Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>BT: Hope you stay safe with the weather. The book sounds like a great idea.
And when I went to put some folded laundry in her room, I did just close my D’s door with a big sigh and definitely an :eek: For now, it works for me!</p>

<p>Welcome back, GSharp. I’m glad you got to see the Grove. We were there last Thursday, at the American Girl Store, in fact. It was for lilD’s friend’s birthday. Yes, they all brought their dolls for primping at the salon. Thank goodness we don’t live too close to that place!</p>

<p>parent56, it must be genetic (not from me). DH is pretty neat, too. He hates clutter.</p>

<p>Gsharp, the grass is always greener. My D wants to go to school back east to be in/near NYC.</p>

<p>GSharp: I must confess that when we took both girls to American Girl Place in Chicago, both dolls got their hair “done.” D1s had gotten all matted & well, what we did for 1 we had to do for both, no? Now we never sprung for the matching girl/doll outfits…</p>

<p>RobD, girl/doll matching outfits. That’s where I’ve drawn the line! Especially when they cost more than my own clothing!</p>


<p>Glad to hear the sojourn in the LA area was a succesful one. You’re lucky to make it out before the heat turns on. It’s sounding like by the weekend the marine layer will part earlier, a sure sign of rising temperatures. We are heading for Snata Maria for the weekend (H is joining a friend on some organized bike ride) so I hope it isn’t too blazing.</p>

<p>Just to show how S and I are like two ships passing in the night the last few days … I asked H why S had another ortho appointment, scheduled one week after the last. He said it was to fit him for the retainer. So I said, well, the braces need to be off for that. H said the braces were off. I said I could not tell that from talking to S on the phone and he didn’t even bother to mention it! Now he can get a thorough teeth cleaning and have the tiny cavity dealt with before heading off to school. He saw the MD the other day about the acne issue. At least the med stuff is getting crossed off the list. I’ll have to set a date for S and I to visit BB & B, plus the bank to set up an account.</p>

<p>Doll and D had matching pjs, but they were home made. For those who like to saw, the patterns are widely available and much easier to make than Barbie clothes</p>

<p>FAP, your story reminded me of the time DH got his braces off (he got braces in his 30’s) and he didn’t tell me. I didn’t notice for 4 days!<br>
S has his last doctor’s appt in August before college!</p>

<p>My D is convinced she’s the only girl in the USA who didn’t have an American Girl doll. She tries to make me feel guilty about it. </p>

<p>Me: But you didn’t even LIKE dolls!
D: I still don’t. But I’m the only one who didn’t have one!</p>

<p>When she was in the Nutcracker as a “party girl,” they were all supposed to bring an American Girl doll, to be used as gifts in the Party scene. D was the only one who didn’t have one, but someone else always had 2 so it was fine.</p>

<p>I confess that my D and her AG doll had some of the same clothes. D’s doll was one of the “modern” ones where you choose hair, eye, and skin color to match your D, and it came in normal-ish clothes, so we got D one or two pieces of the matching outfit. Then there was the time my SiL made D a dress just like the Samantha pink dress with white pinafore. So D had the dress but doll did not. I’m definitely not crazy about the prices or some of the craziness associated with the dolls, accessories, and activities at the stores. On the other hand the books were the first “chapter books” that D read - she devoured them and has never stopped reading since.</p>

<p>^Lafalum, that sounds like me :o When I was younger, I wanted an American Girl doll so badly, but my parents said they were too expensive. Then, when my little sister was born and reached that age, my parents bought her an American Girl doll! I was enraged, but my mom claimed my sister played with dolls more than I did. </p>

<p>p56 - I have to echo YDS wrt to AP Physics! It certainly was a hard test, but remember that there’s also a nice curve ;)</p>

<p>Laf - My D never had one either so at least now you have some back up LOL!</p>

<p>GSharp - Welcome back. Sounds like a fun trip to me. Just curious - was Barney buying or selling the liquor?</p>

<p>My D loved the books too…we stil have Kit and Molly somewhere…maybe the attic? I am thinking I should pass them down to our niece who is 6, however, that might require a trip to the AG store in Dallas to get thier hair done first :)</p>

<p>LOl Austinmom…that is a hilarious visual…I am picturing Barney on the street corner with a brown sack…</p>

<p>Gsharp - Welcome back - glad you had a good time in SoCal. My DDs love to visit the Grove when we go to LA. DDs didn’t have American Girl dolls, but had Attic Club Dolls which were very similar. My Mom gave these to DDs for Christmas serveral years with the clothes.</p>

<p>Looks like summer is trying to come to SoCal. We had a nice day yesterday and the sun is out again this morning (we live about a mile from the beach). D said she was going to head to the beach today with some friends and hang out.</p>

<p>Thanks for all the welcoming posts.<br>
Reading about room cleaning makes me wonder if I’m strange for NOT wanting everything packed up and cleared out! Maybe it’s because we won’t be using my daughter’s room for anything else when she’s at college. (Also, she will only be a few hours away.)
I will be experiencing sudden empty nest syndrome when she leaves – any other parents of only children feeling a double whammy (first child to leave + empty nest all at once)?</p>

<p>Welcome back GSharp, glad you figured out what Havaianas are! Now trust me D2 needs Hunter boots for Princeton, Zappos has multiple color choices! Trust me I’m from Jersey!</p>

<p>BT, I will wear sunscreen athough I love to be tan!</p>

<p>Having only the one boy I am the aunt who buys American Girl Dolls and accessories! I lugged Molly home on a plane from Chicago for one of my nieces.</p>

<p>Flinty…that is me…my D is an “only” and everytime I think about her dad and I leaving her, I get teary…she is only going 3 hours away, but it is still going to be very, very hard not laying eyes on her every day. I take comfort in knowing that she is beyond excited to go but it is going to be very hard for a while…luckily I have a grat group of friends that willbe in the same/similiar boat with me…I am thinking there will be many Girl’s nights for us in the future…with margarita’s of course.</p>

<p>Flinty, I am a mom of an only, but he went to BS all 4 years of HS so my nest has been empty on a part time basis for a while! He’ll be much further away now, but I think I’ll be okay! His room is always fairly organized because I am a type A control freak! Just kidding, I am not a big fan of clutter but I leave his room alone (mostly)!</p>

<p>jc40, have had the same ongoing conversation with S2. I suggested he fill two laundry baskets of stuff per day from his room and we could watch TV/movies while we sort the contents. Sometimes it works. Mainly it spreads the cr*p aroud the rest of the house. :)</p>

<p>Yesterday he complained that he “had nothing to do.” Never mind he has some standing instructions…so I made a list. I stopped at one page. No more excuses!</p>

<p>Flinty, our S is an only. I don’t think it’s going to hit me until I say goodbye on campus, and then take the long walk back to my rental car. And then the long plane ride back to LA. It will give me too much time with myself to think about it. Should I wear a small little placard annoucning my plight so the flight attendants will be nice to me? :)</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>