Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>SWTCAT, It’s just such a sad, tragic story. Makes you realize that you never really know what may go on behind closed doors, even with people you think you know pretty well. Just so sad…</p>

<p>what a very sad and bizarre story!!!</p>

<p>with the young girl’s story added, makes me wonder if possibly the young girl actually killed herself and was found by the mother who then with her problems and seeing her daughter then did the same?</p>

<p>Don’t have much to report here, just trying to keep up with this thread in between dorm shopping trips.</p>

<p>S went shopping with H and me about a week ago. The trip started out pretty ugly, but S’s disposition improved somewhat between Target and BBB. But now he refuses to go any more, says I can just get whatever I think he needs, and that he trusts my judgment (HA!). I said, So…if I get you a pink desk lamp, that will be ok? He didn’t think I would do that, but I asked, What if it’s really cute, though? He wasn’t very amused…</p>

<p>So, I guess I will be doing the rest of the shopping. I’m keeping all the receipts in case H and I end up bringing half the stuff back home. :rolleyes:</p>

<p>It is a bizarre story and just keeps getting weirder by the day. I hate to post such a grim story here on our little thread but it just hits too close to home…</p>

<p>That’s funny Bengalmom…I say just buy whatever you think is cute…maybe in purple and pink and see if he wishes he had gone with you :)</p>

<p>Parent56…I had not thought of that angle…I know both the mom and daughter were very upset about thier father/husband passing away from cancer and maybe it was too much for them. The mom had left 4 notes, one on the front door with a key warning the police they were about to see something that wasn’t pleasant. The daughter was found downstairs and the mom upstairs.</p>

<p>SWTCAT, I guess that would prove my point to him, but I would just end up having to shop AGAIN.</p>

<p>You know, I think that perhaps the whole “nest-soiling” thing (which we are experiencing at an increasing rate daily – Grrr) may not be such a bad thing after all. I’m thinking when H and I drop S off at college that I may be dancing instead of crying. :)</p>

<p>^I agree it’s a sad story. </p>

<p>S asked why I’m always on the computer first thing in the AM. I told him cc is like my first cup of coffee! Can’t start the day without it!</p>

<p>What a wake up, mdemvizi.</p>

<p>I’ll have to catch up with the thread later. Taking the dog to the vet!</p>

<p>SWTCAT, that is such a horrible and sad story.</p>

<p>parent56, funny story with your sons. We did not have to adjust my son’s on a daily basis. Just frequent visits to the ortho. Oh, it looks like I wrote herpes device instead of herps. That not good, although my older son did call it that to be funny.</p>

<p>acm…Happy anniversary. Hope you have a lovely, romantic evening at the beach club tonight!</p>

<p>parent56…I can SO relate to the loud jaw popping and TMJ worries. When our D was in middle school she did a face plant in the wooden gym floor. She was taken to the ER and her chin was stitched up. It was discovered when they took the x-rays that her jaw was broken. She had to have her mouth wired shut and drink her meals through a straw for 10 weeks. I tried to be creative with the blender but she still lost weight. My S, OTOH, gained weight. Each time she had a milkshake, he insisted on having one too along with his food. Anyway, to this day her jaw periodically will pop so loud you can hear it across the room. It sounds very painful. Her oral surgeon, however, says she’s fine.</p>

<p>SWTCAT… Haven’t watched the news in a couple of days…had NO idea about the latest details in the case. Just curious…don’t you think her hs would catch wind of her telling everyone she was going to UT? My D’s graduation program had the name of the college each student would be attending along with scholarships won under his/her name. The student had to submit the final signed paperwork to the GC. I know Coppell is a public, but knowing the school, I still think they would have had insight into her telling everyone she was going to UT and called her in to find out what was going on. The whole story is so very sad. </p>

<p>T_C…Wow! It sounds like you’re having an incredible experience!</p>

<p>Leaving very early tomorrow for D’s orientation/family vacation; must go to the gym and then return and start packing (ugh). Have a great day everyone!</p>

<p>jc40-enjoy the orientation/vacation!</p>

<p>BUandBC-saw that “herpes” comment and thought, “Hmmm, must not touch that with a ten foot…”</p>

<p>BengalMom-I hear you about the “nest soiling,” although I must say that my DS#3, who is always the contrary son, is living as an “only child” at home this summer and is far more pleasant than normal. And I thought he actually liked his brothers…</p>

<p>Which leads me to a kindergarten story told many, many years ago by DS#1’s teacher. Apparently, they had to write down a wish and DS#1 wrote, “I wish I had a baby brother to play with.” Unbeknown to him, I was pregnant with twins. A couple of years later when I related this story to him, his answer was, “I said ONE!” ;)</p>

<p>FAP-I hope your son is finding it rewarding to work with the elementary age kids. I’ve always wondered how the super high-achieving math types would fare working with younger kids on an elementary level and I’ll bet the just love him and are learning a lot!</p>

<p>acm-congrats on your anniversary!! Enjoy your special celebration! (DH and I are WAY ahead of you! On the anniversary count, not the celebrating.)</p>

<p>Congrats to all our AP high scorers, which pretty much includes everyone! :)</p>

<p>Enjoying hearing about everyone’s vacations vicariously!</p>

<p>lol bu… didnt even notice you put herpes!</p>

<p>jc40…ooowwww to the face plant! it really is loud isnt it.</p>

<p>if after her fathers death, then IF the school called her up on telling everyone she was going to whichever college so now all her friends would know, and knowing/or maybe not that her mother was being investigated…i’m leaning even more towards the daughter first. maybe the mom did all the notes after finding her daughter and then thinking she had nothing left to live for?</p>

<p>momof3 - Twins! Mine just graduated HS. I recommend having twins to everyone I know! Especially boy/girl which is what we have. However, mine don’t like each other.</p>

<p>BengalMom - I think we will cry when we leave our D at Richmond next month. However, I think we will get over it before we hit I95.</p>

<p>JC…have a great vacation!!</p>

<p>I am wondering now if maybe she was going to go to ACC (Austin Community College) and just telling everyone that she is going to UT. There are so many private dorms there that take students from ACC that someone could easlily say they are going to UT and really be going to ACC. As far as the school goes…Coppell is huge…they only have 1 HS as far as I know and unfortunately they probably don’t know exactly where every student is going… D goes to a large public and she did have to tell her counselor where she applied and where she is going. Had that changed after graduation, I don’t think we would have notified the school. I read somehwere eles that her legal name was Mary…maybe she was accepted and that’s why they couldn’t find Corrinne?</p>

<p>Happy anniversary, acm!</p>

<p>jc, have fun at orientation.</p>

<p>momof3sons, cute story. In fact, lots of cute stories on here.</p>

<p>SWT, I hadn’t seen the latest stories. :(</p>

<p>I am awash in paper here, so I’m spending the rest of the morning decluttering this house, then lunch with a dear friend who I haven’t seen in months who said I could bore her with graduation pics. That was six weeks ago today, but it seems forever.</p>

<p>ETA: I forgot to deliver real college-related news – ds got his first-choice freshman seminar, so he’s really happy.</p>

<p>TGIF everyone! It looks like we will have our first hot weekend of the summer here in SoCal. I think H and I will be doing our walks early morning.</p>

<p>D and I went to Target yesterday to get the white twin sheets that were on sale so that she can tie dye them for her dorm room. We also found a white duvet cover so she decided she would tie dye that also. H made our reservations yesterday so D and I are set to head to NYC to get her moved in.</p>

<p>D will have her wisdom teeth out at the beginning of August. She had years of braces to get her teeth nice and since her mouth is so small we want to get the wisdom teeth out now. I am one of those weird people who never had wisdom teeth form. My dentist use to say that I was highly evolved!</p>

<p>lol showmom, i must have been 1/2 evolved, i only had 2 (removed age 24)</p>

<p>showmom858–I, too, am highly evolved! A good thing, cause with my small jaw they would certainly have had to come out.</p>

<p>Of my 4 kids, a couple have fewer than the usual number of wisdom teeth.</p>

<p>glad your son got what he wanted yds!!</p>

<p>Wow it must be Wisdom teeth day :slight_smile: DH just went to the oral surgeon this morning; he’s been told for a few years that they were going to have to come out but they weren’t bothering him so he never made the appt. Well, now one of them is. They told him today that he is one of the 5% of adults that has a mouth big enough to have wisdom teeth (which is why they hadn’t been a problem before.) Scheduling is a little bit of an issue; could be next week (and I’d have to move my Cleveland trip, which is fine) mid August or late September (due to both the Dr’s & dh’s schedules.) I had mine out at 24 with no problems; D1 had hers out in freshman year of HS (after they messed up her lower orthodontia) with no problems. D2 had hers out almost 2 years ago at 13; that’s when we found out she was allergic to codeine :frowning: and she ended up with a massive infection/swelling/drains after she was throwing up for the 24 hours after surgery. </p>

<p>DH couldn’t have been the customer in the playing hairdresser scenario as his hairstyle is reminicent of Mr. Clean.</p>

<p>YDS, Glad your ds got the seminar he wanted! We still haven’t heard about S’s seminar, or roommate, or room assignment, or orientation trip… I’m beginning to get a bit stressed here.</p>

<p>S won’t get his room assignment until he arrives on campus the morning he moves in!! Needless to say, we have no idea what type of room he will be in, or how much space he will have. I guess we’ll just pack everything that he may want/need, and then bring home whatever doesn’t fit. Who was mentioning moving in with an 18-wheeler? We could make a convoy! :D</p>