Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>Good morning everyone and welcome to the new thread. I am Showmom858 - I found cc when D1 began looking for summer programs in HS for musical theatre. I took this name as D1 is my MT kid and D2 is my horseback riding kid thus the name fits for both girls. </p>

<p>DH and I have been married for 20 years next month and he is an electrical engineer currently doing consulting work at home and I am an accountant for a government contractor here in SoCal. I just went back to work full time last summer after working many years very part time when our D’s were younger.</p>

<p>D1 moves into her dorm in NYC at Marymount Manhattan College in 59 days. She will be majoring in MT and already has enough AP and college credits to be a sophomore although she will be at MMC for all four years because of the sequence of MT classes. She is picking up babysitting jobs this summer and just told me yesterday she will be working later in the month at a two week musical theatre camp. This is the place she attended as a 7 year old and fell in love with singing and being on stage!</p>

<p>D2 is a rising junior and a competitive hunter/jumper horseback rider. She shows on the “A” and “AA” circuit here in CA and jumps 3’6" to 3’9". She is a very talented rider and would like to ride for a Division 1 NCAA team in college. She will be an editor on the school paper this fall and loves writing and fashion. She will be working at a young writer’s camp for two weeks this summer as well as riding 5-7 days per week, showing her horse at junior hunter and medal finals and prepping for the SATs.</p>

<p>For D1 she had not only the college applications, but all of the auditions to prepare for. For D2 we will also have the extra burden of putting together DVD’s and show results to send to college coaches at the schools she is interested in possibly attending. They keep DH and I on our toes, but we love it!</p>

<p>swtcat, i forgot in my intro to say we live in the boonies of alabama…husband is physician, and i like you, work in his office… same question asked…but not always roses and sweetness here… difficult at times…he is a procrastinator and i am a do it now person…you would think after 28 years we would have solved it but we havent.</p>

<p>I’m sorry to interrupt all these nice introductions, but I have a bit of bad news. The Air Force Academy is sending Son’s gf home. :frowning: </p>

<p>She called him last night around 11:00 pm. Her foot just didn’t hold up. She now has 3 stress fractures. Son says she wasn’t crying, but was very sad. Poor thing.</p>

<p>Apparently gf’s parents have found a way for her to attend McDaniel on a scholarship. I suppose she’ll be commuting from home (15 miles) since the dorms must be full by now. But, we really don’t have any details at this point. </p>

<p>The AFA has given her a guaranteed readmission for next year. </p>

<p>[[SIGH]] I never said it aloud, but I was afraid of this. What a pity. My heart breaks for her. We don’t know yet when she’ll get home. </p>


<p>austinmtmom - I am with you in that I feel as though we have climbed a mountain over the past year. I am loving this summer as there are no worries about audition songs and monologues or trying to figure out all the schedules for all the auditions for college.</p>

<p>DougBetsy - so sorry to hear about your S’s GF. What a bummer. Hopefully she can get through this year and go back for the next one.</p>

<p>Oh, DB, what a shame! I’m glad her parents have figured out a way for her to attend another school. I’ve heard really good things about McDaniel, so I hope she’ll be happy there.</p>

<p>Oh DB! I am so sorry! That poor girl :frowning: I’m a big believer in “things happen for a reason” but for her to get all the way there & then get sent home is tough. And 3 stress fractures. Oy! Hugs to her and her family…</p>

<p>OH NO DB… how very sad!! HUGS!</p>

<p>Hi everyone!</p>

<p>I am a longtime creeper even though I have no reason whatsoever to be posting on this thread (I’m a senior at UNC-CH - no kids in the picture ha ha). I just find you all very entertaining, and this thread has been fun to follow! It takes me back to my high school/freshman year of college days… LOL.</p>

<p>DougBetsy, that totally sucks about your son’s girlfriend. I have a cousin who is currently applying to the Air Force/Naval Academies, and his mom is stressed to the max. At least she has the chance to return next year when her poor foot will be better.</p>

<p>DB - What awful news! I hope her foot heals, and that the year away turns out to be as much of a positive experience as possible.</p>

<p>I just received my final report card. Not too great, but a solid 3.3 for my last semester.</p>

<p>DB, here are some old CC threads on medical turnbacks…so sorry to hear S’s GF is headed home. It does not seem that unusual, though, and they all seem to make it back.</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>DB- what disappointing news :frowning: :frowning: But glad a plan B fell into place so quickly, she can make the most of it (and take it extra carefully next May/June!)</p>

<p>Oh no!! I’ve had the young lady in my thoughts. I’m so sorry that this happened to her. I’m hoping, though, that permanent damage has been averted. Awwww man!</p>

<p>welcome jambaby… maybe you can give us encouragement along the way that our kids will make it through the next 4 years…as you have</p>

<p>DB: I’m also SO sorry to hear about your son’s GF. She sounds like a wonderful young woman and I know that she will make the most of this coming year and of her ultimate future in the AFA, though her start is delayed. She is lucky to have the love and support of her family and yours. Wishing her the very best.</p>

<p>T_c: You made it. That’s what counts! I know you’ll continue to soar at Smith. And there will always be a front row seat here for you when you check in. :)</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>DB - I’m sorry to hear about your son’s girlfriend being sent home from the AFA. She must be very disappointed. At least the door is not closed for good. Next year she’ll be back there! </p>

<p>Too bad she’s not old enough for a margarita! ;)</p>

<p>Oh, DB, that just stinks. I can understand why it had to be done, but gosh. Trying to look on the bright side – this should make it easier for ds and gf to maintain their relationship, right?</p>

<p>Ds has been e-mailing me from work and is such a hoot. I have hopes now that he’ll keep in touch when he’s going to college!</p>

<p>DB- I was praying for her to be ok. Glad she has the back up plan too. Maybe this is just what her foot needs to really heel. And then she can go back stronger next year. And at least she gave it a shot. </p>

<p>I am loving all the intros!</p>

<p>Speaking of intros…I’m sending a shout out and happy wave to BlessedTwice…Looking forward to your spirit and sunshine on this already vibrant thread. Hope you’re having a good day. :)</p>

<p>And hoping that pmk returns soon too!</p>

<p>DB - So sorry to hear the bad news! But yay that she will be able to attend McDaniel and go back to the AFA next year. And we will all be here waiting for you to share the good news!</p>

<p>Apparently D’s schedule is in transition. Since the MT BFAs all take the same classes together all 4 years, there is a very set schedule with really only one section of each class offered. D is the first BFA student (this is the first year of the BFA degree at CCU) to also be in the Honors program and of course there is a scheduling conflict with required theatre and required honors courses. I told her I was sure they would work it out but that’s what happens when you are the guinea pig. I knew this was feeling too easy but we will stay :cool:</p>

<p>DB, I have to admit I was afraid of this news, I assumed they would be running and working out hard right away, I had my fingers crossed her foot would hold up, my son had stress fractures in his foot this past winter from running stairs and general over training.</p>

<p>I forgot to say why I chose the screen name I did, I read CC for a while before I joined, I must have been reading the wrong threads because I thought an awful lot of people on CC were nuts. I wanted to say something so I decided to declare myself as crazy right from the start! I kind of like the name now, and I know most people on CC are not crazy after all. At least not this group. :slight_smile: I should also say anothercrazyson is a fanatic about rowing and working out.</p>