Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>kindredspirit, I am with you on this one. This concept would make me really nervous, but you have to know your own kids and trust their judgment.</p>

<p>I also ventured into Urban Dictionary to find that I was far off in my guess re: rolling.</p>

<p>RobD - I had to look up “rolling” too…pretty close to what I thought it might be. While it does sound like somewhat of a fun game, I can’t say I’d be on board if my kids opted to play or if I was out walking my dog when others were playing. Games like that just go from fun to bad instantly.</p>

<p>My D is feeling hurt because her BF came home after a vacation and has been harassing her about not making enough effort to see him, ugh. He’s a rising senior so probably doesn’t get the whole hoopla of going away come fall and he came back a day early so she didn’t change her previously made plans to go to the pool with her younger brother and then watch the world cup at a friend’s house. She spent the day at the zoo with him today but walking around in the humidity and riding there and back on the metro made her feel ill and brought on nosebleeds so she just wanted to come home and he made her feel lousy about it. :frowning: I am proud of her for not ditching previous plans simply because he got home early and for making her family and friends priorities too, and she was very happy to see him and they had a good day but then he just made her feel guilty which was unfair, especially when she was feeling lousy. Ah, it may just end what was likely going to end before school end sooner but I hate to see her get hurt and frustrated.</p>

<p>sewemma - Sending positive thoughts and prayers your way. So glad to hear your S has caring nurses.</p>

<p>I had no idea what rolling meant either. It’s not surprising a teenager would mention same, as a teenager attending a rave at the Colesium (IIRC) died recently from it, such that raves are at least temporarily banned from that facility.</p>

<p>As for hiding in people’s yards, tonight I shall advise S about what trepass means and link him to a few stories of “off” property owners who will shoot first and ask questions later. :eek:</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>Now I’m feeling guilty about all you moms out there getting new duvet covers, etc. I have told my daughter to go with what she has already. Who knows what her rooming situation will be next year? So, let’s wait to see if she and her room mate want to coordinate? She is taking with her the quilt her older sister took 12 years ago to Chicago. I’m being sentimental about sending her off with the quilt her sister first took to college. :slight_smile:
We did get a hot pink locking trunk, a few dishes, and, of course, some new outfits!</p>

<p>Our crowd used to have a game called fish and fisherman. A guy, it was always a guy would jump into the pool with fishing line attached to him while the “fisherman” would sit in a deck chair and try to land him. If the fisherman reeled him in in X amount of time he won, if not the “fish” won. My H was the champion fish. The last time these idiots played we were all parents and someone wound up with stitches. Good Times…</p>



<p>Ha, we can relate to that at our house. Actually, ours come out every few years. But only DH is good at using it (on the breakfast bar, with towel). We didn’t need it for DS’s prom or graduation, but we did pull it out before his jazz band trip to LA. Evidently Disneyland is VERY picky about having nicely pressed uniforms.</p>

<p>sorry about your sister sewemma, Thoughts are with you</p>

<p>dont worry BonnieNewJersey, my son was totally willing to go with his bs stuff, it was me who insisted on getting some new stuff… mainly because i wonder how many times it saw a washing machine??? i love that your D is taking the same quilt!</p>

<p>ps bs =boarding school not the other but then again…</p>

<p>i am known to throw things back in the dryer after squirting with water, to avoid that iron thing. i got emotional the last time i ironed…my son asked me to iron his shirt for the wedding…never ironed with love before!!</p>

<p>I iron every week! I used to have someone who came to the house to iron twice a month but she moved to California:(.</p>

<p>Lots of catching up to do! However, just my quick recap from BT and KS, I’m back in business.</p>

<p>Sewemma: My thoughts and prayers to you and family during this difficult time.</p>

<p>KS: Like your DD, I walked into DS room and it was clean as a whistle, alas, there was desk space. I had to tipped toe fearing I would leave footmarks in the room.</p>

<p>Was there a memo sent out by colleges advising kids to practice cleaning rooms before getting on campus??</p>

<p>Anyway, something told me just to check the 3 large garbage bags, glad I did as among those discarded items were report cards for Senior Year…oh well!</p>

<p>Dorm shopping has only started with electronics. </p>

<p>Hope everyone is doing gr8t and enjoying the few weeks left before our DS’s and DD’s transition to their new lives…</p>

<p>acm, i’m not telling my H about you…incredible dinners and you iron too!!!</p>

<p>learning if there was a memo, my son didnt get it!! he has left for canada for the next 3 1/2 weeks and left his room just like it was when he returned from school, the clothes carpet topped with boxes and papers, textbooks, more clothes… he may have a shock when he gets back, because if i clean it alot of stuff will disappear for good!</p>

<p>I spent the day shopping with a pretty amazing art consultant in NYC and had a fun lunch at Otto and drinks in Chelsea, didn’t buy anything today but I gave H some ideas for my birthday! Then I came home and S and his GF were watchinig a movie in the family room (they told me they were going to the beach, but spent the day in the house, not too happy about that) and GF was shockingly rude to me. Really?</p>

<p>@Sewemma - our prayers are with your sister.</p>

<p>:rolleyes: to that GF, acm!</p>

<p>Well, thank you Urban Dictionary :wink: Glad I wasn’t the only one who didn’t know.</p>

<p>So, ACM, was the rant that was rolling around in your head about the GF? Sorry she was rude; that’s uncalled for. Is it out of the ordinary/something you could speak to your S about?</p>

<p>In today’s college mail, D got some information about move in and the Week of Welcome proceeding the start of classes. She also got information about the laundry service available for only $350/semester. Hahahahaha! </p>

<p>Another thought for things to include on the list: a cold/icy pack if your child is prone to injuries and/or headaches as well as the microwavable wraps that act as heat packs.</p>

<p>Girl wardrobe question: I know we’ve been conversing about sending blazers with boys, but what do you think about sending a suit with your D’s? D has a couple of business type pieces that she’s worn for formal presentations at school (black skirt, blouses; dark shirtwaist type dress) but I hadn’t thought about getting her a suit yet. Do you think it’s a wise investment, overkill, or wait a year or two?</p>

<p>i wouldnt think she would need a suit yet unless she is going to be doing an office type internship. black skirt, blouse, or shirtdress …maybe a nice jacket should do it.</p>

<p>Sewemma - So sorry about your sister. You, she and your entire family are in my thoughts and prayers. </p>

<p>acm - sorry to hear about the rude GF, especially in your own home. Glad you had a fun day before that. </p>

<p>Today D got an invitation to a local freshmen send off being given by a local alum. H and I “had” to open it to see the date since D is out of town with limited days off to come home. I wrote to her to tell her and see if she can request this day off. Parents are invited too, so I hope it works out. With D going so far, it would be nice to meet some other local parents before she leaves.</p>