Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>pmartin57, D’s BF had his wisdom teeth out in April. He was feeling “kind of sick” before the procedure, and ended up with a sinus infection and a fever. Whether that was related to the teeth or not, I don’t know.</p>

<p>D is needle-phobic, so she had nitrous oxide before the IV anesthesia was inserted. But I think most kids just get the IV, that’s all S got. The combination of drugs did a number on D, it was pretty funny. She has no memory of walking to the recovery room, or from there to the car. While in recovery, though, she asked her dad for her phone, then texted her BF to tell him she had TWO phones. He replied, “Really?” She said, “Yes, but it’s ok because I have 2 hands.” Later in the car she realized she only had one phone, and was kind of disappointed. After getting home she mentioned that they made her take her Silly Bands off, and she didn’t remember putting them back on, but “I must have done it myself because they’re in rainbow order.” </p>

<p>Not quite “David After the Dentist” but we found her entertaining.</p>

<p>My D is having her wisdom teeth out in 2 weeks…H is not taking them out…D is his worst patient so he has to send her to his oral surgeon friend. I would definitley call the oral surgeon’s office in the morning and see what they say. Best bet is to reschedule if possible. She is not going to feel well because of the surgery and a cold will make it that much worse…especially if she has a fever.</p>

<p>My daughter will have her wisdom teeth out the Tuesday after we get back from Maine. She is not nervous just a little disappointed she will not be given “laughing gas”. She apparently has heard many hilarious stories from her friends. :D</p>

<p>I’ll admit I have to learn a bit more about the whole wisdom teeth thing. DS had his dentist appt. last week and came home with a referral to the oral surgeon to look at his wisdom teeth. He mentioned Christmas would be a good time to do it. Is this really a developmental thing or do they think “hey, time for college, time for wisdom teeth to come out?”
DS goes to school in about three weeks so there is no way this is happening before then. Is this just something everyone does now?</p>

<p>On the island in NC! I called AT&T and now my internet works! No internet cafes here BT so I am glad I was able to get it working.</p>

<p>So S and I clearly have different ideas on cleaning:(. H is pretty annoyed with him. The sad thing is I think he thinks he did a good job! We have always had cleaning help and now I wonder if S should have learned how to really clean a stove among other things. H has a list of issues and is planning a “fun” weekend with S next week! I think he is going to learn some useful new skills.</p>

<p>We have thousands and thousands of Legos in our playroom. My cousin’s husband asked my son to give them to his kid, but S said no because all the little cousins play with them on holidays. It’s nice to have some distractions since I host all the major holidays. We also have an insane amount of Beanie Babies, Brio and Thomas trains, Playmobile, and a few other odds and ends. I used to do theme Cristmases, one year was Cowboys and Indians, S got a teepee, headdress, playmobile fortress etc…We did Star Wars, Tools and building, Spies, even now I theme golf, or stuff for the car and a new driver, I really think it’s more about my personal kind of insanity!</p>

<p>Laf, very funny story! Poor D! When I was in labor with S they gave me a drug called Nubane (no longer used); for the pain, anyway it was great stuff. H said my eyes glazed over 2 seconds after they injected it into my IV, apparently I announced it still hurt. I just didn’t care anymore. I called my MIL and told her they should serve Nubane at parties instead of alcohol. I also called all my GF’s and told them to request this drug when they had babies, sadly I think the FDA pulled it!</p>

<p>GSharp, my Francie doll was always up to no good, kind of fast if you know what I mean! She dated the GI Joes across the street. I never had Barbie. My mom thought she was too weirdly developed and my sisters and I were not allowed to have Barbie!</p>

<p>Just checked on Nubain, still used, just not by my OB/GYN.</p>

<p>I had one wisdom tooth removed a few years ago. (It got a big cavity and was deemed not worth saving.) I got a sinus infection immediately afterwards. The dentist said it wasn’t his fault, my doctor said in almost certainly was. Given that it’s the one and only sinus infection I’ve ever had in my life, I’m pretty sure it was the tooth removal that did it. I just had Novacaine in large quantities.</p>

<p>I think I’m saving the Legos for grandchildren.</p>

<p>AL34…My H is a dentist…the reason that most dentists recommend to get wisdom teeth out is #1…there usually isn’t enough room for them and #2…it is too hard to keep them brushed/clean because they are so far back…thus they are decay prone and can cause gum disease in the future. The younger the patient, the better/easier the recovery. lol…there’s my public service announcement for the day :)</p>

<p>crossposted with mathmom…there’s the reason you need to get them out early before they decay :)</p>

<p>I have yet to have my wisdom teeth removed (I don’t even know if I need to; my dentist hasn’t mentioned it…yet), but good luck to all those who are! </p>

<p>BT - that’s exactly what I’m thinking about registering for the class I think I’ll be in. I’m think I can guess pretty accurately, so hopefully it’ll work out!</p>


Now there’s a rave review! </p>

<p>Ks – take your pick ♕♔♚♛</p>

<p>parent56/aliceinw – Sorry! I’ll try to keep my posts to non-working hours for now on.</p>

<p>LIMOMOF2 – Good thing your S was playing with an Action Figure and not a doll. He’d never live down that stigma. :)</p>

<p>RobD – Now I’m really pleased with the p*sser moniker. Also, I have played “Pretty, Pretty, Princess” many times.</p>

<p>Jackief – I have not seen TS3. I’m not sure that DW is ready for that yet.</p>

<p>Jc40 – I tried really hard to not let that “Computer Programmer Machismo” get in my way.</p>

<p>Intouch1520 – I played “hairdresser” too and learned how to braid the girls’ hair (complete with strands of ribbons mixed in with the hair).</p>

<p>BT – D1 posted on her FB status this year that she had the best Valentine’s Day ever, except the one where she got dressed up, her daddy brought her a rose, and took her to dinner when she was 5.</p>

<p>ACM – Glad to see that you made it. Did you wave as you were driving down I-95 in VA? :)</p>

<p>^ Thanks, at least that’s the same thing the dentist told DS… I just thought why now? I mean, we’ve had him here for the last 18 years and now he’s leaving in three weeks. No hurry I guess, can revisit it for next summer.</p>

<p>Yes AL…most likely it is not urgent and summer would be okay…unless they start coming in…that can be painful.</p>

<p>^^Adding to that…the older you get the longer the root gets and the more difficult extraction gets. It can interfere with sinuses when you are older.</p>

<p>acm - Have fun! I’m jealous. I don’t think I will have any internet on vacation next week. I will have to catch up with about 80 pages of posts with what I will miss in a week’s time. :(</p>

<p>ACM…so glad you made it and that you have internet! Yeah!</p>

<p>GSharp, I slept most of the way! We left at midnight, I curled up in my seat with 2 pillows and a blanket and woke up briefly in Md. Va and then dozed through a good part of NC. Love my H he just drives and listens to books on tape. We got on the island and to the house in time to enjoy a pretty amazing thunderstorm then dinner at the restaurant on the dock. Now H is fast asleep on the sofa. Tomorrow is our 22nd anniversary so hopefully a great beach day and dinner at the beach club!</p>

<p>Happy Anniversary, acm! Hope you have that great beach day! :)</p>

<p>AL34, I didn’t bother to get my wisdom teeth out at 18 out because I figured they weren’t causing me any trouble. After I got married and moved, my new dentist warned me that if I left them in they were sure to become infected at either midnight on Christmas Eve, or when I was “terminally pregnant.” Sure enough, they got infected in November when I was about 24, one was partially erupted and it was just too easy for food to get trapped and decay. I had them out just before Thanksgiving and had a rough recovery.</p>

<p>When I took S for his consultation, the dentist showed us how the jaw develops, and how the roots of the wisdom teeth grow. Generally around age 18 or so the roots are still fairly short, but by 22-23, they are long and embedded deep in the jaw, and there’s a nerve in the jaw that the root runs very close to. That convinced me to get S’s out just after New Years of his Frosh year in college. We went ahead and took D’s out this summer because we had paid a lot of time and effort on her braces, her teeth are gorgeous, and we feared if the wisdom teeth began moving it would mess them all up. Even though D had a dry socket, both kids had a much easier, faster recovery than I did. I won’t give TOO much detail but I had a LOT of huge blood clots and I couldn’t fully open my mouth for a couple of weeks. </p>

<p>Moral of the story, I shouldn’t have waited so long to have my wisdom teeth removed.</p>

<p>(Heads up for girls, when D was complaining that one tooth hurt more than the others, I researched Dry Sockets and found that they are more common in women than in men, and way more common in women taking oral contraceptives. Something to do with estrogen causing the blood clot to become dislodged more easily. Word to the wise…)</p>

<p>On AP scores: I first found out in early July through Swarthmore’s website (via a friend’s cell phone, since I was in Tibet at the time!). Two 5s in English Lit (expected) and Calc BC (hoped), one 4 in CompSci (hoped that I passed, so yay), one 3 in French Lang (expected because of my absymal speaking). Combined with two 5s from last year, that adds up to a total of… 5 credits = 5 courses. However, only one English credit (lit, not lang) counts toward the major/minor; only calc and compsci count toward placement, with a placement exam required in any case for French. I am very happy about the calc/CS placement, though! Especially calc, which lets me start with linear algebra during pass/fail first semester.</p>

<p>Above tl;dr elaboration is because I’ve analyzed the website to death and feel like blabbering about it. Sry.</p>

<p>I caught a cold two days before I went to Tibet… EVERYONE says that you shouldn’t risk high altitude sickness if your immune system is already compromised. Well, I was stubborn and went anyway; my cold didn’t heal much in dry air and little oxygen, but I survived with remarkably little reaction to the altitude. I wouldn’t actually recommend doing that, though, unless your ticket is already booked and you have a limited time frame for the visit as I did. (Wrt wisdom tooth extractions, I can offer no advice, alas. I’m with CaliD in the status-unknown camp. But all these horror stories are horrifying!)</p>

<p>GSharp, my parents will also being doing 2 move-ins due to a pre-orientation program… but we’re less than 1/7th of the distance away, so it’s not quite your trek.</p>

<p>My oral surgeon was great, but I had a HORRIBLE reaction to the drugs when I got my wisdom teeth out… I had the IV and the nitrous, and all was well until I woke up from the surgery. I ended up being at the oral surgeon’s office for 5 hours. He told me he only ever sees that kind of reaction in teenage girls! Not fair. I am such a weakling, ha ha.</p>

<p>I got my wisdom teeth removed two years ago around this time. I have a horrible fear of all doctors but my oral surgeon was really nice. I also can’t swallow pills so I had liquid drugs which were really good. My parents said that I was extremely loopy going from the chair to the car. I don’t remember any of it either. My mom said that I kept saying I wanted a purple elephant though.</p>

<p>Wow on the wisdom teeth stories! We haven’t had to deal with that yet for D or S.</p>

<p>Pmartin and 1sokkermom: Wishing your D’s smooth extractions and recoveries.</p>

<p>BT: Your tech skills have surpassed us all! ….Hope tomorrow is a better hair day. :wink: And I loved your sweet D and DH’s Valentine story! And I’m sure you did great with “Mall Madness!”</p>

<p>GSharp: Sounds like your V-Day with your D1 will be hard to top as well. So sweet. And thanks for all the crown choices! You are quite a thoughtful character. :)</p>

<p>ILoveLa: Very cool!</p>

<p>intouch: Enjoy your vacation in Maine!</p>

<p>Acm: Glad you made it safely and that you have your internet! Wishing you a Happy Anniversary tomorrow (same number of years my H and I have been married). Enjoy the beach and all celebratory activity. :)</p>

<p>Keil: CONGRATS on your great AP scores and the credits earned! And glad you weathered the Tibetan altitude with your cold. Hope you are doing well.</p>

<p>Wishing all a great rest of the night…</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>