Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>might be good for a free drink fap!!</p>

<p>I will need a placard too: </p>

<p>“Empty nester, be nice to me”</p>

<p>LOL…me too!! H and I are already planning a roadtrip further South for a couple of days after we drop D off. I just can’t face the empty house right away…</p>

<p>We drop off S2 on the morning of 9/1. We drop S1 off at the airport for his study abroad the evening of 9/1 and head directly home so workaholic DH can be at work on Thursday.</p>

<p>We are supposed to go camping that weekend – family Labor Day tradition. Not looking forward to it on multiple levels – a) I’ll be the only one packing and loading the van and b) the kids will not be there.</p>

<p>My plan for post drop-off is to come home, lay in bed, and wail for a day or so.</p>

<p>Zmom - are you going to lay in your bed or your child’s bed while you do your crying? I think I will opt for my son’s bed.</p>

<p>I will be on my own dropping D1 off on the otherside of the country as H needs to stay with D2 since she is in the finals at a big horseshow that weekend. I am not looking forward to the goodbye when I have to leave for the airport, but I have promised myself no all out wailing until I get away from D. D is so excited and I really know she is ready for this adventure so I don’t want to spoil it in anyway for her!</p>


Depends on how clean her room is at that point. The goal is to wail loudly and have the rest of the family wait on my hand and foot.</p>

<p>LOL zoosermom!!! Will you be gnashing your teeth as well?</p>

<p>Sending HUGS out to all who are stressing about the big day drop off. We are driving to SC and will spend a few days at the beach for family vacation before moving D into her dorm, then H and I will stick around another couple of days to see if we need to actually need to attend any of the parent orientation stuff or if we can just enjoy a little extra beach time. D is so over the moon at being able to do musical theatre “all day, every day” that I can’t be anything except thrilled for her. We stay in touch daily via texts now so I don’t think that will change. I will miss all the in the car time we have had with auditions, rehearsals, shows, etc. but hopefully I’ll get all the scoop on those activities via text and Skype. She is our only but with 5 cats and 2 dogs I don’t feel like we will be “empty nesters” at all! Now H is a different story…</p>

<p>Thanks for all the kind words. Much appreciated. </p>

<p>Gsharp- And I went to pick her up in the rain
But before I could get to the station in a pickup truck
She got run’d over by a damned old train</p>

<p>Come on- that is the best song to just belt it out. Especially after a few drinks! I worked as a bartender after college and can make all kinds of yummy drinks, but I had a run in with a few rounds of kamikazes- if I even get a whif of one now it makes me sick. But a little David Allan Coe can always make me feel better! Glad you had a fun time with the girls! I give you props for paying attention and learning all the new flip flop brands!</p>

<p>American girl dolls- I think I may be buying one soon! </p>

<p>A few pages back there was a discussion of stupid games teenage kids play. Have you heard of “Edward 40 Hands”? </p>

<p>I am trying to get my kids to go throught he house and get rid of stuff, but it is because I want to sell my house. I think they are trying to sabatoge that effort. I know it is terrible to sell your house while your kid is in college, but it is going to happen. I think I will end up doing it all by myself!</p>


When I took D1 to college, I was so completely cried out that I was numb. I actually left without saying goodbye because I was so sure I would breakdown. D2 was hysterical, tough.</p>

<p>Here’s a literally true anecdote. We were sitting in the chapel and the college president gave a speech about welcomes and farewells and I had an out-of-body experience in which I envisioned myself standing up and screaming “I did not say you could keep my baby.” I stayed in my seat and conducted myself appropriately, I’m happy to say. But it was a near thing.</p>

<p>Good afternoon, everyone! Wow! I can’t believe how many pages are posted every day on this thread. It is truly difficult to keep up. Rain gear, vacations, dorm shopping, pets, orientations, drinking, I’m sure I’ve missed lots…My head is spinning.</p>

<p>I will go back to read everything but in the meantime…</p>

<p>We started dorm shopping this week. Already returned one duvet cover set and ordered a comforter online. All of my questions to my daughter about dorm stuff is answered with an exasperated “I don’t know!” She doesn’t have any of her housing info yet so we are still in the dark about roommates, and room arrangements. She should hear very soon, but we leave for vacation Saturday so she’s been stalking the mailman. Brings back memories of late March. :D</p>

<p>Can’t order any books yet because she will not have her schedule until August. Already signed up for parent orientation. Family weekend is next.</p>

<p>Vacation can’t come soon enough. We’re spending a week on a lake in Maine! Looking forward to the relaxation and swimming, and family time together, possibly for the last time. :(</p>

<p>On the homefront, I am so tired of being hot and sweaty. The humidity is killing me. It is a bit cooler here today because of the rain that has moved in. No downpours but nice without the beating sun.</p>

<p>Welcome to all the new friends we’re all meeting here. :)</p>

<p>Just jumping in with a suggestion for all those who are dorm shopping…a hanging sweater bag is sometimes a good thing to buy if storage space is in short supply. My boys used them to store bulky sweatshirts and also folded a few pairs of jeans on each of the shelves–a lot can be fit into a narrow closet space that way.</p>

<p>Scores have arrived, followed by a flood of “what the ****” comments! My history-loving, polisci/IR maven got fives on both Stat and Bio and a four on Euro, which he lives and breathes!</p>

<p>We are all astounded. He was hoping for 3s on Stat and Bio and a 5 on Euro. </p>

<p>I love the delicious irony that College Board provides.</p>

<p>can i have a mini rant??</p>

<p>why is it when you pay your credit cards, loans etc on time and for a greater amount than what is owed over years and years…your credit score really doesnt change?? but i just put 2 large “purchases” on 2 cards that had very low balances and rarely are used…one for the rehearsal dinner for son’s wedding (so significant) and the other for the shuttles for transporting 50 people) and just got an alert from my credit monitoring company of a score change…they dropped me 20 points!!!
well guess i will drive to sons school to buy his text books with cash, and his computer with cash…not going to have another big purchase on there!!
should add, TWO car loans were paid off last month…no change in score (wouldnt that be a good thing?)</p>

<p>way to go CD’s son!!!</p>

<p>parent56, I know nothing about credit scores. Something about the credit to debt ratio?!? Maybe? :confused: </p>

<p>Nice job by your son, Countingdown! We have not received AP scores yet. :(</p>


Well I think you have no choice but to demand that he change his focus and become an engineer or a doctor. After all, College Board is God, right? Serioiusly, though, those are excellent scores and you should both be proud!</p>

<p>well thank goodness our scores are good anyway but it just irks me!</p>

<p>AP score arrived in other parts of the state but not mine! I don’t care what I get since it won’t realy change anything but I just want to know!!</p>