Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>sewemma, thoughts and prayers to you & your family</p>

<p>Blessed Twice, sleepless nights of summer , glad to see I’m not the only one up at this hour</p>

<p>Good morning all!
We got a decent rain for the first time in 6 weeks. The world is looking better.</p>

<p>jambaby, Theory jackets and pants are great. Very flattering and professional.</p>

<p>BT, I’m watching The Bachelorette this season. :o Im fact, last night I dreamed I was an attendant at Jake’s wedding. I’m such a loser.</p>

<p>Taking ds to lunch today to get a game plan going about doctor appts, money, dorm shopping, then dh and I are going to TS3. I have to go before I start PMSing or I’ll sob endlessly.</p>

<p>Morning peeps!</p>

<p>Hope the night owls (BT and coskat) got some sleep! I fell asleep on the couch watching the Home Run Derby! CONGRATS to the BoSox fans! Ortiz was awesome!</p>

<p>Welcome hopeful2014 and flinty! Nice to have you join this fun group!</p>

<p>CaliD: Sounds like you had a great shopping day and a wonderful B-Day! :)</p>

<p>jambaby: I would also suggest getting a suit with pants and a skirt, if possible, for interviews. A nice classic suit will last a long time. Banana Republic does have reasonably priced suits. I think that Macy’s has a petite department.</p>

<p>RobD et al.: Re: Suit for school at this point…I think a full suit might not be necessary. I think it’s a good idea to have a blazer. My D wears them with jeans and sometimes over dresses. I think having a nice dress or two is a good idea. I’ve heard from several friends that “semi-formals” and other “dress up” gatherings are typically part of orientation activities. I would also suggest a basic black “pencil” skirt. As acm said, it can be worn with anything to dress up or down.</p>

<p>BT: Sounds like a great day! And now I have to catch up on the Bachelorette!</p>

<p>learning: waving! :slight_smile: I’m very impressed with your S’s “clean as a whistle” room. That doesn’t yet describe my D’s room. No garbage bags have yet been involved in her beginning cleaning effort. Here’s hoping! ;)</p>

<p>YDS: Enjoy TS3!</p>

<p>Wishing all a Terrific Tuesday!</p>

<p>Stayin’ :cool:</p>

<p>sewemma- your sister is still in my thoughts. Enjoy your cutie D’s birthday this weekend.</p>

<p>welcome to hopeful and flinty! </p>

<p>the talk about irons reminds me when the girls were young and I picked up a lot of toys at yard sales. I got a little tykes iron/ironing board and vacuum. I was not sure they would know what they were, as we rarely if ever used them in front of them (few things needing ironing and cleaning people who did the vacuuming) but they do each now know how to operate each as if they have clothes before an event which need ironing they do it themselves. We’re going to send a dust buster but not an iron, don’t think she will have many things that would need it. If so, we can always send one later.</p>

<p>D has been good about keeping her room neat for the past several years. Her sister is the one who goes for the clothing-as-carpeting motif.</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>Good Morning!</p>

<p>Welcome to hopeful and flinty!</p>

<p>kindredspirit, thanks for the kind words regarding Ortiz.</p>

<p>About the iron, I was joking about the blue iron for boys. My S has no idea how to iron. He has not had a role model. In our house irons are for emergency use only. I’m a fan of putting a damp sock in the dryer to get the wrinkles out of a shirt or a pair of pants. I’m also a big fan of the Downey wrinkle release spray.</p>

<p>Wow, went away for a long weekend and came back 600 posts behind!!!</p>

<p>Got to fly up to Vermont and visit D1 at the chamber music festival she is attending and hear a concert. Wonderful trip, but wish the north east heat wave could have been timed better. Had to go buy D1 a fan for her room. No AC in the ski lodge. Here in GA, AC is not optional.</p>

<p>D1 was amazed by all the monograms in the UGA pictures and didn’t get it. She and her roommate (found through a roommate matching system) have facebooked and maybe talked a couple of times? They aren’t planning on decorating “matchy matchy” by any means. We looked at the pictures mainly for space and layout ideas.</p>

<p>The girls are trying to coordinate on shared items, such as the fridge. We already own one from a summer program that D1 did. Hopefully no drama like previous posters. I will be amazed if D1 is able to keep up with her laundry. That has never been her strong suit.</p>


In your own house, ths young woman was rude to you? Yeah. Umm. No.</p>

<p>We’re sending D with a simple black dress, a black skirt, a couple of white blouses and a blazer. No suit. A pair of black flats and black pumps.</p>

<p>jambaby, D had very good luck finding young, professional-looking clothes at Ann Taylor, which has an extensive petites selection. Separates, or a dress with a jacket work well too: you needn’t necessarily get a matching suit at this point.</p>

<p>I’m just taking a black and white dress (but it’s fairly formal). I thought about something more formal, like a dressier suit, but decided it could wait and that the dress would be formal enough for something short notice.</p>


I think that’s right. I can’t imagine any circumstance under which you’d need a truly formal dress without notice.</p>

<p>Morning again, all.</p>

<p>If you Google professional dress women, you get lots of ideas. I vote not too matchy-matchy at this age.</p>

<p>Can I vent a bit about ds2? We dropped him off at camp Sunday. He calls that night to let me know he forgot in the car the bag of contact solution (and other stuff) we had to hurry at the last minute to buy because he’d forgotten to pack it and his dad (grrrrr) had forgotten to take him to get some in the days leading to the camp when they had all the time in the world. So I sent off the world’s bunkest care package ever after one day (the contact solution, sticky-tac and small Altoids he bought at Target, plus a half-eaten bag of dried apricots and the sports section, so he’d have pics of Spain winning to decorate the dorm). This morning, he calls because he’d like me to send him his spiral from last year, which he thinks would be helpful for this year’s class (it’s an academic camp, both classes are polisci-related taught by the same teacher). While I’m thrilled he wants to put in the extra effort into this class, good grief, he’s more trouble when he’s gone than when he’s here.</p>

<p>S and I had a conversation this morning about His GF’s issues. Apparently once when she was over I commented his grades would be better if he spent less time on Skype and e-mail and more time studying. I reminded him I thought the problem was his since I feel very strongly he is responsible for his own choices and I do not blame GF for what he does but I also reminded him of our house rules, paramount of which is courtesy. I am courteous to H and S and expect and recieve the same consideration. I also reminded him that I would not tolerate someone being rude or condescending to him and I have dealt with it on the few occasions it occurred. I expect no less from him. I told him this is home and his friends are welcome here always, but I am disapointed by GF’s attitude and behavior. I didn’t tell him he had to fix it before she was welcomed back, but H apparently said to him, using S’s favorite line; “Man up, son”.</p>

<p>What’s the GF’s story? Will she be nearby in terms of college?</p>

<p>Morning all! </p>

<p>Yds - LOL! Sorry for the supply issues. </p>

<p>acm - Sorry about the GF problems. Hopefully your S will take your H’s excellent advice!</p>

<p>Okay, it’s taken me till noon to read through - in between some work I had to do. :wink: </p>

<p>I’m still in the dark about “rolling” - because my laptop is my firm’s, and the “computer nanny” kicked in when I tried to get to Urban Dictionary and won’t let me go there. What’s on that site anyways?</p>

<p>On the subject of suits/dress up clothes for a daughter, I have to admit I didn’t give it a lick of thought when my D went off to college. She made a list and that’s what she took. She still doesn’t own a jacket/blazer - maybe she should get one before she heads off on her semester abroad? Of course I’ve given lots more thought to my S’s wardrobe, because he gives it so much less thought.</p>

<p>ooh, look what I found: [Style</a> For Students: ANN TAYLOR](<a href=“]Style”></p>


<p>Rolling is the effect on the body from using the drug ecstacy. I though my reference a few pages back to rave concerts provided somewhat of a hint.</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>