Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>Thanks, FAP. After my first attempt failed, I found the answer in a web site called, of all things, “Go Ask Alice”!</p>



<p>Heh. But I assume know why it’s called that? (If not, you may be too young :))</p>

<p>Still trying to catch up…</p>

<p>sewemma, my heart goes out to you. I know it is so difficult watching someone you love suffer. Many hugs to you and your sister, and I will keep you both, and her family, in my thoughts. I am glad you will still have the party for your sweet little girl.</p>

<p>shillyshally, {Hugs} to you and your D.</p>

<p>jc40, NYC is my very favorite city, too. I could have written everything you wrote. H and I have thought about spending some time there after he retires. It’s just the most energetic, amazing place. :)</p>

<p>jambaby, we bought all of D’s suits at Express – jackets, pants and skirts. This was a few years ago, so I don’t know about their selection now, but she is fairly petite and we found items that fit her nicely.</p>

<p>A post script to yesterdays dorm color discussion…daughter bought purple bed spreads, blankets, linens. We go shopping for other essentials last night and there is blue, lime green, black and pink for everything. Nothing purple! She was not happy. We found a couple things at Boscov’s but she will not be very purple.</p>

<p>I’m DEFINITELY NOT too young, Booklady!</p>

<p>ACM…just wondering if the GF is going to the same college as your S? If I remember correctly, they have been dating for quite a while? Hopefully it will get better or there may be a very long summer ahead…Hang in there!!</p>

<p>Welcome to the newbies…this is the best thread on CC :)</p>

<p>PAV - Target actually has a pretty good selection of purple accessories - rugs, curtains, pillows, desk chairs. If you don’t have a Target near you just go online. they even have a purple vacuum!</p>

<p>Thanks Austinmt! We’ll check it out!</p>

<p>paventurer, check i’m sure i saw purple things ie fridge and accessories, small aplpliances etc</p>

<p>I must be too young - what does “Go ask Alice” refer to?</p>

<p>swemma - Prayers are with you and your family in this difficult time.
Acm - I am sure this morning talk with your S will clear the air. He is a responsible young man…</p>

<p>Ok on the subject of Dorms…S is definitly taking an iron to college he is kind of a neat freak :rolleyes:
Now, i am going to put this out there and let me know if you have any suggestions… he wants to bring some kind of a safe for his valuables ??? Anyone else is bringing some safe box ???
Any ideas…:confused:</p>

<p>2education… my son has one of those foot locker trunks which he can lock with a lock, but i dont think he actually ever locked it. those small locking safes dont make sense to me… a thief can just carry that whole thing. walmart usually has those foot locker trunks (look like old steamer trunks) fairly cheap about 25-30 dollars and buy a padlock… son kept his at foot of bed and used for seating too</p>

<p>missemily - “Go Ask Alice” was a book that came out in 1971 that was supposedly the diary of a young girl who died of a drug overdose. Her parents found her diary after she died and had it published. I read it as a teen and remember thinking it was amazing. And of course there’s the famous line from the Jefferson Airplane song as well.
[</a> Go Ask Alice](<a href=“]”>Go Ask Alice |</p>

<p> :sunny::sunny::sunny::sunny::sunny::sunny::sunny::sunny::sunny::sunny:
Hi! I hope everyone is having a good day. </p>

<p>Proud mom alert: Twenty-five years ago today I went into pre-term labor (10 weeks early) and watched all the baseball festivities from a hospital bed. The medical people did an amazing job and our daughter was born at 40 weeks. Today that daughter is in surgery - doing her first procedure on an actual live patient. I can’t wait to hear the details! I’m a proud mom. :)</p>

<p>sewemma - I’m continuing my prayers. {{HUGS}} I know your daughter’s party will be great!</p>

<p>coskat - I must have had too much caffeine yesterday. Don’t tell the D.A.R.E. officers. ;)</p>

<p>Youdon’tsay - I don’t know why we watch that show… I hope your lunch and movie were wonderful with your dear Son1. Son2 made me LOL. I have been the mom sending the care package to camp with the forgotten glasses…</p>

<p>rocket6louise - I’m glad that transcript got sent out. I think Guidance/College Counselors should have some summer hours, or at least be accessible by email. Seriously…</p>

<p>Hi jackief - Loved that toy iron and vacuum story.</p>

<p>anothercrazymom - I like anothercrazydad’s advice. I have heard the boys use a not-so-polite version of that. </p>

<p>2education - Luckily our son’s dorm dresser has a locking drawer. I thought that was interesting. I saw somewhere (don’t even know if it was CC) that a locking file cabinet could be used as a nightstand and for extra storage.</p>

<p>MissEmily - Go Ask Alice is a book about a teenage girl who died of a drug overdose. As I recall, it was like a diary written in the late 60s. The nuns would not let us read it in school… which of course made us all want to read it. I think that’s what they are talking about?</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>For missem: [Go</a> Ask Alice - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia](<a href=“]Go”>Go Ask Alice - Wikipedia)</p>

<p>2ed, ds also has a foot locker that he’ll be taking.</p>

<p>Had a nice lunch with ds. It was so neat to see him walking up to the restaurant, looking so dapper. Off to TS3 in a bit!</p>

<p>ETA: BT, how exciting! And you will pass along the details, right??? :D</p>

<p>2education…D got a small safe at Container Store the other night at their 20% off “College Night”. It’s lightweight (available in different colors) but has a cable attached to it. You feed the cable through something sturdy (like in the wardrobe perhaps or a bedpost); if someone wants it, they’ll have to take the furniture along with the safe. (It’s the same premise as a bicycle lock.) D has some jewelry that she wants to take, so we insisted on a safe; it’s better to err on the side of caution.</p>

<p>YDS…so sorry about GF situation. My D has gone to a prep school with the same kids since kindergarten. By the time they reach hs, they are almost like siblings, so few date one another. Usually they opt to date kids from other privates or publics in the area. More often than not, they simply don’t date at all – there simply isn’t enough time with the rigor of the school. They do ask each other to homecoming and prom but that’s about the extent of it. I’m actually quite concerned about how D’s lack of dating experience/sheltered environment will play out in college. She’s a preppy, very attractive cheerleader who’s going to a larger school. We’ve had many discussions with her about what to expect; however, I’m still biting my nails nervously. I just don’t want her to be hurt or make a terrible mistake. Aaaah…the anxiety of parenthood! :)</p>

<p>I had been meaning to ask about foot lockers, glad the topic came up! I had one in college and it was great, not only could I lock it it also served as a coffee table or seating area. The dorms at D’s school also have trunk rooms were boxes etc can be stored over the summer. I just wasn’t sure a trunk was practical, if we ever needed to send it home by air that sounds like $$$ to me. I know YDS will be flying and I assume shipping the trunk? What are other opinions on this? The trunk seems more useful to me (esp a size which could be tucked under a bed) but not as easy to transport as a small safe if needed. I did see pics of some safes in an add recently (maybe BBB, maybe Walmart)</p>

<p>For the small safes or locking drawers, they usually also have a cable so you can secure in the same manner as a laptop. </p>

<p>I’ll be checking out the purple accessories at Target :D</p>

<p>And my condolences to Yankee fans on GS’s passing. And thanks for the kudos on Papi’s performance last night, but I just think the home run derby is pretty silly and never watch it.</p>

<p>congrats to BT’s D on her awesome accomplishments!</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>I think my copy of Go Ask Alice is still at my folks’ house.</p>

<p>Went to BBB last night and to Ikea with S2 today (Tuesday is $2.49 Swedish Meatball Day :)). Is now prepared to cook. Has mentioned wanting an iron; I am more worried that he will forget to turn it off and burn down the dorm. Time to back off, mom… ;)</p>

<p>I got S1 a small safe and he has used it a lot – it is a good place to keep his meds, passport, and anything which falls under “Lose this and you are up $***'s Creek!”</p>

<p>Ah, thanks everyone! I guess since I wasn’t born until 1972 I missed it :rolleyes:</p>

<p>Congrats BT on your daughters first surgery! Wow…just wow!</p>

<p>Onto the safe idea - my D wants to take a safe with a cable like jc40 described. I am going to let her pick it out. :cool:</p>