Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>LOL! I’m so used to looking for “Parents of the Class of 2010” that I was miffed to see it dropped to page two status … until I remember I was SUPPOSED to be over here.</p>

<p>It will be interesting to see how many pages/posts we can accumulate here, on day one.</p>

<p>For all the angst about senioritis, S finished his final HS semester with 4 As and 1 B, with a load that included three AP classes and the college level math class. I am now thinking the angst may have just been a way to mask some anxiety he may have had while awaiting the admissions decisions.</p>

<p>However, he’s is not as impressed with himself as all the relatives are. He has a healthy appreciation of the fact that he wasn’t pushed as often during HS as he’s going to be facing in college. So he told me that he’ll have much more internal pride after this next four year stint.</p>

<p>My sister in law sent S a nice graduation card. She told him if he’s ever in need for a break from it all, a good home cooked meal (and she means it, she’s great!) or a place to do laundry without quarters (but she WILL make him do it) to come on by her place in Oak Park, just two train rides away, about 17 miles.</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>So so sorry to learn of DB’s son’s gf…but so glad that she’ll have a chance to heal and return next year.</p>

<p>Way back on page 4…sewemma, we can be reciprocal college families! Let me know if you need anything in CT, as I’m in Middletown often (used to have an office there) and it can be on my route home from work. Likewise, you must be just around the corner from my son at Villanova. We’ll need plenty of recommendations on locals eats and Philly travel advice when we visit.</p>

<p>BT: your PM box is full; I tried to send you something but failed :(</p>

<p>OK, so I’m traveling on vacation. This thread is only hours old and it’s already on page 10? Jeez, how am I supposed to catch up? :rolleyes: lol</p>

<p>I’m Lafalum and I’m a CCaholoic. I live in Massachusetts with my DH and 2 kids: S is a rising senior at Lafayette, majoring in Economics, and D will be a freshman at Elon,majoring in Psychology - maybe. I work part-time in an administrative position in our local hs. I’ve been on CC since S’s junior year, so that’s about 4+ years now… yikes. </p>

<p>DB, after D’s experience with a broken metatarsal a year and a half ago, I was kind of doubtful your son’s GF was going to be able to make it thru AF training only a month after breaking hers. :frowning: D was in a cast for a month, then a walking boot for another month, and she was excused from phys ed for another month after that (3 months total) and it was sore for a long time after that. At least they’ll hold a spot for GF next year. How did she break it? (D broke hers when she tripped on stairs while carrying a birthday cake, and yes the cake went flying. It was her 3rd date with her BF, they were at a birthday party at his best friend’s house and it was her first time to meet all his friends. Talk about embarrassed! But at least she can laugh about it now.)</p>

<p>Hey archiemom!! That sounds great! I am not too far from Villanova. My friend’s son is heading there this fall as well. They are a great family- the daughter just finished at Dartmouth and is heading to Temple Med School in August. I am sure you will have lots of us down here if you need anything. Likewise, it is nice to know someone is close if there might ever be an emergency. Like where to get a good pastry and a stiff drink!</p>

<p>A friend sent me the following obituary of a boy in her town. So sad. One article said they could tell from his blood sugar monitor that he had checked it just before bed, and his sugar level was OK. He passed away in his sleep from a diabetic coma, though.</p>

<p>XX was born X 1991, in answer to the prayers of his parents. He died quite unexpectedly on June x, 2010 from complications with Juvenile Diabetes, after a fantastic day of fun in the sun with his friends.</p>

<p>XX was a joy and delight to his family.
XX graduated from High School in June 2010 where he loved playing soccer. He planned to attend XX in the fall where he would have majored in business. His passions included soccer, music, clothes, sunglasses, shoes, hats, long boarding, friends, practical jokes, playing pool, driving his car, movies, hugging, food and fun….and he knew how to have fun! His favorite thing to do was hang out with his amazing friends at church, where he was involved in everything- Bible study, service projects, mowing the church’s lawn, mission trips, leadership council, “youth activity director” (he had a badge that said so), teaching children’s Sunday School, being a mentor to the younger youth and coming up with some great pranks. He spent his last day with his youth group friends in a nearby town.</p>

<p>FAP, do you think SIL will take my DD also? She will be Loyola chicago?</p>


<p>Oh ML. How sad. And how extra awful that he had done all the right things to keep his blood sugar in check & still had that happen.</p>

<p>ML: So sorry to hear that tragic news. Prayers to his family and friends. He sounds like an amazing young man.</p>

<p>ML, I’m sorry to hear of the sad, tragic loss of another young life. I’m sure he will be missed horribly. So sad.</p>

<p>We are planning a CC lunchtime meet-up on August 7 in NYC. Anyone who is interested please pm kindredspirit for details.</p>

<p>ML - such a sad story. I’m so sorry to hear about the loss of that young man. My heart goes out to his family, his friends, and his community.</p>



<p>Indeed. I’m 15 minutes from Villanova, and would be happy to help in any way I can.</p>

<p>Hard to believe we’re on page 11!!!</p>

<p>BT’s final post in the Parents of 2010 thread brought tears to my eyes. But ML’s recent post has really made me sad - what a sad story - I have a lot of respect for the family who managed to put together such an upbeat description of their beloved in the face of such a tragedy.</p>

<p>DB - I too have been thinking of your S’s GF, and thought no news by now was a good thing. While this sidetrip on her journey was not planned, I hope it will work out wonderfully for her.</p>

<p>I’m aliceinw(onderland). I began looking at CC when my D, HS class of 2008, was waiting to hear back from her college apps and a friend mentioned that if you checked on CC you could see when others were beginning to hear from particular colleges. D just finished her sophomore year at Carleton, and has been VERY happy there. She will be doing a semester abroad in the fall. S is my HS class of 2010, and he will be going to Carleton this fall. I never in a million years would have guessed they’d end up at the same school - which is why they get to choose and I don’t. S is working on a golf course this summer and has to be at work at 6AM six days a week. So far, he’s gotten himself up and out every day! I’m really proud of his taking responsibility for himself. D is still trying to cobble together work and volunteering as she was unable to get real work or an internship.</p>

<p>Like many of you, H and I will be empty nesters in the fall. I guess that will be our journey while our children take off on theirs.</p>

<p>Glad to be part of this wonderful supportive group, and hope to be able to contribute along the way.</p>

<p>Ack- don’t party too much without me! :slight_smile: We’ve had a long but good day at orientation but my internet has been spotty and my phone tempermental so I knew there was a new thread and wanted to make sure I jumped on - just a few pages late :slight_smile: </p>

<p>I’m ShillyShally :slight_smile: Formerly Momof10of130f15 which was the HS grad years of my 3 kids (and still is) but I figured at some point the name would be outdated as they graduated but I procrasinated about changing the name (as I do with many things) so to honor that I chose a new name regarding procrastinating :)</p>

<p>My oldest D’10 is heading to UVA this fall (where we are for orientation as I type), my D’13 is a rising sophomore and my S’15 is a rising 8th grader. I found CC in December while trying to find out when W&M would release ED decisions for a friend of D1 and discovered a world I wish I had known sooner but has been a huge support since!</p>

<p>DB - I am so bummed for your S’s GF but hope she can take it in stride and come back even stronger - I’ll be curious to hear if her resolve is strong to take them up on returning next year!</p>

<p>I’ll catch up fully when I get home tomorrow and have a dependable (and faster) connection -until then WELCOME all newcomers and SO GLAD to see all the familiar friendly “faces” :)</p>

<p>ML- I am so sorry to hear about the boy in your friend’s town. Tragedies like this bring it back home what a terrible disease this is, even when you think you have things under control, a day of activity, or another seemingly minor glitch can throw things way off kilter. I give people like sokkermom tons of credit for raising kids with type 1 diabetes, its tough enough when you are an adult taking care of yourself. Hope there is a cure someday.</p>

<p>:( :(</p>

<p>ML-my thoughts are prayers are with his family</p>

<p>ML - so sorry to hear the news. He sounds like a marvelous boy.</p>

<p>mathmom - you guys have an uncanny knack for planning NYC get-togethers when I’m not in the city. I’ll be away August 3rd-10th, I think, or maybe 11th.</p>

<p>ML, what a sad story, that poor family.</p>

<p>mathmom, I think I’ll still be in NC on August 7th. I am heading down the end of next week and will most likely stay 4 or 5 weeks. :frowning: I really want to attend one of these get togethers.</p>

<p>the day camp D2 is working at is having camp on Monday. I know that in the past they took off the July 4th holiday, maybe because the 4th is Sunday or because of parent requests they are having camp this Monday. So my cape weekend will be only two days not three (whine, whine, self plty) but at least I won’t have killer traffic driving home.</p>

<p>H is still whooping it up at his HS reunion in AZ and won’t be back until Tuesday.</p>