Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>Happy Birthday CaliD!</p>

<p>No greek here. My D is currently “against” the greek system, but I think that is based on what she has seen in movies and TV. I don’t think she would ever join a sorority if they wanted money from her…certainly not that much money, and she would not give someone a picture of herself.</p>

<p>So about Dorm Room Shopping. D and I went to BBB last weekend and bought a shopping basketfull of stuff - pillows, matress pad, comforter, laundry basket, towels, etc. This weekend I went back with my partner and got another basketfull of stuff that D & I had agreed on -full length mirror, sheets, comforter (she picked them out last time but we wanted to look online for cheaper prices), lamp, laptop lock, under bed storage containers, surge protector, etc. When we were checking out there was a girl and her mom in front of us in line who just had the dorm-room-in-a-bag. I felt kind of like a crazy lady next to these sensible-looking people…but I am furnishing another residence for my D. Right???</p>

<p>I am paying to furnish the dorm room. My D has to pay for her books for the 1st semester out of her graduation money, and after that my mom is paying for them. Since she does not have a job this summer she has to save her money.</p>

<p>Anyway, I am staying :cool:</p>

<p>BlessedTwice-You say “ownership,” I say “skin in the game.” :wink: We are requiring our boys to save the money they have received for graduation gifts and buy their own laptops. The money they are working at their summer jobs will be their “expense $$” pool at college.</p>

<p>I also should have just asked you to send me the “no show” socks and I’d exchange them for the “low cuts” I purchased in error. :D</p>

<p>CaliDancer-Happy 18th Birthday!</p>

<p>aliceinw-congratulations on your D’s persistence in landing that internship!</p>

<p>momof3sons, no-show vs. low-cut is very big in my house. I pity the mom who gets the wrong one!</p>

<p>missem, thanks for the reminder to stay cool. I needed those shades this weekend with dh’s family. It’s good I’ve had Lamaze and had learned calming breathing techniques. :cool:</p>

<p>Happy Birthday CalD :slight_smile: Enjoy your very special day :heart::heart::heart:</p>

<p>Hi all! Looks like I’m in catch up mode today after a morning of errands.</p>

<p>HAPPY BIRTHDAY CALID! Hope you have a wonderful day!! :)</p>

<p>Mathmom: Yikes! Hope the houseflies stayed in the great outdoors today!</p>

<p>Psychmom: So glad you and your D enjoyed the play. It sounds great. And for me, when there’s angst, there’s nothing like a feel-good ending! And so nice that her roommate is a “partner in pink.” ;)</p>

<p>Parent56: good try with lime sheets! And I have to agree that for sons, blue (my S went for navy) seems to be the choice! It seems based on this thread that “Blue is for Boy” is being validated. And I really hate stereotypes, but this one holds for all the boys and their dorm choices that I know!</p>

<p>Lafalum: Hope you are feeling better. I understand your frustration about the time your D is spending with her BF. I like YDS’ suggestion. </p>

<p>Aliceinw: CONGRATS to your D on her paid internship! Sometimes patience and persistence really do win the day. It sounds wonderful.</p>

<p>Austinmt: More kudos to you! You’re a dynamo! YAY for ordering your D’s textbooks. Do have anything left on your list? :)</p>

<p>Applicanot: Good luck in finding a cheap flight! I agree with BT that with your savvy computer skills, success may not be to far away. You’ve gotten some good suggestions here.</p>

<p>Standrews and showme: CONGRATS to your D’s on their AP scores! Happiness is good!</p>

<p>BT: First I just want to say, sorry about your high school uniform! I’m sure you were lovely! :)…….LOL re: your dear S changing in the car….Kind of reminds me of Clark Kent and his alter ego. And I’ll bet no one was the wiser!..We have a similar approach as you to our children’s college expenses. So far it’s worked well. Hope you are having a fabulous lunch with your BFF! </p>

<p>Momof3: We also expect our S and D to use most of their summer earnings as their pool of expense money in college. Responsibility breeds reflection when it comes to spending money! (And low-cut here for S, D is of the no-show variety :wink: )</p>

<p>Wishing all a good rest of the day! Off to check the mail to see if that 30% Kohl’s coupon is waiting!</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>HaPpY BiRtHdAy CaliD!!!</p>

<p>Blue here too. Perhaps S will be coordinated with his roommate without even trying.</p>

<p>Many happy returns of the day, CaliD!!</p>

<p>Count S in as another blue. D says all the boys she knew in college had either blue or brown bedding.</p>


<p>the first comforter my D picked out was blue, and I said (to myself!) oh no she will match all the boys on the cc thread! She later saw purple which she liked better, her room at home is purple, so I think she made a good choice.</p>

<p>We’re going black and gray on the bedding . Actually, the only ‘boy’ colors I’ve seen anywhere have been either dark blue or black. Black is one of the school colors plus son currently has a black comforter on his bed, so he was cool with that.</p>

<p>Happy Birthday, CaliD. Nothing quite like turning 18!</p>

<p>I’m a girl and my bedding is brown :-)</p>

<p>Brown is my favorite color. I realize I’m an oddity…</p>

<p>My daughter went purple (I was surprised as everything she owns is a shade of blue) and by son is earth tones.</p>

<p>D’s color theme is black and teal! With the exciting accent color of - wait for it - white!</p>

<p>LOL austinmt!: The duvet my D selected is light teal and soft green print with an ivory background. I think her accent color is ivory (just bought a throw that color yesterday)! I’m not sure she has a color theme. She doesn’t want things “too matchy.” She just gets what she likes. :)…and that’s usually been purple.</p>

<p>This is quite the prolific bunch!! All caught up!</p>

<p>Happy Birthday CaliD!!! </p>

<p>My S’s stuff is all brown and beige. He could care less. He is so NOT the frat boy.</p>

<p>We loved Toy Story 3. Yes, I cried. D said to me: “Are you crying because my big brother is going away to college?” She is so smart! </p>

<p>But I am just raw emotion right now. My sister is not doing well at all. This is day 12 in ICU. They talked about intebating her, but Dr told her husband that if they did, chances are she would never be strong enough to come of it. Another Dr went in to see her this morning while she was ALONE and asked her is she had thought about hospice!!!?? I am shocked that they would bring this up to her without anyone with her. She is so out of it anyway, but what she heard was “You are going to die soon”! Which is a pretty crappy thing to hear! She is 48 years old, her daughter is 15 and her husband is 43. My mom is just trying to figure out how she got so sick so fast. It SUCKS! This Sunday will be 6 years since she was diagnosed with Pulminary Hypertension. She also has heart problems. UGH!!</p>

<p>So, I have a family party planned for Sunday for my D. She turns 6 on Thursday. </p>

<p>Last week I posted about the Dr that was going to charge us for the “college physical”. I moved son to a new Dr’s office. He has an appt this Thursday.</p>

<p>Sewemma: I am so sorry to hear about your sister. You are all in my thoughts and prayers. {{{HUGS}}} to you.</p>

<p>sewemma, I am so sorry to hear about your sister. What a difficult time she is experiencing as well as you and your family. I’ll be praying for her.</p>

<p>sewemma, I’m so sorry that doctor was so thoughtless. What an idiot. Will keep your sister and family in my thoughts.</p>

<p>Happy birthday, CaliD!</p>

<p>Paventurer…I was cracking up at your comment. My D just had her 18th birthday as well. She jokingly commented, “I can now vote, buy cigarettes, and porn.” She said this in front of her friends, and her comment was received with a roar of laughter. (Our D is about as straight-laced as they come, so for her to say something like this is rather amusing.)</p>

<p>PsychMom and Parent56…WalMart has small pink irons for $9!</p>

<p>Sewemma…I can’t imagine what you’re going through right now. I’m so sorry for your sister and her poor family. I’m hopeful the birthday party will give you a moment of joyful reprieve from this tragic situation. </p>

<p>Austintmom…black and teal…oooh, that sounds pretty! D will have black and white with hot pink as an accent – very girly-girl.</p>