Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>DougBetsy-so sorry to hear about your son’s GF. :frowning: It’s fortunate that she has a great Plan B lined up and that the AFA will hold her spot for a year.</p>

<p>austinmtmom-count me among those who NEVER made the mistake of thinking it was anything other than musical theatre. I have a son going into the theatre program at Northwestern. ;)</p>

<p>DB – I’m so sorry to hear the news of your son’s GF. But it’s great that she has a good fall-back, and with a scholarship, too! This year will give her a good chance to heal completely and be healthy and strong for next year. But I’m sure it’s very disappointing for all. {Hugs} to you, S, and GF.</p>

<p>DB–echoing the “that stinks” comments for your son’s gf. I hope this all turns out to be a part of the “master plan” for her life and that she’ll be even stronger next year.</p>

<p>Hey, everyone. Making the transition to the new thread, thanks for getting it started.</p>

<p>I’m bclintonk, and my D1 will be attending Haverford in the fall. She’s absolutely thrilled as it was her #1 choice, and she got in ED. D2 is a rising HS sophomore, just beginning to think about colleges. We’ll visit a few schools in the Northeast with her after dropping off her sister at Haverford in late August. We’re Midwesterners. Sort of. DW & I both grew up in Michigan and attended the University of Michigan as undergrads (at different times, though; we met later). But we’ve lived in various places on the East Coast much of our adult lives both for grad school and for work, and our daughters still consider themselves displaced New Yorkers even though we’ve been in Saint Paul for 7 years now. I suspect D2 will be drawn to the Northeast in her college search as much as D1 was. So I expect to be lurking around CC for at least another 3 years, if not longer.</p>

<p>Holy cow! Nine pages on the new thread already. We make 2009 and 2011 threads look downright sad in comparison</p>

<p>I’m rocket6louise, normally referred to as rocket or louise. I’ll be attending Smith this fall with the lovely teenage_cliche and will try to come pop in every once and a while with my lovely cyber “moms”
I’m a Pittsburgher who’s excited to be going up to Massachusetts. My baby sister will be a sophomore in high school this fall, so I might be lurking to help her out as she wants to be an athlete!</p>

<p>My dad also has colon cancer, but is doing VERY well. He has four more treatments of chemo and then (hopefully) a colostomy reversal surgery in October</p>

<p>r6l (as you are also known ;))-Thanks for the update on your Dad. So happy to hear that he is progressing nicely!</p>

<p>I’m sorry, also, DB. After what DS has gone through this year, I know how persistent and frustrating foot/leg injuries can be. He’s still not up to par.</p>

<p>r6l, great news about your dad!</p>

<p>All three of my kids are packed for our trip already! Whoo hoo!</p>

<p>I forgot to mention that when my two HS friends and I stayed at the B&B in Texas, we made mimosas when we woke up on Sunday morning! The OJ was freshly made. Yum! That was probably only the second time I’ve ever had one.</p>

<p>r6l, that’s wonderful news. Thanks for the update.</p>

<p>Hello to the new posters!</p>

<p>DB,sorry about your son’s girlfriend. That must be an emotional roller coaster ride for them. Hopefully it will work out for next year.</p>

<p>r6l, sorry to hear about your dad. I hope his treatment continues to go well.</p>

<p>Good afternoon, everyone! When I logged on to CC this morning, it was 11:40 here in CA, so I thought I’d say good morning…9 pages later, and it’s just noon now. Quick introduction…</p>

<p>I’m CaliforniaDancer, also known as CaliD, CaD, CD, and so on. I’m am from San Francisco, California, and I will be starting as a freshman at Carnegie Mellon University this fall. I am in CIT (Carnegie Institute of Technology), which is CMU’s engineering school. I’m leaning towards a major in Materials Science & Engineering or Mechanical Engineering. My second love is languages - in addition to English, I speak Hebrew, Spanish, and Chinese. I’m looking forward to potentially minoring in Chinese or Spanish. I’m currently interested in getting into the research side of engineering - I’m seriously thinking about pursuing a PhD. However, a lot can change in four years, so we’ll see what happens.
As one might guess from my screen name, I am also a serious ballet dancer. I plan to dance in college as well, but not as much as I did in high school. </p>

<p>My parents are both doctors (my dad does a lot of medical legal work but also sees patients, and my mom is contracted by the federal government). They are very financially supportive, but they were not very involved in the college process. They shipped me off to the East Cost, where various relatives/friends took me to see some of the colleges I wanted to apply to, so they have never seen CMU. My mom is flying out with me in mid-August, when I start school…let’s hope she likes it :wink:
I also have a younger sister, who is very different from me - she’s definitely not the kind of student who would end up on CC, so I figure it’s sort of my duty to help my parents out with her college search. She will be going into 8th grade in the fall. She does okay academically, but she has a hard time with standardized testing. I also have an older half sister who I never talk about, for some reason - she’s 11 years older than me. She is a UCLA graduate, and also went to law school. She has interned/worked for the United Nations, and mostly lives/works abroad. She mostly does international conflict resolution and stuff like that. </p>

<p>DB - I am so, so sorry to hear about your the situation with your S’s GF. I can’t even imagine how disappointing that must feel for her, but I really hope it works out for the best next year.</p>

<p>r6l - thanks for the update on your dad! Glad to hear his recovery is going well.</p>

<p><em>waves to the new thread</em>
I’m late. I went to bed at midnight and woke up at around 2PM. I am guessing I was tired from everything that happened in the past three days? My excuse :)</p>

<p>Hello everyone! My name is mdemvizi! My username can be broken down in md = Maryland, the state I reside and have been for the past 13 years; em = Emily, my name; vizi= Visitation/nickname for my friends and I in elementary/middle school, I went to a very small all-girls school which had amazing people who have been my friends for 12 years. </p>

<p>My parents both work for corporate companies (VISA & HP) and are supporting both my brother and I all the way. They support me financially and love to help me in any way possible. My mom didn’t go to college and is loving the whole process.</p>

<p>I have an older (half)brother who is in the Army (one year anniversary in August). He’s had some rough spots in general life things but should be heading off to Afghanistan in January. He is currently stationed at Fort Knox in Kentucky.</p>

<p>Finally to me! I graduated high school from a class of 54 kids. High school not was my favorite experience as I dealt with many different issues. But I am off to college! I will be going to Ithaca College in Ithaca, NY for Television-Radio. My dream job/aspiration is to work with Conan O’Brien (the red-headed man who I aim to be like (in a sense)). I also have interests in anthropology, art history, and communication in general. I am extremely excited as I just came back from orientation. I will be taking 17 credits in the fall. </p>

<p>World Archaeology
General Psychology
Intro to Mass Media
Intro to Media Production
Ithaca Seminar in Writing: Fantasy, Fandom, and Fans: Exceeding Our Own Lives</p>

<p>As you can tell by my long post I will be sticking around ;)</p>

<p>DB…I am heartbroken for your son’s girlfriend! I can only imagine how disappointing it must be for her and her parents. I know if we were in the same situation I would almost feel like there had been a death in the family…I know that is silly…but I know my D and her father and I are so excited for what is to come and if that were suddenly to change it would be so sad :frowning: Hugs to her!</p>

<p>rocket: Thanks for the update on your dad. I’m so glad to hear he’s doing well.</p>

<p>mdemvizi: I always wondered about your screen name. Love it! And your courses sound awesome! :)</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>Hi all!</p>

<p>DB, Sorry to hear about S’s GF. What a disappointment! I’m glad that she has plan B already set up and hope that she can fulfill her dreams eventually.
Rocket, Great to hear that your dad is doing VERY well!!!</p>

<p>I am curiousmother and I first came here because…well…I am a curious sort! ;)</p>

<p>My DD1 will be going to UVa this fall as an Echols Scholar. I also have DS1 who will be a senior in high school this year (class of 2010), so we are starting the college application process all over again. My next child DS2 will be a sophomore in HS, and lastly I have DD2 who will be in the 8th grade. Oh, and there’s long suffering DH as well. ;)</p>

<p>DD1 is working at a day camp with a bunch of rowdy 5 year olds this summer. She’s taking a few days off to go to orientation in two weeks, and move in day is August 21.</p>

<p>I’ve been mainly a lurker, but the last thread was truly a blessing for me. I hope to contribute a little bit more this year.</p>

<p>mdemvizi- thanks for the tutorial on your screen name, I could never get my head around it, and will probably abbreviate you to mdem from now on.</p>

<p>I read the turnback threads that CD referenced, and it is good to see that other kids got through the wait of a year and succeeded after that. The one poor kid who fell getting off the bus! But anyway, DB’s GF is the first to partake of the BEYOND part of our title!</p>

<p>welcome to other newcomers! </p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>R6L - So glad to hear that things are still going well for your dad :)</p>

<p>DB - I am sorry to hear about your S’s GF’s foot. What a shame. Glad to hear they are holding a spot for her for next year - and that she has something to do in the mean time… </p>

<p>I’ll be sending positive thoughts to both of them…</p>

<p> :sunny::sunny::sunny::sunny::sunny::sunny::sunny::sunny::sunny::sunny:
Welcome to the Parents of the College Class of 2014 and Beyond!</p>

<p>Thank you, jackief, and all the wonderful friends here on CC! </p>

<p>Yesterday evening’s posts were very touching. Special thanks to learninginprog. That was a great summary. </p>

<p>Welcome to SUMMER VACATION, kindredspirit! LOL, I just saw your shout out and happy wave. I’m here! Coffee turned into lunch and a walk around the lake… and the new thread is already on page 9? What?</p>

<p>Welcome to our new friends! We’re glad you are joining us. Welcome to littlefalls, my2sunz, standrews, sailorette, and PacaMom! Welcome to jambaby. You could probably give us a lot of practical advice. And a special shout out to jc40 and Kajon. I must have used an old list because you were not on my good night list. :confused: </p>

<p>I’m BlessedTwice, although I quickly realized that was not accurate. I have been blessed so many times I could never count. I am the mom of two. Our daughter just completed her second year of med school. She’s an amazing daughter, big sister, and friend. Our son is heading to Vanderbilt University in August. He is a wonderful son and brings our family a lot of joy. He loves sports and music. Major? Still a work in progress… but I think he may eventually go to law school. I’ve been married for 28 years (Wow!) and have been a teacher even longer. (Yikes!) </p>

<p>I’m looking forward to the next adventure(s) and am thankful to be here with all of you. The friendship shared here is fantastic. The support on this thread is great. Thank you! :heart: </p>

<p>DougBetsy - :heart: and {{HUGS}} to your son’s girlfriend, your son, and you. I am so sorry.</p>

<p>teenage_cliche - :heart: and {{HUGS}} to you, too. You’re finally done! And as sweet kindredspirit said, “I know you’ll continue to soar at Smith. And there will always be a front row seat here for you when you check in.” </p>

<p>Ditto for you, rocket6louise. :heart: and {{HUGS}} Thank you for the update on your proud dad. </p>

<p>And ditto for you, too, CaliforniaDancer, although you will be soaring at Carnegie Mellon University… :heart: and {{HUGS}} You are always so thoughtful. Your post last night was so touching.</p>

<p>And ditto for you, too, mdemvizi, at Ithaca College. :heart: and {{HUGS}} I continue to keep your dear brother in my thoughts and prayers.</p>

<p>You, our girls, are nothing short of amazing! </p>

<p>In college news… We received a big envelope from Vanderbilt today. It has lots of bookstore and computer (a little late) information. There’s also a Parent & Family Programs calendar (the old fashioned kind that you hang up and turn the page each month) complete with tons of information for parents, including a Parent Helpline phone number. I hope we won’t need that number, but it’s nice to know it is there. </p>

<p>Wishing everyone a wonderful day.</p>

<p>:cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:</p>

<p>Page 10? Wow!!!</p>

<p>parent56, everybody’s kids on here sound so motivated, so I’m sure they will all rock it out in college! I’ll admit that first semester freshman year can be a little traumatic, but they will all be jaded by second semester (lol). I’m always impressed by people who choose to go out-of-state (especially waaaay out-of-state) - I was never that adventurous!</p>

<p>BT: You’ve outdone yourself once again! AMAZING! :)</p>

<p>Echoing your thoughts to all “our” wonderful girls.</p>

<p>The packet from Vandy sounds chock full of info. Somehow I don’t think you’ll need the help line, though I agree it’s nice to have.</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>jambaby, you should have been around during the angst-filled times! :smiley: It’s all good right NOW.</p>