Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>Congrats to Keil, Mdemvizi and CalDancer on your great AP scores/credits earned. </p>

<p>Acm - yay for being on vacation! Enjoy your time at your beach house, and sorry that your S has some more to learn about cleaning up after himself. Are you surprised? I know my S is only 13, but so younger than your S, but I’ve seen what he considers a “spotless” room. Believe me, it isn’t anywhere close to being clean, let alone spotless! </p>

<p>D’s dentist recommended that she go for a panorex. At least I think that’s what it’s called - a panorama x-ray, to see whether her wisdom teeth will need to be removed at some point. He didn’t see anything, but thought it would be better to have her checked out now. Still haven’t scheduled that, but it’s on my to-do list. I still have my wisdom teeth, so I’m crossing my fingers that D won’t need hers removed either.</p>

<p>I had my wisdom teeth out early 20s. Had the kids done around junior year of high school. Ah, that’s how I learned my son was not really good swallowing pills (especially with mouth full of gauze). It took us a half hour and a couple of melted pain pills before he got one down. Of course he threw it up 2 minutes later. </p>

<p>I’m putting of logistics planning on the long distance college move (CO to Boston) until after Orientation later this month. I’m sure we can figure out a way to ship or pack most stuff. </p>

<p>But I really could use advise on transporting the tenor sax. I fear shipping it to a large school (his dorm alone has 23 floors). But not sure he can carry it on the plane. It has a fairly compact countoured tenor sax case, canvas outside but rigid. If you have hints, please post them or PM me. Thanks!</p>

<p>Hello, everyone! I’m still on vacation, but all your stories and discussions are too funny to not add to :)</p>

<p>I’ll post a more complete summary of my trip when I get back home, as it’s really hard to type on this keyboard and I’m really sleep-deprived here, but for now I’ll say that it’s good spending time with my extended family here, the food is sort of weird for me but I’m finding that I like most of it, and as a city girl it is quite a bit of an adjustment. I’ve spent a lot of time picking fruits off of trees and off of the ground, making lots of jams and juices out of them for the winter, and digging lots of holes for composting. Oh, and getting accustomed to not having running water or bathrooms and to being bitten by all sorts of insects. The mosquitos here are way more vicious, I swear.</p>

<p>My mother has told me that when we get back dorm shopping begins asap. Knowing her, she will want to go way overboard and buy tons of stuff I don’t need. I feel like she’s trying to replace her presence in my life with lots of stuff she feels will, combined, be as useful as her…not possible, and way too expensive. I have a small list of things I actually need to purchase, which I’ll split with my roommate once I know who she is (in the next few days, according to Smith’s notoriously unorganized housing office). I went to sleepaway camp on university campuses for a few years, so I already have stuff like twin-sized sheets and shower baskets and stuff.
I, too, want lots of purple :D</p>

<p>I had my wisdom teeth out this year…two during Thanksgiving break and two during Christmas. I’m glad I got it all over with, but my timing was less than ideal; all I could consume on Thanksgiving was cranberry juice.
I remember that my surgeon had turned the radio on and was singing along to some Queen song…and then the anasthesia kicked in. I wasn’t too loopy afterwards, as I remember watching a documentary when I got home. And my mother wanted to help me walk to the car, but apparently I was super stubborn and decided to just drunkenly stumble on my own.</p>

<p>MD/DC Area People: Did you feel the earthquake? OMG I had no clue what was going on. It happened around 5AM. I am still awake (oh insomnia) and I heard this loud rumbling which I thought it was something outside (someone blasting music). I then checked google and it told me we had an earthquake 10 minutes from Rockville. Wow.</p>

<p>Edit: According to USGS, it was a 3.6. Not the first time I remember an earthquake but first time I was awake for it.</p>

<p>congrats on all the great ap scores!!!</p>

<p>dad’s as hairdressers… best that they be the “client” not the hairdresser. I remember my Dad (right after my parents divorce) decided to put my long hair in ringlets…he seemed to recall his mother using strips of cloth…so he tied and knotted all these strips into my hair…hours of agony as he had to carefully cut them all out!!!</p>

<p>BT love the note!!!.. i have a treasured note from my oldest that he wrote to his brother the day he was born…a card with balloons and a love “graff”… welcome to the world xxxxxx… i am glad you are a boy or i wouldnt have liked you.</p>

<p>acm… glad you had a safe trip and Happy Anniversary!!</p>

<p>thoughts to all who have had or are about to have their wisdom teeth out!!</p>

<p>mdem…wow, never think of earthquakes up there.</p>

<p>hooray!!! seems the oil has been stopped! keep fingers crossed</p>

<p>congrats to all on the great AP scores!</p>

<p>D had her wisdom teeth out during finals week (no finals) before graduation. I think many dentists are erring on the side of preventative extractions. I had an overcrowded mouth and many years of ortho but did not have mine out and they came in. I had one removed later from decay. My teeth are no as straight as when I fnished ortho (but not too bad), so not sure if the wisdom teeth played a part.</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>here’s a question… son had braces but started with a thing called a Herp’s? its a metal bar thingy that spreads the mouth and also pulled his jaw forward… it definitely worked from a teeth alignment point of view and we were very pleased with the result (only other option was surgery) but…his TMJs have started popping really badly if he yawns or eats…so loud you can hear it across the room and sometimes sounds painful to me… is that normal after these Herps devices?</p>

<p>parent 56–it’s entirely possible the jaw realignment caused the joint popping.</p>

<p>When I was getting braces, at one point my jaw started popping. My orthodontist told me to “stop doing that, you’ll get arthritis” but I was not doing it intentionally. He didn’t believe me, of course. It eventually stopped, I’m not sure why.</p>

<p> Good Morning everyone, and major thanks to our awesome recappers!:heart::heart::heart:</p>

<p>Thanks for the reminder, LIMOM…I need to bring D in for the panorex. </p>

<p>parent56: I imagine that all the stretching from the dental device could result in TMJ issues. (I get TMJ symptoms for a week after a routine dental visit.)</p>

<p>I do remember Top Cat bubble bath :slight_smile: and stepping on jacks :(.</p>

<p>mdemvizi: earthquake in MD? wow!</p>

<p>Congrats to all our APers…D is still waiting for her scores.</p>

<p>Have a great weekend, one and all!</p>

<p>Good morning!</p>

<p>mdemvizi - glad the earthquake wasn’t any bigger. Hope you’re able to get some sleep, once the excitement wears off a little.</p>

<p>t_c - sounds like you’re having a wonderful experience. When do you come home? Good luck with your roommate/housing.</p>

<p>parent56 - awww about the letter from your oldest to his baby brother! Loved it!</p>

<p>colorado_mom - sorry, no advice, but I wish you luck. :)</p>

<p>ETA: you’re welcome, psychmom. :slight_smile: I still have the referral card sitting on my kitchen counter. I’ve called a few times, but always seem to reach the service and they tell me to call back.</p>

<p>An earthquake in the MD/DC area? Now there’s a switch. I’ll have to say, not to burst anyone’s bubble over the excitement, that a 3.6 earthquake is truly no big deal in SoCal. Yes, they measure and record them all but at a 3.6, most people aren’t going to feel it unless they are near the epicenter.</p>

<p>I hope weren’t not in the SHAKE and bake weather. We’re sure in the bake weather, with more triple digits expected in the valleys. I noticed our dogs are flopping out more on the kitchen tile floor to cool off.</p>

<p>S is now helping as a teacher’s aid at summer school, for elementary aged students. Teaching kids this young about math is quite a bit different than tutoring HS students in trig or calculus but he says it’s going fine. </p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>Happy TGIF!</p>

<p>teenage: So nice to hear from you! I’m glad you’re enjoying your vacation and time with your extended family. </p>

<p>mdemvizi: Wow about the earthquake! I just heard about it on the radio…Hope all in the DC area are well. And hope you got some rest! :)</p>

<p>parent56: What a sweet note!</p>

<p>Wishing all a wonderful day and :cool: weekend.</p>

<p>Good morning, all.</p>

<p>I love hearing from folks who are away on vacation - Keil, T_C, ACM, others? Glad the vacations are going well (or starting well, in ACM’s case). And Happy Anniversary ACM!! Enjoy the beach and dinner.</p>

<p>Congrats to all on the great AP scores. S’s physics teacher sent an email to the class yesterday telling them that if one used the conventional wisdom that a 3 is passing, they had a 100% pass rate. He also asked them for feedback to improve the class. Nice guy.</p>

<p>Gsharp - your being funny only during non-working hours will help only if I don’t read your posts during my working hours. But thanks for the thought.</p>

<p>Good Morning! </p>

<p>Happy Anniversary acm!</p>

<p>I hope everyone in MD/DC is done shaking.</p>

<p>parent56, I love the note.</p>

<p>Congrats to all the great AP scores and college credits!</p>

<p>intouch, my inlaws have a house on Long Lake. I’ve been going there for 30 years. It’s a very nice place to vacation. Have fun!</p>

<p>Good Morning All! I am working today and I hate it…we don’t normally see patients on Fridays but needed to make up some time from vacation…the joys of being self-employed…no paid vacation :(</p>

<p>Parent56…I would take him to your general dentist and see if he/she thinks he might need a nightguard/bite splint…that might help with the popping of the TMJ…</p>

<p>thanks for all the responses! another thing to add to “to do” list when he gets back. was about to order his computer and new iphone and then…heard there will be a news conference from apple on the phone and found out there is a tax free weekend aug 6 for the computer so will wait til then… does that mean i have to do housework today??</p>

<p>parent56 - Housework is Optional!</p>

<p>My youngest had the herpes device and has not had any jaw popping.</p>

<p>bu… a kind of funny story…when son had his herps, remember how you had to put that tool into the little hole and turn it just right each day so that you could get the tool out and it was aligned for the next time?.. well my oldest came home shortly after this son got the device, saw me about to do it and he decided he wanted to do it…dummy here let him…next thing you know oldest is killing himself laughing and son is yelling and running…aagh aaagh aaagh, ith thuck!!! mouth wide open, tool stuck in the hole!!</p>

<p>^^^LOL…that is hilarious…</p>

<p>remember the link I posted yesterday about the murder/suicide of the mother and daughter…and the daughter was headed to UT in the fall…apparently she had told everyone that she was going to orientation on Wednesday…she was killed the day before on Tuesday…well according to UT, she never even applied there. Some friends thought she might be going to TCU but apparently she wasn’t enrolled there either. The house was also in foreclosure and the mom/mayor was being investigated by the city for inappropriate use of her city issued credit card…this story just continues to get worse and worse. I just pray the D wasn’t aware of the plan all along…surely not…below is an excerpt from the paper this morning…</p>

<p>Questions about college </p>

<p>Family friends, neighbors and Corinne Peters’ classmates said the 19-year-old planned to attend Texas Christian University in Fort Worth until she learned she was accepted by the University of Texas at Austin. </p>

<p>Friends said she had been wearing UT shirts all week and was planning to attend an orientation session at the university Wednesday. After The Dallas Morning News reported those statements, a spokesman for the university contacted the paper. </p>

<p>The spokesman said there is no record of anyone named Corinne Peters applying to attend the school this fall. He said she did not appear to be enrolled or scheduled to attend orientation this summer. </p>

<p>UT never received an SAT or ACT score from Corinne Peters, said Augustine Garza, the school’s deputy director of admissions. </p>

<p>TCU also has no record of Peters’ being enrolled for fall 2010, a spokeswoman said.</p>