Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>Good Monday morning to everyone. Thanks again for all the recaps to get me up to date.</p>

<p>D’s school has no greek life, but as a musical theatre major she was never interested in a sorority anyway. D wants to joint the musical theatre association and probably the choir at her school.</p>

<p>AP scores arrived this weekend and both D’s were happy! </p>

<p>We went to a brunch yesterday at a friends to watch the soccer game and later had friends over for dinner and to watch “The Exorcist.” Both D’s have decided they need to see more old scary movies this summer! </p>

<p>Planning on a trip to Target this week as sheets are on sale and I need to pick up white ones for D to tie dye for her dorm!</p>

<p> :sunny::sunny::sunny::sunny::sunny::sunny::sunny::sunny::sunny::sunny:
I hope you’re feeling better, Youdon’tsay. </p>

<p>Keilexandra and mdemvizi - You are early risers… I hope you have a great day planned. :slight_smile: You would laugh at the uniform situation with our son. He had school uniforms in high school, but took one class at the community college this year. Because of the way the APs were scheduled at his school, he had to go to first hour, then change clothes to go to math class, then change back to the uniform to go back to school. Sometimes his car looked like his bedroom floor. :eek: Oh, and mdemvizi, the blazers that were part of my high school uniform were blue with no lapels… and your skirt had to touch the floor when you were kneeling. We were quite lovely…</p>

<p>psychmom - I’m glad you and your daughter had a great time at “American Idiot”. Sounds like fun!</p>

<p>{{HUGS}} Lafalum84. I hope you are feeling better. It is our plan to pay for the dorm furnishings so he can save his money (including graduation gift money) for ‘spending money’ while he is at school - movies, meals out, etc. We are not wealthy (remember, I’m a teacher) but live pretty simply so we can help them through these college years. BTW, each of our kids is responsible for some of their tuition each year through money earned or a loan. That is an ‘ownership’ thing that my husband insists on for them. </p>

<p>aliceinw - Congratulations to you and your daughter! That is great news.</p>

<p>austinmtmom - Wow! Great job on those textbooks. I’m impressed!</p>

<p>Wishing for the airline fairies to look favorably on you, applicannot. I bet you’ll find something with your mad internet skills. I think our daughter had good luck sometimes with studentuniverse dot com. Good luck.</p>


Me too! Although I have already made two trips for the ‘low cut, not no show’ socks… Congrats on the AP scores!</p>

<p>And more congratulations to you and your daughters, showmom858, for AP scores that brought happiness.</p>

<p>Hope everyone has a great day - I’m off to meet my best friend for lunch.
:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>Hi BT!! Love the story about your S and his changing room in the car!! Have a great lunch :)</p>

<p>Good morning, everyone! Just stopping by to announce that today happens to be my **18th birthday! ** My mom and I plan to spend the day dorm shopping :)</p>

<p>Happy Birthday, CaliD!!! Have fun shopping.</p>

<p>Happy Birthday CaliforniaDancer! I told my daughter when she turned 18 last week, “Now I can smack you and it won’t be child abuse!” She said, “Nope. Just assault.”</p>

<p>Happy Birthday CaliD!!</p>

<p>Happy birthday CaliD!! You’re all grown-up now! I hope it’s a wonderful day for you.</p>

<p>Have fun on your day, CaliD.</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>I used to be an AYSO referee back in the days when S was into soccer, before he switched to water polo. I work with a guy who a regional AYSO referee coordinator. We both thought the officating left something to be desired at the World Cup Final. The two worst that I saw: 1) The Holland player should have been red carded for kicking the Spanish player in the chest. 2) There should have been a foul called when, IIRC, a Spanish player had his arms encircling a Holland player to impede progress, just outside the box (may the ref didn’t have the same angle at the camera showed, granted.)</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>S got his two AP scores, all smiles. His predictive qualities as to AP scores he received were spot on for all three years. So he’ll be a National AP scholar, a “bragging right” that’s only useful to his HS now.</p>

<p>Has anyone heard of car tag? S and his buddies were bored last night and so were doing this and he didn’t get home until 2 am. I cautioned him strongly to use good judgment. In essence, the participants map out a region. At various points, cars are parked. A participant on foot is to attempt to get by without someone in the car spotting them. If so, a passenger from the parked car leaps out and tries to catch the first participant. The car moves on to the next point. I don’t recall what happens next, or how one wins this game. I asked him to consider what he’d be saying if some resident called the police after seeing teenage boys running through a neighborhood. (I also worried, but left unsaid, what might transpire if some of the participants were from certain ethnic groups in certain neighborhoods … )</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>Happy birthday CaliD!</p>

<p>BT - I’m no early riser, just 12 hours ahead of my usual Eastern time in China. :cool:</p>

<p>FindAPlace - I thought the officiating in World Cup was hideous. This from a non-soccer guy but an avid sportsfan and former professional baseball umpire.</p>

<p>I’ve never heard of car tag. It doesn’t sound like something I wouild want my kids doing for the reasons you mention. But I probably did worse things when I was a teenager. </p>

<p>@all - I was kidding with the child abuse comment. I hope no offense was taken. Guess you would have to know me and my kids to know it was a harmless statement.</p>

<p>PA, no offense taken. I was going to use it on my kid, who just the other day joked he was calling CPS.</p>





<p>Hey! I got a 30% off at Kohl’s coupon too…it starts Wednesday :)</p>

<p>Happy 18th Birthday CaliD! Enjoy your day & happy shopping. </p>

<p>Applicannot: sorry about the high airfares; they seem exceptionally high this year. I just made the call that D & I will be driving to Cincinnati for our trip since the fares (which used to be low since Southwest flies there) haven’t dropped at all. If that route is a Southwest one, you can download the Ding application & it will let you know of any specials on a daily basis.</p>

<p>Happy Bday CaliD!!! </p>

<p>LOL paventurer…i’m going to use that with my son!!!</p>

<p>applicannot - have you thought of bidding for a ticket on priceline? WIth that you don’t have any control over times but it sounds like you don’t care and you may find that price is accepted! Good luck!</p>

<p>Happy Birthday CalD!!! Enjoy your day :)</p>

<p>happ birthday CaD!</p>