island Tea. I just :Ded. </p>

<p>Thanks for the coffee and bagels, parent56 and kindredspirit - I grabbed some on the way to our son’s last game… :frowning: Let’s just say both teams ran out of pitchers - there were 26 runs scored!</p>

<p>psychmom - :heart::heart: I hope you and your dear daughter enjoyed NYC and the show.</p>

<p>kindredspirit - LOL about the shoes! Shoes are my daughter’s weakness. I must confess, though, that the last pair I bought her were Dansko clog-type shoes for when she does her rotation in surgery. She describes them as hideous, but I guess they are super comfortable. BTW, zoosermom, she loves her rubber boots!</p>

<p>Staycation… I guess that’s what we’re doing this year. :frowning: Oh, well. We do get to take a two-day drive to Nashville. Does that count as a vacation? The drive back home will be long and quiet, I fear, with a few Kleenex needed.</p>

<p>Hope everyone’s having a great weekend. It’s after 5:00 somewhere, so CHEERS!</p>

<p>Staying :cool: :cool:!</p>

<p>Will your boys bring dress shoes, a blazer, a suit? My son had to dress for dinner 2 nights a week all through HS, he has quite a few ties, blazers, a suit and a tuxedo. Can you all imagine if I had a girl?</p>

<p>acm, I think my son is planning to bring a blazer, dress pants, and dress shoes. I’m not sure where he’ll wear them, but he’ll bring them. He also has a gortex rain jacket that will keep him dry. Yesterday I mentioned that we will need to go shopping soon and he seemed okay with it. </p>

<p>I’m off to get ready for my Micheal Buble concert.</p>

<p>Boy did I luck out - I came by just after BT posted so I can say ditto!!</p>

<p>In regards to dorm room shopping, yes, we are really finished. D is an obsessive list maker. So back in April she created a Target gift registry for all things dorm room and I sent it out to family for birthday/graduation. So people just bought things off her list or gave her gift cards. Last night she even bought the all-in-one laundry sheets and packed those. I am just waiting on the get $5 off any $15 purchase coupon that the magical BB&B email promised me is coming this week and I will get her mattress pad then. We even ordered rain boots :wink: I am glad she is organized but it was kind of funny walking through the store last night with her reading off the “things I still need list” on her phone. And we did go to Kohl’s since she had a gift card them and there is some cuuute dorm stuff there. </p>

<p>jackief - Are you offering cocktails for all? I would love a strawberry margarita!</p>

<p>Can we just assume that our boys will need dress shoes, a blazer, (maybe a suit) at college? My H says yes because there are bound to be times when they’ll be needed and I agree.</p>

<p>I anticipate that my S will heartily resist taking anything other than t-shirts and jeans, so we’ll have to force the issue.</p>

<p>BTW, he doesn’t own a suit and I think we’ll just go with the blazer for now.</p>

<p>S asked for a suit for Christmas last year and he owns at least 5 blazers and steals more of them from his dad, especially the camel hair. The tux I think he’ll use and he also would like a white dinner jacket, good ideas for Birthday and Christmas gifts.</p>

<p>Payfor, if he joins a fraternity he’ll need a jacket.</p>

<p>My son will definitely take a dress shirt or two, khakis and a tie. He had to wear a tie every Tuesday throughout HS, so he’s use to it. He may take a blazer (we haven’t talked about it) which means he will probably need to take dress shoes also. If he goes the fraternity route, he will definitely be taking dressier clothes. He’s not convinced that he wants to do a fraternity yet so we are probably going to wait and see about the dress clothes. I can always mail them to him.</p>

<p>He’s been bugging me for a tux. I’ve told him if he joins a fraternity then we would get one. Otherwise, I doubt he’ll need one through college.</p>

<p>anothercrazymom, no fraternity at U of Chicago where he’ll be going, but I suspect there could be campus or off-campus functions where a blazer would be appropriate. I don’t know; just speculating.</p>

<p>DS will take his suit, and we’re in the market (ie, dh looks at Goodwill and thrift stores) for a navy blazer.</p>

<p>S will take his navy blazer, dress shirts and pants, and a couple of ties. If he joins a fraternity, then I guess a tux will be in his future, based on the other posts I have read. I wish we had invested in a tux in H.S., given the money we spent on rentals! </p>

<p>As far as a rain jacket is concerned, S likes his Marmot shell, and it is pretty bullet-proof. We will send an umbrella, but it will likely not be used.</p>